Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

DKUUG/EUUG Conference tapes

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about DKUUG/EUUG Conference tapes

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦7ce41e2f2⟧ TextFile

    Length: 6533 (0x1985)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »xfd.c«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦526ad3590⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/X.V10.R4.tar.Z« 
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »./X.V10R4/xfd/xfd.c« 


#include <X/mit-copyright.h>

/* Copyright 1985, Massachusetts Institute of Technology */
#ifndef lint
static char *rcsid_xfd_c = "$Header: xfd.c,v 10.9 86/11/19 19:18:27 jg Rel $";

#include <X/Xlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>

short gray_bits[16] = {
    0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
    0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
    0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555,
    0xaaaa, 0x5555, 0xaaaa, 0x5555};

char chars[9];
int last_line;

main(argc, argv) 
    int argc;
    char **argv;
    Window w;
    FontInfo *fontInfo;
    int width;
    char *fontname = "vtsingle";
    register char *option;
    char *border_color;
    char *back_color;
    char *fore_color;
    int border_width;
    int reverse = 0;
    char *geometry;			/* user supplied geometry spec */
    char def[32];			/* default size */
    int defwidth;
    int defheight;
    char display[128];
    register int i;
    OpaqueFrame window;			/* frame for the window */
    Pixmap border_pixmap;
    int background;	    		/* color of background */
    int foreground;		    	/* color of graph */
    int highlight;			/* color of text, scale */
    Color cdef;

    if ((option = XGetDefault(argv[0],"ReverseVideo")) != NULL )
    		if (strcmp (option, "on") == 0)
			reverse = 1;
    if ((option = XGetDefault(argv[0],"BorderWidth")) != NULL)
    	border_width = atoi(option);
    if ((border_color = XGetDefault(argv[0],"Border")) == NULL)
	border_color = XGetDefault(argv[0],"BorderColor");
    back_color = XGetDefault(argv[0],"Background");
    fore_color = XGetDefault(argv[0],"Foreground");
    display[0] = '\0';

    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {  	                /* Parse line */
	if (argv[i][0] == '=') {
	    geometry = argv[i];
	if (index(argv[i], ':') != NULL) {        /* host:display */
	    (void)strncpy(display, argv[i], sizeof(display));
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-rv") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-reverse") == 0) {		/* black on white */
	    reverse = 1;
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fw") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-forward") == 0) {		/* white on black */
	    reverse = 0;
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bw") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-border") == 0) {		/* border width */
	    if (++i >= argc) usage(argv[0]);
	    border_width = atoi(argv[i]);
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bd") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-color") == 0) {	       /* border color */
	   if (++i >= argc) usage(argv[0]);
	   border_color = argv[i];
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fg") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-foreground") == 0) {     /* foreground color */
	   if (++i >= argc) usage(argv[0]);
	   fore_color = argv[i];
	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-bg") == 0 ||
	    strcmp(argv[i], "-background") == 0) {     /* background color */
	   if (++i >= argc) usage(argv[0]);
	   back_color = argv[i];
	if (argv[i][0] == '-') usage (argv[0]);
	fontname = argv[i];
    if (!XOpenDisplay(display)) {
       	fprintf (stderr, "%s: Could not open display %s!\n", argv[0], 
    if (!(fontInfo = XOpenFont (fontname))) {
       	fprintf (stderr, "%s: Could not open font %s!\n", argv[0], fontname);
    last_line = (unsigned char)(fontInfo->lastchar)/8;
    width = ComputeWidth (fontInfo);

    if (border_color && DisplayCells() > 2 &&
	XParseColor(border_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef))
	border_pixmap = XMakeTile(cdef.pixel);
    else if (border_color && strcmp(border_color, "black") == 0)
	border_pixmap = BlackPixmap;
    else if (border_color && strcmp(border_color, "white") == 0)
	border_pixmap = WhitePixmap;
	border_pixmap = XMakePixmap (XStoreBitmap (16, 16, gray_bits),
					BlackPixel, WhitePixel);

    if (back_color && DisplayCells() > 2 &&
	XParseColor(back_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) {
	background = cdef.pixel;
    } else if (back_color && strcmp(back_color, "white") == 0) {
	background = WhitePixel;
	reverse = 0;
    } else if (back_color && strcmp(back_color, "black") == 0) {
	background = BlackPixel;
	reverse = 0;
    } else
	background = BlackPixel;

    if (fore_color && DisplayCells() > 2 &&
	XParseColor(fore_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) {
	foreground = cdef.pixel;
    } else if (fore_color && strcmp(fore_color, "black") == 0) {
	foreground = BlackPixel;
	reverse = 0;
    } else if (fore_color && strcmp(fore_color, "white") == 0) {
	foreground = WhitePixel;
	reverse = 0;
    } else
	foreground = WhitePixel;

    if (reverse) {
	highlight = background;
	background = foreground;
	foreground = highlight;

    window.bdrwidth = border_width;
    window.border = border_pixmap;
    window.background = XMakeTile(background);

    defwidth = width + 10;
    defheight = fontInfo->height * (last_line + 1) + 10;
    (void) sprintf(def, "=%dx%d+300+300", defwidth, defheight);
    w = XCreate ("Font Display", argv[0], geometry, def, &window,
    		defwidth, defheight);

    if (!w) {
	fprintf (stderr, "XCreateWindow failed\n");
    XSelectInput (w, ExposeWindow | ButtonPressed);
    XMapWindow (w);
    while (1) {
      	XEvent event;
      	int i, j;
      	XWindowEvent (w, ExposeWindow | ButtonPressed, &event);
	if(event.type == ButtonPressed) exit(0);
      	for (i=0;i<=last_line;i++) {
       	    for (j=0;j<8;j++)
            	chars[j] = (char)((8*i)+j);
       	    XText (w, 5, 5+(i*fontInfo->height), chars, 8,
	      fontInfo->id, foreground, background);

usage (program)
	char *program;
		"usage: %s [host:display] [=geom] [-fw] [-rv] [-bw] [-bd] [-fg] [-bg] fontname\n", program);

ComputeWidth (fontInfo)
    FontInfo *fontInfo;
    int maxwidth, i, j;

    /* Horrible hack needed for first line because line starts
    	with \0, and XStringWidth considers \0 to terminate string */
    for (j=1;j<8;j++)
    	chars[j] = j;
    maxwidth = XStringWidth (&chars[1], fontInfo, 0, 0);
    /* add the width of the '\0' character, if it has one */
    if (fontInfo->firstchar == '\0')
    	maxwidth += (fontInfo->fixedwidth ? 
	    fontInfo->width : fontInfo->widths[0]);
    /* now measure the width of remaining lines */
    for (i=1;i<=last_line;i++) {
	int this_width;
    	for (j=0;j<8;j++)
	    chars[j] = (char)((8*i)+j);
	this_width = XStringWidth (chars, fontInfo, 0, 0);
	if (this_width > maxwidth)
	    maxwidth = this_width;
    return (maxwidth);