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⟦36d9e8f2d⟧ TextFile

    Length: 9419 (0x24cb)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »SERVICE«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/emacs/etc/SERVICE« 


GNU Service Directory

This is a list of people who have asked to be listed as offering
support services for GNU software, including GNU Emacs, for a fee.

The information comes from the people who asked to be listed;
we do not include any information we know to be false, but we
cannot check out any of the information; we are transmitting it to
you as it was given to us and do not promise it is correct.
Also, this is not an endorsement of the people listed here.
We have no opinions and usually no information about the abilities of
any specific person.  We provide this list to enable you to contact
service providers and decide for yourself whether to hire one.
Giuseppe Attardi <mcvax!delphi!dipisa!attardi>
Dipartimento di Informatica
Corso Italia 40
I-56100 Pisa, ITALY
+39 (50) 40862
Emacs: installation aid, question answering

Rates: Free

Entered 3/25/86
Stuart Cracraft  <>
UUCP: berkeley!
70923 Fairway Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA  92270
(619) 324-9489, weekends (213) 822-1511.
Emacs: questions answered, teaching, customization, troubleshooting,
  but not porting.

Rates: $30/hr short term, $15/hr long term.

EXPERIENCE: software researcher, systems programmer, Unix analyst
	    formerly with Stanford Research Institute, now
	    with USC Information Sciences Institute.
DEGREE:     B.A. Behavioral Sciences, National University

Entered: 1/25/86
Dario Dariol <mcvax!delphi!dariol>
via della Vetraia 11
I-55049 Viareggio
+39 (584) 395161

Rates and range of services not received.

Entered: 3/25/86
Bruce Eckel <morgan>
ARPA: fluke!morgan@uw-beaver
UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, allegra, sb6, lbl-csam}!fluke!morgan
c/o John Fluke Mfg. Co., P.O. Box C9090 M/S 266D
Everett, WA  98206         (206) 356-6258	
Emacs: Training, Programming custom LISP functions.

Rates: $25/hr.  Credentials: BS Applied Physics, MS Computer Engineering.

Entered: 1/23/86
Dennis Gentry <uw-nsr!uw-warp!>
BITNET:	dennis@uwachem.bitnet
Optimal Solutions
P.O. Box 25816
Seattle, WA  98125
(206) 547-1864
Emacs: questions answered, teaching, customization, troubleshooting, porting.
Rates: $60/hr, 20 minute free initial consultation

EXPERIENCE: System management, consulting at: the Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center, the National Science Foundation's Center for
Process Analytical Chemistry, Global Technology International, others.

DEGREE:     Honors B.S. Comp Sci, University of Washington

Entered: 5 March 1987
Stephen Gildea <> <mit-eddie!mit-erl!gildea>
42 Carleton St
Cambridge MA 02142
+1 617 253 7866
Emacs: question answering, library writing, etc.

Rates: $60/hr.

Entered: 11/04/86
Jacob Levy
Dept of Computer Science  <jaakov%wisdom.bitnet@wiscvm.ARPA>
Weizmann Institute
Rehovot 76100 Israel

Services -

Electronic, snail-mail and phone help with installation of GNU Emacs.
Will hand out on request source and local mods for GNU Emacs, as they
become available.  Willing to help to maintain compatibility with
other/previous versions of Emacs, such as Gosling, CCA and MicroEmacs.
Preferable contact - through elec- tronic mail via BITNET.

Rates -

Free. Will only help as much as possible,  not conflicting
with my main occupation in life, that of obtaining a Ph.D.
Joachim Carlo Santos Martillo <martillo@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
1667 Cambridge St. #1
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 864-2312, (617) 470-2853, (617) 253-1300

Services offered:

Terminal Capability Hacking (including mouses) for GnuEmacs,

Teaching GnuEmacs (including Lisp),

Custom Libraries, and


Fee: ~$40/hr. depending upon assignment.

Resume available upon request.

Entered: 2/22/86
The Nice Computer Company of Australia Pty Ltd
36 Parliament Place
Perth 6000
Western Australia
Sydney office planned.

Emacs assistance by telephone; media conversion;
distributes tapes locally on behalf of the Free Software Foundation.

Rates: ask.  For tapes, rates are the same as the Foundation
and the profits go to the Foundation.

Entered: 5/5/86
Scott J. Kramer <>
2995 Woodside Road, Suite 400
Woodside  CA  94062
Emacs:	Tutoring, installations/upgrades, Lisp customizations,
	general troubleshooting/support.  Prefer that work I do
	becomes part of the official Free Software Foundation

Rate:	Task- and time-dependent; non-monetary offers considered.

Entered: 11/05/86
Lee McLoughlin <> <seismo!mcvax!!lmjm>
Department of Computing, Imperial College,
180 Queens Gate, London. SW7 2BZ
01-589-5111 X 5032

Emacs and Bison: Porting to new machines, installation,
troubleshooting, teaching their use at user level and general hand

Rate: 200-300 pounds a day, negotiable.
I am responsible for putting GNU Emacs up under 4.1 BSD and for
the ports to the HLH Orion and the WhiteChapel MG-1.  I also developed
and support the UK-UUCP and UK news distribution.  I am one of the
group setting up the UKUUG Software Library (still in progress).
I have been an invited speaker at several recent UKUUG meetings.

Entered: 11/17/86
Karl A. Nyberg  <nyberg@utexas-20> (..!seismo!{decuac,vrdxhq}!grebyn!karl)
P. O. Box 1144
Vienna, VA  22180
Emacs: installation aid, training, custom Lisp extensions.

Rates: $60/hr, negotiable.

I can give you a chance to try out GNU Emacs on a MicroVAX II
to see how you like it/my services.  I can also use that vax
for doing the work you want.

MIT '79, VI-A; '81 SM EECS.

Entered: 1/30/86
Damon A. Permezel
UUCP: ihnp4!terak!dap
6505 E Osborn, #271
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
(602) 947-2218
Consulting on any aspects of GNU.

Rates: $40/hr.

    I have had over 6 years  systems programming experience, in UNIX and other
operating systems, as well as having written the parser portion for a portable
C compiler, worked on the portable code  generator, and helped target the code
generator for various architectures.  In addition, I have designed and written
many other programmes.
    I am offering all levels of technical consultation, for $40/hr for anywhere
in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area.

Entered: 1/25/86
Hedley K.J. Rainnie  <>
UUCP: {seismo|ihnp4|allegra|harvard}!cmcl2!alaya!hedley

545 West End Ave Apt 11E
NY NY 10024
(212)-877-0181 (Home) or (212)-807-0303 (Work).

Rates: $12/hr.

	I am able to help in all aspects of GNU emacs, even porting.
	My credentials are:

	MS in Computer Science from NYU. BS same same.
	I have used many versions of Emacs since 1980.
	I ask for $12hr.

Entered: 1/23/86
Paul Rubin <>
UUCP: ucbvax!phr
2516 Durant Ave. #73
Berkeley, CA  94704

Emacs: installation, porting, customizing, macro writing, etc.  I often
  have a supply of manuals on hand (normal Foundation single copy prices).
Other GNU stuff: ask.
Rates: $35/hr, time permitting.

I wrote the GNU C preprocessor, most of the Awk interpreter, and various
other utilities.  I also co-produced (with Bob Chassell) the printed copies
of the Emacs manual that the Foundation sells.  I maintain Emacs on a
gaggle of Vaxen at Berkeley.

Entered: 11/13/86
John Sechrest <sechrest@oregon-state> (hplabs!hp-pcd!orstcs!sechrest)
30606 Petersen Road
Corvallis, Oregon 97333
(H) (503) 929-6278
(W) (503) 754-3273

Emacs; User Support ; Tutorials/Training; System Consulting

Rates: $50/hr, negotiable.

I am willing to help people install and use both Gnu and Emacs.
I am particulary interested in installing Gnu on the National
ICM- 3216. 

As a consultant my normal fees are $50/hour. This is mostly
a guideline that varies on a case by case basis.

I worked at Hewlett-Packard for four years. 2 years working
on the HP 41C extended I/O Rom. 2 years working on systems
support. For the last year and a half I have worked as the
Lab Coordinator for Oregon State University Computer Science
coordinating the use and maintenance of several machines.
I am most familiar with 4.2BSD on the vax 11/750 and 
HP-UX on the HP series 200.

Entered: 1/31/86
Richard M. Stallman  <>
UUCP:  {mit-eddie,ucbvax,seismo,harvard,uw-beaver}!
545 Tech Sq, rm 703
Cambridge, MA 02139
Emacs: anything whatever
Rates: $5/min or $150/hr.

Is anyone interested in courses in using or extending GNU Emacs?

Original inventor of Emacs and main author of GNU Emacs.

Entered: 1/24/86
Earl Stutes <{hplabs,allegra,decwrl,sun}!pyramid!earls>
4188 King Arthur Ct.
Palo Alto, CA. 94306
+1 (415) 424 9177

Rate $50.00 hr. negotiable

GNU emacs installation / troubleshooting
emacs lisp programming. C programming. YACC programming
15 years of programming experience.  Working with UNIX for the
last 7 years.
Jason Venner  <> <ucbvax!jason> <jason@ucbjade.bitnet>
San Francisco
(415) 642 0514 (work)

I am not in a position to take money,  but am willing to help with
advice, and simple software hacks (c and lisp).

Entered: 11/5/86
Scott Weikart  <cdp!scott@SU-Glacier.ARPA> (hplabs!cdp!scott)
EMACS: user handholding, elisp programming and troubleshooting, porting
1944c University
East Palo Alto, CA  94303
(415) 322-9069
I used ITS EMACS for 5 years and Gosling EMACS for 2 years
I've written thousands of lines of TECO and thousands of lines of mlisp
I've ported many programs to SysIII/SysV Unix
Sliding scale rates, barter possible, lower rates for non-profits

Entered: 1/30/86