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⟦3fc18e709⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3961 (0xf79)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »Makefile«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec6/larn/Makefile« 


# Configuration options
#  LARNHOME is the directory where the larn data files will be installed.
#  BINDIR is the directory where the larn binary will be installed.

LARNHOME = /usr/games/lib/larn/.lfiles
BINDIR = /usr/games
CC= cc

# -ltermlib may need to be changed to -ltermcap on some systems
TERMLIB= -ltermlib

# Available compile time options:
#   WIZID=xxx  - this is the userid (or playerid) of the wizard.  Default is
#		zero (superuser), which disables all wizard functions.
#		Players must have this userid (or playerid) in order to
#		become the non-scoring wizard player.  Definition of WIZID
#		to non-zero will enable the special wizard debugging
#		commands.  For root to become wizard, use WIZID= -1.
#   EXTRA      - incorporates code to gather additional performance statistics
#   TIMECHECK  - incorporates code to disable play during working hours (8-5)
#   SYSV       - use system III/V (instead of V7) type ioctl calls
#   BSD        - use BSD specific features (mostly timer and signal stuff)
#   BSD4.1     - use BSD4.1 to avoid some 4.2 dependencies (must be used with
#					BSD above; do not mix with SYSV)
#   HIDEBYLINK - if defined, the program attempts to hide from ps
#   DOCHECKPOINTS - if not defined, checkpoint files are periodically written
#               by the larn process (no forking) if enabled in the .larnopts
#		description file.  Checkpointing is handy on an unreliable
#		system, but takes CPU. Inclusion of DOCHECKPOINTS will cause
#		fork()ing to perform the checkpoints (again if enabled in
#		the .larnopts file).  This usually avoids pauses in larn
#		while the checkpointing is being done (on large machines).
#   SAVEINHOME - put save files in users HOME instead of LARNHOME the as default
#	VER        - This is the version of the software, example:  12
#	SUBVER     - This is the revision of the software, example:  1
#	FLUSHNO=#  - Set the input queue excess flushing threshold (default 5)
#	NOVARARGS  - Define for systems that don't have varargs (a default
#			varargs will be used).
#	MACRORND   - Define to use macro version of rnd() and rund() (fast & big)
#	UIDSCORE   - Define to use user id's to manage scoreboard.  Leaving
#			this out will cause player id's from the file
#			".playerids" to be used instead.  (.playerids is
#			created upon demand).  Only one entry per id
#			is allowed in each scoreboard (winning & non-winning).
#	VT100	  - Compile for using vt100 family of terminals.  Omission of
#			this define will cause larn to use termcap, but it will
#			be MUCH slower due to an extra layer of output
#			interpretation. 
#			Also, only VT100 mode allows 2 different standout modes,
#			inverse video, and bold video.  And only in VT100 mode
#			is the scrolling region of the terminal used (much
#			nicer than insert/delete line sequences to simulate it,
#			if VT100 is omitted).
#	NONAP	  - This causes napms() to return immediately instead of
#			delaying n milliseconds.  This define may be needed on
#			some systems if the nap stuff does not work correctly
#			(possible hang). nap() is primarilly used to delay for
#			effect when casting missile type spells.


# End of configurable make options
OBJS= main.o object.o create.o tok.o display.o global.o data.o io.o monster.o\
	store.o diag.o help.o config.o nap.o bill.o scores.o signal.o moreobj.o\
	movem.o regen.o fortune.o savelev.o

DOTFILES= .larnmaze .larnopts .lfortune


larn: larn12.0
larn12.0: $(OBJS) 
	$(CC) $(FLAGS) $(OBJS) -o larn12.0 $(TERMLIB)
	size larn12.0

all: larn install

.c.o:	$<
	$(CC) -c $(FLAGS) $*.c
	chmod 0600 $*.o

$(OBJS): header.h

	if test ! -d $(LARNHOME) ; then mkdir $(LARNHOME); fi
	-chmod a+w $(LARNHOME)
	cp larn12.0 $(BINDIR)/larn