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⟦8146356eb⟧ TextFile

    Length: 1272 (0x4f8)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »convert.c«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/src/convert.c« 


#include "unixstat.h"
FUN(convert,conversion functions with type and range checking,0.0,1985)

str_int (input, purpose, min, max)
char	*input;    /* the input value to be converted */
char	*purpose;  /* the value in English */
int 	min;       /* minimum allowable value */
int 	max;       /* maximum allowable value */
	int 	atoi ();
	if (!INTEGER (input))
		ERRMSG2 (input value '%s' (%s) is not an integer, input, purpose)
	ival = atoi (input);
	if (ival < min)
		ERRMSG3 (input value %d (%s) is less than minimum: %d, ival, purpose, min)
	if (ival > max) return (ERR_MAX);
		ERRMSG3 (input value %d (%s) is greater than maximum: %d, ival, purpose, max)
	return (ival);

str_dbl (input, purpose, min, max)
char	*input;    /* the input value to be converted */
char	*purpose;  /* the value in English */
double	min;       /* minimum allowable value */
double	max;       /* maximum allowable value */
	double	atoi ();
	double	dval;
	if (!number (input))
		ERRMSG2 (input value '%s' (%s) is not a number, input, purpose)
	dval = atof (input);
	if (dval < min)
		ERRMSG3 (input value %g (%s) is less than minimum: %g, ival, purpose, min)
	if (dval > max)
		ERRMSG3 (input value %g (%s) is greater than maximum: %g, ival, purpose, max)
	return (dval);