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⟦7f1af5e02⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2360 (0x938)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »unixstat.h«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/doc/unixstat.h« 
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/src/unixstat.h« 


#ifndef UNIX_STAT_H
#define UNIX_STAT_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>

#ifndef MSDOS /* version control */
#define PGM(name,purpose,ver,date) \
	char *Argv0 = "name";\
	static char sccshid[] = "@(#) unixstat.h 5.1 (unix|stat) 3/2/85";\
	static char sccspid[] = "@(#) name.c ver (unix|stat) date";
#define FUN(name,purpose,ver,date) \
	extern char *Argv0;\
	static char sccsfid[] = "@(#) name.c ver (unix|stat) date";
#define	ARGV0 Argv0 = argv[0] /* used in initialization */
#ifndef SMALL_MEM
#define SMALL_MEM 1
#define PGM(name,purpose,ver,date) char *Argv0 = "name";
#define FUN(name,purpose,ver,date) extern char *Argv0;
#define ARGV0 /* Lattice C compiler doesn't know about argv[0] */

#define	FZERO	8e-10     /* values smaller than this are considered 0.0 */
#define	fzero(x) (fabs (x) < FZERO)

char	*strcat (), *strcpy (), *malloc ();
#define strdup(s)	strcpy(malloc((unsigned)strlen(s)+1),s)
#define print(x,f) printf ("%10s = %f\n", "x",  x)

#define WARNING(msg) fprintf (stderr, "\007%s: msg.\n", Argv0);
#define USAGE(synopsis) {\
	fprintf (stderr, "\007Usage: %s synopsis\n", Argv0);\
	exit (1);\
#define	ERRMSG3(msg, arg1, arg2, arg3)\
	fprintf (stderr, "\007%s: msg.\n", Argv0, arg1, arg2, arg3);\
	exit (1);\
#define ERRMSG2(msg, arg1, arg2) ERRMSG3 (msg, arg1, arg2, 0)
#define ERRMSG1(msg, arg1)       ERRMSG3 (msg, arg1, 0,    0)
#define ERRMSG0(msg)             ERRMSG3 (msg, 0,    0,    0)
#define ERRDATA              ERRMSG0 (Not enough (or no) input data)
#define ERRMANY(stuff,n)     ERRMSG1 (Too many stuff; at most %d allowed, n)
#define ERROPEN(file)        ERRMSG1 (Cannot open '%s', file)
#define ERRSPACE(whatever)   ERRMSG0 (No storage space left for whatever)
#define ERRNUM(string,type)  ERRMSG1 ('%s' (type) is not a number, string)
#define ERROPT(arg) {if (arg < argc) ERRMSG1(%d operand(s) ignored on command line, argc-arg)}
#define ERRVAL(fmt,var,str)  ERRMSG1 (%fmt is an illegal value for the str, var)
#define ERRRAGGED            ERRMSG0 (Ragged input file)
#define INTEGER(string)      (number (string) == 1)

#ifdef MSDOS /* MSDOS dependent definitions */
#ifdef putchar
#undef putchar
#define putchar(c) fputc (c, stdout)
#define index(s,c) strchr(s,c)
#define VOID /* Lattice C desn't understand (void) */
#define VOID (void)