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Length: 9315 (0x2463) Types: TextFile Names: »appts.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/vcal/appts.c«
/* * Module: appts.c * * Purpose: Displays current or specified date's appointments * * Author: Mike Essex * * Date: Sep. 16, 1986 * * Includes: * time.h, stdio.h, ctype.h * * Discussion: * This program reads a designated data file or, by default, * the .appointments file in the user's home directory and * displays the current days appointments if no command line * arguement is given. An optional numeric month, day and * year arguement may be specified to display appointments * for a different day. Output is standard out. * * Edit History * ==== ======= * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---------------------------------------------- * 11/26/86 me added multi-datafile capability * 11/26/86 me fixed 'home' bug * 12/08/86 me modified "No appointments" to print filenames * */ \f #include <time.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> int monthdata[1000]; int daydata[1000]; int yeardata[1000]; int timedata[1000]; long juliedata[1000]; char *msgdata[1000]; int month,day,year,hour,mhour,min,sec,dow,ampm; int argvindex; long julie; int maxentries = 1000; int cntr; char *dlist[8] = {"x","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"}; int mdays[13] = {0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; \f /* * Procedure: main() * * Function: initializes values, gets current day, parses command * line arguements, loads file data, outputs table */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int go,none,cntr,cnt,timeout,status,nowtime; int loaddata(); int wday; int atoi(); int setdow(); int tempmonth,tempday,tempyear; int maxindex; int holdargvi,holdmaxi; long setjulie(); timeset(); if (argc > 3) { tempmonth = atoi(argv[1]); tempday = atoi(argv[2]); tempyear = atoi(argv[3]); if (tempmonth && tempday && tempyear){ month = tempmonth; day = tempday; year = tempyear; if (year < 100) year += 1900; if (argc > 4) { argvindex = 4; maxindex = argc; } else { argvindex = 0; maxindex = 1; } } else { if (tempmonth || tempday || tempyear) { printf("Syntax error: Incorrect date arguments\n"); exit(1); } else { argvindex = 1; maxindex = argc; } } } else { if (argc == 1) { argvindex = 0; maxindex = argc; } else { argvindex = 1; maxindex = argc; } } julie = setjulie(month,day,year); wday = setdow(month,day,year); go = 1; holdargvi = argvindex; holdmaxi = maxindex; while (go) { printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); printf("| Appointments for %-3.3s %2d/%2d/%4d |\n",dlist[wday],month,day,year); while (argvindex < maxindex) { cnt = loaddata(argv[argvindex]); cntr = 0; none = 1; while (cntr < cnt) { if (juliedata[cntr] == julie) { printf("| %4d %-69.69s |\n",timedata[cntr],msgdata[cntr]); none = 0; }; cntr++; } if (none) { if (argvindex == 0) { printf("| No appointments today. |\n"); } else { printf("| No appointments in: %-40.40s |\n",argv[argvindex]); } } argvindex++; } printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); if ((wday == 5) || (wday == 6)) { wday++; julie++; date(julie); go = 1; } else { go = 0; } argvindex = holdargvi; maxindex = holdmaxi; } exit(0); } /* main */ \f /* * Procedure: timeset() * * Function: Gets current time and date * * Return Values: * loads time and date info into global variables * */ timeset() { struct tm *localtime(); struct tm *tp; /* time structure */ long tloc; /* number of seconds since 1970 */ time(&tloc); /* fills tloc */ tp = localtime(&tloc); dow = tp->tm_wday; year = tp->tm_year; month = tp->tm_mon + 1; day = tp->tm_mday; hour = tp->tm_hour; mhour = tp->tm_hour; min = tp->tm_min; sec = tp->tm_sec; year += 1900; if (sec >= 30) { min += 1; /* round up minutes */ if (min == 60) { mhour += 1; min = 0; } } if (hour > 12) { hour -= 12; } if (hour >= 12) { ampm = 0; } else { ampm = 1; } } /* timeset */ \f /* * Procedure: loaddata() * * Function: loads appointment data from ~/.appointments file * * Return Values: * various global arrays loaded with appointment data * */ loaddata(filename) char *filename; { char basedata[80]; char tmpbuf[80]; char *getenv(); FILE *fptr; char home[80]; int i,j,k,l,field; long setjulie(); char *malloc(); i = 0; while (i < maxentries) { daydata[i] = 0; monthdata[i] = 0; yeardata[i] = 0; msgdata[i] = 0; i++; } if (argvindex == 0) { strcpy(home,getenv("HOME")); strcat(home,"/.appointments"); } else { strcpy(home,filename); } if ((fptr = fopen(home,"r")) != NULL) { i = 0; while((fgets(basedata,80,fptr) != NULL)) { basedata[strlen(basedata)-1] = NULL; j = 0; k = 0; field = 0; while (basedata[j] != NULL ) { if (basedata[j] != ',') { tmpbuf[k++] = basedata[j]; } else { switch (field) { case 0 : { tmpbuf[k] = NULL; monthdata[i] = atoi(tmpbuf); k = 0; break; } case 1 : { tmpbuf[k] = NULL; daydata[i] = atoi(tmpbuf); k = 0; break; } case 2 : { tmpbuf[k] = NULL; yeardata[i] = atoi(tmpbuf); k = 0; break; } case 3 : { tmpbuf[k] = NULL; timedata[i] = atoi(tmpbuf); k = 0; break; } } field++; } j++; } tmpbuf[k] = NULL; msgdata[i] = malloc(80); strncpy(msgdata[i],tmpbuf,80); msgdata[79] = NULL; juliedata[i] = setjulie(monthdata[i],daydata[i],yeardata[i]); if (i >= maxentries) { printf("Warning: Over 1000 entries in %s file. Data truncated.\n",filename); break; } i++; } fclose(fptr); } else { printf("Error: cannot open %s file\n",filename); exit(1); } return(i); } /* loaddata */ \f /* * Procedure: setdow(tmonth,tday,tyear) * * Function: <short functional description> * * Parameters: * p1 - int - month * p2 - int - day * p3 - int - year * * Return Values: * interger value representing day of week with 1=sat, . . ., etc * */ setdow(tmonth,tday,tyear) int tmonth,tday,tyear; { int mcnt; long days; int tdow; int smonth,sday,syear; smonth = 1; sday = 1; syear = 1979; if ((tmonth == smonth) && (tyear == syear)) { days = abs(sday - tday); } else { days = mdays[smonth] - sday; if (tyear == syear) { while (++smonth < tmonth) { days += mdays[smonth]; if ((smonth == 2) && ((syear % 4) == 0)) days++; } } else { while (++smonth < 13) { days += mdays[smonth]; if ((smonth == 2) && ((syear % 4) == 0)) days++; } while (++syear < tyear) { days += 365; if ((syear % 4) == 0 ) days ++; } mcnt = 0; while (++mcnt < tmonth) { days += mdays[mcnt]; if ((mcnt == 2) && ((tyear % 4) == 0)) days++; } } days += tday; } tdow = ((days%7) + 1); return(tdow); } /* setdow */ \f /* * Procedure: setjulie(tmonth,tday,tyear) * * Function: calculates the julian date * * Parameters: * p1 - int - month * p2 - int - day * p2 - int - year * * Return Values: * julian date as a long * */ long setjulie(tmonth,tday,tyear) int tmonth,tday,tyear; { int mcnt; long days; int tdow; int smonth,sday,syear; smonth = 1; sday = 1; syear = 1979; if ((tmonth == smonth) && (tyear == syear)) { days = abs(sday - tday); } else { days = mdays[smonth] - sday; if (tyear == syear) { while (++smonth < tmonth) { days += mdays[smonth]; if ((smonth == 2) && ((syear % 4) == 0)) days++; } } else { while (++smonth < 13) { days += mdays[smonth]; if ((smonth == 2) && ((syear % 4) == 0)) days++; } while (++syear < tyear) { days += 365; if ((syear % 4) == 0 ) days ++; } mcnt = 0; while (++mcnt < tmonth) { days += mdays[mcnt]; if ((mcnt == 2) && ((tyear % 4) == 0)) days++; } } days += tday; } return(days); } /* setjulie */ \f /* * Procedure: date(days) * * Function: calculates the current month, day and year * * Parameters: * p1 - int - number days offset from 1,1,1979 * * Return Values: * sets global variable, month, day and year to calc value * */ date(days) long days; { int cnt; month = 1; day = 1; year = 1979; while (days--) { if (++day > mdays[month]) { day = 1; if (++month > 12) { month = 1; year++; } if ((month == 2) && !(year % 4)) { day--; } } } } /* date */