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Length: 10964 (0x2ad4) Types: TextFile Names: »p2c.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/p2c/p2c.c«
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- PAS2C.C Version 1.1 Translate Pascal keywords and operators to C. useage: pas2c < pascal_source > c_source i.e., this is a filter program which filters out the Pascal. By James A Mullens <jcm@ornl-msr.arpa> 29-Jan-87 Revisions: Version 1.1 17-Feb-87 Changed several keyword translations on the advice of James R. Van Zandt <jrv@mitre-bedford.ARPA>. Added many more translations. Added a source for function strcmpi for the unfortunates who don't have this case-insensitive string comparison in their C library. Dan Kegel 15 Mar 87 Made it work on Sun workstation. Ripped out translations that hurt translation of a large (20,000 line) Turbo program. ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> /* standard I/O */ #include <ctype.h> /* character macros */ #include <string.h> /* string functions */ #include "p2c.h" #include "ktypes.h" /* keyword type definitions */ boolean WasSemi; /* kludge to avoid duplicating semicolons */ /* Change these translations to fit your desires, but the Pascal names must be written in lower case and must be in alphabetical order. If you include a C comment in your translation output as a HINT to the programmer, write it in CAPITALs, else write the comment in lower case, eh? */ wnode xlate[] = { {T_ZIP, "and", "&&" }, {T_ARRAY, "array", "" }, /* see parseTypeDecl */ {T_BEGIN, "begin", "{" }, {T_ZIP, "boolean", "boolean"}, {T_ZIP, "byte", "char" }, /* Turbo */ {T_CASE, "case", "switch"}, {T_CONST, "const", "/* CONST */"}, {T_ZIP, "div", "/" }, {T_ZIP, "do", ")" }, {T_ZIP, "downto", ";/*DOWNTO*/"}, {T_ZIP, "else", "; else"}, {T_END, "end", "}" }, {T_ZIP, "false", "FALSE" }, {T_FILE, "file", "" }, /* see parseTypeDecl() */ {T_ZIP, "for", "for (" }, {T_FORWARD, "forward", "" }, {T_FUNC, "function", "" }, /* see parseProcedure() */ {T_ZIP, "if", "if (" }, {T_ZIP, "implementation", "/* private (static) section */"}, {T_ZIP, "input", "stdin" }, {T_ZIP, "integer", "int" }, {T_ZIP, "interface", "/* exported symbol section */"}, {T_ZIP, "ioresult", "errno" }, /* UCSD, Turbo */ {T_LABEL, "label", "" }, /* see parseLabel() */ {T_ZIP, "mod", "%" }, {T_ZIP, "not", "!" }, {T_OF, "of", "" }, /* see parseTypeDecl() */ {T_ZIP, "or", "||" }, {T_ZIP, "output", "stdout"}, {T_ZIP, "packed", "/* PACKED */"}, {T_PROC, "procedure", "void" }, /* see parseProcedure() */ {T_ZIP, "program", "main" }, {T_ZIP, "read", "scanf" }, {T_ZIP, "readln", "/*LINE*/scanf"},/* hint - read end-of-line */ {T_ZIP, "real", "double"}, /* or "float" */ {T_RECORD, "record", "" }, /* see parseTypeDecl() */ {T_ZIP, "repeat", "do {" }, {T_STRINGTYPE,"string", "" }, /* UCSD, Turbo string type */ {T_ZIP, "text", "FILE *"}, /* UCSD, Turbo file type */ {T_ZIP, "then", ")" }, {T_ZIP, "to", ";" }, {T_ZIP, "true", "TRUE" }, {T_TYPE, "type", "" }, /* see parseType() */ {T_ZIP, "until", "} until ("}, {T_ZIP, "uses", "/* USES */\n#include"}, {T_VAR, "var", "/* VAR */"}, /* see parseProc, parseVar() */ {T_ZIP, "while", "while ("}, {T_ZIP, "with", "/* WITH */"}, /*hint-set pointer to struct*/ {T_ZIP, "write", "printf"}, {T_ZIP, "writeln", "/*LINE*/printf"},/* hint - write newline */ {T_ZIP, "", "" } /* marks end of xlate table */ }; wnode theend = {T_ZIP, "", ""}; wnode *hash[26]; /* quick index into the translation array */ /* Fill in the quick index ("hash") array */ void init_hash() { int ch, cmp; wnode *nptr = xlate; for (ch='a'; ch<='z'; ch++) { while (nptr->pname[0] && (cmp = ch - *nptr->pname) > 0) nptr++; hash[ch-'a'] = (cmp==0) ? nptr : &theend; } } /* compare two strings without regard to case, the equivalent of this function may already be in your C library Used to fail on Suns because it used tolower on lowercase chars... Assumes second argument already lowercase. */ int strcmpi(s1,s2) register char *s1, *s2; { register char c1; while ((c1= *s1++) && *s2) { /* get char, advance ptr */ if (isupper(c1)) c1 = tolower(c1); if (c1 != *s2) break; s2++; } return(c1 - *s2); } /* Pass an identifier through the translation table; return its keyword type. Translated keyword left in same buffer. */ int translate(word) register char *word; { register wnode *xptr; int nomatch; int c; c = *word; if (isalpha(c)) { if (isupper(c)) c=tolower(c); xptr = hash[c - 'a']; while ( xptr->pname[0] && (nomatch = strcmpi(word,xptr->pname)) > 0 ) xptr++; if (!nomatch) { word[0]=0; if (!WasSemi && xptr->ktype == T_END) strcpy(word, ";"); strcat(word, xptr->cname); return(xptr->ktype); } } return(T_ZIP); } #define Q_NOQUOTE 1 #define Q_ONEQUOTE 2 #define Q_DONE 3 #define Q_ERR 4 #define Q_C_ESCAPES FALSE /* Set true if your Pascal knows backslashes */ /*---- parseQuotedString ------------------------------------------------- Accepts Pascal quoted string from stdin, converts to C quoted string, and places in buf. Examples: 'hi' -> "hi" 'hi''' -> "hi'" 'hi''''' -> "hi''" '' -> "" '''' -> "'" '''''' -> "''" ''hi' -> ERROR '''hi' -> "'hi" '''''hi' -> "''hi" 'I''m' -> "I'm" Double quotes and backslashes are preceded with backslashes, except that if Q_C_ESCAPES is TRUE, backslashes are left naked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void parseQuotedString(buf) char *buf; { register char c; register char *letter=buf; int qstate; *letter++ = '"'; qstate = Q_NOQUOTE; while (qstate < Q_DONE) { switch (c=getchar()) { case '\'': switch (qstate) { case Q_NOQUOTE: qstate = Q_ONEQUOTE; break; case Q_ONEQUOTE: *letter++ = c; qstate = Q_NOQUOTE; break; } break; case EOF: case '\n': qstate= (qstate==Q_ONEQUOTE) ? Q_DONE : Q_ERR; ungetc(c,stdin); break; default: switch (qstate) { case Q_ONEQUOTE: ungetc(c,stdin); qstate = Q_DONE; break; case Q_NOQUOTE: if (c=='\\' && !Q_C_ESCAPES) *letter++ = c; if (c=='"') *letter++ = '\\'; *letter++ = c; break; } } } *letter++ = '"'; *letter++ = '\0'; if (qstate == Q_ERR) { fprintf(stderr,"Newline in string constant: %s\n",buf); fprintf(stdout," %c*** \\n IN STRING ***%c ", '/', buf, '/'); } } void getTok() { register char *letter = cTok.str; register char *sEnd = letter + MAXTOKLEN-3; register int c; c = getchar(); if (isalnum(c)) { while (c != EOF && isalnum(c)) { *letter++ = c; c = getchar(); } ungetc(c,stdin); *letter++ = 0; cTok.kind = translate(cTok.str); } else { switch(c) { case '\n': /* newline */ case 0x20: /* space */ case 0x9: /* tab */ do /* Gather a string of blank space into one token */ *letter++ = c; while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && isspace(c)); ungetc(c, stdin); *letter++ = '\0'; cTok.kind = T_SPACE; break; case '\'': /* Quoted String */ parseQuotedString(cTok.str); cTok.kind = T_STRING; break; case '{' : /* Curly Comment */ *letter++='/'; *letter++='*'; while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && c!='}' && letter!=sEnd) *letter++ = c; if (letter == sEnd) { printf("/***ERROR: Comment too long (sorry) ***/"); while ((c=getchar()) != EOF && c!='}') ; } strcpy(letter, "*/"); cTok.kind = T_COMMENT; break; case '(' : if ((c=getchar())!='*') { /* Parenthesis */ ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter, "("); cTok.kind = T_LPAREN; } else { register int lastc = '\0'; /* (* Comment *) */ *letter++='/'; *letter++='*'; while ((c=getchar())!=EOF && !(c==')' && lastc == '*') && letter != sEnd) { lastc = c; *letter++ = c; } if (letter == sEnd) { printf("/***ERROR: Comment too long (sorry) ***/"); while ((c=getchar())!=EOF && !(c==')' && lastc == '*')) lastc = c; } strcpy(letter, "/"); /* * already there! */ cTok.kind = T_COMMENT; } break; case ')' : strcpy(letter, ")"); cTok.kind = T_RPAREN; break; case ':' : if ((c=getchar())=='=') { /* Assignment */ strcpy(letter, "="); cTok.kind = T_ASSIGN; } else { /* Colon */ ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter, ":"); cTok.kind = T_COLON; } break; case '=': strcpy(letter, "=="); /* Might be equality test...*/ cTok.kind = T_EQUALS; /* depends on parse state */ break; case '<' : switch (c=getchar()) { case '>': strcpy(letter, "!="); break; case '=': strcpy(letter, "<="); break; default : ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter,"<"); } cTok.kind = T_COMPARE; break; case '>' : if ((c=getchar()) == '=') strcpy(letter, ">="); else { ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter, ">"); } cTok.kind = T_COMPARE; break; case '^' : if ((c=getchar()) == '.') { /* perhaps we should skip blanks? */ strcpy(letter, "->"); cTok.kind = T_STRUCTMEMBER; } else { ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter, "[0]"); /* '*' would have to go in front */ cTok.kind = T_DEREF; } break; case '$' : /* Turbo Pascal extension */ strcpy(letter, "0x"); cTok.kind = T_ZIP; break; case ';' : /* Semicolon- translation depends on */ strcpy(letter, ";"); /* parse state... */ cTok.kind = T_SEMI; break; case '.': if ((c=getchar()) == '.') { cTok.kind = T_RANGE; letter[0]=0; } else { ungetc(c,stdin); strcpy(letter, "."); cTok.kind = T_ZIP; } break; case '[': *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0'; cTok.kind = T_LBRACKET; break; case ']': *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0'; cTok.kind = T_RBRACKET; break; case ',': *letter++ = c; *letter = '\0'; cTok.kind = T_COMMA; break; case EOF: /* end of file */ cTok.kind = T_EOF; break; default: *letter++ = c; /* Pass unknown chars thru as tokens */ *letter = '\0'; cTok.kind = T_ZIP; } } } main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int debug; debug = (argc > 1); init_hash(); WasSemi = FALSE; getTok(); do { switch(cTok.kind) { case T_VAR: parseVar(); break; case T_PROC: case T_FUNC: parseProcedure(); break; case T_LABEL: parseLabel(); break; case T_TYPE: parseType(); break; default: if (debug) printf("'%s' %d\n", cTok.str, cTok.kind); else { /* fancy stuff to avoid duplicating semicolons */ if (cTok.kind != T_SEMI || !WasSemi) fputs(cTok.str, stdout); if (cTok.kind != T_SPACE && cTok.kind != T_COMMENT) WasSemi = (cTok.kind == T_SEMI); } getTok(); } } while (cTok.kind != T_EOF); }