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⟦11eca495b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1452 (0x5ac)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »readme.txt«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/mandelbrot/readme.txt« 


This is a very quick hack to compute the Mandelbrot Set as described
in Scientific American, August 1985.  The program is presented only
as a stepping-stone for your own improvements.

There are four source files:

mancomp.c	Compute the Mandelbrot Set, writing a "pixel"
		and "histogram" file.

mandisp.c	Read the files produced by mancomp.c, displaying the
		computed values.  This program is -- hopefully --
		independent of the display hardware/firmware.

manscreen.c	Screen I/O for operator interaction.  Assumes a
		VT100 or similar terminal (with ANSI display controls),
		but should be easy to adapt to other uses.  Used only
		to get parameters and display program status.

manregis.c	Display output routines for Regis terminals, such as
		the VT125, VT241, and PRO-350.  Tested only on the


The programs have had only minimal testing.  They are quite slow.
You should redo the display routine (and adjust the size of the
Mandelbrot set) to take best advantage of your display hardware.
For example, you should compute an image that fills the screen.

You can generate spectacular color images on the PRO if you do
a little work.

Someone with better graphics and numerical analysis skills should
redo the computation in terms of scaled fixed-point arithmetic.

Exploration of the Mandelbrot Set and its effective display would
make a nice project for an introductory computer programming course.

Martin Minow