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⟦366e37843⟧ TextFile

    Length: 72779 (0x11c4b)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »pr03«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦526ad3590⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/X.V10.R4.tar.Z« 
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »./X.V10R4/Toolkit/Xr/usr/doc/pr03« 


.ds Ch Intrinsics
.nr H1 3
.so format
The intrinsics provide the application and higher layers of the Xr library
with the group of functions which expand X's input model, handle
resource management, set up and control a window's editors, and
provide a large set of utility functions.  The
following sections contain descriptions of all of the intrinsic
functions.  Included in these sections is the syntax, structures,
and messages for each of the functions.
.H 2 "Graphic Structures and Data Types"
Before the functionality of the Xrlib intrinsic level can be described,
a few defined types and
structures which are used throughout the Xr library need to be defined.
Xrlib uses a set of typedefs which ensure exact element sizes on
various architectures:
.IN "INT8"
   INT8  - 8 bit signed integer.
.IN "INT16"
   INT16 - 16 bit signed integer.

.IN "INT32"
   INT32 - A32 bit signed integer.

   UINT8  - 8 bit unsigned integer. 
.IN "UINT16"
   UINT16 - 16 bit unsigned integer.
.IN "UINT32"
   UINT32 - 32 bit unsigned integer.

   STRING8  - array of 8 bit characters
These typedefs are used in Xrlib whenever the size of the storage
space could cause portability problems.  They should also be used
by applications which want to easily port to other systems.
The Xr library uses several structures which represent geometric types:
   typedef struct
      INT16 x;
      INT16 y;
   } POINT;
The POINT structure defines a location in coordinate space. It is used
for positioning graphical objects, such as editors.

   typedef struct
      INT16 width;
      INT16 height;
   } SIZE;
The SIZE structure defines the horizontal and vertical size of an object.

   typedef struct
      INT16 x;
      INT16 y;
      INT16 width;
      INT16 height;
The RECTANGLE structure defines a rectangular region. It is used by many
of the functions within Xrlib to define both the size and location an object
is to be placed or moved.
Also defined are a set of constants which are used throughout the Xr library:
.IN "TRUE" "defined"
   #define TRUE	1
.IN "FALSE" "defined"
   #define FALSE	0
.IN "NULL" "defined"
   #define NULL	0
.H 2 "Initializing the Xr Library"
Xrlib must be initialized before it can be used by an application. This
initialization is provided to the application through one call which has
the following syntax:
   xrAllocFuncts * allocFuncts;
XrInit() sets up the global information needed by both the Xrlib routines
and the application. The types of information initialized include a base
font and the resource manager with a set of default resources.
XrInit() will return
to the application when finished with the initialization.  XrInit() can
only be called once.  Subsequent calls will return 
parameter is a pointer to the following xrAllocFuncts structure:
   typedef struct
      char * (*newMalloc)();
      int    (*newFree)();
      char * (*newRealloc)();
      char * (*newCalloc)();
.IN "xrAllocFuncts"
   } xrAllocFuncts;
.VL 15
.LI newMalloc
contains a pointer to a memory allocation function
which Xrlib is to use for allocating memory in place of malloc().
.LI newFree
contains a pointer to a memory free function
which Xrlib is to use for freeing allocated memory and will
be used in place of free().
.LI newRealloc
contains a pointer to a memory reallocation function
which Xrlib is to use for reallocating memory in place of realloc().
.LI newCalloc
contains a pointer to a calloc function
which Xrlib is to use for allocating memory in place of calloc().
These functions are supplied to Xrlib by the application so that Xrlib can
use this alternate set of allocation functions for applications which need to
handle special forms of memory management. These new allocation functions must
have the same return values as the system-supplied functions.
Applications which use the normal UNIX-supplied allocation functions
have the
parameter set to
.sp 2
Events used by Xrlib for editor selecting, menu posting and menu item
selecting are set up by the first call to XrInit().
.IN "X Defaults" "used by Xrlib"
Xrlib uses X Defaults to set up four default conditions:
.sp 1
center allbox;
Define	Meaning
XrSELECT	The entry condition for an editor.
XrSELECTUP	The exit condition for an editor.
XrMENUPOST	The condition which displays a menu.
XrMENUITEMSELECT	The condition which selects an item.
.sp 1
XrInit() accesses these four defaults by:
   string = XGetDefault ("Xrlib", "define");
where the
parameter is a string spelled the same as one of the "defines"
in the above table.  The
parameter will be set to point to one of the following strings:
.sp 1
center allbox;
X Default	Meaning
LeftButtonDown	The left button was pressed.
LeftButtonUp	The left button was released.
MiddleButtonDown	The middle button was pressed.
MiddleButtonUp	The middle button was released.
RightButtonDown	The right button was pressed.
RightButtonUp	The right button was released.
.sp 1
If there is no default file, XrInit() will default 
will default to LeftButtonUp, 
defaults to RightButtonDown, and 
defaults to RightButtonUp.
.IN "Modifier"
An additional modifier can be attached to any or all of the buttons.
The valid modifiers are Control, Shift, Meta, or None. These modifiers are
set through the X defaults file and are as follows:
.sp 1
center allbox;
X Default	Meaning
AllButtonModifier	Sets all of the buttons to one modifier.
LeftButtonDown	Modifier for the left button down.
LeftButtonUpModifier	Modifier for the left button up.
MiddleButtonDownModifier	Modifier for the middle button down.
MiddleButtonUpModifier	Modifier for the middle button up.
RightButtonDownModifier	Modifier for the right button down.
RightButtonUpModifier	Modifier for the right button up.
.sp 1
The default condition for all of the above (seven) modifiers is
When a modifier is given for a button it affects the use of that button.
For example, if LeftButtonDown is tied to 
and LeftButtonDown is
also modified by Control, an editor will be called only when the left
button is pressed while the Control key is being held down.
The xr library sets up several other default values which are used by editors,
panels, and the menu manager.  These defaults can also be used by the
application through the corresponding Xrlib global variable.
.IN "Global variables" "initialized by Xrlib"

.sp 1
center allbox;
X Default	Xrlib Global	Meaning
WindowForeground	xrWindowForeground	Foreground window tile
WindowBackground	xrWindowBackground	Background window tile
BorderWidth	xrBorderWidth	Window border width
ForegroundColor	xrForegroundColor	Foreground color
BackgroundColor	xrBackgroundColor	Background color
DefaultFont	xrBaseFontInfo	Default system font
CursorForeground		Cursor foreground color
CursorBackground		Cursor background color
.sp 1
The cursor foreground and background colors are used only in XrInit() to set
up the default cursor which is used by the menu and panel managers.  
The cursor can
also be used by the application and is contained in the global variable 
.sp 1
The user can change any of these defaults by providing an X defaults file.
Refer to the X documentation and the X(1) man page for a description of
the defaults file.
.sp 2
XrInit() sets up the resource manager and adds a number of resources.
These resources are, in some cases, used internally by Xrlib functions, and
they can also be used by the application.  Because some of the resources
are used internally, the application should not remove them from the
resource manager.  However, an application can replace these resources
with resources of its own.  This will have the effect of changing the
appearance of graphical output from Xrlib routines which use the resource.
The following paragraphs detail the set of resources that Xrlib adds to the
resource manager.  Refer to the "Resource Manager" section below for a descripion the structure and how to use each of the resources.
.IN "Resources" "added by Xrlib"
A set of bitmaps and a set of bitmap ids are added to the resource manager. 
Bitmaps are used, for example, by editors to make colored pixmaps. Pixmaps
are used for drawing editor instances.  The resource type definitions for
these two types of resources are 
The following table lists a set of defines which can be used as the 
resource ids to access either of these sets of resources.
.sp 1
center allbox;
Define	Style
XrWHITE	100% foreground
XrBLACK	100% background
XrPERCENT25	25% foreground - 75% background
XrPERCENT50	50% foreground - 50% background
XrPERCENT75	75% foreground - 25% background
XrVERTICAL	Alternating vertical colors
XrHORIZONTAL	Alternating horizontal colors
XrSLANTLEFT	Alternating 45 degree colors
XrSLANTRIGHT	Alternating 45 degree colors
.sp 1
.IN "Global variables" "initialized by Xrlib"
XrInit() initializes a set of global variables which are used by the Xrlib
functions and can also be used by the application.  None of these variables
should be reset by the application.

   xrZeroPt	A POINT structure set to {0, 0}.
   xrZeroRect	A RECTANGLE structure set to {0, 0, 0, 0}.
   xrMalloc	The pointer to the malloc() function.
   xrFree	The pointer to the free() function.
   xrCalloc	The pointer to the calloc() function.
   xrRealloc	The pointer to the realloc() function.
   xrErrno	Error code set when a function fails.

.H 2 "Input"
The XrInput() routine handles all requests for input by an application from
one or more windows.  All input is routed through a single entry point
within Xrlib, providing a one-routine interface to all of the types of input
an application will need.  The input routine also provides the mechanism for
routines that handle the higher level Xrlib functions such as editors, menus,
and panels to route the results of their actions through the same input
stream to the application.  The syntax for calling XrInput() is as follows:
.IN "XrInput"
   XrInput (windowId, message, data);
   Window   windowId;
   INT32    message;
   INT8   * data;
contains the identification number of the window and is used to set some of 
the input settings.
is the command XrInput() uses to perform the function, and
is the information needed to complete the function or will contain
any return information generated by XrInput().
The following sections define the structures used by XrInput(),
the types of input that XrInput() can generate, and the messages that
XrInput() provides.
.H 3 "The XEvent Structure"
Xrlib uses the X
structure to return input to the application. This structure is defined
as follows:
   typedef struct _XEvent {
           unsigned long type;
           Window window;
           long pad_l1, pad_l2;
           Window subwindow;
           long pad_l4;
.IN "XEvent"
   } XEvent;
.VL 15
.LI type
contains the type of event which has occurred.  The event types that can be
generated by X are defined in <X/Xlib.h> and are as follows:
.sp 1
center allbox;
Request	Circumstances
KeyPressed	keyboard key pressed
KeyReleased	keyboard key released
ButtonPressed	mouse button pressed
ButtonReleased	mouse button released
EnterWindow	mouse entering window
LeaveWindow	mouse leaving window
MouseMoved	mouse moves within window
ExposeWindow	full window changed and/or exposed
ExposeRegion	region of window exposed
ExposeCopy	region exposed by XCopyArea
RightDownMotion	mouse moves with right button down
MiddleDownMotion	mouse moves with middle button down
LeftDownMotion	mouse moves with left button down
UnmapWindow	window is unmapped
FocusChange	keyboard focus changed
.sp 1
Each of these event types is described by a different structure.
To extract the results of the events, the XEvent structure
needs to be coerced to the proper type.  Refer to the Xlib
documentation for a description of the various event structures.
.sp 1
.LI window
contains the window identifier of the window which has 
generated the event.
.LI pad_l1
is padding space which is defined by the specific event types.
.LI pad_l2
is also padding space which is defined by the specific event types.
.LI subwindow
contains the child window (if any) in which the event 
actually occurred.
.LI pad_l4
is also padding space which is defined by the specific event types.
.H 3 "Xr Library Input Sources"
The input model supplied by the XrInput() routine can handle the
gathering of input from three types of sources:
An X window registered with XrInput()
Other X windows
Application-supplied file descriptors
.IN "Registering a window"
An X window is registered with XrInput() through a message to
XrInput().  This message will be discussed in the section containing
XrInput()'s messages.  Registering a window with XrInput() gives
the window the capability to generate Xrlib's special types
of input.  For input that occurs in a registered window, the XEvent 
structure is coerced into an Xrlib input structure so that the data can be 
accessed to extract the Xrlib generated input.  The Xrlib input structure
will be defined in the next section.
Applications can also use Xrlib's input model to gather input from
a window which the application has created but has not registered
with XrInput().  Input of this form will be returned to the application
through XrInput() as normal XEvent input.
.IN "Input" "from file descriptor"
Applications can gather input from a file descriptor by providing the
file descriptor to XrInput().  The file descriptor will tell Xrlib where
to look for input.  Input of the types 
read, write,
can be gathered.  When input is pending on a file descriptor, XrInput()
will return an Xrlib input structure containing the file descriptor
and an indicator of whether the type of input pending is
read, write,
It is then up to the application to service the input request
on the file descriptor.
.H 3 "Xr Library Input"
Xrlib adds an input-event type to the list of input types defined by
X.  The new type is indicated by the high bit of the
field of the XEvent structure being set.  This can be checked by
the application by "ANDing" the field to the define
XrXRAY. X and Xrlib input types can be generated from a registered window.
All of the forms of X input can be gathered.  The data is extracted
from the XEvent structure by looking at the type of input and coercing
the structure properly.  Data is accessed for Xrlib input in the same
manner.  When Xrlib input occurs the high bit of the 
field of the XEvent structure will be set.  When this occurs,
the data contained in the XEvent structure can be extracted by
coercing it into Xrlib's input structure.  This structure is
defined as follows.
   typedef struct
      UINT32 type;
      INT32  source;
      INT16  inputCode; 
      INT8   inputType;
      INT8   value1;
      INT16  value2;
      INT16  value3;
      POINT  valuePt;
      INT32  valuePtr;
.IN "xrEvent"
   } xrEvent;
.VL 15
.LI type
contains a value indicating whether input is being returned
from a registered window, or an ordinary X window.  If the input is 
from a registered window, the high bit of the field will be set, 
and can be tested by "ANDing" it with the define
.IN "XrXRAY" "data extract structure"
If any of the lower bits are set, the input is an X event type
and the structure to be used to extract data for the event
is defined in the Xlib documentation.
.LI source
contains the source of the input.  Its value is dependent
on the
field of the xrEvent structure and will be set to either the window id of
the window in which the input occurred or to a file descriptor of an input
source which the application has defined.  This feature will be discussed
in a later section.
.LI inputType
contains the type of input that was generated.  The set of
input types that Xrlib can generate are defined as follows.
.sp 1
center allbox;
Type	Meaning
XrEDITOR	Input from an editor
XrMENU	Input from a menu
XrPANEL	Input from a panel
XrMESSAGEBOX	Input from a message box
XrFILE	Input from a file descriptor
.sp 1
The rest of the fields are used in different ways by the various types
of input.  Refer to the input-generating functions to see how these fields
are defined.
.H 3 "Input Messages"
The XrInput() functions are broken into four sets of messages, each
of which handle a different aspect of the XrInput() routine.
The following messages initialize and set up windows for processing Xrlib
.IN "Registering a window" 
If an application wants to gather Xrlib type input or place editors
within a field it has created, Xrlib needs to be told about the window.
Issuing this message causes a window to be registered with XrInput()
which then sets up the other routines that need to know about the
window.  To register a window,
should be set to the id of the window to be registered and
should point to an xrWindowData structure which is defined as follows:
   typedef struct
      RECTANGLE windowRect;
      Pixmap    foreTile;
      Pixmap    backTile;
.IN "xrWindowData"
   } xrWindowData;
.VL 15
.LI windowRect
contains the size and location of the window on the display.
.LI foreTile
contains the foreground tile of the window.  It should be
set to the same tile as the border tile used to create the window.
.LI backTile
contains the background tile of the window and should be
set to the same tile as the background tile used to create the window.
When an application destroys a window, it should call XrInput() so
that the window will be removed from XrInput()'s tables.  For this
should be set to the id of the window to be removed.  
is unused and can be set to
If an application changes the size or tiles of a window, XrInput()
needs to be given the data to modify its tables.  For this message,
should be set to the id of the window in which the data is to be set and
should be set to point to an xrWindowData structure which contains the
needed information.
This messages returns the data for a window.  For this message,
should be set to the id of the window in which the data is contained and
should be set to point to an xrWindowData structure.  The members of this
structure will be set to the data values for the window.
The Xr library's editors and managers can be called automatically
upon a particular input or inputs.  An example of this is the menu
manager displaying a menu upon an XrMENUPOST event input.  To accomplish this
function, XrInput() maintains a set of information for each registered 
window.  This message is the means by which a particular window
gets the capabilities described above.  For this message,
is a pointer to the following structure:
   typedef struct
      INT8  processFlag;
      xrPFI (*funct)();
      INT32 instance;
      INT32 message;
      INT32 eventCount;
      xrWindowEvent * eventList;
.IN "xrWindowFunctInfo"
   } xrWindowFunctInfo;
.VL 15
.LI funct
contains a pointer to the function that is to be invoked 
when a particular event occurs.  The function must be of the form:
   (*funct)(instance, message, data)
   INT32   instance;
   INT32   message;
   INT8  * data;
is the instance of the type of element
is to operate upon and is defined as a pointer to a function returning
an integer.
is the message that is to be sent to the function.
points to the event which occurred to invoke this function.
.LI instance
contains the object the function is to operate upon.
.LI message
contains the message to the function.
.LI processFlag
is a boolean which is set to
by the application or manager adding the xrWindowFunctInfo structure.  It
is used to turn the processing of the event list on and off, and for 
automatically calling the function attached to the window.
.LI eventCount
A window can be set up so that more than one event will invoke a function.
This field contains a count of that number of events.
.LI eventList
contains a pointer to the set of events which will 
cause the function for this window to be invoked.  The structure
is defined as follows.
typedef struct
   UINT32 inputType;
   INT16  inputCode;
.IN "xrWindowEvent"
} xrWindowEvent;
.LI inputType
contains a single or a group of "OR-ed" X event masks defining
the event types which can cause the function to be called.
.LI inputCode
contains an additional values used to further distinguish the 
conditions necessary to invoke the function.  This field is only
used for the X 
KeyPressed, KeyReleased, ButtonPressed, and ButtonReleased
events.  For the key events, the field should be set to the character
code of the key that is to bring up the window.  For button events,
the field should be set to one of the X defines of
LeftButton, MiddleButton,
Each window can have as many xrWindowFunct structures attached to it as is
needed.  When an input occurs on the window, the event lists contained in
the xrWindowFunct structures attached to the window are searched to see if
a match can be found. If the event matches one of the events listed for the
window, the function for the event is invoked.  If no match is found, the
event is returned as normal input.
This message removes an xrWindowFunct structure that was previously added
to the window
windowId.  data
is a pointer to the function that matches the function supplied in the
xrWindowFunct structure contained within the window.
A manager of a window may sometimes want to turn on and off the
event list checking and function calling routines provided through
MSG_ADDWINDOWFUNCT.  This message sets the
field of the xrWindowFunct structure to 
which turns on the processing function for the window identified by the
windowId.  data
is a pointer to the function whose
is to be set.
This message clears the
field of the xrWindowFunct structure by setting it to  
which turns off the processing function for the window identified by the
windowId.  data
is a pointer to the function whose
is to be cleared.
The following messages provide for the various forms of input-gathering
from Xrlib:
.IN "Input" "blocked and non-blocked"
Xrlib supports both blocked and non-blocked input.  Blocked input will 
cause the input routine to wait for input on one of windows or file
descriptors of the application before returning, or to return (before
input occurs) if the application sets a timeout.  Non-blocked input will
return immediately when an input occurs or when there is an indicator that
no input has occurred.
.IN "Reads" "regular and hot"
Regular reads and hot reads are the two modes of input available in Xrlib.
When input occurs during a hot read, the set of functions attached to the
window will be scanned to see if the input matches any of the events in the
function's event list.  If a match is found, the function will be called.
Thus, hot read is the method by which an application calls the editors in a
window, posts the menu, or performs any other function which has been added
to the called window. Regular reads perform no scanning of the function list.
The following messages cause inputs to be returned to the application:
This message copies an input event into the XEvent structure pointed to by
if there is an input pending.  If no input is pending, the call waits until
input occurs and then returns that input.
This message copies an input event into the XEvent structure pointed to by
if there is an input pending.  If no input is pending,
is left unchanged and
is returned.
This message copies an input event into the XEvent structure pointed to by
if there is an input pending.  If no input is pending, the call waits until
an input occurs and returns that input.  If the input is a select input, the
editors will be invoked; if the input is a menu input, the menuing system
will be invoked.
This message copies an input event into the XEvent structure pointed to by
if there is an input pending.  If no input is pending,
is left unchanged and
is returned.  If the input is a select input, the editors will be invoked;
if the input is a menu input, the menuing system will be invoked.
The following messages manipulate the Xr library input queue:
This message adds an event structure pointed to by
to the front of the input queue.  The next "read" returns this event.
This messages fills out the event structure pointed to by
with a copy of the event at the front of the input queue.  The input queue
is unaffected by this call.  If the input queue is empty, this call will fail.
This message clears the input queue of all pending input.
is unused for this call and should be set to 
The following messages are used to set up and change the input sources
from which XrInput() is to gather input.
This message adds a file descriptor from which XrInput() is to gather
points to an xrFDInput structure which is defined as follows.
   typedef struct
      INT32 fd;
      INT8  type;
.IN "xrFDInput"
   } xrFDInput;
.VL 10
.LI fd
contains the file descriptor for the source from which XrInput()
is to gather input.
.LI type
tells XrInput() which forms of input should be gathered from
the file descriptor.  The field can be set to any combination of the defines
These defines should be "OR-ed" together to define the value of this field.
This message removes a previously added file descriptor from
the input set.  
is a pointer to an xrFDInput structure defined by MSG_ADDINPUT and contains
the file descriptor and the conditions under which the file descriptor is to
be removed.
This message sets a timeout value in seconds for XrInput() to wait
for input to occur from the file descriptors it is selecting upon.
is a pointer to the following structure:
.IN "Timeval"
   struct timeval
      unsigned long tv_sec;
      long          tv_usec;
.VL 15
.LI tv_sec
defines the number of seconds before a timeout occurs.
.LI tv_usec
defines the number of microseconds before a timeout occurs.
This structure is defined in <time.h>.
The timeout value affects how blocked reads work.  Normally, the blocked
read will wait indefinitely for an input. This is accomplished by setting
the "timeval" structure to the define
If an application sets a timeout value, the blocked read will wait only the
number of seconds plus the number of microseconds given by the value.
Values of timeouts have no effect on non-blocked reads.

This message returns the current timeout value.
is a pointer to a timeval structure which will be filled out to the current
.H 2 "The Resource Manager"
The resource manager facilitates the control and access of resource objects by
allowing resources to be added, retrieved, or removed from an internally-
managed list.  Resources can take the form of bitmaps, pixmaps, menus, or
panels, and Xrlib defines a large set of these resource types.  Applications
can also define their own resource types and have them managed by the
resource manager.  Refer to "Creating New Resource Types" below for a
description of what is needed to create new resource types.
The syntax for calling the resource manager is as follows:
.IN "XrResource"
   XrResource (message, data)
   INT32   message;
   INT8  * data;
is the command XrResource() is to perform, and
contains the information needed by
or will contain the return information requested by the application.
The type of structure
points to depends upon the message and is described in the "Resource Manager
Messages" section below.
.H 3 "What is a Resource?"
A resource is built from identification, data, and state information.
.IN "Resource types"
.IN "Resource type id"
Resources are ordered and accessed in groups separated by the resource data
types.  These groupings of resources are referred to as
resource types.
The data for each resource type is represented by a data type
and identified by an integer called the 
resource type id.
These ids are 16-bit unsigned quantities which allow up to 65000 unique 
resource types.  Xrlib reserves the type ids 64000 - 65000.  The type ids
of 1 - 63999 are available to the application for the creation of its 
own types.
Note that a resource type id of "0" is invalid.
.IN "Resource id"
Within a resource type, resources are ordered and identified by a
32 bit signed value called the
resource id.
Xrlib reserves the negative values for resource id's.  The application
is free to use all of the positive values.
Note that a resource id of "0" is invalid.
The combination of the resource
id and the resource id create the unique identifier needed to define and
access the data and state information that make up a resource.
Each resource contains a pointer to a block of memory which contains the
data for the resource.  The data for each resource
is defined by a particular data type.  Xrlib defines a set of resource types
which can be used by the application.  The "Xr Library Resource Types" section
below describes these resource types and the data structure which represents
each resource.
Data and state information for a resource come from a block of memory
allocated by an application.  A resource whose data is allocated
by the application will be referred to as a
memory-based resource.
For memory-based resources, the application must make sure that the
resource space is deallocated when the resource is removed from the
resource manager.
A resource has several state flags associated with it.
Each resource maintains a state field which contains the current state
flags.  This field is represented by an 8-bit integer with
each of its bits defining part of the resource state.  The following
table lists the bit within the field which contains the flag,
the state flag, the define which can be used to access the bit,
and a brief description of what the flag means.
.sp 1
center allbox;
Bit	State Flag	Define	Description
0	Lock	XrLOCK	Can the resource be replaced?
.VL 15
.LI Lock
A resource within the resource manager will be replaced by a new resource
if the new resource has the same type and id.  Resources can also
be removed from the resource manager by a function other than the one
which added the resource.  If the lock flag is set,
replacement or removal of a resource is inhibited.
.H 3 "Xr Library Resource Types"
The following table lists the resources that Xrlib predefines and the 
structure or variable type that is used to define each resource.
.sp 1
center allbox;
Resource Define	Object Structure
The follow list describes each of these resource types:
This resource type contains a null-terminated character string.
This resource type contains the structure and data information needed
to define a pixmap.  The structure used for this type is defined as
   typedef struct
      INT16 width;
      INT16 height;
      INT8  depth;
      UINT16 * raster;
.IN "xrPixmap"
   } xrPixmap;
.VL 8
.LI width
defines the width of the pixmap in pixels.
.LI height
defines the height of the pixmap in pixels.
.LI depth
defines the number of bits needed to define each pixel and
can only be set to one of the following defines,
.LI raster
contains a pointer to the block of memory which contains
the pixel image for the pixmap.
This resource type contains the size of a pixmap resource and the 
identifier for the pixmap which has been installed on an X server.
Refer to the X documentation for a discussion on how to install a
pixmap.  The structure used to represent this resource type is defined
as follows:
   typedef struct
      INT16 width;
      INT16 height;
      Pixmap pixmapId;
.IN "xrPixmapId"
   } xrPixmapId;
.VL 11
.LI width
contains the width (in pixels) of the installed pixmap.
.LI height
contains the height (in pixels) of the installed pixmap.
.LI pixmapId
contains the id of the installed pixmap.
This resource type contains the structure and data information needed
to define a bitmap.  The structure for this resource type is the same
as for TYPE_PIXMAP but the
field must be set to the define
This resource type contains the size of a bitmap resource and the 
identifier for the bitmap which has been installed on an X server.
Refer to the X documentation for a discussion on how to install
a bitmap.  The structure used to represent this resource type is 
defined as follows:
   typedef struct
      INT16 width;
      INT16 height;
      Bitmap bitmapId;
.IN "xrBitmapId"
   } xrBitmapId;
.VL 11
.LI width
contains the width (in pixels) of the installed bitmap.
.LI height
contains the height (in pixels) of the installed bitmap.
.LI bitmapId
contains the id of the installed bitmap.
This resource type contains the structure and data information needed
to define a cursor.  The structure used for this type is defined as
   typedef struct
      xrPixmap cursor;
      xrPixmap mask;
      INT16 xoff;
      INT16 yoff;
      INT32 foreground;
      INT32 background;
      INT32 func;
.IN "xrCursor"
   } xrCursor;
.VL 13
.LI cursor
contains the bitmap which defines the cursor image.  The cursor
image is defined by an xrPixmap structure which must contain a bitmap image.
.LI mask
contains the bitmap which contains the cursor mask.
The mask, which defines which pixels of the cursor bitmap won't be displayed
is defined by an xrPixmap structure that must also contain a bitmap image.
If the structure has the
field set to
the mask is undefined and all of the pixels of
the cursor will be displayed.
.LI xoff
contains the x offset which defines what x coordinate,
relative to the location of the cursor, will
be returned by the mouse when an event occurs.
.LI yoff
contains the y offset which defines what y coordinate,
relative to the location of the cursor, will
be returned by the mouse when an event occurs.
.LI foreground
contains the foreground color in which the cursor is 
to be displayed.  Any bits in the cursor bitmap which
are set to 1 will be displayed in foreground color.
.LI background
contains the background color in which the cursor is to 
be displayed.  Any bits in the cursor bitmap which
are set to 0 will be displayed in background color.
.LI func
contains the combination rule to be used for moving the
cursor about the display.  Refer to the list of defines which can be used
for the combination rule.
This resource type contains the identifier for a cursor which has been
installed on an X server.  Refer to chapter 2  for a discussion on how to
install a cursor.
This resource type contains the FontInfo structure for a font which
has been installed on an X server.  Refer to chapter 2 for a discussion
of the FontInfo structure and how to load a font.
This resource type contains the identifier for a font which has been
installed on an X server.  Refer to chapter 2 for a discussion
on how to install a font.
This resource type contains a pointer to a function.  The structure which
contains the function is defined as follows:
   typedef INT32 (*xrFunction)();
.H 3 "Resource Manager Messages"
This section lists and describes each of the messages that XrResource
Several of these messages use the following structure for passing or returning
   typedef struct
      UINT16   resourceType;
      INT32    resourceId;
      INT8     resourceState;
      INT32    resourceFile;
      INT8   * resourceObject;
.IN "xrResourceInfo"
   } xrResourceInfo;
.VL 15
.LI resourceType
contains the resource type id.
.LI resourceId
contains the resource id.
.LI resourceState
contains the state flags for the resource.
.LI resourceFile
is set to the define
for memory-based resources.
.LI resourceObject
contains a pointer to the memory containing the resource.
The following messages provide for the main-line accessing of
the resources contained in the resource lists.
This message adds to the resource list the resource identified by the 
parameter, which points to an xrResourceInfo structure.  If the
field contains a valid pointer, the
field will be set to
to indicate the resource is from application memory.
If the resource type and id fields in
match a resource already within the resource list, the resource in
the list will be replaced with the new resource.  If the
location of the old resource is from application memory the
field within
will be set to point at the object being replaced.  This allows an
application to maintain control of an object being replaced in the
resource list.
This message removes from the resource list the object identified by the
parameter, which points to a filled-out instance of an xrResourceInfo
structure.  Only the
fields need to be set by the application.  When the resource is
located in the resource manager's lists, the
field is checked and if it is set to
field in
will be set to point to the object.  If the object is not found
in the resource list this message will fail.
This message locates the requested resource within the resource list.
is a pointer to an xrResourceInfo structure.  The
fields of the structure identify the resource to be found.  When the
resource is located, the rest of the fields of the structure will
be filled out.
This message is used to set the state of a resource contained in
the resource manager.  For this message,
is a pointer to an xrResourceInfo structure which has the
resourceType, resourceId,
fields filled out.  This message will search for the resource, and
when it is found, set its
to the new state.
Note that for memory based resources, only the lock flag of the 
resource state is used.
The following two messages provide for the creation or destruction of
application-defined resource types.  Refer to the "Creating New REsource
Types" section below for detailed instructions about how to create a resource.
This message allows an application to create a new resource type.
is a pointer to the following structure.
   typedef struct
      UINT16 resourceType;
      INT32  (*resourceHandler)();
.IN "xrResourceTypeInfo"
   } xrResourceTypeInfo;
.VL 18
.LI resourceType
contains the integer identifier number for the resource type.
The number must be between 1 - 63999.  High identifier number values
for the resource type require more space for the resource type list,
therefore, sequential definition of resource types is highly recommended.
.LI resourceHandler
is reserved and should be set to
This message destroys and removes a resource type from the resource
type list.
contains the resource type identifier.  This message will fail
if the identifier is not in the range of 1 - 63999, if the
resource type is not defined, or if there are any resources
still attached to the resource type.
.H 2 "Creating New Resource Types"
Besides using the Xr library's predefined resource types, the resource manager
enables the application writer to create his own resource types.
The following paragraphs describe what is required for an application to
create a resource type.
Resource types are managed as two ordered arrays of resource type
structures.  One of the arrays is used for the Xr library's predefined 
resource types.  The other contains the set of types the application
has defined.  Even though 63999 types can be defined, the 
application should define the resource types
from a type id of 1, or system memory will be wasted.
The structure used for all resource types is as follows.
   typedef struct
      xrResource * resourcePtr;
      INT32 (*resourceHandler)();
   } xrResourceType;
.VL 18
.LI resourcePtr
contains a pointer to the list of resources of this type.
.LI resourceHandler
is reserved and should be set to
One of the members of the resource type structure is the
field.  This field points to the head of the set of resources attached
to the resource type.  The resources 
are added and accessed through a binary tree which is ordered by the
resource id.  Every resource in the 
resource tree is defined by the following xrResource structure: 
   typedef struct _xrResource
      INT32   resourceId;
      UINT8   resourceState;
      INT8  * resourceObject;
      INT32   resourceFile;
      struct _xrResource left;
      struct _xrResource right;
   } xrResource;
.VL 16
.LI resourceId
is the resource identifier which uniquely distinguishes
the resource object within its type.
.LI resourceState
contains the state of the resource.
.LI resourceObject
points to the resource object itself.
.LI resourceFile
is set to the define XrMEMORY for memory-based resources.
.LI left
points at the left child resource in the resource tree.
.LI right
points at the right child resource in the resource tree.
.H 2 "The Editor List Manager"
When an application attempts to create an instance of a field editor,
it will always specify the window in which the instance is to be
attached and displayed.
The field editor code is then responsible for creating the editor
instance, and attaching it to the specified window.
Each window has a linked list associated with it, made up of
the editor structures for each field editor attached to that window.
This linked list plays a very important part when determining how
input within a window is handled.
When an input event occurs within a window, only those editors which
reside in this list will be able to accept input from the window.
For each process using the Xrlib facilities, the intrinsics
maintain an array of window Id's and pointers to the editor list
associated with each of the windows.
However, an application's windows are not automatically added to
this list.
An application must first 'register' a window with the Xrlib
intrinsics, before it will be added to this list, and thus be
capable of having field editors attached to it.  This registering
is accomplished through the XrInput() routine using MSG_ADDWINDOW.
When a field editor attempts to attach a new editor instance to
a window, the editor structure for that instance will be added to
the end of the linked list.
The input-dispatching routine searches the entire list;
so that if two editor instances overlap, the instance which was 
created first has priority. This may be confusing to a user, so
application writers are encouraged not to overlap field editor instances.
When an application requests that a particular editor instance be
destroyed, the editor called removes the associated editor instance
from the editor list.  Failure to do this will cause unpredictable 
results, and would most likely result in a memory fault error 
occurring at some time.
The following intrinsic is provided, to allow field editors and
applications to perform some editor-specific functions:
.IN "XrEditor"
   XrEditor (windowId, message, data)
   Window   windowId;
   INT32    message;
   INT8   * data;
contains the identifier of the window to which the editor list is attached,
specifies the type of action which is to be taken, and
contains the information needed to complete the function.
The structure used in the editor list is discussed in
the next section.  The messages that XrEditor() supports are
discussed in the "Editor List Messages" section below.
.H 2 "The Editor List Structure"
An array of window Ids which have been registered with XrInput() is
contained in XrEditor().  The groups of editors belonging to these windows are
also attached to this array.  The editor structure itself is simple and
straightforward, and contains some of the global information for the instance.
The structure also contains a pointer which the field editor can use to point
to instance-specific data.
The format for the editor structure is as follows:
   typedef struct _xrEditor {
      struct _xrEditor * (*editorFunct)();
      Window             editorWindowId;
      RECTANGLE          editorRect;
      INT8               editorState;
      INT8             * editorData;
      struct _xrEditor * nextEditor;
   } xrEditor;
.VL 18
.LI editorFunct
is a pointer to the field editor routine associated with the instance. 
For example, if this were a scrollbar editor instance, this
would be set to the address of XrScrollBar().
.LI editorWindowId
is the window Id associated with the window to which this 
instance is attached.  The field editor can use this information 
whenever it needs to redraw the instance.
.LI editorRect
is a copy of the rectangle definition which is specified
by the application when it creates an editor.
.LI editorState
is the current state of the flags associated with this editor instance.
These flag states  are originally obtained by copying the 'editorState'
field from the 'Info' structure.
.LI editorData
serves as a pointer to the editor-specific data.  The data pointed
to by this element is different for each editor type, and has no fixed
format.  If an editor requires no additional information, this pointer
should be set to
.LI nextEditor
is the one field which
be touched by a field editor.  This field links this instance into the
window's field editor list.
When an editor routine is called to create a new editor instance,
the editor allocates the space required for an xrEditor~hen an edit structure 
and initializes each field.  The editor then calls to XrEditor
to add the editor instance to the window's editor list.
.H 2 "Editor List Messages"
The messages that XrEditor() understands are divided into several
functional sets.  These functional sets include messages which the
application can use to call XrEditor(), messages which should only be
used by a field editor; and messages which are used internally
and hence, should
be accessible to any application or field editor
routine.  Each of these messages will be discussed below, along with an
explanation of how the parameters
are interpreted by the message.
The following set of messages should only be called by field editors.
Whenever a new field editor instance is created, it must be attached
to a window.  This message attaches the instance to the end of the linked
list associated with the window.
parameter is a 32-bit integer Id indicating the window to which the 
field editor instance is to be attached.  The
parameter points to an initialized instance of the xrEditor
structure.  This structure will be linked into the editor list.
The following example shows how the scrollbar editor attaches an
instance to a particular window:
   xrEditor * scrollBar;

   /* Allocate an xrEditor structure */
   if ((scrollBar = (*xrMalloc)(sizeof (xrEditor))) == NULL)
      xrErrno = XrOUTOFMEM;
      return ((xrEditor *) NULL);

   /* Fill in the required fields */
   scrollBar->editorFunct = XrScrollBar;
   scrollBar->editorWindow = editorWindowId;
   scrollBar->editorState = editorState;
   scrollBar->editorData = sbDataPtr;
   XrCopyRect (&editorRect, &scrollBar->editorRect);

   /* Attach the editor to the window */
   if (XrEditor (editorWindowId, MSG_ADD, scrollBar) == NULL)
      /* We failed; window must not have been registered */
When an editor instance is destroyed, it must also be removed from the
linked list maintained by the window to which it was attached.
When removing an editor instance from the linked list, the field
editor must supply an indication of which editor instance is to be
removed, and which window it should be removed from.  The
parameter contains the window which contains the instance.  The
parameter points to the editor instance structure associated with the
instance to be removed.
The following example shows how the scrollbar editor removes one of its
   xrEditor * scrollBar;

   XrEditor (scrollBar->editorWindow, MSG_REMOVE, scrollBar);
The following messages can be used by application programs and by other
functions within Xrlib.
This messages takes an XEvent structure as input and calls the editor
in which the event occurred with MSG_EDIT.  The event used to activate an
editor must match the default conditions set up in XrInit().  The event
structure contains the location at which the event occurred and XrEditor()
uses this location to see which editor rectangle the point falls in.
Normally, applications will not use MSG_PROCESSKEY since it is called
directly from XrInput() each time an XrSELECT event occurs and the
application is using hot reads.  However, if an application doesn't want to
use hot reads, it can call XrEditor() directly.  The parameters to be sent
to the function are the id of the window contained in
the message, and a pointer to the XEvent structure which is passed
through the
An example, showing how an application might use this feature, is shown below:
XrInput (NULL, MSG_BLKREAD, &inputEvent);

if (XrMapButton (&inputEvent) == XrSELECT)
   XrEditor (myWindow, MSG_PROCESSKEY, &inputEvent);
Sometimes, an application may wish to redraw those field editors
which lie within a particular portion of its window.
To indicate the portion of the window which is to be checked, the application
must create an instance of the 'RECTANGLE' structure, and fill it in
to describe the redraw region. The
parameter must then be set to point to this structure and the
parameter must be set to indicate the window to be redrawn.
This message is most useful when a window which was partially
or totally hidden is uncovered. When the window is uncovered, the
application need only take the information describing the exposed region
and pass it along to this message; the editors which lie within this
region will then be redrawn automatically.
This message is similar to MSG_REDRAW except that it redraws the entire
set of editors attached to a window.  The
parameter is unused for this call and should be set to
parameter should be set to indicate the window to be redrawn.
Sometimes, an application may find it necessary to modify the state flags
associated with all the editor instances in a particular window.
If the new state flag values are the same for all instances,
the application can use this message instead of calling each of the field
editors individually.
This might be useful when the application's window becomes inactive.
The application might want all field editors in its window to become
insensitive and when the window is reactivated, the instances will be
redrawn as sensitive.
When an application issues this request,
must specify the window to be affected and
must contain the new state flag values.
An example describing how to use this feature is shown below:
switch (stateFlag)
   case ACTIVE:
      XrEditor(windowId, MSG_SETSTATE, XrVISIBLE | XrSENSITIVE);

   case INACTIVE:
      XrEditor(windowId, MSG_SETSTATE, XrVISIBLE);
.H 2 "Editor Groups"
Some applications and the higher-level functions within Xrlib (such as
a the panel manager) need to handle editors in groups.  Specifically,
the panel manager sets up groups of editors to define sub-panels.
The XrEditorGroup() function provides this capability by separating
the set of editors attached to a window into application-specified group
and allowing each group to be manipulated as a unit.  The types of functions
which can be applied to editor groups include getting and setting the
groups' editors states and clearing the rectangular area which defines the
group.  The syntax for the XrEditorGroup() function is as follows.
   xrEditorGroup *
.IN "XrEditorGroup"
   XrEditorGroup (groupInstance, message, data)
   xrEditorGroup * groupInstance;
   INT32           message;
   INT8          * data;
parameter contains the pointer to the editor group.
is the function that is to be applied to the editor group.
is a pointer to a structure containing the information needed by
or will contain return information requested by the calling function.
The following sections discuss the editor group structure and the messages
that XrEditorGroup() defines.
.H 3 "The Editor Group Structure"
The editor list-handling routines maintain an array containing
the set of windows which have been registered with XrInput().  Included
in this array is a pointer to the first editor group.  When a 
window is registered, an editor group is automatically created for the
window, so for applications which are only doing simple editor management,
the XrEditorGroup() function can be ignored.  The set of editor groups
attached to a window is built and accessed as a linked list.  The editor
group structure is defined as follows:
   typedef struct _xrEditorGroup
      Window      groupWindowId;
      RECTANGLE   groupRect;
      INT8        groupState;
      xrEditor  * editorList;
      xrGraphic * graphicList;
      struct _xrEditorGroup * nextGroup;
   } xrEditorGroup;
.VL 15
.LI groupWindowId
contains the id of the window in which the group of
editors reside.
.LI groupRect
contains the rectangle which encloses the entire set of
editors attached to this group.  The rectangle is empty when a group is
created and is then increased in size whenever an editor is added to the
group.  Refer to XrUnionRect in the "Rectangle Routines" section below for
further details.
The application also has access to this rectangle and can set it to
any size.  XrEditorGroup() will ensure that all of the
editors reside within the bounds of the rectangle.
.LI groupState
contains the state of the set of editors attached to this
group.  The states settings are the same as those used
for individual editors.  This field is accessible to the application
through messages to this function and is used to set the state of
an entire set of editors for the group just as an individual editor
state would be set.
.LI editorList
points to the set of editors attached to the group.
.LI graphicList
points to the graphics list attached to the group.
This function is not implemented.
.LI nextGroup
points to the next group attached to the window.
.H 3 "Editor Group Messages"
creates a new editor group, initializing the group's elements,
adding the group into the group list attached to the window, and making it
the active group.  The concept of "active group" means that any
editors created for the window will be attached through this group.
For this call, 
is unused and should be set to
should contain the window id of the window which is to contain the group.
The group instance of the new group will be returned by this message.
destroys the editor group and frees the editors attached
to the group.  For this call, 
is unused and should be set to
returns the pointer to the default editor group that is added
to a window when the window is registered with XrInput().  For this message,
should contain the id of the registered window.
returns the state of the editor group.
is a pointer to an INT8 variable and will be set to the
state of the group.
sets the state of the editor group.
contains the new group state which can be any combination of
the editor state defines
The effect of setting the group state will be to activate or deactivate
the editor processing for the 
flag, and to clear or draw the editors for the
flag.  The states of the individual editors in the group are not changed
when the group state is set.
tells the editor list handling function to which group
new editors are to be added.  If the window has only the
default group defined, editors will be added to this group automatically.
When a new group is created through MSG_NEW, it becomes the "active group"
(that is, the group in which editors will be added) so that if the
application wants to add editors to an existing group, it needs to issue
the ADDTOGROUP message.  For this message,
should contain the instance pointer of the group which is to be made active.
is unused and can be set to
As stated, each window gets a default group set up for it
when it is registered.  This creates a problem in that the function which
created the window will not know the group id number for the window and
therefore cannot access editor group functions for the default
group.  This problem is handled through MSG_GETDEFAULTGROUP which returns 
the group instance of the default group.
returns the group rectangle through
which contains a pointer to a rectangle structure.
should be set to the instance pointer of the group in which the group 
rectangle is to be extracted.
sets the group rectangle to the rectangle pointed to by
data.  groupInstance
should be set to the instance pointer of the group in which the group 
rectangle is to be set.  The rectangle supplied must be large enough to 
contain the set of editors attached to the window or the message will fail.
recalculates the group rectangle for the group pointed at by
to the minimal rectangle needed to enclose the editors within
the group.  It is mainly used by editors when a MSG_RESIZE or MSG_MOVE
is issued to them.  For these cases, the editors need to make sure the
editor rectangle does not extend beyond the bounds of the group rectangle
or the editor cannot be activated.
is used to clear the area defined by the group rectangle to the windows
background tile.
should be set to the instance pointer of the group which is to be cleared.
is unused and can be set to
.H 2 "Window/Editor Relationship"
We have discussed how an editor attaches an instance to a window
and how groups of editors are handled by the editor-grouping routine.
This section deals with this topic in more detail.
This discussion covers the following topics:
Organization of the field-editor list.
Organization of the elements within this list.
Steps for updating the list.
What the list is used for.
Every Xrlib window has a pointer to a linked list of
editor groups, and each editor group has a linked list of editors.
When a field editor instance is created, it is added to 
the linked list attached to the currently active editor group.
The particular field editor adds the instance to the list when it receives a
MSG_NEW message.  Similarly, when an editor instance is destroyed, the field
editor must make sure that the instance is removed from the window's editor
list.  Catastrophic problems will occur if this is not done!
Removing an editor instance from the window's list involves issuing an 
XrEditor() request, with the MSG_REMOVE message.
Figure 3-1 shows how a windows-editor list might appear:
.sp 1
   windowTable     xrEditorGroup 
   -----------     ---------------
   |windowId |     |groupWindowId|
   |groupList|---->|groupRect    |
   -----------     |groupState   |   xrEditorGroup
   |windowId |  ---|editorList   |   ---------------
   |groupList|  |  |graphicList  |   |groupWindowId|
   -----------  |  |nextGroup    |-->|groupRect    |
   |windowId |  |  ---------------   |groupState   |
   |groupList|  |                    |editorList   |
   -----------  |                    |graphicList  |
                |                    |nextGroup    |-->NULL
                |                    ---------------
|     xrEditor         --> XrTitleBar()     xrTitleBarData
|  -----------------  /                    ----------------
-->| editorFunct   |--                  -->| titleType    |
   | editorWindowId|                   /   | titleName    |
   | editorRect    |                  /    | gadgetRect1  |
   | editorState   |                 /     | gadgetRect2  |
   | editorData    |----------------/      | titleRect    |
---| nextEditor    |                       |       .      |
|  -----------------                       |       .      |
|                                          | titleTileId  |
|                                          ----------------
|      xrEditor        --> XrStaticRaster()
|  -----------------  /
-->| editorFunct   |--                       xrSRasterData
   | editorWindowId|                        ---------------
   | editorRect    |              --------->| srRasterId  |
   | editorState   |             /          ---------------
   | editorData    |-------------         
   | nextEditor    |---->NULL
.FG "Editor Organization"
The xrEditor structure address is returned to the application after an editor
instance has been created.  This address is used to identify the instance
for all future editor calls.  Each time an application invokes the editor-
handling routine, for example, XrScrollBar() for the scrollbar editor, it
must pass in the pointer to the xrEditor structure associated with the
instance to be modified.  The field editor uses this pointer to access all
of the information describing a particular instance.
Updating the editor list is the responsibility of the field editors.
Whenever a field editor instance is created, the xrEditor structure
for that instance must be attached to the window, using the XrEditor()
routine.  When an editor instance is destroyed, that instance
must be removed from the window's editor list.
The primary purpose for maintaining the editor list is to facilitate
distribution of input events.
When input is received by XrInput(), it traverses the editor list to see if
the event occurred in one of the window's editor instances.
If it did, the event is passed to the field editor for processing.
If an editor instance has been created, but not attached to a window's editor
list, it will be unable to receive any input from the Xrlib input dispatcher.
There are situations where this is actually desirable, but this topic
will be covered in appendix B, "Building a Field Editor."
.H 2 "Geometric Functions"
The following sections contain a set of geometric functions used for
manipulating point and rectangle structures.
.H 3 "Point Routines"
The following list contains the set of functions which can be used
for manipulating point structures.
XrSetPt (pt, x, y)
POINT * pt;
INT16   x;
INT16   y;
XrSetPt assigns the two coordinates, 
to the point structure 
.sp 2
XrOffsetPt (pt, x, y)
POINT * pt;
INT16   x;
INT16   y;
XrOffsetPt changes the values of the point structure 
by adding the 
offsets to the members of 
.sp 2
XrCopyPt (srcPt, dstPt)
POINT * srcPt;
POINT * dstPt;
XrCopyPt copies the point structure
.sp 2
XrAddPt (srcPt, dstPt)
POINT * srcPt;
POINT * dstPt;
XrAddPt adds the point structures
together placing the results in
.sp 2
XrSubPt (srcPt, dstPt)
POINT * srcPt;
POINT * dstPt;
XrSubPt subtracts the point structure
and places the results in
.sp 2
XrEqualPt (ptA, ptB)
POINT * ptA;
POINT * ptB;
XrEqualPt() compares the point structures 
and returns
if they are equal.  It returns
.H 3 "Rectangle Routines"
The following list contains the set of functions which can be used
for manipulating rectangle structures.
XrSetRect (rect, x, y, width, height)
INT16       x;
INT16       y;
INT16       width;
INT16       height;
XrSetRect() assigns the values of the rectangle
with the appropriate values in
x, y, width,
.sp 2
XrSetPtRect (rect, topLeft, botRight)
POINT     * topLeft;
POINT     * botRight;
XrSetPtRect() calculates and assigns the values of the rectangle
using the two points
.sp 2
XrCopyRect (srcRect, dstRect)
RECTANGLE * srcRect;
RECTANGLE * dstRect;
XrCopyRect() copies the rectangle
into the rectangle
.sp 2
XrOffsetRect (rect, dx, dy)
INT16       dx;
INT16       dy;
XrOffsetRect() moves the rectangle
by adding the value
to the x coordinate of the rectangle and adding the value
to the y coordinate of the rectangle.
.sp 2
XrInsetRect (rect, dx, dy)
INT16       dx;
INT16       dy;
XrInsetRect() shrinks or expands the rectangle
are positive, the left and right sides are moved in by the value 
and the top and bottom sides are moved together by the value 
If the  values are negative, the rectangle expands.
.sp 2
XrSectRect (srcRectA, srcRectB, dstRect)
RECTANGLE * dstRect;
The rectangles 
are intersected to form a new rectangle which is placed in 
.sp 2
XrUnionRect (srcRectA, srcRectB, dstRect)
RECTANGLE * dstRect;
The union of the rectangles
is calculated and placed in
.sp 2
XrPtInRect (pt, rect)
POINT     * pt;
XrPtInRect() determines if the point
is in the rectangle 
is returned if this is the case,
XrPt2Rect (ptA, ptB, dstRect)
POINT * ptA;
POINT * ptB;
RECTANGLE * dstRect;
XrPt2Rect() generates the smallest rectangle which will enclose the two
The calculated rectangle is placed in
.sp 2
XrEqualRect (rectA, rectB)
XrEqualRect() compares the two rectangles, 
and returns
if they are equal or
if they are not equal.
.sp 2
XrEmptyRect (rect)
XrEmptyRect() returns
if the rectangle 
is empty or
if it is not. A rectangle is empty if the bottom 
coordinate is greater than the top, or the left coordinate is greater 
than the right.
.H 2 "Utility Routines"
This set of functions provide an application programmer with some
frequently used utilities.
.H 3 "StringWidth"
The string width function is used to calculate the length, in pixels
of a character string.  It has the following syntax.
   XrStringWidth (fontInfo, str, charWidth, charPad, spacePad)
   FontInfo * fontInfo;
   STRING   *  str;
   INT32      charWidth;
   INT32      charPad;
   INT32      spacePad;
XrStringWidth() calculates the width in pixels of a character string
using the font information contained in the structure pointed at by
The pixel width will be calculated and returned as the value
of the function.  The
parameter contains the length of the string in characters or is set to
the define
if the string is null-terminated.
contain the additional space to be placed between characters and spaces
.H 3 "MapButton"
Xrlib automatically sets up the XrSELECT, XrSELECTUP, XrMENUPOST, and
XrMENUITEMSELECT conditions for the application when the application calls
XrInit().  When a button event occurs, several functions within Xrlib
and the application may need to determine whether the button
event matches one of the above conditions.  The following function
provides this capability.
   XrMapButton (eventCode, event)
   INT8     eventCode;
   XEvent * event;
XrMapButton() takes as a parameter an eventCode which contains one of the
above defines and an XEvent.  The event parameter will be compared
against the conditions necessary for the above defines and if a match
is found,
will be returned.  If no match is found,
will be returned.
.H 3 "GetWindowEvent"
Functions within Xrlib and the application may need to fill out an
xrWindowFunct structure to add a processing function to a window.
Filling out this structure for handling XEvents is straightforward,
but filling out this structure to handle the
is more difficult.  The following function provides an easy way
to initialize this structure.
   XrGetWindowEvent (eventCode, windowEvent)
   INT8 eventCode;
   xrWindowEvent * windowEvent;
This function takes one of the above defines and a pointer
to an xrWindowEvent structure as parameters.  It fills out the xrWindowEvent
structure with the information which will match the conditions for the define.
.H 3 "XrVersion"
An application can find out which version of Xrlib it is using
by calling the XrVersion() function which has the following syntax.
   INT8 *
   XrVersion ()
XrVersion() returns a pointer to a string which contains the version of Xrlib
being used.  The string will have for the format of
Xrlib Version ##  -  ##.##  
The ## contains the version of the X library Xrlib was built with.  The 
##.##  can be ignored.  The string returned is static and thus cannot
be modified.