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⟦85839dc9b⟧ TextFile

    Length: 8819 (0x2273)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »Ppband.c«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/scheme/microcode/Ppband.c« 


/*          Hey EMACS, this is -*- C -*- code!                 */

*                                                               *
*                         Copyright (c) 1985                    *
*               Massachusetts Institute of Technology           *
*                                                               *
* This material was developed by the Scheme project at the      *
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of          *
* Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.  Permission to   *
* copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any *
* purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and *
* understandings.                                               *
*                                                               *
* 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright *
* notice in full.                                               *
*                                                               *
* 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)*
* to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or       *
* extensions that they make, so that these may be included in   *
* future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of  *
* this software.                                                *
*                                                               *
* 3.  All materials developed as a consequence of the use of    *
* this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance  *
* with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic  *
* research.                                                     *
*                                                               *
* 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the       *
* operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is     *
* under no obligation to provide any services, by way of        *
* maintenance, update, or otherwise.                            *
*                                                               *
* 5.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this *
* material, there shall be no use of the name of the            *
* Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation   *
* thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature  *
* without prior written consent from MIT in each case.          *
*                                                               *

/* File: PP-BAND.C
   dumps Scheme FASL in user-readable form 

#include "scheme.h"

/* These are needed by load.c */

#define Load_Data(Count,To_Where) \
  fread(To_Where, sizeof(Pointer), Count, stdin)

#define Reloc_or_Load_Debug true

#include "load.c"
#include "gctype.c"

#ifndef Conditional_Bug
#define Relocate(P)							\
	(((long) (P) < Const_Base) ?					\
         (((long) (P) - Heap_Base) / sizeof(Pointer)) :			\
         (Heap_Count + ((long) (P) - Const_Base)/sizeof(Pointer)))
#define Relocate_Into(What, P)
if (((long) (P)) < Const_Base)
  (What) = ((((long) (P)) - Heap_Base) / sizeof(Pointer));
  (What) = (Heap_Count + ((((long) (P)) - Const_Base) / sizeof(Pointer)))

static long Relocate_Temp;
#define Relocate(P)	(Relocate_Into(Relocate_Temp, P), Relocate_Temp)

Pointer *Data;
#define via(File_Address)	Relocate(Address(Data[File_Address]))

scheme_string(From, Quoted)
long From;
Boolean Quoted;
{ fast long i, Count;
  fast char *Chars;
  Count = Get_Integer(Data[From+STRING_LENGTH]);
  Chars = (char *) &Data[From+STRING_CHARS];
  putchar(Quoted ? '\"' : '\'');
  for (i=0; i < Count; i++) printf("%c", *Chars++);
  if (Quoted) putchar('\"');

Display(Location, Type, Points_To)
long Location, Type, Points_To;
{ printf("%5x: %2x|%6x     ", Location, Type, Points_To);
  if (GC_Type_Map[Type & MAX_SAFE_TYPE] != GC_Non_Pointer)
    Points_To = Relocate((Pointer *) Points_To);
  if (Type > MAX_SAFE_TYPE) printf("*");
  switch (Type & 0x7F)
  { case TC_NULL: if (Points_To == 0)
                  { printf("NIL\n"); return; }
                  else printf("[NULL "); break;
    case TC_LIST: printf("[CONS "); break;
    case TC_SCODE_QUOTE: printf("[QUOTE "); break;
      printf("uninterned ");
      scheme_string(via(Points_To+SYMBOL_NAME), false);
    case TC_BIG_FLONUM: printf("[FLONUM "); break;
    case TC_COMBINATION_1: printf( "[COMB-1 "); break;
    case TC_TRUE: if (Points_To==0)
                  { printf("TRUE\n"); return; }
		  else printf("[TRUE "); break;
    case TC_EXTENDED_PROCEDURE: printf("[EPROCEDURE "); break;
    case TC_MANIFEST_NM_VECTOR: printf("[MANIFEST-NM-VECTOR "); break;
    case TC_COMBINATION_2: printf("[COMB-2 "); break;
    case TC_BIG_FIXNUM: printf("[BIGNUM "); break;
    case TC_PROCEDURE: printf("[PROCEDURE "); break;
    case TC_DELAY: printf("[DELAY "); break;
    case TC_DELAYED: printf("[DELAYED "); break;
    case TC_EXTENDED_LAMBDA: printf("[ELAMBDA "); break;
    case TC_COMMENT: printf("[COMMENT "); break;
    case TC_NON_MARKED_VECTOR: printf("[NON-MARKED-VECTOR "); break;
    case TC_LAMBDA: printf("[LAMBDA "); break;
    case TC_PRIMITIVE: printf("[PRIMITIVE "); break;
    case TC_SEQUENCE_2: printf("[SEQ-2 "); break;
    case TC_PCOMB1: printf("[PCOMB-1 "); break;
    case TC_INTERNED_SYMBOL: scheme_string(via(Points_To+SYMBOL_NAME), false);
    case TC_CHARACTER_STRING: scheme_string(Points_To, true); return;
    case TC_ACCESS: printf("[ACCESS "); break;
    case TC_EXTENDED_FIXNUM: printf("%d\n", Points_To); return;
    case TC_DEFINITION: printf("[DEFINITION "); break;
    case TC_ASSIGNMENT: printf("[ASSIGNMENT "); break;
    case TC_HUNK3: printf("[HUNK3 "); break;
    case TC_IN_PACKAGE: printf("[IN-PACKAGE "); break;
    case TC_LEXPR: printf("[LEXPR "); break;
    case TC_VARIABLE: printf("[VARIABLE "); break;
    case TC_CONDITIONAL: printf("[CONDITIONAL "); break;
    case TC_DISJUNCTION: printf("[DISJUNCTION "); break;
    case TC_UNASSIGNED: printf("[UNASSIGNED "); break;
    case TC_SEQUENCE_3: printf("[SEQUENCE-3 "); break;
    case TC_CHARACTER: printf("[CHARACTER "); break;
    case TC_PCOMB2: printf("[PCOMB-2 "); break;
    case TC_VECTOR: printf("[VECTOR "); break;
    case TC_RETURN_CODE: printf("[RETURN-CODE "); break;
    case TC_ENVIRONMENT: printf("[ENVIRONMENT "); break;
    case TC_FIXNUM: printf("%d\n", Points_To); return;
    case TC_CONTROL_POINT: printf("[CONTROL-POINT "); break;
    case TC_BROKEN_HEART: printf("[BROKEN-HEART "); break;
    case TC_COMBINATION: printf("[COMBINATION "); break;
    case TC_PCOMB3: printf("[PCOMB-3 "); break;
    case TC_THE_ENVIRONMENT: printf("[THE-ENVIRONMENT "); break;
    case TC_VECTOR_1B: printf("[VECTOR-1B "); break;
    case TC_PCOMB0: printf("[PCOMB-0 "); break;
    case TC_VECTOR_16B: printf("[VECTOR-16B "); break;
    case TC_CELL: printf("[CELL "); break;
    case TC_FUTURE: printf("[FUTURE "); break;		  
    default: printf("[0x%x ", Type); break;
  printf("%x]\n", Points_To);

{ Pointer *Next;
  long i;
  if (!Read_Header())
  { fprintf(stderr, "Input does not appear to be in FASL format.\n");
  printf("Dumped object at 0x%x\n", Relocate(Dumped_Object));
  if (Sub_Version >= FASL_LONG_HEADER)
    printf("External primitives at 0x%x\n\n", Relocate(Ext_Prim_Vector));
  Data = (Pointer *) malloc(sizeof(Pointer) * (Heap_Count + Const_Count));
  Load_Data(Heap_Count + Const_Count, Data);
  printf("Heap contents\n\n");
  for (Next=Data, i=0; i < Heap_Count;  Next++, i++)
    if (Safe_Type_Code(*Next)==TC_MANIFEST_NM_VECTOR)
    { long j, count = Get_Integer(*Next);
      Display(i, Type_Code(*Next), Address(*Next));
      Next += 1;
      for (j=0; j < count ; j++, Next++)
        printf("          %02x%06x\n",
               Type_Code(*Next), Address(*Next));
      i += count;
      Next -= 1;
    else Display(i, Type_Code(*Next),  Address(*Next));
  printf("\n\nConstant space\n\n");
  for (; i < Heap_Count+Const_Count;  Next++, i++)
    if (Safe_Type_Code(*Next)==TC_MANIFEST_NM_VECTOR)
    { long j, count = Get_Integer(*Next);
      Display(i, Type_Code(*Next), Address(*Next));
      Next += 1;
      for (j=0; j < count ; j++, Next++)
        printf("          %02x%06x\n",
               Type_Code(*Next), Address(*Next));
      i += count;
      Next -= 1;
    else Display(i, Type_Code(*Next),  Address(*Next));