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└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/emacs/info/vip« 


Info file vip, produced by texinfo-format-buffer   -*-Text-*-
from file vip.texinfo


Copyright (C) 1987 Masahiko Sato.

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
into another language, under the same conditions as for modified versions.

File: vip  Node: Top, Up: (DIR), Next: Survey


VIP is a Vi emulating package written in Emacs Lisp.  VIP implements most
Vi commands including Ex commands.  It is therefore hoped that this package
will enable you to do Vi style editing under the powerful GNU Emacs
environment.  This info file describes the usage of VIP assuming that the
reader is fairly accustomed to Vi but not so much with Emacs.  Also we will
concentrate mainly on differences from Vi, especially features
unique to VIP.

It is recommended that you read nodes on survey and on customization before
you start using VIP.  Other nodes may be visited as needed.

Comments and bug reports are welcome.  Please send messages to
`' if you are in Japan and to
`ms@Sail.Stanford.Edu' if you are outside of Japan.

* Menu:

* Survey::		A survey of VIP.
* Vi Commands::		Details of Vi commands.
* Ex Commands::		Details of Ex commands.
* Customization::	How to customize VIP.

File: vip  Node: Survey, Prev: Top, Up: Top, Next: Basic Concepts

A Survey of VIP

In this chapter we describe basics of VIP with emphasis on the features not
found in Vi and on how to use VIP under GNU Emacs.

* Menu:

* Basic Concepts::	Basic concepts in Emacs.
* Loading VIP::		How to load VIP automatically.
* Modes in VIP::	VIP has three modes, which are orthogonal to modes
			in Emacs.
* Differences from Vi:: Differences of VIP from Vi is explained.

File: vip  Node: Basic Concepts, Prev: Survey, Up: Survey, Next: Loading VIP

Basic Concepts

We begin by explaining some basic concepts of Emacs.  These concepts are
explained in more detail in the GNU Emacs Manual.

Mathematically, a "buffer" is just a string of ASCII characters and two
special characters PNT ("point") and MRK ("mark") such that the character
PNT occurs exactly once and MRK occurs at most once.  The "text" of a
buffer is obtained by deleting the occurrences of PNT and MRK.  If, in a
buffer, there is a character following PNT then we say that point is
"looking at" the character; otherwise we say that point is "at the end of
buffer".  PNT and MRK are used to indicate positions in a buffer and they
are not part of the text of the buffer.  If a buffer contains a MRK then
the text between MRK and PNT is called the "region" of the buffer.

Emacs provides (multiple) "windows" on the screen, and you can see the
content of a buffer through the window associated with the buffer.  The
cursor of the screen is always positioned on the character after PNT.

A "keymap" is a table that records the bindings between characters and
command functions.  There is the "global keymap" common to all the buffers.
Each buffer has its "local keymap" that determines the "mode" of the
buffer.  Local keymap overrides global keymap, so that if a function is
bound to some key in the local keymap then that function will be executed
when you type the key.  If no function is bound to a key in the local map,
however, the function bound to the key in the global map becomes in effect.

File: vip  Node: Loading VIP, Prev: Basic Concepts, Up: Survey, Next: Modes in VIP

Loading VIP

The recommended way to load VIP automatically is to include the line:
     (load "vip")
in your `.emacs' file.  The `.emacs' file is placed in your home
directly and it will be executed every time you invoke Emacs.

If you do not want VIP to be loaded every time you invoke Emacs, you may
include the following line instead of the above line:
     (autoload 'change-mode-to-vi "vip")
where `change-mode-to-vi' is the function which lets you enter the
command mode of VIP.  In this setting, VIP will be loaded automatically
when you call the function `change-mode-to-vi' for the first time in
each of your Emacs session.

File: vip  Node: Modes in VIP, Prev: Loading VIP, Up: Survey, Next: Emacs Mode

Modes in VIP

Loading VIP has the effect of globally binding `C-z' (`Control-z') to the
function `change-mode-to-vi'. The default binding of `C-z' in GNU Emacs is
`suspend-emacs', but, you can also call `suspend-emacs' by typing `C-x
C-z'.  Other than this, all the key bindings of Emacs remain the same after
loading VIP.

Now, if you hit `C-z', the function `change-mode-to-vi' will be called and
you will be in "vi mode".  (Some major modes may locally bind `C-z' to some
special functions.  In such cases, you can call `change-mode-to-vi' by
`execute-extended-command' which is invoked by `M-x'.  Here `M-x' means
`Meta-x', and if your terminal does not have a META key you can enter it by
typing `ESC x'.)

You can observe the change of mode by looking at the "mode line".  For
instance, if the mode line is:
     -----Emacs: *scratch*              (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
then it will change to:
     -----Vi:    *scratch*              (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
Thus the word `Emacs' in the mode line will change to `Vi'.  This
assumes that the initial mode line contains the string `Emacs:'.
(If the mode line does not contain the string `Emacs:', which is
rather rare, VIP will use its own mode line to replace the mode line.)

You can go back to the original "emacs mode" by typing `C-z' in vi mode.
Thus `C-z' toggles between these two modes.

Note that modes in VIP exist orthogonally to modes in Emacs.  This means
that you can be in vi mode and at the same time, say, shell mode.

Vi mode corresponds to Vi's command mode.  From vi mode you can enter
"insert mode" (which corresponds to Vi's insert mode) by usual Vi command
keys like `i', `a', `o' ... etc.

In insert mode, the mode line will look like this:
     -----Insert *scratch*              (Lisp Interaction)----All------------
You can exit from insert mode by hitting ESC key as you do in Vi.

That VIP has three modes may seem very complicated, but in fact it is not
so, since VIP is implemented so that you can do most editing remaining only
in the two modes for Vi (that is vi mode and insert mode).

The figure below shows the transition of three modes in VIP.
                === C-z ==>          == i,o ... ==>
     emacs mode             vi mode                 insert mode
                <== X-z ===          <=== ESC ====

* Menu:

* Emacs Mode::		This is the mode you should know better.
* Vi Mode::		Vi commands are executed in this mode.
* Insert Mode::		You can enter text, and also can do editing if you
			know enough Emacs commands.

File: vip  Node: Emacs Mode, Prev: Modes in Vi, Up: Modes in Vi, Next: Vi Mode

Emacs Mode

You will be in this mode just after you loaded VIP.  You can do all normal
Emacs editing in this mode.  Note that the key `C-z' is globally bound to
`change-mode-to-vi'.  So, if you type `C-z' in this mode then you will be
in vi mode.

File: vip  Node: Vi Mode, Prev: Emacs Mode, Up: Modes in VIP, Next: Insert Mode

Vi Mode

This mode corresponds to Vi's command mode.  Most Vi commands work as they
do in Vi.  You can go back to emacs mode by typing `C-z'.  You can
enter insert mode, just as in Vi, by typing `i', `a' etc.

File: vip  Node: Insert Mode, Prev: Vi Mode, Up: Modes in VIP, Next: Differences from Vi

Insert Mode

The key bindings in this mode is the same as in the emacs mode except for
the following 4 keys.  So, you can move around in the buffer and change
its content while you are in insert mode.

     This key will take you back to vi mode.
     Delete previous character.
     Delete previous word.
     Typing this key has the same effect as typing ESC in emacs mode.
     Thus typing `C-z x' in insert mode will have the same effect as typing
     `ESC x' in emacs mode.

File: vip  Node: Differences from Vi, Prev: Insert Mode, Up: Survey, Next: Undoing

Differences from Vi

The major differences from Vi are explained below.

* Menu:

* Undoing::		You can undo more in VIP.
* Change Commands::	Commands for changing the text.
* Searching::		Search commands.
* z Command::		You can now use zH, zM and zL as well as z- etc.
* Numeric Arguments::	Some Vi commands which do not accept a count now
			accept one.
* Marking::		You can now mark the current point, beginning of
			the buffer etc.
* Region Commands::	You can now give a region as an argument for delete
			commands etc.
* New Commands::	Some new commands not available in Vi are added.
* New Bindings::	Bindings of some keys are changed for the
			convenience of editing under Emacs.
* Window Commands::	Commands for moving among windows etc.
* Buffer Commands::	Commands for selecting buffers etc.
* File Commands::	Commands for visiting files etc.
* Misc Commands::	Other useful commands.

File: vip  Node: Undoing, Prev: Differences from Vi, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Change Commands


You can repeat undoing by the `.' key.  So, `u' will undo a single change,
while `u . . .', for instance, will undo 4 previous changes.  Undo is
undoable as in Vi.  So the content of the buffer will be the same before
and after `u u'.

File: vip  Node: Change Commands, Prev: Undoing, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Searching

Change Commands

Some commands which change a small number of characters are executed
slightly differently.  Thus, if point is at the beginning of a word `foo'
and you wished to change it to `bar' by typing `c w', then VIP will prompt
you for a new word in the minibuffer by the prompt `foo => '.  You can then
enter `bar' followed by RET or ESC to complete the command.  Before you
enter RET or ESC you can abort the command by typing `C-g'.  In general,
you can abort a partially formed command by typing `C-g'.

File: vip  Node: Searching, Prev: Change Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: z Command


As in Vi, searching is done by `/' and `?'.  The string will be searched
literally by default.  To invoke a regular expression search, first execute
the search command `/' (or `?') with empty search string.  (I.e, type `/'
followed by RET.)  A search for empty string will toggle the search mode
between vanilla search and regular expression search.  You cannot give an
offset to the search string.  (It is a limitation.)  By default, search
will wrap around the buffer as in Vi.  You can change this by rebinding the
variable `vi-search-wrap-around'.  *Note Customization::, for how to do

File: vip  Node: z Command, Prev: Searching, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Counts

z Command

For those of you who cannot remember which of `z' followed by RET, `.' and
`-' do what.  You can also use `z' followed by `H', `M' and `L' to place
the current line in the Home (Middle, and Last) line of the window.

File: vip  Node: Counts, Prev: z Command, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Marking


Some Vi commands which do not accept a count now accept one

     Given counts, text will be yanked (in Vi's sense) that many times.  Thus
     `3 p' is the same as `p p p'.
     Given counts, that many copies of text will be inserted. Thus
     `o a b c ESC' will insert 3 lines of `abc' below the current
     Given a count N, N-th occurrence will be searched.

File: vip  Node: Marking, Prev: Numeric Arguments, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Region Commands


Typing an `m' followed by a lower case character CH marks the
point to the register named CH as in Vi.  In addition to these, we
have following key bindings for marking.

`m <'     
     Set mark at the beginning of buffer.
`m >'     
     Set mark at the end of buffer.
`m .'     
     Set mark at point (and push old mark on mark ring).
`m ,'     
     Jump to mark (and pop mark off the mark ring).

File: vip  Node: Region Commands, Prev: Marking, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: New Commands

Region Commands

Vi operators like `d', `c' etc. are usually used in combination with motion
commands.  It is now possible to use current region as the argument to
these operators.  (A "region" is a part of buffer delimited by point and
mark.)  The key `r' is used for this purpose.  Thus `d r' will delete the
current region.  If `R' is used instead of `r' the region will first be
enlarged so that it will become the smallest region containing the original
region and consisting of whole lines.  Thus `m . d R' will have the same
effect as `d d'.

File: vip  Node: New Commands, Prev: Region Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: New Bindings

Some New Commands

Note that the keys below are not used in Vi.

     Move point to the beginning of line.
     If you have two or more windows in the screen, this key will move point
     to the next window.
     Insert a newline and leave point before it, and then enter insert mode.
     Backward incremental search.
     Forward incremental search.
     These keys will exit from vi mode and return to emacs mode temporarily.
     If you hit one of these keys, Emacs will be in emacs mode and will
     believe that you hit that key in emacs mode. For example, if you hit
     `C-x' followed by `2', then the current window will be split into
     2 and you will be in vi mode again.
     Escape to emacs mode.  Hitting `\' will take you to emacs mode, and
     you can execute a single Emacs command.  After executing the Emacs
     command you will be in vi mode again.  You can give a count before
     typing `\'.  Thus `5 \ *', as well as `\ C-u 5 *', will insert `*****'
     before point.  Similarly `1 0 \ C-p' will move the point 10 lines
     above the current line.
     Kill current buffer if it is not modified.  Useful when you selected a
     buffer which you did not want.
     `Q' is for query replace and `R' is for replace.  By default,
     string to be replaced are treated literally.  If you wish to do a regular
     expression replace, first do replace with empty string as the string to
     be replaced.  In this way, you can toggle between vanilla and regular
     expression replacement.
     These keys are used to Visit files.  `v' will switch to a buffer
     visiting file whose name can be entered in the minibuffer. `V' is
     similar, but will use window different from the current window. 
     If followed by a certain character CH, it becomes an operator whose
     argument is the region determined by the motion command that follows.
     Currently, CH can be one of `c', `C', `g', `q' and `s'.
`# c'     
     Change upper case characters in the region to lower case
`# C'     
     Change lower case characters in the region to upper case. For instance,
     `# C 3 w' will capitalize 3 words from the current point
`# g'     
     Execute last keyboard macro for each line in the region
`# q'     
     Insert specified string at the beginning of each line in the region
`# s'     
     Check spelling of words in the region (`spell-region').
     Call last keyboard macro.

File: vip  Node: New Bindings, Prev: New Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Window Commands

New Key Bindings

In VIP the meanings of some keys are entirely different from Vi.  These key
bindings are done deliberately in the hope that editing will become easier.
It is however possible to rebind these keys to functions which behave
similarly as in Vi.  *Note Customizing Key Bindings::, for details.

     In Vi, `C-g' is used to get information about the file associated to
     the current buffer.  Here, `g' will do that, and `C-g' is
     used to abort a command (this is for compatibility with emacs mode.)
     Now these keys will scroll up and down the text of current window.
     Convenient for viewing the text.
     They are used to switch to a specified buffer.  Useful for switching to
     already existing buffer since buffer name completion is provided.  Also
     a default buffer will be given as part of the prompt, to which you can
     switch by just typing RET key.  `s' is used to select buffer
     in the current window, while `S' selects buffer in another window.
     These keys will exit from vi mode and return to emacs mode
     temporarily.  If you type `C' (`X'), Emacs will be in emacs mode and
     will believe that you have typed `C-c' (`C-x', resp.) in emacs mode.
     Moreover, if the following character you type is an upper case letter,
     then Emacs will believe that you have typed the corresponding control
     character.  You will be in vi mode again after the command is
     executed.  For example, typing `X S' in vi mode is the same as typing
     `C-x C-s' in emacs mode.  You get the same effect by typing `C-x C-s'
     in vi mode, but the idea here is that you can execute useful Emacs
     commands without typing control characters. For example, if you hit
     `X' (or `C-x') followed by `2', then the current window will be split
     into 2 and you will be in vi mode again.

In addition to these, `ctl-x-map' is slightly modified:

`X 3'     
`C-x 3'     
     This is equivalent to `C-x 1 C-x 2' (1 + 2 = 3).

File: vip  Node: Window Commands, Prev: New Bindings, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Buffer Commands

Window Commands

In this and following subsections, we give a summary of key bindings for
basic functions related to windows, buffers and files.

     Switch to next window.
`X 1'     
`C-x 1'     
     Delete other windows.
`X 2'     
`C-x 2'     
     Split current window into two windows.
`X 3'     
`C-x 3'     
     Show current buffer in two windows.

File: vip  Node: Buffer Commands, Prev: Window Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: File Commands

Buffer Commands

     Switch to the specified buffer in the current window
     Switch to the specified buffer in another window
     Kill the current buffer if it is not modified.
`X S'     
`C-x C-s'     
     Save the current buffer in the file associated to the buffer.

File: vip  Node: File Commands, Prev: Buffer Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Misc Commands

File Commands

     Visit specified file in the current window.
     Visit specified file in another window.
`X W'     
`C-x C-w'     
     Write current buffer into the specified file.
`X I'     
`C-x C-i'     
     Insert specified file at point.

File: vip  Node: Misc Commands, Prev: File Commands, Up: Differences from Vi, Next: Vi Commands

Miscellaneous Commands

`X ('     
`C-x ('     
     Start remembering keyboard macro.
`X )'     
`C-x )'     
     Finish remembering keyboard macro.
     Call last remembered keyboard macro.
`X Z'     
`C-x C-z'     
     Suspend Emacs.
`Z Z'     
     Exit Emacs.
     Query replace.

File: vip  Node: Vi Commands, Prev: Misc Commands, Up: Top, Next: Numeric Arguments

Vi Commands

This chapter describes Vi commands other than Ex commands implemented in
VIP.  Except for the last section which discusses insert mode, all the
commands described in this chapter are to be used in vi mode.

* Menu:

* Numeric Arguments::	Many commands accept numeric arguments
* Important Keys::	Some very important keys.
* Buffers and Windows::	Commands for handling buffers and windows.
* Files::		Commands for handling files.
* Viewing the Buffer::	How you can view the current buffer.
* Mark Commands::	Marking positions in a buffer.
* Motion Commands::	Commands for moving point.
* Modifying Commands::	Commands for modifying the buffer.

File: vip  Node: Numeric Arguments, Prev: Vi Commands, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Important Keys

Numeric Arguments

Most Vi commands accept a "numeric argument" which can be supplied as a
prefix to the commands.  A numeric argument is also called a "count".  In
many cases, if a count is given, the command is executed that many times.
For instance, `5 d d' deletes 5 lines while simple `d d' deletes a line.
In this manual the metavariable N will denote a count.

File: vip  Node: Important Keys, Prev: Numeric Arguments, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Buffers and Windows

Important Keys

The keys `C-g' and `C-l' are unique in that their associated
functions are the same in any of emacs, vi and insert mode.

     Quit.  Cancel running or partially typed command (`keyboard-quit').
     Clear the screen and reprint everything (`recenter').

In Emacs many commands are bound to the key strokes that start with `C-x',
`C-c' and ESC.  These commands can be accessed from vi mode as easily as
from emacs mode.

     Typing one of these keys have the same effect as typing it in emacs mode.
     Appropriate command will be executed according as the keys you type after
     it.  You will be in vi mode again after the execution of the command.
     For instance, if you type `ESC <' (in vi mode) then the cursor will
     move to the beginning of the buffer and you will still be in vi mode.
     Typing one of these keys have the effect of typing the corresponding
     control character in emacs mode.  Moreover, if you type an upper case
     character following it, that character will also be translated to the
     corresponding control character.  Thus typing `X W' in vi mode is the
     same as typing `C-x C-w' in emacs mode.  You will be in vi mode again
     after the execution of a command.
     Escape to emacs mode.  Hitting the `\' key will take you to emacs
     mode, and you can execute a single Emacs command.  After executing the
     Emacs command you will be in vi mode again.  You can give a count
     before typing `\'.  Thus `5 \ +', as well as `\ C-u 5 +', will insert
     `+++++' before point.

File: vip  Node: Buffers and Windows, Prev: Important Keys, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Files

Buffers and Windows

In Emacs the text you edit is stored in a "buffer".  See GNU Emacs Manual,
for details.  There is always one "selected" buffer which is called the
"current buffer".

You can see the contents of buffers through "windows" created by Emacs.
When you have multiple windows on the screen only one of them is selected.
Each buffer has a unique name, and each window has a mode line which shows
the name of the buffer associated with the window and other information
about the status of the buffer.  You can change the format of the mode
line, but normally if you see `**' at the beginning of a mode line it
means that the buffer is "modified".  If you write out the content of
the buffer to a file, then the buffer will become not modified.  Also if
you see `%%' at the beginning of the mode line, it means that the file
associated with the buffer is write protected.

We have the following commands related to windows and buffers.

     Move cursor to the next-window (`vi-next-window').
`X 1'     
     Delete other windows and make the selected window fill the screen
`X 2'     
     Split current window into two windows (`split-window-vertically').
`X 3'     
     Show current buffer in two windows.
`s BUFFER RET'     
     Select or create a buffer named BUFFER (`vi-switch-to-buffer').
     Similar but select a buffer named BUFFER in another window
     Kill the current buffer if it is not modified or if it is not associated
     with a file (`vi-kill-buffer').
`X B'     
     List the existing buffers (`list-buffers').

As "buffer name completion" is provided, you have only to type in
initial substring of the buffer name which is sufficient to identify it
among names of existing buffers.  After that, if you hit TAB the rest
of the buffer name will be supplied by the system, and you can confirm it
by RET.  The default buffer name to switch to will also be prompted,
and you can select it by giving a simple RET.  See GNU Emacs Manual
for details of completion.

File: vip  Node: Files, Prev: Buffers and Windows, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Viewing the Buffer


We have the following commands related to files.  They are used to visit,
save and insert files.

`v FILE RET'     
     Visit specified file in the current window (`vi-find-file').
`V FILE RET'     
     Visit specified file in another window (`vi-find-file-other-window').
`X S'     
     Save current buffer to the file associated with the buffer.  If no file is
     associated with the buffer, the name of the file to write out the content
     of the buffer will be asked in the minibuffer.
`X W FILE RET'     
     Write current buffer into the specified file.
`X I FILE RET'     
     Insert specified file at point.
     Give information on the file associated with the current buffer.  Tell you
     the name of the file associated with the buffer, the line number of the
     current point and total line numbers in the buffer.  If no file is
     associated with the buffer, this fact will be indicated by the null file
     name `""'.

In Emacs, you can edit a file by "visiting" it.  If you wish to visit a
file in the current window, you can just type `v'.  Emacs maintains the
"default directory" which is specific to each buffer.  Suppose, for
instance, that the default directory of the current buffer is
`/usr/masahiko/man/'.  Then you will get the following prompt in the
     visit file: /usr/masahiko/
If you wish to visit, say, `vip.texinfo' in this directory, then you can
just type `vip.tex' followed by RET.  If the file `vip.tex'
already exists in the directory, Emacs will visit that file, and if not,
the file will be created.  Emacs will use the file name (`vip.tex', in
this case) as the name of the buffer visiting the file.  In order to make
the buffer name unique, Emacs may append `<2>', `<3>' etc., to
the buffer name.  As the "file name completion" is provided here, you
can sometime save typing.  For instance, suppose there is only one file in the
default directory whose name starts with `v', that is `vip.tex'.
Then if you just type `v TAB' then it will be competed to
`vip.tex'.  Thus, in this case, you just have to type `v v TAB
RET' to visit `/usr/masahiko/man/vip.tex'.  Continuing the
example, let us now suppose that you wished to visit the file
`/usr/masahiko/lisp/vi.el'.  Then to the same prompt which you get
after you typed `v', you can enter `/usr/masahiko/lisp/vi.el' or
`../lisp/vi.el' followed by RET.

Use `V' instead of `v', if you wish to visit a file in another

You can verify which file you are editing by typing `g'.  (You can also
type `X B' to get nformation on other buffers too.)  If you type `g' you
will get an information like below in the echo area:
     "/usr/masahiko/man/vip.tex" line 860 of 1645

After you edited the buffer (`vip.tex', in our example) for a while, you
may wish to save it in a file.  If you wish to save it in the file
associated with the buffer (`/usr/masahiko/man/vip.tex', in this case), you
can just say `X S'.  If you wish to save it in another file, you can type
`X W'.  You will then get a similar prompt as you get for `v', to which you
can enter the file name.

File: vip  Node: Viewing the Buffer, Prev: Files, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Mark Commands

Viewing the Buffer

In this and next section we discuss commands for moving around in the
buffer.  These command do not change the content of the buffer.  The
following commands are useful for viewing the content of the current

     Scroll text of current window upward almost full screen.  You can go
     forward in the buffer by this command (`vi-scroll').
     Scroll text of current window downward almost full screen.  You can go
     backward in the buffer by this command (`vi-scroll-back').
     Scroll text of current window upward half screen.  You can go
     down in the buffer by this command (`vi-scroll-down').
     Scroll text of current window downward half screen.  You can go
     up in the buffer by this command (`vi-scroll-up').
     Scroll text of current window upward by one line (`vi-scroll-down-one').
     Scroll text of current window downward by one line (`vi-scroll-up-one').
You can repeat these commands by giving a count.  Thus, `2 SPC'
has the same effect as `SPC SPC'.

The following commands reposition point in the window.

`z H'     
`z RET'     
     Put point on the top (home) line in the window.  So the current line
     becomes the top line in the window.  Given a count N, point will be
     placed in the N-th line from top (`vi-line-to-top').
`z M'     
`z .'     
     Put point on the middle line in the window.  Given a count N,
     point will be placed in the N-th line from the middle line
`z L'     
`z -'     
     Put point on the bottom line in the window.  Given a count N,
     point will be placed in the N-th line from bottom
     Center point in window and redisplay screen (`recenter').

File: vip  Node: Mark Commands, Prev: Viewing the Buffer, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Motion Commands

Mark Commands

The following commands are used to mark positions in the buffer.

`m CH'     
     Store current point in the register CH.  CH must be a lower
     case character between `a' and `z'.
`m <'     
     Set mark at the beginning of current buffer.
`m >'     
     Set mark at the end of current buffer.
`m .'     
     Set mark at point.
`m ,'     
     Jump to mark (and pop mark off the mark ring).

Emacs uses the "mark ring" to store marked positions.  The commands
`m <', `m >' and `m .' not only set mark but also add it as the
latest element of the mark ring (replacing the oldest one).  By repeating
the command ``m ,'' you can visit older and older marked positions.  You
will eventually be in a loop as the mark ring is a ring.

File: vip  Node: Motion Commands, Prev: Mark Commands, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Searching and Replacing

Motion Commands

Commands for moving around in the current buffer are collected here.  These
commands are used as an `argument' for the delete, change and yank commands
to be described in the next section.

     Move point backward by one character.  Signal error if point is at the
     beginning of buffer, but (unlike Vi) do not complain otherwise
     Move point backward by one character.  Signal error if point is at the
     end of buffer, but (unlike Vi) do not complain otherwise
     Move point to the next line keeping the current column.  If point is on the
     last line of the buffer, a new line will be created and point will move to
     that line (`vi-next-line').
     Move point to the previous line keeping the current column
     Move point to the next line at the first non-white character.  If point is
     on the last line of the buffer, a new line will be created and point will
     move to the beginning of that lin (`vi-next-line-at-bol').
     Move point to the previous line at the first non-white character
If a count is given to these commands, the commands will be repeated that
many times.

     Move point to the beginning of line (`vi-beginning-of-line').
     Move point to the first non-white character on the line
     Move point to the end of line (`vi-goto-eol').
`N |'     
     Move point to the N-th column on the line (`vi-goto-col').
Except for the `|' command, these commands neglect a count.

     Move point forward to the beginning of the next word
     Move point forward to the beginning of the next word, where a "word" is
     considered as a sequence of non-white characters (`vi-forward-Word').
     Move point backward to the beginning of a word (`vi-backward-word').
     Move point backward to the beginning of a word, where a word is
     considered as a sequence of non-white characters (`vi-forward-Word').
     Move point forward to the end of a word (`vi-end-of-word').
     Move point forward to the end of a word, where a word is
     considered as a sequence of non-white characters (`vi-end-of-Word').
Here the meaning of the word `word' for the `w', `b' and `e'
commands is determined by the "syntax table" effective in the current
buffer.  Each major mode has its syntax mode, and therefore the meaning of
a word also changes as the major mode changes.  See GNU Emacs Manual for
details of syntax table.

     Move point to the beginning of the home (top) line of the window.
     Given a count N, go to the N-th line from top
     Move point to the beginning of the middle line of the window.  Given
     a count N, go to the N-th line from the middle line
     Move point to the beginning of the lowest (bottom) line of the
     window.  Given count, go to the N-th line from bottom
These commands can be used to go to the desired line visible on the screen.

     Move point backward to the beginning of the sentence
     Move point forward to the end of the sentence
     Move point backward to the beginning of the paragraph
     Move point forward to the end of the paragraph
A count repeats the effect for these commands.

     Given a count N, move point to the N-th line in the buffer on
     the first non-white character.  Without a count, go to the end of the buffer
`` `'     
     Exchange point and mark (`vi-goto-mark').
`` CH'     
     Move point to the position stored in the register CH.  CH must
     be a lower case letter.
`' ''     
     Exchange point and mark, and then move point to the first non-white
     character on the line (`vi-goto-mark-and-skip-white').
`' CH'     
     Move point to the position stored in the register CH and skip to the
     first non-white character on the line.  CH must be a lower case letter.
     Move point to the matching parenthesis if point is looking at `(',
     `)', `{', `}', `[' or `]'
The command `G' mark point before move, so that you can return to the
original point by `` `'.  The original point will also be stored in
the mark ring.

The following commands are useful for moving points on the line.  A count
will repeat the effect.

`f CH'     
     Move point forward to the character CH on the line.  Signal error if
     CH could not be found (`vi-find-char-forward').
`F CH'     
     Move point backward to the character CH on the line.  Signal error if
     CH could not be found (`vi-find-char-backward').
`t CH'     
     Move point forward upto the character CH on the line.  Signal error if
     CH could not be found (`vi-goto-char-forward').
`T CH'     
     Move point backward upto the character CH on the line.  Signal error if
     CH could not be found (`vi-goto-char-backward').

File: vip  Node: Searching and Replacing, Prev: Motion Commands, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Modifying Commands

Searching and Replacing

Following commands are available for searching and replacing.

`/ STRING RET'     
     Search the first occurrence of the string STRING forward starting
     from point.  Given a count N, the N-th occurrence of
     STRING will be searched.  If the variable `re-search' has value
     `t' then "regular expression" search is done and the string
     matching the regular expression STRING is found.  If you give an
     empty string as STRING then the search mode will change from vanilla
     search to regular expression search and vice versa
`? STRING RET'     
     Same as `/', except that search is done backward
     Search the previous search pattern in the same direction as before
     Search the previous search pattern in the opposite direction
     Search forward incrementally.  See GNU Emacs Manual for details
     Search backward incrementally (`isearch-backward').
     There are two modes of replacement, "vanilla" and "regular expression".
     If the mode is vanilla you will get a prompt `Replace string:',
     and if the mode is regular expression you will ge a prompt
     `Replace regexp:'.  The mode is initially vanilla, but you can
     toggle these modes by giving a null string as STRING.  If the mode is
     vanilla, this command replaces every occurrence of STRING with
     NEWSTRING.  If the mode is regular expression, STRING is
     treated as a regular expression and every string matching the regular
     expression is replaced with NEWSTRING (`vi-replace-string').
     Same as `R' except that you will be asked form confirmation before each
`r CH'     
     Replace the character point is looking at by the character CH.  Give
     count, replace that many characters by CH (`vi-replace-char').
The commands `/' and `?' mark point before move, so that you can
return to the original point by `` `'.

File: vip  Node: Modifying Commands, Prev: Searching and Replacing, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Delete Commands

Modifying Commands

In this section, commands for modifying the content of a buffer are
described.  These commands affect the region determined by a motion command
which is given to the commands as their argument.

We classify motion commands into "point commands" and
"line commands".  The point commands are as follows:
     `h', `l', `0', `^', `$', `w', `W', `b', `B', `e', `E', `(', `)', `/', `?', ``', `f', `F', `t', `T', `%'
The line commands are as follows:
     `j', `k', `+', `-', `H', `M', `L', `{', `}', `G', `''
If a point command is given as an argument to a modifying command, the
region determined by the point command will be affected by the modifying
command. On the other hand, if a line command is given as an argument to a
modifying command, the region determined by the line command will be
enlarged so that it will become the smallest region properly containing the
region and consisting of whole lines (we call this process "expanding
the region"), and then the enlarged region will be affected by the modifying

* Menu:

* Delete Commands::	Commands for deleting text.
* Yank Commands::	Commands for yanking text in Vi's sense.
* Put Back Commands::	Commands for putting bake deleted/yanked text.
* Change Commands::	Commands for changing text.
File: vip  Node: Delete Commands, Prev: Modifying Commands, Up: Modifying Commands, Next: Yank Commands

Delete Commands

     Delete the region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.
For example, `d $' will delete the region between point and end of
current line since `$' is a point command that goes to end of line.
`d G' will delete the region between the beginning of current line and
end of the buffer, since `G' is a line command.  A count given to the
command above will become the count for the associated motion command.
Thus, `3 d w' will delete three words.

It is also possible to save the deleted text into a register you specify.
For example, you can say `" t 3 d w' to delete three words and save it
to register `t'.  The name of a register is a lower case letter between
`a' and `z'.  If you give an upper case letter as an argument to
a delete command, then the deleted text will be appended to the content of
the register having the corresponding lower case letter as its name.  So,
`" T d w' will delete a word and append it to register `t'.  Other
modifying commands also accept a register name as their argument, and we
will not repeat similar explanations.

We have more delete commands as below.

`d d'     
     Delete a line.  Given a count N, delete N lines.
`d r'     
     Delete current region.
`d R'     
     Expand current region and delete it.
     Delete to the end of a line (`vi-kill-line').
     Delete a character after point.  Given N, delete N characters
     Delete a character before point.  Given N, delete N characters

File: vip  Node: Yank Commands, Prev: Delete Commands, Up: Modifying Commands, Next: Put Back Commands

Yank Commands

Yank commands "yank" a text of buffer into a (usually anonymous) register.
Here the word `yank' is used in Vi's sense.  Thus yank commands do not
alter the content of the buffer, and only useful in combination with
commands that put back the yanked text into the buffer.

     Yank the region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.
For example, `y $' will yank the text between point and the end of line
into an anonymous register, while `"c y $' will yank the same text into
register `c'.

Use the following command to yank consecutive lines of text.

`y y'     
     Yank a line.  Given N, yank N lines (`vi-yank-line').
`y r'     
     Yank current region.
`y R'     
     Expand current region and yank it.

File: vip  Node: Put Back Commands, Prev: Yank Commands, Up: Modifying Commands, Next: Change Commands

Put Back Commands
Deleted or yanked texts can be put back into the buffer by the command

     Insert at point most recently deleted/yanked text from anonymous register.
     Given a register name argument, the content of the named register will
     be put back.  Given a count, the command will be repeated that many times.
     This command also checks if the text to put back ends with a new line
     character, and if so the text will be put above the current line rather
     than at point (`vi-put-back').
     Insert, after the character point is looking at, most recently
     deleted/yanked text from anonymous register. Given a register name
     argument, the content of the named register will be put back.  Given a
     count, the command will be repeated that many times. This command also
     checks if the text to put back ends with a new line character, and if so
     the text will be but below the current line (`vi-Put-back').
Thus, `" c p' will put back the content of the register `c' into the
buffer.  It is also possible to specify "number register" which is a
numeral between `1' and `9'.  If the number register N is
specified, N-th previously deleted/yanked text will be put back.  It
is an error to specify a number register for the delete/yank commands.

File: vip  Node: Change Commands, Prev: Put Back Commands, Up: Modifying Commands, Next: Repeating and Undoing Modifications

Change Commands

Most commonly used change command takes the following form.

     Replace the content of the region determined by the motion command
     MOTION-COMMAND by the text you type.  If the motion command is a
     point command then you will type the text into minibuffer, and if the
     motion command is a line command then the region will be deleted first and
     you can insert the text in INSERT MODE.  For example, if point is at
the beginning of a word `foo' and you wish to change it to `bar', you can
type `c w'.  Then, as `w' is a point command, you will get the prompt `foo
=>' in the minibuffer, for which you can type `b a r RET' to complete the
change command.

`c c'     
     Change a line.  Given a count, that many lines are changed.
`c r'     
     Change current region.
`c R'     
     Expand current region and change it.

File: vip  Node: Repeating and Undoing Modifications, Prev: Change Commands, Up: Modifying Commands, Next: Other Vi Commands

Repeating and Undoing Modifications

VIP records the previous modifying command, so that it is easy to repeat
it.  It is also very easy to undo changes made by modifying commands.

     Undo the last change.  You can undo more by repeating undo by the repeat
     command `.'.  For example, you can undo 5 previous changes by typing
     `u....'.  If you type `uu', then the second `u' undoes the
     first undo command (`vi-undo').
     Repeat the last modifying command.  Given count N it becomes the new
     count for the repeated command.  Otherwise, the count for the last
     modifying command is used again (`vi-repeat').

File: vip  Node: Other Vi Commands, Prev: Repeating and Undoing Modifications, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Commands in Insert Mode

Other Vi Commands

Miscellaneous Vi commands are collected here.

`Z Z'     
     Exit Emacs.  If modified buffers exist, you will be asked whether you wish
     to save them or not (`save-buffers-kill-emacs').
     The region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND will be
     given to the shell command FORMAT-COMMAND and the region will be
     replaced by its output.  If a count is given, it will be passed to
     MOTION-COMMAND.  For example, `3!Gsort' will sort the region
     between point and the 3rd line.  If `!' is used instead of
     MOTION-COMMAND then N lines will be processed by
     FORMAT-COMMAND (`vi-command-argument').
     Join two lines.  Given count, join that many lines.  A space will be
     inserted at each junction (`vi-join-lines').
`N < <'     
     Shift region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND to
     left by SHIFT-WIDTH (default is 8).  If `<' is used instead of
     MOTION-COMMAND then shift N lines
`N > >'     
     Shift region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND to
     right by SHIFT-WIDTH (default is 8).  If `<' is used instead of
     MOTION-COMMAND then shift N lines
     Indent region determined by the motion command MOTION-COMMAND.  If
     `=' is used instead of MOTION-COMMAND then indent N lines
     Call last remembered keyboard macro.
     A new vi operator. *Note New Commands::, for more details.

The following keys are reserved for future extensions, and currently
assigned to a function that just beeps (`vi-nil').

     &, @, U, [, ], _, q, ~

VIP uses a special local keymap to interpret key strokes you enter in vi
mode.  The following keys are bound to NIL in the keymap.  Therefore,
these keys are interpreted by the global keymap of Emacs.  We give below a
short description of the functions bound to these keys in the global
keymap.  See GNU Emacs Manual for details.

     Set mark and push previous mark on mark ring (`set-mark-command').
     Indent line for current major mode (`indent-for-tab-command').
     Insert a newline, then indent according to mode (`newline-and-indent').
     Kill the rest of the current line; before a newline, kill the newline.
     With prefix argument, kill that many lines from point.  Negative arguments
     kill lines backward (`kill-line').
     Clear the screen and reprint everything (`recenter').
`N C-p'     
     Move cursor vertically up N lines (`previous-line').
     Read next input character and insert it.  Useful for inserting control
     Search backward incrementally (`isearch-backward').
     Search forward incrementally (`isearch-forward').
`N C-t'     
     Interchange charcters around point, moving forward one character.  With
     count N, take character before point and drag it forward past N
     other characters.  If no argument and at end of line, the previous two
     characters are exchanged (`transpose-chars').
`N C-v'     
     Scroll text upward N lines.  If N is not given, scroll near
     full screen (`scroll-up').
     Kill between point and mark.  The text is save in the kill ring.  The
     command `P' or `p' can retrieve it from kill ring

File: vip  Node: Commands in Insert Mode, Prev: Other Vi Commands, Up: Vi Commands, Next: Ex Commands

Insert Mode

You can enter insert mode by one of the following commands.  In addition to
these, you will enter insert mode if you give a change command with a line
command as the motion command.  Insert commands are also modifying commands
and you can repeat them by the repeat command `.' (`vi-repeat').

     Enter insert mode at point (`vi-insert').
     Enter insert mode at the first non white character on the line
     Move point forward by one character and then enter insert mode
     Enter insert mode at end of line (`vi-Append').
     Open a new line below the current line and enter insert mode
     Open a new line above the current line and enter insert mode
     Insert a newline and leave point before it, and then enter insert mode (`vi-ctl-open-line').

Insert mode is almost like emacs mode.  Only the following 4 keys behave
differently from emacs mode.

     This key will take you back to vi mode (`change-mode-to-vi').
     Delete previous character (`delete-backward-char').
     Delete previous word (`delete-backward-word').
     This key simulates ESC key in emacs mode.  For instance, typing
     `C-z x' in insert mode iw the same as typing `ESC x' in emacs mode
You can also bind `C-h' to `help-command' if you like.
(*Note Customizing Key Bindings::, for details.)  Binding `C-h' to
`help-command' has the effect of making the meaning of `C-h'
uniform among emacs, vi and insert modes.

When you enter insert mode, VIP records point as the start point of
insertion, and when you leave insert mode the region between point and
start point is saved for later use by repeat command etc.  Therefore, repeat
command will not really repeat insertion if you move point by emacs
commands while in insert mode.

File: vip  Node: Ex Commands, Prev: Change Commands, Up: Top, Next: Ex Command Reference

Ex Commands

In vi mode, you can execute an Ex command EX-COMMAND by typing:
Every Ex command follows the following pattern:
where all parts are optional.  For the syntax of "address", the reader
is referred to the reference manual of Ex.

In the current version of VIP, searching by Ex commands is always
"magic".  That is, search patterns are always treated as "regular
expressions".  For example, a typical forward search would be invoked by
`:/PAT/'.  If you wish to include `/' as part of
PAT you must preceded it by `\'.  VIP strips off these `\''s
before `/' and the resulting PAT becomes the actual search
pattern.  Emacs provides a different and richer class or regular
expressions than Vi/Ex, and VIP uses Emacs' regular expressions.  See GNU
Emacs Manual for details of regular expressions.

Several Ex commands can be entered in a line by separating them by a pipe
character `|'.

* Menu:

* Ex Command Reference::	Explain all the Ex commands available in VIP.
File: vip  Node: Ex Command Reference, Prev: Ex Commands, Up: Ex Commands, Next: Customization

Ex Command Reference
In this section we briefly explain all the Ex commands supported by VIP.
Most Ex commands expect ADDRESS as their argument, and they use
default addresses if they are not explicitly given.  In the following, such
default addresses will be shown in parentheses.

Most command names can and preferably be given in abbreviated forms.  In
the following, optional parts of command names will be enclosed in
brackets.  For example, `co[py]' will mean that copy command can be
give as `co' or `cop' or `copy'.

If COMMAND is empty, point will move to the beginning of the line
specified by the ADDRESS.  If ADDRESS is also empty, point will
move to the beginning of the current line.

Some commands accept "flags" which are one of `p', `l' and
`#'.  If FLAGS are given, the text affected by the commands will
be displayed on a temporary window, and you will be asked to hit return to
continue.  In this way, you can see the text affected by the commands
before the commands will be executed.  If you hit `C-g' instead of
RET then the commands will be aborted.  Note that the meaning of
FLAGS is different in VIP from that in Vi/Ex.

`(.,.) co[py] ADDR FLAGS'     
`(.,.) t ADDR FLAGS'     
     Place a copy of specified lines after ADDR.  If ADDR is
     `0', it will be placed before the first line.
`(.,.) d[elete] REGISTER COUNT FLAGS'     
     Delete specified lines.  Text will be saved in a named REGISTER if a
     lower case letter is given, and appended to a register if a capital letter is
`e[dit] ! +ADDR FILE'     
`e[x] ! +ADDR FILE'     
`vi[sual] ! +ADDR FILE'     
     Edit a new file FILE in the current window.  The command will abort
     if current buffer is modified, which you can override by giving `!'.
     If `+'ADDR is given, ADDR becomes the current line.
     Give information about the current file.
`(1,$) g[lobal] ! /PAT/ CMDS'     
`(1,$) v /PAT/ CMDS'     
     Among specified lines first mark each line which matches the regular
     expression PAT, and then execute CMDS on each marked line.
     If `!' is given, CMDS will be executed on each line not matching
     PAT.  `v' is same as `g!'.
`(.,.+1) j[oin] ! COUNT FLAGS'     
     Join specified lines into a line.  Without `!', a space character will
     be inserted at each junction.
`(.) k CH'     
`(.) mar[k] CH'     
     Mark specified line by a lower case character CH.  Then the
     addressing form `''CH will refer to this line.  No white space is
     required between `k' and CH.  A white space is necessary between
     `mark' and CH, however.
`map CH RHS'     
     Define a macro for vi mode.  After this command, the character CH
     will be expanded to RHS in vi mode.
`(.,.) m[ove] ADDR'     
     Move specified lines after ADDR.
`(.) pu[t] REGISTER'     
     Put back previously deleted or yanked text.  If REGISTER is given,
     the text saved in the register will be put back; otherwise, last deleted or
     yanked text will be put back.
`q[uit] !'     
     Quit from Emacs.  If modified buffers with associated files exist, you will
     be asked whether you wish to save each of them.  At this point, you may
     choose not to quit, by hitting `C-g'.  If `!' is given, exit from
     Emacs without saving modified buffers.
`(.) r[ead] FILE'     
     Read in the content of the file FILE after the specified line.
`(.) r[ead] ! COMMAND'     
     Read in the output of the shell command COMMAND after the specified
     Set a variable's value.  *Note Customizing Constants::, for the list of variables
     you can set.
     Run a subshell in a window.
`(.,.) s[ubstitute] /PAT/REPL/ OPTIONS COUNT FLAGS'     
`(.,.) & OPTIONS COUNT FLAGS'     
     On each specified line, the first occurrence of string matching regular
     expression PAT is replaced by replacement pattern REPL.  Option
     characters are `g' and `c'.  If global option character `g'
     appears as part of OPTIONS, all occurrences are substituted.  If
     confirm option character `c' appears, you will be asked to give
     confirmation before each substitution.  If `/PAT/REPL/' is
     missing, the last substitution is repeated.
     Suspend Emacs.
`ta[g] TAG'     
     Find first definition of TAG.  If no TAG is given, previously
     given TAG is used and next alternate definition is find.  By default,
     the file `TAGS' in the current directory becomes the "selected tag
     table".  You can select another tag table by `set' command.
     *Note Customizing Constants::, for details.
     Undo the last change.
`unm[ap] CH'     
     The macro expansion associated with CH is removed.
     Tell the version number of VIP.
`(1,$) w[rite] ! FILE'     
     Write out specified lines into file FILE.  If no FILE is given,
     text will be written to the file associated to the current buffer.  Unless
     `!' is given, if FILE is different from the file associated to
     the current buffer and if the file FILE exists, the command will not
     be executed.  Unlike Ex, FILE becomes the file associated to the
     current buffer.
`(1,$) w[rite]>> FILE'     
     Write out specified lines at the end of file FILE.  FILE
     becomes the file associated to the current buffer.
`(1,$) wq ! FILE'     
     Same as `write' and then `quit'.  If `!' is given, same as
     `write !' then `quit'.
`(.,.) y[ank] REGISTER COUNT'     
     Save specified lines into register REGISTER.  If no register is
     specified, text will be saved in an anonymous register.
     Execute shell command COMMAND.  The output will be shown in a new
     window.  If ADDR is given, specified lines will be used as standard
     input to COMMAND.
`($) ='     
     Print the line number of the addressed line.
`(.,.) > COUNT FLAGS'     
     Shift specified lines to the right.  The variable `shift-width'
     (default value is 8) determines the amount of shift.
`(.,.) < COUNT FLAGS'     
     Shift specified lines to the left.  The variable `shift-width'
     (default value is 8) determines the amount of shift.
`(.,.) ~ OPTIONS COUNT FLAGS'     
     Repeat the previous `substitute' command using previous search pattern
     as PAT for matching.

The following Ex commands are available in Vi, but not implemented in VIP.
     `abbreviate', `list', `next', `print', `preserve', `recover', `rewind', `source',
     `unabbreviate', `xit', `z'

File: vip  Node: Customization, Prev: Ex Command Reference, Up: Top, Next: Customizing Constants


If you have a file called `.vip' in your home directory, then it
will also be loaded when VIP is loaded.  This file is thus useful for
customizing VIP.

* Menu:

* Customizing Constants::	How to change values of constants.
* Customizing Key Bindings::	How to change key bindings.
* Adding Lisp Code::		Most powerful way of customization.
File: vip  Node: Customizing Constants, Prev: Customization, Up: Customization, Next: Customizing Key Bindings

Customizing Constants
An easy way to customize VIP is to change the values of constants used
in VIP.  Here is the list of the constants used in VIP and their default

`shift-width 8'     
     The number of columns shifted by `>' and `<' command.
`re-replace nil'     
     If `t' then do regexp replace, if `nil' then do string replace.
`vi-search-wrap-around t'     
     If `t', search wraps around the buffer.
`re-search nil'     
     If `t' then search is reg-exp search, if `nil' then vanilla
`vi-case-fold-search nil'     
     If `t' search ignores cases.
`re-query-replace nil'     
     If `t' then do reg-exp replace in query replace.
`vi-open-with-indent nil'     
     If `t' then indent to the previous current line when open a new line
     by `o' or `O' command.
`tags-file-name "TAGS"'     
     The name of the file used as the tag table.
`help-in-insert-mode nil'     
     If `t' then C-h is bound to `help-command' in insert mode,
     if `nil' then it sis bound to `delete-backward-char'.
You can reset these constants in VIP by the Ex command `set'.  Or you
can include a line like this in your `.vip' file:
     (setq vi-case-fold search t)

File: vip  Node: Customizing Key Bindings, Prev: Customizing Constants, Up: Customization, Next: Adding Lisp Code

Customizing Key Bindings

VIP uses `vi-command-mode-map' as the "local keymap" for vi mode.
For example, in vi mode, SPC is bound to the function
`vi-scroll'.  But, if you wish to make SPC and some other keys
 behave like Vi, you can include the following lines in your `.vip'

     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "\C-g" 'vi-info-on-file)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "\C-h" 'vi-backward-char)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "\C-m" 'vi-next-line-at-bol)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map " " 'vi-forward-char)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "g" 'vi-keyboard-quit)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "s" 'vi-substitute)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "C" 'vi-change-to-eol)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "S" 'vi-substitute-line)
     (define-key vi-command-mode-map "X" 'vi-delete-backward-char)

File: vip  Node: Adding Lisp Code, Prev: Customizing Key Bindings, Up: Customization, Next: Top

Adding Lisp Code
The most powerful way to customize VIP is to write your own Lisp code and
add it to `.vip'.  After all VIP is just an example of customizing

For example, if you wish to open a shell window and enter insert mode when
you start up Emacs, you can include the following Lisp code in `.vip'.

     (setq initial-major-mode 'shell)
     (setq shell-mode-hook 'change-mode-to-insert)

Key Index

* Menu:

* 000 @kbd{C-@@} (@code{set-mark-command}): Other Vi Commands.
* 001 @kbd{C-a} (@code{beginning-of-line}): New Commands.
* 002 @kbd{C-b} (@code{vi-scroll-back}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 003 @kbd{C-c} (@code{vi-ctl-c}): Important Keys.
* 003 @kbd{C-c} (@code{vi-ctl-c}): New Commands.
* 004 @kbd{C-d} (@code{vi-scroll-up}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 005 @kbd{C-e} (@code{vi-scroll-up-one}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 006 @kbd{C-f} (@code{vi-scroll-back}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 007 @kbd{C-g} (@code{vi-keyboard-quit}): Change Commands.
* 007 @kbd{C-g} (@code{vi-keyboard-quit}): Important Keys.
* 007 @kbd{C-g} (@code{vi-keyboard-quit}): New Bindings.
* 010 @kbd{C-h} (@code{delete-backward-char}) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 010 @kbd{C-h} (@code{delete-backward-char}) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
* 011 @kbd{TAB} (@code{indent-for-tab-command}): Other Vi Commands.
* 012 @kbd{LFD} (@code{newline-and-indent}): Other Vi Commands.
* 013 @kbd{C-k} (@code{kill-line}): Other Vi Commands.
* 014 @kbd{C-l} (@code{recenter}): Important Keys.
* 014 @kbd{C-l} (@code{recenter}): Other Vi Commands.
* 015 @kbd{RET} (@code{vi-scroll-back}): New Bindings.
* 015 @kbd{RET} (@code{vi-scroll-back}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 016 @kbd{C-n} (@code{vi-next-window}): Buffers and Windows.
* 016 @kbd{C-n} (@code{vi-next-window}): New Commands.
* 016 @kbd{C-n} (@code{vi-next-window}): Window Commands.
* 017 @kbd{C-o} (@code{vi-ctl-open-line}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 017 @kbd{C-o} (@code{vi-ctl-open-line}): New Commands.
* 020 @kbd{C-p} (@code{previous-line}): Other Vi Commands.
* 021 @kbd{C-q} (@code{quoted-insert}): Other Vi Commands.
* 022 @kbd{C-r} (@code{isearch-backward}): New Commands.
* 022 @kbd{C-r} (@code{isearch-backward}): Other Vi Commands.
* 022 @kbd{C-r} (@code{isearch-backward}): Searching and Replacing.
* 023 @kbd{C-s} (@code{isearch-forward}): New Commands.
* 023 @kbd{C-s} (@code{isearch-forward}): Other Vi Commands.
* 023 @kbd{C-s} (@code{isearch-forward}): Searching and Replacing.
* 024 @kbd{C-t} (@code{transpose-chars}): Other Vi Commands.
* 025 @kbd{C-u} (@code{vi-scroll-down}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 026 @kbd{C-v} (@code{scroll-up}): Other Vi Commands.
* 027 @kbd{C-w} (@code{delete-backward-word}) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 027 @kbd{C-w} (@code{delete-backward-word}) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
* 027 @kbd{C-w} (@code{kill-region}): Other Vi Commands.
* 0300 @kbd{C-x} (@code{vi-ctl-x}): Important Keys.
* 0300 @kbd{C-x} (@code{vi-ctl-x}): New Commands.
* 0301 @kbd{C-x C-z} (@code{suspend-emacs}): Modes in VIP.
* 031 @kbd{C-y} (@code{vi-scroll-down-one}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 032 @kbd{C-z} (@code{change-mode-to-vi}): Emacs Mode.
* 032 @kbd{C-z} (@code{change-mode-to-vi}): Modes in VIP.
* 032 @kbd{C-z} (@code{vi-ESC}) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 032 @kbd{C-z} (@code{vi-ESC}) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
* 033 @kbd{ESC} (@code{change-mode-to-vi}) (insert mode): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 033 @kbd{ESC} (@code{change-mode-to-vi}) (insert mode): Insert Mode.
* 033 @kbd{ESC} (@code{vi-ESC}): Important Keys.
* 033 @kbd{ESC} (@code{vi-ESC}): New Commands.
* 040 @kbd{SPC} (@code{vi-scroll}): New Bindings.
* 040 @kbd{SPC} (@code{vi-scroll}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 041 @kbd{!} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Other Vi Commands.
* 0430 @kbd{#} (@code{vi-command-argument}): New Commands.
* 0431 @kbd{# C} (@code{upcase-region}): New Commands.
* 0432 @kbd{# c} (@code{downcase-region}): New Commands.
* 0432 @kbd{# g} (@code{global-execute}): New Commands.
* 0432 @kbd{# q} (@code{quote-region}): New Commands.
* 0432 @kbd{# s} (@code{spell-region}): New Commands.
* 044 @kbd{$} (@code{vi-goto-eol}): Motion Commands.
* 045 @kbd{%} (@code{vi-paren-match}): Motion Commands.
* 046 @kbd{&} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 047 @kbd{'} (@code{vi-goto-mark-and-skip-white}): Motion Commands.
* 050 @kbd{(} (@code{vi-backward-sentence}): Motion Commands.
* 051 @kbd{)} (@code{vi-forward-sentence}): Motion Commands.
* 052 @kbd{*} (@code{call-last-kbd-macro}): Misc Commands.
* 052 @kbd{*} (@code{call-last-kbd-macro}): New Commands.
* 052 @kbd{*} (@code{call-last-kbd-macro}): Other Vi Commands.
* 055 @kbd{+} (@code{vi-next-line-at-bol}): Motion Commands.
* 055 @kbd{-} (@code{vi-previous-line-at-bol}): Motion Commands.
* 056 @kbd{.} (@code{vi-repeat}): Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
* 056 @kbd{.} (@code{vi-repeat}): Undoing.
* 057 @kbd{/} (@code{vi-search-forward}): Counts.
* 057 @kbd{/} (@code{vi-search-forward}): Searching and Replacing.
* 057 @kbd{/} (@code{vi-search-forward}): Searching.
* 060 @kbd{0} (@code{vi-beginning-of-line}): Motion Commands.
* 061 @kbd{1} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 062 @kbd{2} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 063 @kbd{3} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 064 @kbd{4} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 065 @kbd{5} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 066 @kbd{6} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 067 @kbd{7} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 068 @kbd{8} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 069 @kbd{9} (numeric argument): Numeric Arguments.
* 072 @kbd{:} (@code{vi-ex}): Ex Commands.
* 074 @kbd{<} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Other Vi Commands.
* 075 @kbd{=} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Other Vi Commands.
* 076 @kbd{>} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Other Vi Commands.
* 077 @kbd{?} (@code{vi-search-backward}): Counts.
* 077 @kbd{?} (@code{vi-search-backward}): Searching and Replacing.
* 077 @kbd{?} (@code{vi-search-backward}): Searching.
* 100 @kbd{@@} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 101 @kbd{A} (@code{vi-Append}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 102 @kbd{B} (@code{vi-backward-Word}): Motion Commands.
* 103 @kbd{C} (@code{ctl-c-equivalent}): Important Keys.
* 103 @kbd{C} (@code{ctl-c-equivalent}): New Bindings.
* 104 @kbd{D} (@code{vi-kill-line}): Delete Commands.
* 105 @kbd{E} (@code{vi-end-of-Word}): Motion Commands.
* 106 @kbd{F} (@code{vi-find-char-backward}): Motion Commands.
* 107 @kbd{G} (@code{vi-goto-line}): Motion Commands.
* 110 @kbd{H} (@code{vi-window-top}): Motion Commands.
* 111 @kbd{I} (@code{vi-Insert}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 112 @kbd{J} (@code{vi-join-lines}): Other Vi Commands.
* 113 @kbd{K} (@code{vi-kill-buffer}): Buffer Commands.
* 113 @kbd{K} (@code{vi-kill-buffer}): Buffers and Windows.
* 113 @kbd{K} (@code{vi-kill-buffer}): New Commands.
* 114 @kbd{L} (@code{vi-window-bottom}): Motion Commands.
* 115 @kbd{M} (@code{vi-window-middle}): Motion Commands.
* 116 @kbd{N} (@code{vi-search-Next}): Searching and Replacing.
* 117 @kbd{O} (@code{vi-Open-line}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 117 @kbd{O} (@code{vi-Open-line}): Counts.
* 120 @kbd{P} (@code{vi-Put-back}): Counts.
* 120 @kbd{P} (@code{vi-Put-back}): Put Back Commands.
* 121 @kbd{Q} (@code{vi-query-replace}): New Commands.
* 121 @kbd{Q} (@code{vi-query-replace}): Searching and Replacing.
* 122 @kbd{R} (@code{vi-replace-string}): New Commands.
* 122 @kbd{R} (@code{vi-replace-string}): Searching and Replacing.
* 123 @kbd{S} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer-other-window}): Buffer Commands.
* 123 @kbd{S} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer-other-window}): Buffers and Windows.
* 123 @kbd{S} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer-other-window}): New Bindings.
* 124 @kbd{T} (@code{vi-goto-char-backward}): Motion Commands.
* 125 @kbd{U} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 126 @kbd{V} (@code{vi-find-file-other-window}): File Commands.
* 126 @kbd{V} (@code{vi-find-file-other-window}): Files.
* 126 @kbd{V} (@code{vi-find-file-other-window}): New Commands.
* 127 @kbd{W} (@code{vi-forward-Word}): Motion Commands.
* 1300 @kbd{X} (@code{ctl-x-equivalent}): Important Keys.
* 1300 @kbd{X} (@code{ctl-x-equivalent}): New Bindings.
* 1301 @kbd{X (} (@code{start-kbd-macro}): Misc Commands.
* 1301 @kbd{X )} (@code{end-kbd-macro}): Misc Commands.
* 1301 @kbd{X 1} (@code{delete-other-windows}): Buffers and Windows.
* 1301 @kbd{X 1} (@code{delete-other-windows}): Window Commands.
* 1301 @kbd{X 2} (@code{split-window-vertically}): Buffers and Windows.
* 1301 @kbd{X 2} (@code{split-window-vertically}): Window Commands.
* 1301 @kbd{X 3} (@code{buffer-in-two-windows}): Buffers and Windows.
* 1301 @kbd{X 3} (@code{buffer-in-two-windows}): New Bindings.
* 1301 @kbd{X 3} (@code{buffer-in-two-windows}): Window Commands.
* 1302 @kbd{X B} (@code{list-buffers}): Buffers and Windows.
* 1302 @kbd{X I} (@code{insert-file}): File Commands.
* 1302 @kbd{X I} (@code{insert-file}): Files.
* 1302 @kbd{X S} (@code{save-buffer}): Buffer Commands.
* 1302 @kbd{X S} (@code{save-buffer}): Files.
* 1302 @kbd{X W} (@code{write-file}): File Commands.
* 1302 @kbd{X W} (@code{write-file}): Files.
* 1302 @kbd{X Z} (@code{suspend-emacs}): Misc Commands.
* 131 @kbd{Y} (@code{vi-yank-line}): Yank Commands.
* 132 @kbd{Z Z} (@code{save-buffers-kill-emacs}): Other Vi Commands.
* 133 @kbd{[} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 134 @kbd{\} (@code{escape-to-emacs}): Important Keys.
* 134 @kbd{\} (@code{escape-to-emacs}): New Commands.
* 135 @kbd{]} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 136 @kbd{^} (@code{vi-bol-and-skip-white}): Motion Commands.
* 137 @kbd{_} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 140 @kbd{`} (@code{vi-goto-mark}): Motion Commands.
* 141 @kbd{a} (@code{vi-append}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 142 @kbd{b} (@code{vi-backward-word}): Motion Commands.
* 1430 @kbd{c} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Change Commands.
* 1431 @kbd{c R}: Change Commands.
* 1432 @kbd{c c}: Change Commands.
* 1432 @kbd{c r}: Change Commands.
* 1440 @kbd{d} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Delete Commands.
* 1441 @kbd{d R}: Delete Commands.
* 1442 @kbd{d d}: Delete Commands.
* 1442 @kbd{d r}: Delete Commands.
* 145 @kbd{e} (@code{vi-end-of-word}): Motion Commands.
* 146 @kbd{f} (@code{vi-find-char-forward}): Motion Commands.
* 147 @kbd{g} (@code{vi-info-on-file}): Files.
* 147 @kbd{g} (@code{vi-info-on-file}): New Bindings.
* 150 @kbd{h} (@code{vi-backward-char}): Motion Commands.
* 151 @kbd{i} (@code{vi-insert}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 152 @kbd{j} (@code{vi-next-line}): Motion Commands.
* 153 @kbd{k} (@code{vi-previous-line}): Motion Commands.
* 154 @kbd{l} (@code{vi-forward-char}): Motion Commands.
* 155 @kbd{m} (@code{vi-mark-point}): Mark Commands.
* 155 @kbd{m} (@code{vi-mark-point}): Marking.
* 156 @kbd{n} (@code{vi-search-next}): Searching and Replacing.
* 157 @kbd{o} (@code{vi-open-line}): Commands in Insert Mode.
* 157 @kbd{o} (@code{vi-open-line}): Counts.
* 160 @kbd{p} (@code{vi-put-back}): Counts.
* 160 @kbd{p} (@code{vi-put-back}): Put Back Commands.
* 161 @kbd{q} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 162 @kbd{r} (@code{vi-replace-char}): Searching and Replacing.
* 163 @kbd{s} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer}): Buffer Commands.
* 163 @kbd{s} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer}): Buffers and Windows.
* 163 @kbd{s} (@code{vi-switch-to-buffer}): New Bindings.
* 164 @kbd{t} (@code{vi-goto-char-forward}): Motion Commands.
* 165 @kbd{u} (@code{vi-undo}): Repeating and Undoing Modifications.
* 165 @kbd{u} (@code{vi-undo}): Undoing.
* 166 @kbd{v} (@code{vi-find-file}): File Commands.
* 166 @kbd{v} (@code{vi-find-file}): Files.
* 166 @kbd{v} (@code{vi-find-file}): New Commands.
* 167 @kbd{w} (@code{vi-forward-word}): Motion Commands.
* 170 @kbd{x} (@code{vi-delete-char}): Delete Commands.
* 1710 @kbd{y} (@code{vi-command-argument}): Yank Commands.
* 1711 @kbd{y R}: Yank Commands.
* 1712 @kbd{y r}: Yank Commands.
* 1712 @kbd{y y} (@code{vi-yank-line}): Yank Commands.
* 1721 @kbd{z RET} (@code{vi-line-to-top}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1721 @kbd{z RET} (@code{vi-line-to-top}): z Command.
* 1722 @kbd{z -} (@code{vi-line-to-bottom}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1722 @kbd{z -} (@code{vi-line-to-bottom}): z Command.
* 1722 @kbd{z .} (@code{vi-line-to-middle}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1722 @kbd{z .} (@code{vi-line-to-middle}): z Command.
* 1723 @kbd{z H} (@code{vi-line-to-top}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1723 @kbd{z H} (@code{vi-line-to-top}): z Command.
* 1723 @kbd{z L} (@code{vi-line-to-bottom}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1723 @kbd{z L} (@code{vi-line-to-bottom}): z Command.
* 1723 @kbd{z M} (@code{vi-line-to-middle}): Viewing the Buffer.
* 1723 @kbd{z M} (@code{vi-line-to-middle}): z Command.
* 173 @kbd{@{} (@code{vi-backward-paragraph}): Motion Commands.
* 174 @kbd{|} (@code{vi-goto-col}): Motion Commands.
* 175 @kbd{@}} (@code{vi-forward-paragraph}): Motion Commands.
* 176 @kbd{~} (@code{vi-nil}): Other Vi Commands.
* 177 @kbd{DEL} (@code{vi-delete-backward-char}): Delete Commands.

Concept Index

* Menu:

* address: Ex Commands.
* buffer name completion: Buffers and Windows.
* buffer: Basic Concepts.
* buffer: Buffers and Windows.
* count: Numeric Arguments.
* current buffer: Buffers and Windows.
* default directory: Files.
* emacs mode: Modes in VIP.
* end (of buffer): Basic Concepts.
* expanding (region): Modifying Commands.
* file name completion: Files.
* flag: Ex Command Reference.
* global keymap: Basic Concepts.
* insert mode: Modes in VIP.
* keymap: Basic Concepts.
* line commands: Modifying Commands.
* local keymap: Basic Concepts.
* local keymap: Customizing Key Bindings.
* looking at: Basic Concepts.
* magic: Ex Commands.
* mark ring: Mark Commands.
* mark: Basic Concepts.
* mode line: Modes in VIP.
* mode: Basic Concepts.
* modified (buffer): Buffers and Windows.
* number register: Put Back Commands.
* numeric arguments: Numeric Arguments.
* point commands: Modifying Commands.
* point: Basic Concepts.
* region: Basic Concepts.
* region: Region Commands.
* regular expression (replacement): Searching and Replacing.
* regular expression (search): Searching and Replacing.
* regular expression: Ex Commands.
* selected buffer: Buffers and Windows.
* selected tag table: Ex Command Reference.
* syntax table: Motion Commands.
* tag: Ex Command Reference.
* text: Basic Concepts.
* vanilla (replacement): Searching and Replacing.
* vi mode: Modes in VIP.
* visiting (a file): Files.
* window: Basic Concepts.
* window: Buffers and Windows.
* word: Motion Commands.
* yank: Yank Commands.


Tag table:
Node: Top▶7f◀712
Node: Survey▶7f◀1687
Node: Basic Concepts▶7f◀2165
Node: Loading VIP▶7f◀3779
Node: Modes in VIP▶7f◀4511
Node: Emacs Mode▶7f◀7162
Node: Vi Mode▶7f◀7504
Node: Insert Mode▶7f◀7805
Node: Differences from Vi▶7f◀8434
Node: Undoing▶7f◀9437
Node: Change Commands▶7f◀9794
Node: Searching▶7f◀10418
Node: z Command▶7f◀11132
Node: Counts▶7f◀11457
Node: Marking▶7f◀11985
Node: Region Commands▶7f◀12507
Node: New Commands▶7f◀13170
Node: New Bindings▶7f◀15970
Node: Window Commands▶7f◀18148
Node: Buffer Commands▶7f◀18638
Node: File Commands▶7f◀19134
Node: Misc Commands▶7f◀19525
Node: Vi Commands▶7f◀19976
Node: Numeric Arguments▶7f◀20732
Node: Important Keys▶7f◀21215
Node: Buffers and Windows▶7f◀22968
Node: Files▶7f◀25194
Node: Viewing the Buffer▶7f◀28398
Node: Mark Commands▶7f◀30324
Node: Motion Commands▶7f◀31190
Node: Searching and Replacing▶7f◀36592
Node: Modifying Commands▶7f◀38873
Node: Delete Commands▶7f◀40281
Node: Yank Commands▶7f◀41986
Node: Put Back Commands▶7f◀42877
Node: Change Commands▶7f◀44313
Node: Repeating and Undoing Modifications▶7f◀45339
Node: Other Vi Commands▶7f◀46154
Node: Commands in Insert Mode▶7f◀49857
Node: Ex Commands▶7f◀51921
Node: Ex Command Reference▶7f◀53072
Node: Customization▶7f◀59680
Node: Customizing Constants▶7f◀60147
Node: Customizing Key Bindings▶7f◀61471
Node: Adding Lisp Code▶7f◀62455
End tag table