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Length: 5178 (0x143a) Types: TextFile Names: »oneway.c«
└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/src/oneway.c«
#include "unixstat.h" PGM(oneway,one-way between groups t-test/anova,1.0,3/9/85) main (argc, argv) char **argv; { ARGV0; initial (argc, argv); checkstdin (Argv0); readdata (); printstats (); oneway (); exit (0); } #define MAXGROUP 20 char *Name[MAXGROUP]; /* names of the different groups */ int Ngroups = 0; /* number of groups of data */ int Count[MAXGROUP]; /* number of cells in each group */ double Sum[MAXGROUP]; /* sum of all values in the group */ double Sumsq[MAXGROUP]; /* sums of squares */ double Min[MAXGROUP]; /* min value in the group */ double Max[MAXGROUP]; /* max value in the group */ /* OPTIONS */ double Splitter = -1.0; /* used to indicate group differences */ int Ttest = 0; /* Ttest format for two group case */ #define OPTSTRING "ts:" initial (argc, argv) char **argv; { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int errflg = 0; int C; int group; while ((C = getopt (argc, argv, OPTSTRING)) != EOF) switch (C) { case 's': if (!number (optarg)) ERRNUM (optarg,group splitter) Splitter = atof (optarg); break; case 't': Ttest = 1; break; default: errflg++; break; } if (errflg) USAGE ([-t] [-s splitter] [names]) for (group = 0; optind + group < argc; group++) Name[group] = argv[optind+group]; } readdata () { char word[BUFSIZ]; /* string input data read in here */ double datum; /* each data value */ int grindex = 0; /* group index == Ngroups - 1 */ while (getword (word, stdin)) { if (!number (word)) ERRNUM (word,input data) datum = atof (word); if (datum == Splitter) /* new group */ { if (Count[grindex] != 0) /* until some data read for this group */ grindex = Ngroups++; } else /* real datum */ { if (grindex >= MAXGROUP) ERRMANY (groups,MAXGROUP) if (Count[grindex] == 0) { if (Ngroups == 0) Ngroups = 1; Min[grindex] = Max[grindex] = datum; } else { if (datum < Min[grindex]) Min[grindex] = datum; else if (datum > Max[grindex]) Max[grindex] = datum; } Sum[grindex] += datum; Sumsq[grindex] += datum * datum; Count[grindex]++; } } if (Count[grindex] == 0) Ngroups--; /* ignore empty last group */ if (Ngroups > MAXGROUP) ERRMANY (groups,MAXGROUP) if (Ngroups == 0) ERRDATA } printstats () { int group; if (Ngroups) printf ("%-9.9s %5s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n", "Name", "N", "Mean", "SD", "Min", "Max"); for (group = 0; group < Ngroups; group++) { if (Name[group] && *Name[group]) printf ("%-9.9s ", Name[group]); else printf ("Group-%-3d ", group+1); printf ("%5d ", Count[group]); printf ("%8.3f ", Sum[group]/Count[group]); #define var(count,sum,ss) (count<=1) ? 0.0 : ((ss-sum*sum/count)/(count-1)) #define sd(count,sum,ss) sqrt (var (count,sum,ss)) printf ("%8.3f ", sd (Count[group], Sum[group], Sumsq[group])); printf ("%8.3f ", Min[group]); printf ("%8.3f ", Max[group]); putchar ('\n'); } } /* compute one-way anova based on Guilford & Fruchter (5th Ed) p 239 */ oneway () { double Gsum; /* grand sum */ double Gsumsq; /* grand sum of squares (SStotal) */ int Gcount; /* N total */ double SSn; /* will be sigma(i) Sum[i]*Sum[i]/Count[i] */ int dfbetween; /* degrees of freedom numerator */ int dfwithin; /* degrees of freedom denominator */ double SSbetween; /* sum of squares between groups */ double SSwithin; /* sum of squares within groups */ double MSbetween; /* mean square between groups */ double MSwithin; /* mean square within groups */ double F; /* F ratio */ double p, pof (); /* probability of F */ int group; /* loop index */ Gsum = Gsumsq = 0.0; Gcount = 0; for (group = 0; group < Ngroups; group++) { Gsum += Sum[group]; Gsumsq += Sumsq[group]; Gcount += Count[group]; } if (Gcount <= Ngroups) ERRMSG0 (You need more than one datum per group for comparison) if (Ngroups < 2) ERRMSG0 (You need at least two groups of data for a comparison) SSn = 0.0; for (group = 0; group < Ngroups; group++) SSn += (Sum[group] * Sum[group]) / Count[group]; SSbetween = SSn - Gsum*Gsum/Gcount; SSwithin = Gsumsq - SSn; dfbetween = Ngroups - 1; dfwithin = Gcount - Ngroups; MSbetween = SSbetween / dfbetween; MSwithin = SSwithin / dfwithin; if (fzero (MSwithin)) { F = 999.999; p = 0.0; } else { F = MSbetween/MSwithin; p = pof (F, dfbetween, dfwithin); } if (Ngroups == 2 && (Ttest || checkargv ("ttest", Argv0))) printf ("t(%d) = %.3f p = %.3f\n", dfwithin, sqrt (F), p); else { putchar ('\n'); printf ("%-8s %10s %5s %10s %8s %5s\n", "Source", "SS", "df", "MS", "F", "p"); printf ("%-8s ", "Between"); printf ("%10.3f ", SSbetween); printf ("%5d ", dfbetween); printf ("%10.3f ", MSbetween); printf ("%8.3f ", F); printf ("%5.3f ", p); if (p < .001) putchar ('*'); if (p < .01) putchar ('*'); if (p < .05) putchar ('*'); putchar ('\n'); printf ("%-8s ", "Within"); printf ("%10.3f ", SSwithin); printf ("%5d ", dfwithin); printf ("%10.3f ", MSwithin); putchar ('\n'); } }