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⟦86d548854⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2489 (0x9b9)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »cmd.h«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/rman/daemon/cmd.h« 


 * $Header: cmd.h,v 1.9 85/08/27 15:16:22 broome Exp $

 * $Log:    cmd.h,v $
 * Revision 1.9  85/08/27  15:16:22  broome
 * Last cleanup before release.
 * Revision 1.8  85/08/06  11:43:09  broome
 * Another new command - "ver" (version). Good for seeing if each site
 * is running the new stuff ....
 * Revision 1.7  85/08/04  16:30:18  broome
 * Added new "type" command - allows a client to reconfigure mand to
 * use a configuration file with machine-specific pages.
 * Revision 1.6  85/08/03  18:39:46  broome
 * Added new `stat' command - tests to see if the formatted version is
 * readily available.
 * Revision 1.5  85/07/16  11:07:33  broome
 * Added new commands "path" and "list".
 * Revision 1.4  85/07/06  16:55:35  broome
 * Revision 1.3  85/07/03  17:34:02  broome
 * Revision 1.2  85/07/02  21:05:29  broome
 * Revision 1.1  85/06/25  11:23:26  broome
 * Initial revision

 * Have to declare all the functions before we can use them in the command table

int   apropos(), cat(), dbug(), dofind(), dosections(), dostat(), help(),
    list(), quit(), raw(), path(), show(), dotype(), version(), whatis();

struct cmd {
    char *name;       /* command name           */
    int  (*func)();   /* function to handle it  */
    int  min;         /* minimum number of args, including command name */
    int  max;         /* maximum number of args */
    char *usage;      /* and usage msg string   */
} cmdtab[] = {
    { "apropos",apropos,    2,  2,  "apropos topic"         },
    { "cat",    cat,        2,  3,  "cat <section> topic"   },
    { "debug",  dbug,       1,  1,  "debug"                 },
    { "find",   dofind,     2,  3,  "find <section> topic"  },
    { "help",   help,       1,  2,  "help <command>"        },
    { "list",   list,       1,  1,  "list"                  },
    { "path",   path,       1,  2,  "path <section>"        },
    { "quit",   quit,       1,  1,  "quit"                  },
    { "raw",    raw,        2,  3,  "raw <section> topic"   },
    { "show",   show,       2,  99, "show file <file>"      },
    { "secs",   dosections, 1,  1,  "secs"                  },
    { "stat",   dostat,     2,  3,  "stat <section> topic"  },
    { "type",   dotype,     1,  2,  "type <cpu_type>"       },
    { "ver",    version,    1,  1,  "ver"                   },
    { "whatis", whatis,     2,  2,  "whatis topic"          }

#define cmdtabsize (sizeof (cmdtab) / sizeof (struct cmd))