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Length: 12029 (0x2efd) Types: TextFile Names: »regress.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/stat-5.3/eu/stat/src/regress.c«
/* Copyright 1980 Gary Perlman */ #include "stat.h" PGM(regress,Multiple Linear Regression,5.5,01/27/87) #define MAXVAR 20 /* max number of variables */ #define MAXLEN 20 /* maximum length of a string */ #define MAXCHARS BUFSIZ /* maximum number of chars in lines */ #define REG 0 /* column number of regressor */ char Varname[MAXVAR][MAXLEN]; /* names of variables */ int Ncases = 0; /* number of points/lines read in */ int NAcount = 0; /* number of NA missing values */ int Nvar; /* number of variables read in */ double correl[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; /* correlation matrix */ double covar[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; /* covariance matrix */ double sum[MAXVAR]; /* sum of scores for each variable */ #define FORMWIDTH 20 /* max space for format string */ #define MAXWIDTH 20 /* max width of field */ #define MINWIDTH 5 /* min width of field */ int Fieldwidth = 10; /* width of field in format string */ #define SFORMAT "%10.10s " /* format of strings */ #define LFORMAT "%-10.10s " /* left justified strings */ #define FFORMAT "%10.4f " /* floating point format */ char Sformat[FORMWIDTH] = SFORMAT; char Lformat[FORMWIDTH] = LFORMAT; char Fformat[FORMWIDTH] = FFORMAT; #define PRINTVEC(var,format,label)\ {\ printf (Lformat, label);\ for (col = 0; col < Nvar; col++)\ printf (format, var);\ putchar ('\n');\ } \f /* OPTIONS */ int Doreg = 1; /* should regression be done? */ int SumSquares; /* print raw sums of squares */ int Covariance; /* print covariance matrix */ int Partial; /* partial correlation analysis */ int Equation; /* save regression equation */ Boole InfoVersion; /* print version information */ Boole InfoLimits; /* print program limits */ Boole InfoOptions; /* print usage information */ Boole Debug = FALSE; initial (argc, argv) char **argv; { int row; extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int C; int opterr = 0; ARGV0; while ((C = getopt (argc, argv, "ceprsDF:LOV")) != EOF) switch (C) { case 'O': InfoOptions = TRUE; break; case 'V': InfoVersion = TRUE; break; case 'L': InfoLimits = TRUE; break; case 'D': Debug = TRUE; break; case 'F': if (setint (Argv0, C, optarg, &Fieldwidth, MINWIDTH, MAXWIDTH)) opterr++; else { sprintf (Lformat, "%%-%d.%ds ", Fieldwidth, Fieldwidth); sprintf (Sformat, "%%%d.%ds ", Fieldwidth, Fieldwidth); sprintf (Fformat, "%%%d.%df ", Fieldwidth,(Fieldwidth-2)/2); } break; case 'c': Covariance = 1; break; case 'e': Equation = 1; break; case 'p': Partial = 1; Doreg = 1; break; case 'r': Doreg = 0; break; case 's': SumSquares = 1; break; default: opterr++; break; } if (Equation) Doreg = 1; if (opterr) USAGE ([-cprs] [variable names]) if (argc-optind > MAXVAR) ERRMANY (variable names, MAXVAR) usinfo (); for (row = optind; row < argc; row++) strncpy (Varname[row-optind], argv[row], MAXLEN); if (Doreg) if (Varname[REG][0] == '\0') strcpy (Varname[REG], "REG"); for (row = (Doreg ? 1 : 0); row < MAXVAR; row++) if (Varname[row][0] == '\0') { Varname[row][0] = 'A' - (Doreg ? 1 : 0) + row; Varname[row][1] = '\0'; } checkstdin (); } \f /*FUNCTION main */ main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { initial (argc, argv); input (); compute (); if (Doreg) regress (); exit (0); } \f /*FUNCTION input */ input () { char line[MAXCHARS]; /* each data line read in here */ int ncols; /* number of columns in an input line */ char *in[MAXVAR]; /* each input column of line in here */ double temp[MAXVAR]; /* each input column number in here */ double minx[MAXVAR]; /* minimum value of each variable */ double maxx[MAXVAR]; /* maximum value of each variable */ register int row, col; while (gets (line)) { if ((ncols = parselin (line, in, MAXVAR)) == 0) continue; if (ncols > MAXVAR) ERRMANY (input columns, MAXVAR) for (col = 0; col < ncols; col++) if (isna (in[col])) break; if (col < ncols) { NAcount++; continue; } if (Ncases == 0) { Nvar = ncols; for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) minx[row] = maxx[row] = atof (in[row]); } else if (ncols != Nvar) ERRRAGGED for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) { if (number (in[row])) temp[row] = atof (in[row]); else ERRNUM (in[row],input data) sum[row] += temp[row]; if (temp[row] > maxx[row]) maxx[row] = temp[row]; if (temp[row] < minx[row]) minx[row] = temp[row]; for (col = 0; col <= row; col++) covar[row][col] += temp[row] * temp[col]; } Ncases++; } if (Ncases <= 1) ERRDATA printf ("Analysis for %d cases of %d variables:\n", Ncases, Nvar); if (NAcount) printf ("Missing cases ignored: %d\n", NAcount); if (SumSquares) printmat (covar, "Raw SS Matrix"); else PRINTVEC (Varname[col], Sformat, "Variable") PRINTVEC (minx[col], Fformat, "Min") PRINTVEC (maxx[col], Fformat, "Max") PRINTVEC (sum[col], Fformat, "Sum") for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) for (col = 0; col <= row; col++) covar[row][col] -= sum[row]*sum[col]/Ncases; PRINTVEC (sum[col]/Ncases, Fformat, "Mean") PRINTVEC (sqrt (covar[col][col]/(Ncases-1)), Fformat, "SD"); if (Covariance) printmat (covar, "Covariance Matrix"); } \f /*FUNCTION compute: calculate correlation matrix */ compute () { register int row, col; double denom; for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) { for (col = 0; col < row; col++) if (!fzero (denom = covar[row][row] * covar[col][col])) correl[row][col] = covar[row][col]/sqrt (denom); else correl[row][col] = 0.0; correl[row][row] = 1.0; } printmat (correl, "Correlation Matrix"); } \f /*FUNCTION regress */ regress () { register int row, col, var; double pof (); /* probability of F */ double invert (); /* matrix inversion. returns det */ double invcor[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; /* inverse correlation matrix */ double partial[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; /* partial correlations */ double beta[MAXVAR]; /* standardized regression weights */ double b[MAXVAR]; /* regression coefficients slopes */ double a; /* intercept in regression equation */ double F; /* F ratio */ double Rsq; /* squared correlation coefficient */ double SEestsq; /* squared SE estimate */ int npred = Nvar - 1; /* number of predictors */ int dferror = Ncases - Nvar;/* degrees of freedom for error */ char Fline[20]; /* holds the F ratio line */ if (npred < 1) ERRMSG0 (No predictor variables for regression) if (dferror < 1) ERRMSG0 (Not enough degrees of freedom for regression) for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) for (col = 0; col < row; col++) correl[col][row] = correl[row][col]; /* make symmetric */ for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) for (col = 0; col < Nvar; col++) { invcor[row][col] = correl[row][col]; /* copy */ if (row != 0 && col != 0) partial[row-1][col-1] = correl[row][col]; } if (fzero (invert (partial, Nvar-1))) { WARNING (These predictors seem to be non-orthogonal) ERRMSG0 (Singular partial correlation matrix) } if (fzero (invert (invcor, Nvar))) Rsq = 1.0; else if fzero (invcor[REG][REG]) Rsq = 0.0; else Rsq = 1.0 - 1.0/invcor[REG][REG]; for (var = 1; var < Nvar; var++) { beta[var] = b[var] = 0.0; for (col = 1; col < Nvar; col++) beta[var] += partial[var-1][col-1] * correl[REG][col]; } a = sum[REG]; for (var = 1; var < Nvar; var++) if (!fzero (covar[var][var])) { b[var] = beta[var] * sqrt (covar[REG][REG]/covar[var][var]); a -= b[var] * sum[var]; } a /= Ncases; putchar ('\n'); printf ("Regression Equation for %s:\n", Varname[REG]); printf ("%s = ", Varname[REG]); for (var = 1; var < Nvar; var++) printf ("%.4g %s + ", b[var], Varname[var]); printf ("%g\n", a); if (Equation) { FILE *ioptr = fopen ("regress.eqn", "w"); if (ioptr) { fprintf (ioptr, "s1\n"); for (var = 1; var < Nvar; var++) fprintf (ioptr, "(x%d * %.20g) + ", var+1, b[var]); fprintf (ioptr, "%.20g\n", a); VOID fclose (ioptr); } else WARNING (could not open regression output file) } if (fzero (Rsq - 1.0)) F = MAXF; else F = Rsq * dferror / (npred * (1.0 - Rsq)); SEestsq = covar[REG][REG]*(1.0-Rsq)/dferror; putchar ('\n'); printf ("Significance test for prediction of %s\n", Varname[REG]); printf (Sformat, "Mult-R"); printf (Sformat, "R-Squared"); printf (Sformat, "SEest"); VOID sprintf (Fline, "F(%d,%d)", npred, dferror); printf (Sformat, Fline); printf (Sformat, "prob (F)"); putchar ('\n'); printf (Fformat, sqrt (Rsq)); printf (Fformat, Rsq); printf (Fformat, sqrt (SEestsq)); printf (Fformat, F); printf (Fformat, pof (F, npred, dferror)); putchar ('\n'); if (Partial) { putchar ('\n'); printf ("Significance test(s) for predictor(s) of %s\n", Varname[REG]); printf (Lformat, "Predictor"); printf (Sformat, "beta"); printf (Sformat, "b"); printf (Sformat, "Rsq"); printf (Sformat, "se"); VOID sprintf (Fline, "t(%d)", dferror); printf (Sformat, Fline); /* VOID sprintf (Fline, "F(1,%d)", dferror); printf (Sformat, Fline); */ printf (Sformat, "p"); putchar ('\n'); for (var = 1; var < Nvar; var++) { double rsq = 0.0; double SEsq; double Fvar = 0.0; double p; double SSres; if (!fzero (partial[var-1][var-1])) rsq = 1.0 - 1.0/partial[var-1][var-1]; else rsq = 0.0; SSres = covar[var][var] * (1.0 - rsq); if (SSres > FZERO && SEestsq > FZERO) { SEsq = SEestsq/SSres; Fvar = b[var]*b[var] / SEsq; p = pof (Fvar, 1, dferror); } else { SEsq = 0.0; Fvar = MAXF; p = 0.0; } printf (Lformat, Varname[var]); printf (Fformat, beta[var]); printf (Fformat, b[var]); printf (Fformat, rsq); printf (Fformat, sqrt (SEsq)); printf (Fformat, sqrt (Fvar)); /* printf (Fformat, Fvar); */ printf (Fformat, p); putchar ('\n'); } } } \f /*FUNCTION invert: returns determinant of input matrix. modifies matrix. */ double invert (matrix, size) double matrix[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; int size; { int j,k,l; double pivot; double temp; double det = 1.0; for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { pivot = matrix[j][j]; det *= pivot; matrix[j][j] = 1.0; for (k = 0; k < size; k++) if (!fzero (pivot)) matrix[j][k] /= pivot; else return (0.0); for (k = 0; k < size; k++) if (k != j) { temp = matrix[k][j]; matrix[k][j] = 0.0; for (l = 0; l < size; l++) matrix[k][l] -= matrix[j][l] * temp; } } return (det); } \f /*FUNCTION usinfo */ usinfo () { if (InfoVersion) pver (Version); if (InfoLimits) { plim (Argv0); const (MAXVAR, "maximum number of variables"); const (MAXLEN, "maximum length of variable names"); const (MAXCHARS, "maximum number of characters in lines"); const (MAXWIDTH, "maximum width of output fields"); const (MINWIDTH, "minimum width of output fields"); } if (InfoOptions) { ppgm (Argv0, Purpose); lopt ('c', "print covariance matrix", Covariance); lopt ('e', "save regression equation in regress.eqn", Equation); iopt ('F', "width", "width of output fields", Fieldwidth); lopt ('p', "partial correlation analysis", Partial); lopt ('r', "print regression analysis", Doreg); lopt ('s', "print sums of squares", SumSquares); oper ("[names]", "variable names", "[REG] A B ..."); } if (InfoVersion || InfoLimits || InfoOptions) exit (0); } printmat (mat, label) double mat[MAXVAR][MAXVAR]; char *label; { int row, col; printf ("\n%s:\n", label); for (row = 0; row < Nvar; row++) { printf (Lformat, Varname[row]); for (col = 0; col <= row; col++) printf (Fformat, mat[row][col]); putchar ('\n'); } PRINTVEC (Varname[col], Sformat, "Variable") }