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Length: 17683 (0x4513) Types: TextFile Names: »user.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/unaxcess/user.c«
/* * @(#)user.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87 * @(#)Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery. * @(#)This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2. * * Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this program * freely. Permission is NOT given to modify this program or distribute * it at cost, except for charging a reasonable media/copying fee. */ #ifndef lint static char _FileID_[] = "@(#)user.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87"; static char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2"; #endif lint #include "ua.h" struct user user; struct _himsg *hicnts; getuser(name, buf) char *name; struct user *buf; { FILE *bfd; char line[1024], lcuname[33], *p, *q; int ncolon; if ((bfd = fopen(PASSWD, "r")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, PASSWD); panic("passwd"); } for (p = name, q = lcuname; *p != '\0' && p - name <= 32; p++, q++) *q = ToLower(*p); *q = '\0'; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, bfd) != NULL) if (strncmp(line, lcuname, strlen(lcuname)) == 0 && line[strlen(lcuname)] == ':') { fclose(bfd); buf->u_name[0] = '\0'; buf->u_pass[0] = '\0'; buf->u_access = A_NONE; buf->u_login[0] = '\0'; buf->u_llen = 32; buf->u_nbull = 0; strcpy(buf->u_lconf, "general"); buf->u_lines = 16; ncolon = 0; for (p = line; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == ':') ncolon++; if (ncolon < 5) { log("Bad userfile entry for %s", lcuname); return 0; } for (p = line, q = buf->u_name; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = buf->u_pass; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf->u_access = atoi(lcuname); for (p++, q = buf->u_login; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf->u_llen = atoi(lcuname); for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf->u_nbull = atoi(lcuname); if (ncolon >= 6) { for (p++, q = buf->u_lconf; *p != '\n' && *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; } if (ncolon >= 7) { for (p++, q = lcuname; *p != '\n'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf->u_lines = atoi(lcuname); } return 1; } fclose(bfd); return 0; } putuser(name, ubuf) char *name; struct user *ubuf; { FILE *fd, *tfd; char line[1024], *tempfile = mktemp("/tmp/UptXXXXXX"), lcname[33], *p, *q; static char lockfile[] = "userfil.lock"; short flag; if (s_cmp(user.u_name, "guest") == 0) return; CRIT(); mklock(lockfile); if ((fd = fopen(PASSWD, "r")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, PASSWD); panic("passwd"); } if ((tfd = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tempfile); panic("tmp"); } flag = 0; for (p = name, q = lcname; *p != '\0' && p - name < 33; p++, q++) *q = ToLower(*p); *q = 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fd) != NULL) if (strncmp(line, lcname, strlen(lcname)) == 0 && line[strlen(lcname)] == ':') { if (ubuf != (struct user *) 0) /* not deleting */ fprintf(tfd, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%d:%s:%d\n", ubuf->u_name, ubuf->u_pass, ubuf->u_access, ubuf->u_login, ubuf->u_llen, ubuf->u_nbull, ubuf->u_lconf, ubuf->u_lines); flag++; } else fputs(line, tfd); if (!flag && ubuf != (struct user *) 0) fprintf(tfd, "%s:%s:%d:%s:%d:%d:%s:%d\n", ubuf->u_name, ubuf->u_pass, ubuf->u_access, ubuf->u_login, ubuf->u_llen, ubuf->u_nbull, ubuf->u_lconf, ubuf->u_lines); fclose(fd); fclose(tfd); unlink(PASSWD); if (copylink(tempfile, PASSWD) < 0) { log("Error %d copylinking %s to %s", errno, tempfile, PASSWD); panic("copylink"); } unlink(tempfile); rmlock(lockfile); NOCRIT(); } writehigh(hilist) struct _himsg *hilist; { FILE *hp, *f; static char line[1024], hirec[1024]; /* 68000's have limited frames */ char *tmpf = mktemp("/tmp/RcXXXXXX"); char *eofflag; static char lockfile[] = "newmsgs.lock"; struct _himsg *hptr; if (s_cmp(user.u_name, "guest") == 0) return; /* don't write GUEST hirecs! */ CRIT(); if ((f = fopen(tmpf, "w")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tmpf); panic("tmp"); } if ((hp = fopen(NEWMSGS, "r")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, NEWMSGS); fclose(f); unlink(tmpf); panic("userind"); } mklock(lockfile); sprintf(line, "%s:", user.u_name); while ((eofflag = fgets(hirec, sizeof hirec, hp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(hirec, line, strlen(line)) == 0) break; fputs(hirec, f); } if (eofflag != NULL) while ((eofflag = fgets(hirec, sizeof hirec, hp)) != NULL) if (hirec[0] != '\t' && hirec[0] != ' ') break; fputs(line, f); putc('\n', f); for (hptr = hilist; hptr != NULL; hptr = hptr->hi_next) fprintf(f, "\t%s%c %d\n", hptr->hi_conf, (hptr->hi_uns == HI_UNSUB? '!': ':'), hptr->hi_num); if (eofflag != NULL && hirec[0] != '\t' && hirec[0] != ' ') fputs(hirec, f); if (eofflag != NULL) while (fgets(hirec, sizeof hirec, hp) != NULL) fputs(hirec, f); fclose(f); fclose(hp); unlink(NEWMSGS); if (copylink(tmpf, NEWMSGS) < 0) { log("Error %d copylinking %s to %s", errno, tmpf, NEWMSGS); panic("copylink"); } unlink(tmpf); rmlock(lockfile); NOCRIT(); } struct _himsg *readhigh(foruser) struct user *foruser; { static char hirec[1024]; char uidx[40], *p, *q; FILE *f; struct _himsg *workp, *initp; strcpy(uidx, foruser->u_name); strcat(uidx, ":"); if ((f = fopen(NEWMSGS, "r")) == NULL) return NULL; while (fgets(hirec, sizeof hirec, f) != NULL) if (strncmp(hirec, uidx, strlen(uidx)) == 0) break; if (feof(f)) { fclose(f); return NULL; } workp = NULL; initp = NULL; while (fgets(hirec, sizeof hirec, f) != NULL && (hirec[0] == ' ' || hirec[0] == '\t')) { hirec[strlen(hirec) - 1] = '\0'; for (p = hirec; *p == ' ' || *p == '\t'; p++) ; for (q = uidx; *p != ' ' && *p != '\t' && *p != '\0' && *p != ':' && *p != '!'; p++) *q++ = *p; *q = '\0'; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (*p == '!') { /* unsubscribed... */ if ((workp = (struct _himsg *) calloc((unsigned) 1, sizeof (struct _himsg))) == NULL) { log("Error %d allocating _himsg for %s", errno, uidx); panic("alloc"); } strcpy(workp->hi_conf, uidx); workp->hi_num = atoi(++p); workp->hi_next = initp; workp->hi_uns = HI_UNSUB; initp = workp; continue; } if (*p != ':') { log("Invalid format of userind record: ``%s''", hirec); writes("Your index is garbled; some conference\nhigh-message counts may be lost."); break; } if ((workp = (struct _himsg *) calloc((unsigned) 1, sizeof (struct _himsg))) == NULL) { log("Error %d allocating _himsg for %s", errno, uidx); panic("alloc"); } strcpy(workp->hi_conf, uidx); workp->hi_num = atoi(++p); workp->hi_next = initp; workp->hi_uns = HI_SUBSCR; initp = workp; } fclose(f); return initp; } newuser() { struct user nubuf, junk; char line[256], addr[256], cityst[256], phone[256], uname[256], ckpass[256]; char *p; FILE *newp; dolog(); log("Entered newuser module."); cat(NEWUSER); writef("\nDo you still want to become a user? N\b"); line[0] = readc(); log("Become user? %c", line[0]); if (line[0] != 'Y') { writes("OK. Goodbye, then.\n\n"); nolog(); cleanup(); } Again: do { writef("What name would you like to use on this system? It should not be\nmore than 32 letters long: "); reads(line); log("Name: %s", line); if (line[0] == '\0' || line[0] == ' ') { line[0] = '?'; p = line; continue; } for (p = line; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == ':') { writes("Sorry, no colons allowed; they cause nasty surprises."); log("Illegal colon in name"); break; } } while (*p != NULL); if (getuser(nubuf.u_name, &junk)) { writes("Sorry, but that name's already in use. Please choose another."); goto Again; } strncpy(nubuf.u_name, line, 32); nubuf.u_name[32] = '\0'; writef("Please enter your street address: "); reads(addr); writef("Please enter your city and state: "); reads(cityst); writef("Please enter your home phone number: "); reads(phone); line[0] = '\0'; xecho(); do { if (line[0] != 0) writes("You made a typing error, or it's too short or too long."); writef("Please enter a password of three to eight characters.\nIt will not be displayed: "); reads(line); log("Pass: %s", line); writef("Please re-enter it, just to make sure: "); reads(ckpass); log("Ckpass: %s", ckpass); } while (strlen(line) < 3 || strlen(line) > 8 || strcmp(line, ckpass) != 0); doecho(); strcpy(nubuf.u_pass, line); do { writef("How many characters per line are on your terminal? Please enter a number from 32 to 132, or <ENTER> for 80: "); reads(line); log("Line: %s", line); if (line[0] == '\0') nubuf.u_llen = 80; else nubuf.u_llen = atoi(line); } while (nubuf.u_llen < 32 || nubuf.u_llen > 132); do { writef("How many lines are on your terminal? Please enter a number from 0 to 66, or <ENTER> for 24: "); reads(line); log("Line: %s", line); if (line[0] == '\0') nubuf.u_lines = 24; else nubuf.u_lines = atoi(line); } while (nubuf.u_lines < 0 || nubuf.u_lines > 66); writef("If you are a regular (shell) user of this system, please enter your login name. The sysop will verify it and grant you SYSTEM-level access. If you are not a regular user, just press RETURN (ENTER).\n\nWhat is your Unix(R) login name on this sy stem? "); reads(uname); writef("\nName:\t\t%s\nAddress:\t%s\nCity/State:\t%s\nPhone:\t\t%s\nPass:\t\t%s\nLine:\t\t%d\nScreen:\t\t%d\nLogname:\t%s\n\nIs this correct? N\b", nubuf.u_name, addr, cityst, phone, nubuf.u_pass, nubuf.u_llen, nubuf.u_lines, uname); line[0] = readc(); log("Okay? %c", line[0]); if (line[0] != 'Y') goto Again; writes("Encrypting password, please wait..."); strcpy(nubuf.u_pass, crypt(nubuf.u_pass, nubuf.u_pass) + 2); strcpy(nubuf.u_login, user.u_login);/* default login name ( guest ?) */ nubuf.u_access = parms.ua_vaxs; nubuf.u_nbull = 0; /* no bulletins read yet */ strcpy(nubuf.u_lconf, "general"); writes("Recording user information..."); for (p = nubuf.u_name; *p != '\0'; p++) *p = ToLower(*p); putuser(nubuf.u_name, &nubuf); CRIT(); mklock("newuser.lock"); if ((newp = fopen("newuser.log", "a")) == (FILE *) 0) { log("Error %d opening newuser.log", errno); panic("newlog"); } fprintf(newp, "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s\n", nubuf.u_name, addr, cityst, phone, uname); fclose(newp); rmlock("newuser.lock"); NOCRIT(); user = nubuf; nolog(); } userlist() { FILE *bfd, *wfd; char line[1024], *p, *q, dbuf[20]; short ncolon; struct user buf; if ((bfd = fopen(PASSWD, "r")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, PASSWD); panic("passwd"); } if (user.u_access == A_WITNESS) wfd = fopen("newuser.log", "r"); else wfd = (FILE *) 0; writes("\nList of UNaXcess users:\n"); while (fgets(line, 1024, bfd) != NULL) { buf.u_name[0] = '\0'; buf.u_pass[0] = '\0'; buf.u_access = 0; buf.u_login[0] = '\0'; buf.u_llen = 0; buf.u_nbull = 0; buf.u_lconf[0] = '\0'; ncolon = 0; for (p = line; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == ':') ncolon++; if (ncolon < 5) { log("Bad usefile entry %.*s", strlen(line) - 1, line); continue; } for (p = line, q = buf.u_name; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = buf.u_pass; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_access = atoi(dbuf); for (p++, q = buf.u_login; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_llen = atoi(dbuf); for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_nbull = atoi(dbuf); if (ncolon >= 6) { for (p++, q = buf.u_lconf; *p != '\n'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; } if (buf.u_access == A_NONE || buf.u_access == A_MKUSER) continue; writef("%-32.32s %s\n", upstr(buf.u_name), ua_acl(buf.u_access)); if (wfd != (FILE *) 0) { rewind(wfd); do { if (fgets(line, sizeof line, wfd) == (char *) 0) { buf.u_name[0] = '\0'; break; } } while (strncmp(line, buf.u_name, strlen(buf.u_name)) != 0 || line[strlen(buf.u_name)] != ':'); if (buf.u_name[0] == '\0') continue; p = &line[strlen(buf.u_name) + 1]; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\t%s\n", p); p = q; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\t%s\n", p); p = q; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\tPhone: %s\n\n", p); } } fclose(bfd); return 1; } char *ua_acl(acl) { switch (acl) { case A_NONE: return "Denied access"; case A_GUEST: return "Guest"; case A_USER: return "Messages"; case A_FILES: return "File UDL"; case A_SYSTEM: return "System"; case A_WITNESS: return "Fairwitness"; case A_MKUSER: return "New User"; default: log("Invalid access level %d in userfile", acl); return "???"; } } validate() { FILE *bfd, *wfd, *vfd; struct user buf; char line[1024], dbuf[20]; short ncolon; char *p, *q, *vfile; char ch; if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS) { log("Non-Witness attempted to validate users."); writes("You aren't authorized to validate users.\n"); return 1; } if ((bfd = fopen(PASSWD, "r")) == NULL) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, PASSWD); panic("passwd"); } if ((wfd = fopen("newuser.log", "r")) == (FILE *) 0) { log("Error %d opening newuser.log", errno); panic("nuserlog"); } vfile = mktemp("/tmp/uaVXXXXXX"); if ((vfd = fopen(vfile, "w")) == (FILE *) 0) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, vfile); panic("valtemp"); } while (fgets(line, sizeof line, bfd) != NULL) { /* OOPS! 2/3/87 ++bsa */ buf.u_name[0] = '\0'; buf.u_pass[0] = '\0'; buf.u_access = 0; buf.u_login[0] = '\0'; buf.u_llen = 0; buf.u_nbull = 0; buf.u_lconf[0] = '\0'; ncolon = 0; for (p = line; *p != '\0'; p++) if (*p == ':') ncolon++; if (ncolon < 5) { log("Bad userfile entry %.*s", strlen(line) - 1, line); continue; } for (p = line, q = buf.u_name; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = buf.u_pass; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_access = atoi(dbuf); for (p++, q = buf.u_login; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_llen = atoi(dbuf); for (p++, q = dbuf; *p != ':'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; buf.u_nbull = atoi(dbuf); if (ncolon >= 6) { for (p++, q = buf.u_lconf; *p != '\n'; p++, q++) *q = *p; *q = '\0'; } if (buf.u_access != parms.ua_vaxs) continue; rewind(wfd); do { if (fgets(line, sizeof line, wfd) == (char *) 0) { buf.u_name[0] = '\0'; break; } } while (strncmp(line, buf.u_name, strlen(buf.u_name)) != 0 || line[strlen(buf.u_name)] != ':'); if (buf.u_name[0] == '\0') continue; writef("\n%-32.32s %s\n", upstr(buf.u_name), ua_acl(buf.u_access)); writef("\tUNIX(R) name: `%s'\n\n", buf.u_login); p = &line[strlen(buf.u_name) + 1]; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\t%s\n", p); p = q; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\t%s\n", p); p = q; for (q = p; *q != ':'; q++) ; *q++ = '\0'; writef("\tPhone: %s\n", p); log("Validating %s", buf.u_name); vcmdloop: writef("\nValidate, Kill, Deny access, Hold, Shell, Quit? "); ch = readc(); log("V/K/D/H/S/Q? %c", ch); switch (ch) { case 'V': writef("Validate for: Guest, Messages, Files, System, Witness? "); ch = readc(); log("Access? %c", ch); switch (ch) { case 'G': buf.u_access = A_GUEST; break; case 'M': buf.u_access = A_USER; break; case 'F': buf.u_access = A_FILES; break; case 'S': buf.u_access = A_SYSTEM; break; case 'W': buf.u_access = A_WITNESS; break; default: writes("Unknown access level -- command aborted."); goto vcmdloop; } fprintf(vfd, "%s:%d\n", buf.u_name, buf.u_access); break; case 'K': writef("Kill user? N\b"); if (readc() != 'Y') goto vcmdloop; log("User killed."); fprintf(vfd, "%s:-1\n", buf.u_name); break; case 'D': log("Access set to A_NONE."); buf.u_access = A_NONE; fprintf(vfd, "%s:%d\n", buf.u_name, A_NONE); break; case 'H': log("User held."); break; case 'S': shell(); goto vcmdloop; case 'Q': fclose(bfd); fclose(wfd); fclose(vfd); vinstall(vfile); unlink(vfile); return 1; default: writes("Please enter one of V, K, D, H, S, or Q."); goto vcmdloop; } } if (ferror(bfd)) log("Error %d on userfile\n", errno); fclose(bfd); fclose(wfd); fclose(vfd); vinstall(vfile); unlink(vfile); return 1; } vinstall(vfile) char *vfile; { FILE *vfd; struct user vuser; char vline[1024], vuname[33]; int vaccess; writec('\n'); if ((vfd = fopen(vfile, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) { log("Error %d opening %s", errno, vfile); writes("Can't open validation file."); return; } while (fgets(vline, sizeof vline, vfd) != (char *) 0) { sscanf(vline, "%[^:]:%d", vuname, &vaccess); if (!getuser(vuname, &vuser)) { writef("Lost user: %s\n", upstr(vuname)); continue; } if (vaccess == -1) { putuser(vuname, (struct user *) 0); writef("Killed user %s...\n", upstr(vuname)); continue; } vuser.u_access = vaccess; putuser(vuname, &vuser); if (vaccess == A_NONE) writef("Denied access to user %s...\n", upstr(vuname)); else writef("Validated user %s for %s access...\n", upstr(vuname), ua_acl(vaccess)); } fclose(vfd); }