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Length: 10664 (0x29a8) Types: TextFile Names: »stackp.scm.16«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/scheme/scm/stackp.scm.16«
;;; -*-Scheme-*- ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology ;;; ;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the ;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of ;;; Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Permission to ;;; copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any ;;; purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and ;;; understandings. ;;; ;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright ;;; notice in full. ;;; ;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) ;;; to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or ;;; extensions that they make, so that these may be included in ;;; future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of ;;; this software. ;;; ;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of ;;; this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance ;;; with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic ;;; research. ;;; ;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the ;;; operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is ;;; under no obligation to provide any services, by way of ;;; maintenance, update, or otherwise. ;;; ;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;;; material, there shall be no use of the name of the ;;; Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation ;;; thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature ;;; without prior written consent from MIT in each case. ;;; ;;;; Stack Parser (declare (usual-integrations)) \f (define continuation?) (define catch) (define within-continuation) (define null-continuation?) (define continuation-expression) (define continuation-environment) (define continuation-reductions) (define continuation-dynamic-state) (define continuation-return-code) (define continuation-next-continuation) (define continuation-annotation) (define continuation-interrupt-enables) (define set-continuation-interrupt-enables!) (define continuation-undefined-environment?) (define continuation-undefined-expression?) (define continuation-evaluated-object?) (define continuation-evaluated-object-value) (let ((type-code-control-point (microcode-type 'CONTROL-POINT)) (return-address-restore-history (make-return-address (microcode-return 'RESTORE-HISTORY))) (return-address-restore-dont-copy-history (make-return-address (microcode-return 'RESTORE-DONT-COPY-HISTORY))) (call-with-current-continuation (make-primitive-procedure 'CALL-WITH-CURRENT-CONTINUATION)) (within-control-point (make-primitive-procedure 'WITHIN-CONTROL-POINT)) (evaluated-object-tag '(EVALUATED)) (undefined-expression '(UNDEFINED-EXPRESSION)) (undefined-environment '(UNDEFINED-ENVIRONMENT)) (undefined-reductions '())) (declare (compilable-primitive-functions call-with-current-continuation within-control-point)) (set! continuation? (named-lambda (continuation? object) (conjunction (compound-procedure? object) (let ((environment (procedure-environment object))) (conjunction (environment? environment) (eq? (environment-procedure environment) make-continuation)))))) \f ;;;; User Interface ;;*** (define (control-point-offset control-point) (system-vector-ref control-point 1)) (set! catch (named-lambda (catch receiver) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (control-point) (let ((dynamic-state (current-dynamic-state))) (receiver (make-continuation (delay control-point) dynamic-state (delay (parse-stack (control-point->stack control-point) (access the-empty-history history-package) dynamic-state (control-point-offset control-point)))))))))) (set! within-continuation (named-lambda (within-continuation continuation thunk) (if (continuation? continuation) (within-control-point (control-point continuation) thunk) (error "Not a continuation" within-continuation continuation)))) (set! null-continuation? (named-lambda (null-continuation? continuation) (null? (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-expression (named-lambda (continuation-expression continuation) (parsed-expression (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-environment (named-lambda (continuation-environment continuation) (parsed-environment (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-reductions (named-lambda (continuation-reductions continuation) (parsed-reductions (parser-output continuation)))) \f (set! continuation-dynamic-state (named-lambda (continuation-dynamic-state continuation) (parsed-dynamic-state (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-next-continuation (named-lambda (continuation-next-continuation continuation) (let ((parser-output (parser-output continuation))) (make-continuation (delay (stack->control-point (parsed-stack parser-output) ((access history-untransform history-package) (parsed-history parser-output)) (parsed-offset-to-restore-history parser-output))) (parsed-dynamic-state parser-output) (delay (parse-stack (parsed-stack parser-output) (parsed-history parser-output) (parsed-dynamic-state parser-output) (parsed-offset-to-restore-history parser-output))))))) \f (set! continuation-return-code (named-lambda (continuation-return-code continuation) (parsed-return-code (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-annotation (named-lambda (continuation-annotation continuation) (parsed-annotation (parser-output continuation)))) (set! continuation-interrupt-enables (named-lambda (continuation-interrupt-enables continuation) (control-point-interrupt-enables (control-point continuation)))) (set! set-continuation-interrupt-enables! (named-lambda (set-continuation-interrupt-enables! continuation ie) (set-control-point-interrupt-enables! (control-point continuation) ie))) ;;; Evaluated objects. (define (make-evaluated-object expression) (list evaluated-object-tag expression)) (set! continuation-evaluated-object? (named-lambda (continuation-evaluated-object? object) (conjunction (pair? object) (eq? (car object) evaluated-object-tag)))) (set! continuation-evaluated-object-value cadr) ;;; Undefined objects. (set! continuation-undefined-expression? (named-lambda (continuation-undefined-expression? object) (eq? undefined-expression object))) (set! continuation-undefined-environment? (named-lambda (continuation-undefined-environment? object) (eq? undefined-environment object))) \f ;;;; Stack Parser (define (parse-stack stack history dynamic-state offset-to-restore) (if (return-address? (car stack)) ((vector-ref stack-parser-table (return-address-code (car stack))) stack history dynamic-state offset-to-restore) (parse-stack (stack-tail stack (- offset-to-restore 3)) history dynamic-state 3))) (define stack-parser-table (vector-cons number-of-microcode-returns (lambda (stack history dynamic-state offset-to-restore) (error "Undefined return address" parse-stack (stack-ref stack 0))))) (define (define-stack-parser name parser) (vector-set! stack-parser-table (disjunction (microcode-return name) (error "Unknown return address name" define-stack-parser name)) parser)) (define (define-standard-parser name parser) (define-stack-parser name (lambda (stack history dynamic-state offset) (parser (stack-tail stack 1) history (lambda (expression environment count . annotation) (apply make-parser-output (cons* (stack-ref stack 0) expression environment ((access history-reductions history-package) history) (stack-tail stack (1+ count)) ((access history-superproblem history-package) history) dynamic-state (monus offset (1+ count)) annotation))))))) (define (parse-standard-frame stack history cont) (cont (stack-ref stack 0) (stack-ref stack 1) 2)) (define (parse-expression-only-frame stack history cont) (cont (stack-ref stack 0) undefined-environment 1)) \f ;;;; Parser Output Abstraction (define ((make-continuation promised-control-point dynamic-state promised-parser-output) value) (translate-to-state-point dynamic-state) ((force promised-control-point) value)) (define (control-point continuation) (force (access promised-control-point (procedure-environment continuation)))) (define (parser-output continuation) (force (access promised-parser-output (procedure-environment continuation)))) (define (make-parser-output return-address expression environment reductions stack history dynamic-state offset . annotation) (list->vector (cons* expression environment reductions stack history dynamic-state offset (if (return-address? return-address) (return-address-code return-address) '()) annotation))) \f (define (parsed-expression parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 0)) (define (parsed-environment parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 1)) (define (parsed-reductions parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 2)) (define (parsed-stack parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 3)) (define (parsed-history parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 4)) (define (parsed-dynamic-state parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 5)) (define (parsed-offset-to-restore-history parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 6)) (define (parsed-return-code parser-output) (vector-ref parser-output 7)) (define (parsed-annotation parser-output) (subvector->list parser-output 8 (vector-size parser-output))) \f ;;;; Stack Abstraction (define (stack-ref stack n) (car (stack-tail stack n))) (define (stack-tail stack n) (if (zero? n) stack (stack-tail (force (cdr stack)) (-1+ n)))) (define (stack-list stack n) (if (zero? n) '() (cons (car stack) (stack-list (force (cdr stack)) (-1+ n))))) (define (stack-split stack n receiver) (if (zero? n) (receiver '() stack) (stack-split (force (cdr stack)) (-1+ n) (lambda (head tail) (receiver (cons (car stack) head) tail))))) (define (monus a b) (if (= a 0) 0 (- a b))) ;;; end CONTINUATION package. )