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Length: 13238 (0x33b6) Types: TextFile Names: »studentmd.scm.83«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/scheme/scm/studentmd.scm.83«
;;; -*-Scheme-*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;; ;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the ;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of ;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to ;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any ;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ;;; understandings. ;;; ;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright ;;; notice in full. ;;; ;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) ;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or ;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in ;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of ;;; this software. ;;; ;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of ;;; this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance ;;; with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic ;;; research. ;;; ;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the ;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is ;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of ;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise. ;;; ;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the ;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation ;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature ;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case. ;;; ;;;; Environment, syntax and read table hacking for 6.001 students. (declare (usual-integrations)) \f ;;;; Minimal stream code (define head car) (define (tail stream) (force (cdr stream))) (define the-empty-stream '()) (define empty-stream? null?) (define student-package (make-package student-package () \f ;;;; Syntax Modifications (define system-parser-table (current-parser-table)) (define pure-student-parser-table (copy-parser-table system-parser-table)) (let ((alphabetic-entry (parser-table-entry system-parser-table "A"))) (set-parser-table-entry! pure-student-parser-table "`" alphabetic-entry) (set-parser-table-entry! pure-student-parser-table "," alphabetic-entry) (set-parser-table-entry! pure-student-parser-table "|" alphabetic-entry)) (let ((undefined-special-entry (parser-table-entry system-parser-table "#["))) (set-parser-table-entry! pure-student-parser-table "#|" undefined-special-entry)) (define student-parser-table) (define system-syntax-table (current-syntax-table)) (define pure-student-syntax-table (make-syntax-table (mapcar (lambda (name) (let ((quantum (lookup-syntax name system-syntax-table))) (if (not quantum) (error "Missing syntactic keyword" name)) (cons name quantum))) '(BKPT COLLECT COND CONS-STREAM DEFINE DELAY ERROR IF LAMBDA LET MAKE-ENVIRONMENT QUOTE SEQUENCE SET! THE-ENVIRONMENT)))) (define student-syntax-table) (define (setup-student-syntax) (set! student-parser-table (copy-parser-table pure-student-parser-table)) (set! student-syntax-table (copy-syntax-table pure-student-syntax-table))) (define (enable-system-syntax) (enable-scan-defines!) (set-current-parser-table! system-parser-table) (set-current-syntax-table! system-syntax-table)) (define (disable-system-syntax) (disable-scan-defines!) (set-current-parser-table! student-parser-table) (set-current-syntax-table! student-syntax-table)) \f ;;;; Global Environment (define (global-environment-enabled?) (disjunction (eq? user-global-environment system-global-environment) (environment-has-parent? user-global-environment))) (define (in-user-environment-chain? environment) (disjunction (eq? environment user-global-environment) (conjunction (not (eq? environment system-global-environment)) (environment-has-parent? environment) (in-user-environment-chain? (environment-parent environment))))) (define (enable-global-environment) ((access system-environment-add-parent! environment-package) user-global-environment system-global-environment) 'ENABLED) (define (disable-global-environment) ((access system-environment-remove-parent! environment-package) user-global-environment) 'DISABLED) (define (environment-warning-hook environment) (if (not (in-user-environment-chain? environment)) (sequence (newline) (princ "This environment is part of the Scheme system.") (newline) (princ "Performing side-effects in it may cause damage to the system.")))) \f ;;;; Feature hackery (define (enable-language-features . prompt) (without-interrupts (lambda () (enable-global-environment) (enable-system-syntax) (change-prompt-wrapper "]" "" (coerce-prompt 'ENABLE-LANGUAGE-FEATURES prompt)) *the-non-printing-object*))) (define (disable-language-features . prompt) (without-interrupts (lambda () (disable-global-environment) (disable-system-syntax) (change-prompt-wrapper "" "" (coerce-prompt 'DISABLE-LANGUAGE-FEATURES prompt)) *the-non-printing-object*))) (define (coerce-prompt name prompt) (cond ((null? prompt) #!FALSE) ((string? (car prompt)) (car prompt)) (else (error "Prompt is not a string" name (car prompt))))) (define (change-prompt-wrapper prefix suffix string) (let ((base-prompt (rep-base-prompt)) (current-prompt (rep-prompt))) (set-rep-base-prompt! (make-student-prompt prefix (if (eq? base-prompt current-prompt) (disjunction string (student-prompt-string base-prompt)) (student-prompt-string base-prompt)) suffix)) (set-rep-prompt! (make-student-prompt prefix (disjunction string (student-prompt-string current-prompt)) suffix)))) (define (reset-student-prompt string) (let ((prompt (make-student-prompt "" string ""))) (set-rep-base-prompt! prompt) (set-rep-prompt! prompt))) (define ((make-student-prompt prefix string suffix)) (newline) (newline) (prin1 (rep-level)) (tyo #\SP) (princ prefix) (princ string) (princ suffix) (tyo #\SP)) (define (student-prompt-string prompt) (access string (procedure-environment prompt))) \f ;;;; Clean environment hackery (define missing-user-objects '()) (define debugging '()) (define (setup-user-global-environment) (define (copy-if-proc object) (if debugging (bkpt "COPY-IF-PROC entry" object)) (let ((result (if (compound-procedure? object) (scode-eval (lambda-components (procedure-lambda object) make-lambda) (procedure-environment object)) object))) (if debugging (bkpt "COPY-IF-PROC exit" result)) result)) (set! user-global-environment (make-package user-global-environment ((%IN) (%OUT) (*) (*ARGS*) (*PROC*) (*RESULT*) (+) (-) (-1+) (/) (1+) (<) (<=) (=) (>) (>=) (ABS) (ADVICE) (ADVISE-ENTRY) (ADVISE-EXIT) (ALPHALESS?) (AND) (APPEND) (APPLICABLE?) (APPLY) (ASCII) (ASSOC) (ASSQ) (ASSV) (ATAN) (ATOM?) (BREAK) (BREAK-BOTH) (BREAK-ENTRY) (BREAK-EXIT) (BREAKPOINT-PROCEDURE) (CAR) (CAAAAR) (CAAADR) (CAAAR) (CAADAR) (CAADDR) (CAADR) (CAAR) (CADAAR) (CADADR) (CADAR) (CADDAR) (CADDDR) (CADDR) (CADR) (CDR) (CDAAAR) (CDAADR) (CDAAR) (CDADAR) (CDADDR) (CDADR) (CDAR) (CDDAAR) (CDDADR) (CDDAR) (CDDDAR) (CDDDDR) (CDDDR) (CDDR) (CEILING) (CHAR) (CHDIR) (CHOOSE-PEN) (CLEAR-GRAPHICS) (CLEAR-POINT) (CLOSE-CHANNEL) (CONS) (CONS*) (COPY-FILE) (COS) (DEBUG) (DELETE-FILE) (DRAW-LINE-TO) (DRAW-POINT) (EDIT) (EIGHTH) (EMACS) (EMACSL) (EMPTY-STREAM?) (ENABLE-LANGUAGE-FEATURES) (ENVIRONMENT?) (ENDGRAPHICS) (EQ?) (EQUAL?) (EQV?) (ERROR-PROCEDURE) (EVAL) (EVEN?) (EXP) (EXPLODE) (EXPT) (EXIT) (EXEC) (FALSE) (FIFTH) (FILE-EXISTS?) (FIRST) (FLOOR) (FORCE) (FOURTH) (GCD) (GENERATE-UNINTERNED-SYMBOL) (HEAD) (IMPLODE) (INIT-GRAPHICS) (INTEGER-DIVIDE) (INTEGER?) (LABEL-GRAPH) (LAST) (LENGTH) (LIST) (LIST*) (LIST-REF) (LIST-TAIL) (LIST?) (LOAD) (LOAD-NOISILY) (LOG) (MAPC) (MAPCAR) (MAX) (MEMBER) (MEMQ) (MEMV) (MIN) (NEGATIVE?) (NEWLINE) (NIL) (NIL?) (NOT) (NTH) (NTHCDR) (NULL?) (NUMBER?) (OBJECT-TYPE) (ODD?) (OPEN-READER-CHANNEL) (OPEN-PRINTER-CHANNEL) (OR) (PAIR?) (PEEKCH) (PHOTO) (PICK-LINE-STYLE) (POSITION-PEN) (POSITIVE?) (PP) (PRIN1) (PRINC) (PRINT) (PRINT-BREADTH) (PRINT-DEPTH) (PROCEED) (QUIT) (QUOTIENT) (RANDOM) (READ) (READCH) (RELOAD) (REDEF-PEN) (REMAINDER) (REVERSE) (ROUND) (RUNTIME) (SECOND) (SET-CAR!) (SET-CDR!) (SET-ALPHA-STYLE!) (SEVENTH) (SIN) (SIXTH) (SQRT) (STRING-LESS?) (SYMBOL?) (T) (TAIL) (TAN) (THE-EMPTY-STREAM) (THIRD) (TOFU) (TRACE) (TRACE-BOTH) (TRACE-ENTRY) (TRACE-EXIT) (THREE-D-INIT) (THREE-D-PLOT) (TRUE) (TRUNCATE) (TYI) (TYIPEEK) (TYO) (UNADVISE) (UNADVISE-ENTRY) (UNADVISE-EXIT) (UNBREAK) (UNBREAK-ENTRY) (UNBREAK-EXIT) (UNTRACE) (UNTRACE-ENTRY) (UNTRACE-EXIT) (USER-INITIAL-ENVIRONMENT) (VECTOR) (VECTOR-CONS) (VECTOR-REF) (VECTOR-SET!) (VECTOR-SIZE) (VECTOR?) (WHERE) (WHERE-IS-PEN?) (ZERO?)) (set! user-initial-environment (make-environment)))) (set! user-initial-environment (access user-initial-environment user-global-environment)) (set! missing-user-objects '()) (let copy-procs-and-lexprs ((names #| ; comment (let ((proc (procedure-lambda (environment-procedure user-global-environment)))) (append (lambda-required proc) (lambda-optional proc) (if (lambda-rest proc) (list (lambda-rest proc)) '()) (lambda-auxiliary proc))) |# (cdr (lambda-bound (procedure-lambda (environment-procedure user-global-environment)))) )) (let ((name (assq (car names) '((MEMQ . USER-MEMQ) (ASSQ . USER-ASSQ) (NIL? . NOT))))) (set! name (if name (cdr name) (car names))) (cond ((null? names) '()) ((lexical-unreferenceable? system-global-environment name) (set! missing-user-objects (cons name missing-user-objects)) (copy-procs-and-lexprs (cdr names))) (else (local-assignment user-global-environment (car names) (copy-if-proc (lexical-reference system-global-environment name))) (copy-procs-and-lexprs (cdr names)))))) (setup-student-syntax) ;;; end SETUP-USER-GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT. ) (define (student-band filename) (disk-save filename #!true) (disable-language-features) ; ((access start-login-loop scheme-login-package)) ) (define (student-dump) (quit) (reload)) (define (reload) (disk-restore (access band-file-name student-system))) ;;; End STUDENT-PACKAGE. )) \f ;;;; Exports (define user-global-environment) (set! environment-warning-hook (access environment-warning-hook student-package)) (define enable-language-features (access enable-language-features student-package)) (define disable-language-features (access disable-language-features student-package)) (define setup-user-global-environment (access setup-user-global-environment student-package)) (define reload (access reload student-package)) (define student-band (access student-band student-package)) (define student-dump (access student-dump student-package)) ;;; Install the student package (setup-user-global-environment) (goto-environment user-initial-environment) ((access reset-student-prompt student-package) "==>") (enable-language-features)