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⟦00593d079⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1907 (0x773)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »calc«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/doc/cat/calc« 


CALC(1)                UNIX User's Manual                 CALC(1)

     calc - algebraic formula calculator with variables

     calc [files]

     _▶08◀C_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c is a calculator for doing real arithmetic using fami-
     liar infix notation.  _▶08◀C_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c uses a calculation method based
     on the popular program VisiCalc in that it allows variables
     to be define by equations.  For example,
                            A = B + C * D
     says that whatever B, C, and D are, A is equal to the above
     function of them.  If B, C, or D change, then so does the
     value of A because it depends on them.  (To set A to the
     value of a function of several variables so that it doesn't
     change over time, you prepend a # before the = sign to
     emphasize you want the current value.) In _▶08◀c_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c, you get the
     prompt, "CALC: ", and you type in an expression to be calcu-
     lated.  You can use numbers and even variables.  For exam-

     12 + 123/6
     a = b^2 + log (sqrt (c))
     AVeryLongVariableName = (a+b) - c*d/e ^ f%log (sqrt (exp (abs (x))))

     The usual operators and precedences are available along with
     the common mathematical functions.  Parentheses can be used
     for clarity.

     Calc: A calculator program, G. Perlman, Cognitive Science
     Laboratory, UCSD.

     Gary Perlman

     _▶08◀C_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c will not allow backward influences caused by a series
     of expressions like
            a = sqrt (b^2 + c^2)
            b = sqrt (a^2 + c^2)
     The above says that _▶08◀a is defined in terms of _▶08◀b which is
     defined in terms of _▶08◀a causing an infinite regress.  Version
     1.2 and later of _▶08◀c_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c should no longer blow up with these,
     because it does not allow them.

     statistics, data analysis

Printed 5/30/85           March 5, 1985                         1