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⟦8487812ec⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2997 (0xbb5)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »CHANGES«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦526ad3590⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/X.V10.R4.tar.Z« 
            └─ ⟦this⟧ »./X.V10R4/libsun/CHANGES« 


17 July	86	David C. Martin		(dcmartin@ingres)
 font.c 	Now reads in Sun vfont format files, fixed handling of 
		variable-width font widths.
 text.c		Fixed display of variable-width fonts.

17 July 86	Andrew Cherenson	(andrew@kim)
 put.c		Check pixmap type to see if it should be inverted when 
 tile.c		same
 Xsun.h		Added macro to support above changes.

18 July 86	Jordan Hubbard		(jkh@opal)
 fill.c		Patched invalid stencil in pixfill (xcf fix)
 		fixed invalid argument to pr_stencil

20 July 86	Ed James		(
 fill.c		Re-fixed the xcf patch.  Now handles clipping to 
		windows properly.

21 July 86	Andrew Cherenson	(andrew@kim)
 font.c		Added check of widths of 'a' and 'i' before deciding 
		if a font is fixed-width or not.
		(changed, see next entry.)

25 July 1986	David C. Martin		(dcmartin@ingres)
 font.c		Changed algorithm to determine if a font is fixedwidth and
		changed all calls to Xalloc() to malloc() to get NULLs when
		ENOMEM.  Added code to free all sub-structures of FontPriv
		ptr in StrikeToPixfont().
 text.c		re-fixed diplay of variable-width fonts (TextMask)
 textutil.c	(should be 17 July) returns correct width of font

25 July 1986	Beorn Johnson, XCF	(beorn@scam)
 cursor.c	Added necessary call to change hardware mouse location
		in the mouse movement subroutine.  Now 'XWarpMouse' should

25 July 86	Andrew Cherenson	(andrew@kim)
 font.c		Changed LoadVFont to properly determine the baseline.

27 July 86	David C. Martin		(dcmartin@ingres)
 font.c		Now handles variable width/height vfont files correctly.
 text.c		removed debugging statements (#ifdef DEBUG)
 textutil.c	modifications to TextWidth() and CharWidth() to check for
		invalid characters when determining width.

28 July 86	Fred Douglis		(douglis@kim)
 util.c		Added real SoundBell() routine.  Note that /dev/bell must

31 July 86	Ed James		(edjames@eros)
 font.c		Fixed the missing characters on the large fonts.

13 August 86	Beorn Johnson, XCF	(beorn@scam)
 util.c		Wrote SetVideo() routine.  Blanking screen saver now works.

17 August 86	Beorn Johnson, XCF	(beorn@scam)
 events.c	Fixed the "stuck in caps-lock mode" bug and caps-lock
 initial.c	toggling.

26 August 86	Beorn Johnson, XCF	(beorn@scam)
 Xsun.h		Made cursors perform to spec.  May have trouble on color suns.

26 August 86	Beorn Johnson, XCF	(beorn@scam)
 font.c		De-allocates font data properly.

30 Sept 86	Andrew Cherenson (andrew@kim), Adam de Boor (deboor@buddy)
 bitpix.c	Changed MakePixmap to create color pixmaps.

14 October 86	David C. Martin (dcmartin@ingres)
 cursor.c	Fixed call to pr_stencil() in DisplayCursor().

30 October 86	Adam de Boor (deboor@buddy)
 tile.c		Implemented filled polygon function.

 3 November 86	Paul R Borman (
 events.c	Added code to allow access to the raw sun keyboard
 initial.c	This allows access to all the function keys
 lk201.h	Remove the #define RAW_KBD in lk201.h if you do not
		want raw access.