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└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/stat-5.3/eu/stat/doc/« 


CALC(1)                            |STAT                   November 2, 1985

     calc - algebraic formula calculator with variables

     calc [files]

     _▶08◀c_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c is a calculator for doing real arithmetic using familiar infix
     notation.  _▶08◀c_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c uses a calculation method based on the popular program
     VisiCalc in that it allows variables to be define by equations.  For
                                 A = B + C * D
     says that whatever B, C, and D are, A is equal to the above function
     of them.  If B, C, or D change, then so does the value of A because it
     depends on them.  (To set A to the value of a function of several
     variables so that it doesn't change over time, you prepend a # before
     the = sign to emphasize you want the current value.) In _▶08◀c_▶08◀a_▶08◀l_▶08◀c, you get
     the prompt, "CALC: ", and you type in an expression to be calculated.
     You can use numbers and even variables.  For example,

     12 + 123/6
     a = b^2 + log (sqrt (c))
     AVeryLongVariableName = (a+b) - c*d/e ^ f%log (sqrt (exp (abs (x))))

     The usual operators and precedences are available along with the
     common mathematical functions.  Parentheses can be used for clarity.

     The following example computes the roots of the equation:
                          y = a * x^2  +  b * x  +  c
     where a, b, and c are left undefined.

     y         = (((a * (x ^ 2)) + (b * x)) + c)
     radical   = sqrt(((b * b) - ((4 * a) * c)))
     root1     = ((-b - radical) / (2 * a))
     root2     = ((-b + radical) / (2 * a))

     The CALC Manual in the |STAT Handbook