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└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/uEmacs/emacs1.mss«
@chapter(INTRODUCTON) MicroEMACS, henceforth called EMACS, is a full screen editor (not a word processor) which is available on a variety of computers (both micro and mini/main frame). As a general characteristic, EMACS is a function driven program wherein every keystroke is a "function" call; hence, there is no notion of input versus edit modes. Thus, for example, the keystroke 'a' invokes the function "insert-character 'a'". All visible ASCII (8-bit) characters are self-inserting while the non-visible (control) characters are used as commands. There is a tutorial file called emacs.tut on the distribution disk. It might be useful if you read this documentation after going through the tutorial. To do this, type @b<emacs emacs.tut> when you get the DOS prompt. This will start emacs, instructing it to read in the file emacs.tut from the default disk into a standard buffer and put you into it. You can then follow the instructions in it. @i<In case of trouble, you can always abort a command with CTRL-G or abort emacs with CTRL-X CTRL-C.> The command structure of EMACS is simple: commands are single keystroke, double keystroke, or full command-spec. For efficiency, single keystroke commands are the most used, followed by 2-keystroke, and so on. Every command (where it makes sense) in EMACS allows for a numeric argument in pre-fix notation. Since decimal digits are also self-inserting, arguments are passed to the command (including self-insert commands) through two mechanisms. First, an arbitrary numeric argument can be passed by ESC <number> where <number> is a standard decimal number and ESC is the ESCape character (control-[ or the ESC on your keyboard). Thus, the sequence "esc 7 a" results in aaaaaaaa. Second, numeric arguments of powers of 4 can be passed by prefixing a command with control-U's. Each control-U increases the power by 1. Hence control-U means 4, control-Ucontrol-U means 16, control-Ucontrol-Ucontrol-U means 64 and so on. Thus, "control-Ucontrol-Ua" yields:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. If an explicit numeric argument is not given, EMACS uses 1. Note also that negative numeric arguments can also be given and EMACS tries to behave intelligently about them. The structure of this document is functional: i.e., each section is devoted to a set of common activities such as moving around, deleting, copying etc. @chapter(PRELIMINARIES) @section(REGION or POINT and MARK) A region is a block of text to be acted upon by some EMACS commands. It is demarcated by the POINT on one end and the MARK at the other. The point is the primary location identifier where most of the action takes place and is always @i(between) two characters. The point is indicated by the cursor position in that it is just behind the cursor. The point is also significant in that it defines one end of the region. The mark, on the other hand, is invisible, and is used to demarcate the other end of the region( see section @ref(regmov) or, to peek ahead, one denotes the mark by escape .). @section(BUFFERS) Buffers are regions of memory which are the primary units internal to EMACS and where EMACS does its work. Thus, a file being edited is located in a buffer. One can have multiple buffers, each with a unique name, each of which can contain a file to be worked upon. The KILL buffer is a very special buffer that is always around and which holds large pieces of deleted text. While you cannot directly work with the buffer, you use it indirectly in copying/moving text segments. @section(MODE) An EMACS mode specifies the general fashion in which EMACS deals with user input. For example, how should EMACS deal with long lines (> 79 characters)? The mode is associated with the buffer and not the file. Hence, the mode has to be explicitly set (or removed) each time the file is to be edited. However, since the mode is associated with the buffer, a new file read into the buffer will be edited with the previously specified mode. Also, standard (default) modes can be set for all buffers when EMACS is first started. (See @ref(modes) for more information of modes.) @section(WINDOWS) Windows are the visible portions of buffers. EMACS allows as many windows on the screen as can fit. Since windows are screen objects, the relationship of windows to buffers can be many-to-one. That is, one can have many windows per buffer or a each window could be into a different buffer. @section(SCREEN) The screen is usually the 24 row by 80 column section of the physical screen that is available to EMACS. The format is as follows. The 24th row (the bottom line) is generally clear. It is used for EMACS prompts, user responses, and EMACS messages. The remainder of the screen (23 rows) is left for text display. For each window that is open on the screen, the bottom line is used to provide information to the user. Starting with the program's name and version number, it contains the buffer mode(s) in parenthesis, the buffer name and, finally, the file name associated with theref buffer if there is one so associated. @section(OBJECTS) Objects are the entities upon which commands will operate. The most common object is the character. Other objects are: words, lines, sentences, paragraphs, screens, regions, and files. @section(NOTATION) Standard visible characters are shown normally. Control charactes (the so-called non-printing characters) are shown prefixed by a @b(^) e.g., control-A as ^A. NOTE: in 8-bit ASCII there are 32 non-printing characters: @center<^@ ^A..^Z ^[ ^\ ^] ^^ ^_> Control characters are case independent; i.e., ^A is the same as ^a. Further, the escape key which, technically, is ^[ is denoted by ESC; most keyboards have a special key marked ESC. In two-keystroke commands, the intervening blank space shown is for clarity and should not be typed. Parameters to be supplied by you are indicated as [parameter-type]. Finally, special keys are denoted by <key-name>. @section(GETTING STARTED) To start using EMACS, just type @b(EMACS [filename]) (where [filename] is the name of the file you wish to edit) from your operating system's command prompt. This will bring up EMACS and read in the file you wish to edit. (@i[If you are using EMACS for the first time one your machine, read @ref<install> to learn how to install EMACS on your machine]). @chapter(INSERTING TEXT) All standard "printable" ASCII characters are self-inserting. This means for those of you who have "extended" characters (ASCII 128-255) you can type these in just as you any other character. For example, on the IBM-PC, keeping the <Alt> key pressed down while typing in another key sequence will give you the "extended" character. With the following exceptions, all other non-printing characters are commands: @begin(description) ^I (or <TAB>)@/Handle-Tab: inserts the tab character or spaces to move the currently set tab distance (see @ref(tabset)). When you first start EMACS, this character inserts itself and while you "see" spaces, there is just one character there. However, if you use the set-tab distance command (by ESC [number] ^I) then the required tab distance is obtained by inserting the requisite number of spaces and @i(now) the spaces that you see are indeed spaces. ^M (or <RETURN>)@/Insert-Newline. insert a new-line at point. Note that this is a character like any other and can be deleted or inserted at any place. However it looks different because it acts like the carriage-return line feed pair. ^J (or <LINEFEED>)@/NewLine-Indent: like above but indent to previous line's indentation Hence, a ^J actually inserts a new-line and as many spaces as required to move under the first character on the previous line. ^O (oh)@/Open-Line: insert an open line at cursor for entering text. This is a very useful command when you are going to be inserting more than a few characters in between existing characters. By using ^O you will not be forcing EMACS to shift other text around as you type and things will both go faster and look cleaner on the screen. If you are going to insert a lot of new text, use a numeric argument to get a lot of blank lines after point. You can use ^X ^O to clean up the buffer after you finish adding your text (see @ref(deblank)). ^Q@/Quote-Next-Character. If you wish certain control characters (non-printing) to appear in your text, you can do so by "quoting" them with a ^Q. Hence the sequence: ^Q [char] will insert the [char] into the text. ^C@/Insert-Space. This command inserts a space after point. While not particularly useful in general (since the space-bar "key" does the same thing and more easily) it is very useful when you are in "insert mode (see @ref(insertmode)). @end(description) @chapter(MOVING AROUND) In this chapter, we cover ways of moving around in a variety of contexts: the screen, region, and file. @section(SCREEN) Movement commands work on pieces of text called objects. Three objects are involved in moving around the screen: character, word and paragraph. @subsection(Character Moving) @begin(description) ^F@/Forward-Charcter. The point moves forward by one character hence the cursor also moves since the cursor is just after point. Again note that since the new-line character is a character, you can "move" over it just as you would any other character. On the screen this appears as a jump to the beginning of the next line. ^B@/Backward-Character. Just like Forward-Character but in the reverse direction. @end(description)@subsection(Line Moving)@begin(description) ^P@/Previous-Line. The point moves to the same column in the previous line if that is possible. If there is no text for it to move to it moves to the end of the line. However, it "remembers" the column it was in and moves to it when you return to the starting line. If the point is on the top line of the screen, the screen scrolls backward so that the previous line of the text is centered on the new screen. ^N@/Next-Line. Like ^P but point moves to the next line. ^E@/End-Of-Line. The point moves after the last character on the line and stays between it and the <new-line> character. Hence another ^F (Forward-Character) would put you past the new-line, i.e., at the beginning of the next line. ^A@/Start-Of-Line. The point moves to the beginning of the line and is between the first character on the line and the new-line character of the previous line. A ^B (or Backward-Character), then, would put you at the end of the previous line. ESC G@/To-Numbered-Line. The cursor moves to the line specifed by the numeric argument. If none is given, EMACS, as usual, would assume 1 and move you to the top of the buffer. Use ESC <number> to denote the target line where the first line is 1. Hence, for example, if you wished to go to the 83 line you would type ESC 83 ESC G. @end(description) @section(Word Moving) @begin(description) ESC F@/Forward-Word. The point is moved from its current location to the beginning of the next word. A word is defined to be contiguous characters separated by spaces or punctuation marks. Hence if the point is currently in middle of two words (i.e., @i[in front of the space or the punctuation]) it is moved to the beginning of the next word. ESC B@/Backward-Word. Like forward word but in the reverse direction. @end(description)@section(Paragraph Moving)@begin(description) ESC N@/Forward-Paragraph. Move to the beginning of the next paragraph. NOTE: A paragraph is defined as a section of text separated from other text by 1) blank lines, 2) a line starting with blanks, or 3) a line starting with a tab character (^I).@tag(paradef) ESC N@/Backward-Paragraph. Like forward-paragraph but in the reverse direction. @end(description)@section(Region Moving)@TAG(regmov) @begin(description) ^X ^X@/Exchange-Point-And-Mark. There is only one region available at a time. Hence, moving by regions is restricted to moving from one end of the region to the other. To reiterate, the region is defined by the point (behind the cursor) at one end and the mark (set by ESC . or ESC space) at the other. Recall that @i<this> end of the region is where the cursor is. Hence exchanging point and mark effectively moves you from one end of the region to the other. @end(description)@section<Screen Moving>@begin(description) ^V or <NEXT>@/Next-Screen. The screen is scrolled up so that the next set of lines can be shown in the window. EMACS retains an overlap of two lines for continuity -- i.e., you do not get a new screen starting with the first previously invisible line but rather the new screen will start with two lines from the bottom of the previous screen. The point is left at the home position (top left hand corner). ESC V or CTRL Z or <PREV>@/Previous-Screen. Like above except that the previous set of screen lines is displayed. @end(description) @section(Window Moving) @begin(description) ^X O (oh)@/Next-Window. Moves point to the the next window on the screen. EMACS cycles through windows. Thus, if you are in the bottom window, you are moved to the top window. ^X P@/Previous-Window. Like above but in the opposite direction. @end(description) For addtional information on windows, see @ref(windows). @section(Buffer Moving)@begin(description) ESC < or <HOME>@/Top-Of-Buffer. Moves point to the very beginning of the buffer. ESC >or <shift-HOME>@/Bottom-Of-Buffer. Moves point to the very end of the buffer. ESC B@/To-Named-Buffer. You will be prompted for a buffer name (see @ref(buflist) on how to find out about your buffers) and will be switched to it. If the buffer does not exits, EMACS will create one and put you into it. ^X X@/Next-Buffer. You will be put into the next buffer in the buffer list. Like with windows, EMACS cycles through the buffer list and hence if you are in the last buffer, you will be put into the first one. @end(description) For additional information on buffers, see @ref(buffers). @section(File Moving) A file is a named collection of text and is associated with a buffer in EMACS. EMACS allows full filenames; hence the full path can be specifed. In all cases of moving between files, you will be prompted for a filename Type it in and hit <return>. @begin(description) ^X ^R@/Read-File. The file, if found, is read into the current buffer overwriting any text already in it. If the buffer has been changed and you have not saved your changes, you will be asked to confirm the overwrite. If the file is not found where specified, it is assumed that you wish to create a new file with that name and your current buffer is merely emptied. ^X ^F@/Find-File. EMACS attempts first to find the specified file within one of the existing buffers. If it finds the file it merely switches you to that buffer. If it does not, it will create a new buffer, read the specified file if found into it, and switch you to the new buffer. If the file is not found, a new buffer is created and you will be put into it. ^X ^V@/View-File. Like find-a-file above except that the VIEW mode is automatically added to the buffer. In this mode you are only allowed to move around the buffer and cannot make any changes. @end(description) @chapter(DELETING) Like moving around, deleting is an action that can work with a variety of objects: characters, words, lines, paragraphs, regions, windows, and buffers. It is worth reiterating that the object is defined relative to the point and not the object as a whole. Hence, if you are in the middle of a word and issue a delete-forward-word command, the text deleted is actually from the point to the end of the word. @section(Character)@begin(description) CTRL-D@/Delete-Forward-Character. Since the point is always just before the cursor, the character under the cursor is deleted. When you are at the end of a line, the point is just before the <newline> character and, therefore, a Delete-Forward-Character "eats" up the <newline> -- in effect this joins the next line to the current one. CTRL-H or <BACKSPACE>@/Delete-Backward-Character. This deletes the character before point. At the beginning of a line, it deletes the previous <newline> character and hence joins the current line to the previous one. @end(description)@section(Word)@begin(description) ESC D@/Delete-Forward-Word. Deletes the text from the point to the @i<beginning> of the next word. Hence, any punctuation separating the words is also deleted. ESC <backspace> or ESC CTRL-H@/Delete-Backward-Word. Like above but in the reversse direction. @end(description)@section(Line)@begin(description) CTRL-K@/Delete-To-End-Of-Line (Kill line). All characters from point to the end of the line are deleted. @i[The <new-line> character is NOT deleted.] To delete a line completely from the buffer you would have to do the following: CTRL-A (Start-Of-Line) CTRL-K (Delete-To-End-Of-Line) CTRL-D (Delete-Forward-Character to delete the <newline> character). @tag(delete) As with all major deletes (i.e., when more than a few characters are deleted EMACS places the deleted text in a KILLS buffer. Hence, the deletion can be undone by "yanking" the text back at point (using CTRL-Y). CTRL-X CTRL-O (oh)@/Delete-Blank-Lines. This command deletes all blank @i<lines> around the current line. If there is only blank line after the current line it is @i<not> deleted. However, if there are more than 1 blank lines after the current line, @i<all> of them are deleted.@tag(deblank) @end(description)@section(Region) The region is an arbitrary area of the buffer demarcated by the point (just before the cursor!) and the mark. The mark is invisible and is set using ESC . or ESC <space>. To see the other end of the region, use the Exchange-Point-And-Mark (CTRL-X XTRL-X) command. Since the region has no direction associated with it, this effectively shows you the mark and all region commands work correctly. Furthermore, since the region is completely arbitrary in size you could demarcate any sized object from a single character all the way to the entire buffer. @description< CTRL-W@/Delete-Region (kill World!). Deletes the region (between point and mark) and places the killed text in the KILLS buffer to be "yanked" back (with CTRL-Y) at the point. Hence if you ever accidentally type CTRL-W simply undo it with an immediate CTRL-Y (strictly speaking this does not have to be done immediately since the KILLS buffer is overwritten only with the next big delete).> @section<Windows>@description< CTRL-X 1 (one)@/Close-All-Other-Windows. This will close all windows on the screen except for the one you are in (issued the command from).> @section(Buffers)@description< CTRL-X K@/Delete-Buffer. You will be prompted for the name of a buffer If the buffer has been changed, you will be asked to confirm the deletion since killing the buffer would eliminated your changes. To find out which buffers you have, use the CTRL-X CTRL-B command (see @tag<buflist>). As always CTRL-G aborts the pending command -- which means @i(before) you hit return after typing in the buffer name.> @section<Files> Files within EMACS are dealt with by dealing with the associated buffers. If you really want to deal with the disk based versions of files, escape to MSDOS, manage your files and return to EMACS (see @ref(msdos) for a discussion on using MSDOS from within EMACS). @chapter(MOVING/COPYING TEXT) Transposing single characters is easy in EMACS. CTRL-T does it. Larger entities are dealt with via the KILLS buffer (see @ref(delete)). Moving or copying text in EMACS is fundamentally identical. The general procedure is as follows: @begin(enumerate) If pre-defined areas of text are the desired areas to move or copy use the appropriate delete command (delete-line, delete para etc.) to get a copy of the area into the KILLS buffer. An immediate "yank" (CTRL-Y) results in an unchanged buffer. If arbitrary areas of text are desired, the region is used. Demarcate the region to be moved/copied (to repeat: at one end of the region use the set-mark command (with ESC . or ESC <space>) and move the cursor to the other end. Delete (CTRL-W for move) or copy (ESC W) the region into the KILLS buffer. Once the desired text is in the KILLS buffer, it can be inserted into @i(any) buffer by moving the point into the desired buffer at the desired location and "yanking" (CTRL-Y) the text from the KILLS buffer. @end(enumerate)@begin(description) CTRL-W@/Kill-Region. Delete text between point and mark and copy it into the KILLS buffer. ESC W@/Copy-Region. Copy text between point and mark into the KILLS buffer. CTRL-Y@/Yank-Text. Insert a copy of the KILLS buffer into current buffer at point. @i<If you accidently typed CTRL-W (the kill region command), immediately recover by typing in CTRL-Y (the yank text command).> @end(description) Since the KILLS buffer is an independent buffer, you can move text between @i<files> by moving text between @i<buffers>. Further, "yanking" is a read-only operation; hence the text can be inserted as many times as desired with repeated yanks. However, the KILLS buffer gets overwritten with each major delete (i.e., deletion of more than a few characters at a time). Consequently you cannot (as yet) accumulate text in the KILLS buffer with a sequence of kills. If you need to accumulate text use a regular buffer (one that you ask for, see @ref(buffers)) to hold copies of the deleted (or copied) text. If you are doing a lot of accumulation, you might want to use a keyboard macro (see @ref(kbdmacro)). @chapter(SEARCH/REPLACE) Searching and replacing occurs from the current cursor position towards the end of the buffers. When either (forward or backward) search type is asked for, you will be prompted for the search string on the prompt line. Type in the string (including carraige returns, control characters etc.) and finish by hitting the ESC key which marks the end of the string. Unfortunately, this means that ESC itself cannot be part of the string. The seach behaviour of EMACS depends upon the setting of the exact mode of the buffer (see @ref(buffers) for details on modes). If exact mode is on, then the search is done on a case sensitive basis. Otherwise, the case of the target is ignored. Note that the default for every buffer is for the exact mode to be off (unless the global mode is set to have exact on for each buffer, see @ref(globalmode). Obviously, no such constraint exists for the replacement string since the replacement is @i<always> exact. EMACS remembers the search and replace strings and always shows you the current stored string when it prompts you for a string . This string is used if you respond to the prompt with a null string (i.e., if you simply hit ESC when prompted). There are two ways to replace strings in EMACS: unconditional or query replace. In the first, EMACS moves from point to the end of the buffer replacing @i<every> occurrence of the search string with the replacement string without pause. In the second, EMACS pauses at every search string found and prompts you for an action command which allows you to control exactly which occurrences of the search string will be replaced. Because of the lack of control over the regular replace, it is strongly recommended that you be very sure of your changes before you use it. In general, the query replace command should be used. Procedurally, replacing strings with other strings (including the null string) is done as follows: first you are prompted for the search string and then for the replacement string. EMACS then moves from the current position to the end of the buffer replacing (or querying) as it goes along. Note that there is no control over the direction of the replacement -- EMACS always moves foward. Hence, to work on the entire buffer, you need first to move to the top of the buffer and issue the replace command. @begin(description) CTRL-S@/Search-Forward. Search for input string (stored string if input string is null) from point towards the end of the buffer. The point is moved from the current location to the end of the found string. CTRL-R@/Search-Backward. Like forward except in the opposite direction i.e., towards the beginning of the buffer. Note that there is no distinction made between forward and backward stored search strings. Finally if the search string is found, the point is moved to the beginning of the string. ESC R@/Replace. Replace @i<ALL> occurrences of the search string with the null string from point to end-of-buffer. ESC CTRL-R@/Query-Replace. Like above, but pause at each search string found and query for action. The response expected from you and their effects are as follows: @begin(description) Y(es) or <space>@/Make this replacement N(o)@/Do not make this replacement but continue !@/Do the rest of the replacements with no queries CTRL-G@/Abort the replacement command. NOTE: This does not undo any previous replacement that you had authorized. .@/Exactly like CTRL-G except that the cursor returns to the point at which the replacement command was given. ?@/Help for query replacement @end(description) @end(description) @chapter(DEALING WITH WINDOWS) @tag(windows)First of all, note that windows are literally that: they are areas of text in a buffer that you can see on the screen. On the other hand, by moving between windows and visiting different buffers in each, you can effectively edit several files at the same time. When you ask for additional windows, EMACS splits the @i<current> window into two and leaves you in the window created over the current pointer. Thus you can get multiple windows on the screen. What is less obvious is that you are always in a window which means that all window commands operate even when you are in a single window. Each window is similar in that it has a text area and the mode line. However the information/prompt line is common to all windows (and buffers). Further the new window will be into the same buffer as the one from which the create window command was given. To move the window to another buffer, you will have to "visit" the desired buffer from the desired window. Since files are associated with buffers, this lets you simultaneously edit several files. Which leads us to the final point: all commands issued to EMACS are executed on the current buffer in the current window. @begin(description) CTRL-X O(oh)@/To-Next-Window. The current point is moved into the next (i.e., towards the end of the screen) window. Note that the editor cycles through windows which means that if the command is issued from the bottommost window you are put into the top window. CTRL-XP@/To-Previous-Window. Like above but works on the previous window. CTRL-X 2@/Open-Window. The current window is split into two windows -- @i<IF> there is enough space on the screen (a minimum of 1 line of text and 1 mode line per window are required). CTRL-X 1@/Close-Windows. This closes @i<all> windows except the one from which you issued the command. CTRL-X CTRL-N@/Scroll-Current-Window-Down. This scrolls the current window down one line; i.e., the top line of the window dissappears and the hitherto invisible "next" line becomes visible. Hence the scroll window commands work counter-intuitively in that ordinarily one moves ones head with a "real" window or one moves the paper while here one is literally moving the window on to the buffer. CTRL-X CTRL-P@/Scroll-Current-Window-Up. Like above except in the opposite direction; i.e., the previously invisible line towards the beginning of the buffer is made visible and the bottom line dissappears from the window. ECS ! or ESC CTRL-L@/Center-Cursor. The window is moved such that the line with the point (with the cursor) is at the center of the window. CTRL-X ^ or CTRL-X Z@/Enlarge-Window. The window with the pointer is enlarged by one line and the nearest window is shrunk by one line. CTRL-X CTRL-Z@/Shrink-Window. Like above but the current window is shrunk and the nearest window is enlarged. CTRL-L@/Refresh-Screen. The screen is blanked and redrawn. Useful if the screen updates are out of sync with your commands. @end(description) @comment(chapter9to12) @chapter<DEALING WITH BUFFERS>@tag(buffers) Buffers are the major internal entities in EMACS and are characterized by three things: their names, their modes, and the file with which they are associated. Furthermore, each buffer has its own remembered mark and point which makes it easy to "visit" other buffers and return to the original location in the "current" buffer. Dealing with them requires the following commands: @begin(description) ESC < or <HOME>@/Top-Of-Buffer. Moves point to the very beginning of the buffer. ESC >or <shift-HOME>@/Bottom-Of-Buffer. Moves point to the very end of the buffer. ESC B@/To-Named-Buffer. You will be prompted for a buffer name (see @ref(buflist) on how to find out about your buffers) and will be switched to it. If the buffer does not exits, EMACS will create one and put you into it. CTRL-X X@/Next-Buffer. You will be put into the next buffer in the buffer list. Like with windows, EMACS cycles through the buffer list and hence if you are in the last buffer, you will be put into the first one. CTRL-X CTRL-B@/List-Buffers. A new window is created into the "List" buffer which contains details about all the buffers currently known to EMACS. You are left in the original buffer. To close the new window issue the close-windows command (CTRL-X 1). The "List" buffer contains information about the set global modes, the "buffer changed" indicator (an asterisk in the 2nd column), the buffer specific modes, the buffer size, the buffer name, and the associated filename. CTRL-X K@/Delete-Buffer. The specified buffer (as above) is deleted if found. Since this is a destructive operation, you will asked for confirmation if the buffer was changed and not saved. Answer Y(es) or N(o). As usual, CTRL-G cancels the command. @end(description) @section(Modes) @tag(modes) Modes are associated with buffers and govern the way EMACS reacts to certain commands (to be described below). Each buffer starts with no modes set and this is indicated on the information line in parentheses However, you can set "global" modes which means that each new buffer starts off in the set global modes. Alternatively, you can add and delete modes for each buffer separately. Currently, EMACS has the following modes: normal, wrap, view, overwrite, exact, and C. Note that the default for all buffers is to be placed with no modes unless global modes are set. In this normal case, long lines are not folded and the line shifts to the left to enable you to view lines longer than 79 characters. A dollar sign in the last column indicates a line that is longer than 79 characters. Furthermore, any text typed after the 79th character is inserted exactly as is thus enabling you to enter very long lines into your buffer. Also no other modes are set and hence you have no wrapping, insert mode, and inexact match. @begin(description) Wrap@/When wrap mode is set, EMACS tries to fold (break) lines at the currently defined right margin. See @tag(wrap) for more details on wrapping text. View@/View mode essentially puts you into a read only buffer to prevent accidental damage to files. Some special files, such as the help file, are automatically put into view mode buffer.@tag(viewmode) Over@/In over(write) mode, the normal "insert" mode is toggled off which means anything you type in that would normally have inserted itself would now overwrite the existing text. The Insert-Space command (currently bound to CTRL-C) is very useful in this mode since it is self-inserting.@tag(insertmode) Exact@/The exact mode controls the manner in which string searches are done: if exact mode is set, the search is case sensitive; if it is off, the case of the target is ignored. C@/This mode is automatically set if the file extension is .c or .h and does useful things for you when you are writing programs in C. @end(description) The commands required to deal with modes are as follows: @begin(description) CTRL-X M@/Add-Mode. You will be prompted for the mode to add. Type it in and hit return. The mode line will change to reflect the addition. As always, CTRL-G gets you out. NOTE: To set the right margin when in wrap mode, use the set right margin command with the appropriate numerical prefix argument with ESC <number> CTRL-X F. Thus, for example, to set the right margin at column 68 you would type: ESC 68 CTRL-X F. (See @ref<setmargin>). CTRL-X CTRL-M@/Delete-Mode. Like above but to remove a mode for the current buffer. ESC M@/Add-Global-Mode. The specified global mode is marked as to-be-added to any new buffer. Hence, the modes for existing buffers do not change.@tag(globalmode) ESC CTRL-M@/Delete-Global-Mode. The specified global mode is removed from the modes to be added to new buffers. Once again, existing buffers and their modes are not effected. @end(description) @chapter(DEALING WITH FILES) Text files are usually thought of as named collections of text residing on disk (or some other storage medium). In EMACS the disk based versions of files come into play only when reading into or writing out buffers. The link between the physical file and the buffer is through the associated filename. EMACS permits full filenames; i.e., you can specify: disk:\directories\filename.extension. If the disk and directories are not specified, the default disk is used. Because of the way EMACS deals with files, several points ought to be noted. First, without explicitly saving the buffer into a files, all your edits would be gone upon leaving EMACS (you are asked to confirm whenever you are about to lose edits). Second, EMACS (at least currently) has no mechanism for "protecting" your diskbased files from overwriting when it saves files. When instructed to save a file, it merrily proceeds to dump the file to disk. If it didn't previously exist it is now created. If it did, it is overwritten and the previous version is lost for ever. Hence, if you are unsure of your edits or for any other reason wish to keep older versions of files around, the safe procedure is to read the file into a buffer (with CTRL-X R), immediately change the associated file name (with CTRL-X N), and then start your edits. However, if you do not wish to do any edits but merely peruse the file, add the view mode (see @ref(viewmode)) to the buffer or ask for the file to be read in for viewing only (with CTRL-X V). The following are the file related commands in EMACS. @begin(description) CTRL-X CTRL-S@/SAve-Buffer-Under-Current-Filename. Saves the contents of the current buffer with the associated filename on the default disk/directory (if not specified). Note that CTRL-X S also works. CTRL-X CTRL-W@/Save-Buffer-Under-New-Name. You will be prompted for a file name. Type it in and hit <return>. The buffer contents will be saved under the given name. CTRL-X N@/Change-Associated-Filename. The associated filename is changed (or associated if not previously specified) as specified. CTRL-X CTRL-F@/Find-A-File. You will be prompted for a filename. If the file has already been read into a buffer, you will be switch to it. If not, it will be read into a new buffer and you will be put into that buffer. CTRL-X CTRL-R@/Read-In-A-File. You will be prompted for a filename. If the file has already been read into another buffer, you will be switched to it. If not, it will be read into the CURRENT buffer thus overwriting the buffer contents. As always, you will be asked for confirmation of the overwrite if the buffer has been changed since the last save. CTRL-X CTRL-V@/View-A-File. Exactly like the above except that the buffer will automatically be put into view mode thus not allowing you to make any changes to it. @end(description) @chapter(FORMATTING) While, as said before, EMACS is not a word-processor, some formatting facilities are available. In no particular order they are: @section(WRAPPING TEXT) Normally, EMACS allows you to type in long lines (longer than the screen width). However, if you wish it to automatically wrap lines longer than a given width, you can do so by setting the @tag(setmargin) WRAP mode. @begin(description) CTRL-X M [WRAP]@/Add-Wrap-Mode. Add wrap mode to current buffer. Note that [WRAP] means that you respong with WRAP when prompted. CTRL-X CTRL-M [WRAP]@/Delete-Wrap-Mode. Removes wrap mode from current buffer. @end(description) Wrap mode does not set the column (margin) at which wrapping is supposed to occur. Hence, it is very important that along with adding wrap mode to the buffer, you set the desired margin. If you don't, the usual default value of 1 is used and the editor will behave very strangely since any text beyond the first column will be wrapped. @begin(description) CTRL-X F@/Set-Wrap-Margin. Sets the wrap margin to the given numeric argument If you do not precede this command with a numeric argument (with ESC <number>), the right margin is set at column 1 which is the default numeric argument. @end(description) When in wrap mode, you can re-format a paragraph after extensive editing as follows: @begin<description> ESC Q@/Fill-Current-Paragraph. See @ref(paradef) for a discussion of what is considered to be a paragraph in EMACS. @end(description) @section(Changing Case) Changing the case of the text in EMACS is also easy: @begin(description) ESC U@/Upper-Case-Word. The text from point to the end of the word is changed to all uppercase. ESC L@/Lower-Case-Word. Like above except that text is changed to lower case. ESC C@/Capitalize-Word. The first word after point is capitalized (that is the first letter only is uppercased). This means that if you issued the command from within a word, the character after point is capitalized resulting in some wierd looking text. ESC CTRL-U@/Upper-Case-Region. All of the text between point and mark (i.e. in the region) is capitalized. ESC CTRL-L@/Lower-Case-Region. All of the text in the region (between point and mark) is lower-cased. @end(description) @section(Miscellaneous) @tag(tabset) Setting tabs to arbitray widths is possible in EMACS but you must be aware of a subtle difference that it makes to your file and hence to your editing. When you start EMACS, the tab width is set to the default (usually every 8th column) for the tab character (CTRL-I). As long as you stay with the default, every time you insert the tab character, a CTRL-I get inserted. Hence, you logically have a single character which might appear to be several spaces on the screen (or the output) depending upon the column location of the tab character. This means that to remove the spacing you have to delete a @i<single> character -- the tab character. On the other hand, the moment you explicitly set the tab interval (even if it is to the default value), EMACS handles the tab character by expanding the character into the required number of spaces to move you to the appropriate column. In this case, to remove the spacing you have to delete the appropriate number of spaces inserted by EMACS to get you to the right column. @begin(description) CTRL-I@/Set-Tab-Interval. The tab interval is set to the given numeric argument. As always, the numeric argument preceeds the command. Hence to get tabs every 4 spaces you would type in@* @center[ ESC 4 CTRL-I]@* or more generally: ESC [number] CTRL-I. @end(description) @chapter(GETTING OUT OF THINGS) Any pending commands can be aborted with CTRL-G. All this does is cancel the command at its current level. Hence, for example, part of the way through a query replace, the abort will not undo the changes you have already allowed but will cancel the remainder. Getting out of EMACS itself is possible in several ways: @begin(description) CTRL-X CTRL-C.@/Hard-Abort. This gets you out of EMACS and back to DOS. However if there are changed buffers which have not been saved, you will be queried. ESC Z@/Quick-Exit. This gets you out of EMACS but only @i<after> all changed buffers with legal filenames have been saved under the current associated filenames. Hence this could be a very dangerous command if there are changed buffers which will overwrite files you wished left unchanged. In general avoid this command. @end(description) *********************************************************** *** W A R N I N G *** *** *** *** AGAIN, PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL CHANGED BUFFERS WITH *** *** FILENAMES WILL AUTOMATICALLY BE SAVED WITH ESC Z *** *********************************************************** @comment(ch13 to 16) @chapter(Keyboard Macros)@tag(kbdmacro) A keyboard macro is a short hand way to repeat a series of commands. In effect, a "recording" is started, with CTRL-X (, of the sequence of keys that you hit when defining a keyboard macro. The recording is then repeated when you execute the keyboard macro. Hence, you could record any combination of character input and commands you like. Once you stop recording your keystrokes(with CTRL-X ) ), the entire sequence is available to you to be repeated starting at the point at which the keyboard macro is invoked. You could, therefore start recording at some location, move to another point, and repeat the entire sequence at that location by invoking the recorded macro (with CTRL-X E). Since it is keystrokes that are being saved, you can freely intermix commands and text to be inserted into the buffer. Unfortunately, you cannot save a keyborad macro for later. If you start another keyboard macro recording session, the previously defined macro is lost. So make sure that you are done with the current keyboard macro before defining another one. If you have a series of commands that you would like to "record" for later use, use the execute-file or execute-buffer commands (see @ref(execbuf) and/or @ref(execfile)). @begin(description) CTRL-X (@/Start-Recording. @b(All) keystrokes, commands and input are recorded till the end-recording command is given. CTRL-X )@/End-Recording. Stop recording keystrokes for macro. CTRL-X e@/Execute-Macro. The entire sequence of recorded keystrokes is repeated starting at the current point. The result is exactly as if you we retyping the sequence all over again. A numeric argument prefixing the Execute-Macro command repeats the stored keystrokes that many times. @end(description) @chapter(Msdos And Emacs)@tag(msdos) There are two commands which will allow you to use MSDOS while within EMACS. Procedurally, you will need to make sure that the "current" directory contains COMMAND.COM before you issue any internal commands (see the MSDOS manual). Also, external commands or program may be run with some restrictions depending upon the degree to which the program "takes over" the computer or the amount of memory you have and the program size. When you use either of the commands, EMACS pops you into MSDOS. The key difference between the two commands is in how they act after the first MSDOS command has finished executing. If you use the Run-DOS-Command command a <RETURN> will put you back in EMACS exactly as you were before. The Run-CLI (run the Command Line Interpretor), on the other hand, leaves you at the DOS command level (usually the A> prompt) so that you can continue issuing other commands; to return to EMACS, you need to type in EXIT to leave the command line interpretor. NOTE: since EMACS is callable from the command line, you could easily have several EMACS images in memory! In general, this is a practice to be avoided @begin(description) CTRL-X !@/Run-DOS-Command. Suspends EMACS and, if the file COMMAND.COM is on the default drive, allows one DOS command to be executed. After finishing with that command, a <RETURN> will put you back in EMACS. CTRL-X C@/Run-CLI. Like above execpt that multiple commands are permitted. To return to EMACS, type in EXIT at the DOS prompt. @end(description) SUGGESTION: If you are going to run a program (or external MSDOS command) from within EMACS for the first time, save your changed buffers (if you so desire) before you start. Once you are sure that the program will not damage EMACS, you need not take such precautions. As a favor to the user community, please inform the Computing Center of program that do and do not work and we will try to disseminate the information. PROGRAMS AND EXTERNAL COMMANDS TESTED SO FAR: XDIR@* PRINT@* KERMIT@* FINALWORD@* ALL "INTERNAL" COMMANDS@* @chapter(Unbound Commands) In this chapter we mention several commands that are not currently bound to any keys. If you find that you are using some of these consistently, you might want to bind them yourself either permanently or temporarily (see @ref(customization)). To execute an unbound (or for that matter a bound command) use the command: Execute-Named-Command which is currently bound to ESC-X. @description[ ESC-X@/Execute-Named-Command. You will be prompted (with a colon) on the prompt line for the named command to be executed. Appendix A contains a list of the named comands that you could execute. EMACS attempts to complete the command if you hit the <SPACE> bar; i.e., if the information that you have typed in so far is sufficient to identify the command uniquely, EMACS finishes typing it in for you and then waits for the <RETURN> before executing the command.] Unbound commands are: @begin(description) Hunt-Forward@/Repeat the last forward search command. Thus this is identical to you typing in CTRL-S (search-forward) and then defaulting the search string (by simply giving an ESC at the prompt line). Hunt-Backward@/Repeat the last reverse search command. Thus this is identical to you typing in CTRL-R (search-reverse) and then defaulting the search string (by simply giving an ESC at the prompt line). Execute-Buffer@/You will be prompted for a buffer name. If the buffer exists, EMACS will assume that its contents are commands to be executed by it before returning control to you. If any of the commands are incorrect in the buffer, EMACS aborts the command and returns control to you immediately. The syntax of commands in the buffer is as follows:@* [numeric argument] named-command [string argument] [string argument]@* where the only required parameter is the named-command itself.@tag(execbuf) Execute-File@/Very similar to the Execute-Buffer command except that you will be prompted for a file containing commands to be executed by EMACS. As in the above case, error will cause an immediate abort and the syntax of the commands is the same.@tag(execfile) Execute-Command-Line@/???? @end(description) @chapter(Customization) @tag(customization) EMACS is extensively customizable in that the keystroke used to invoke a command can be changed to suit your needs at will. The connection of a keystroke to a command is called key-binding. Keybinding can be done temporarily or permanently -- by which we mean that the changed keybinding will last only during one editing session or will always be effective. Furthermore, any keybinding can be removed permanently or during an editing session. We will cover temporary bindings and unbindings first. @begin(description) ESC K@/Bind-To-Key. The Bind-To-Key command, currently bound to ESC K, will prompt you for the named command and the key to which it is to be bound. The set of named commands is in Appendix A. The key(s) to which the command is to be bound are simply typed in exactly. That is, to bind a command to, say ESC D, type in the named command, a space, and then the keys ESC and D. ESC CTRL-K@/Unbind-Key. This command undoes the effect of the previous command or any built-in bindings. As above you will be prompted for the required information -- in this case the information is simply the key to be unbound which is to be typed in exactly as above. @end(description) @i<@b[ NOTE: be very careful in binding and unbinding keys since you could get into some very peculiar situations such as being unable to abort our of a command (if you unbind CTRL-G or bind it to something else) or recover from the bad binding/unbinding if you unbind Execute-Named-Command or the Unbind-Key command. As long as you leave yourself the opportunity to do either of the last two commands, youc an recover from disasterous bindings/unbindings.]> Permanent changes are done indirectly through the EMACS.RC file. This is a file that EMACS reads and executes (see @ref(execfile)) @i<before> startup and hence results in the appearance of a permanent change in the keybindings. The syntax of commands in the EMACS.RC file is described under the Execute-File command (@ref(execfile)). Of principal concern here are the two commands Bind-To-Key and Unbind-Key. The primary difference between the way parameters are passed to these commands in the EMACS.RC file is that the keys are not typed in directly (as in the control-I key when you want CTRL-I) but symbolically using the following symbols: @description[ ^@/for control keys. For example to indicate control-I, you would type ^I. M@/for the escape key. For example, to indicate ESC CTRL-K, you would type in M^I. FN@/for "function" keys. The reason for the quotes is that for the HP150 the term function is expanded to include all of the special keys such as the <INSERT-CHAR> key. ]