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⟦8d6317c68⟧ TextFile

    Length: 11683 (0x2da3)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »ttykbd.c«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/micrognu/tty/amiga/ttykbd.c« 


 * Name:	MicroEMACS
 * 		Amiga virtual terminal keyboard, default console keymap.
 * Version:	Gnu v30
 * Last edit:	25-Oct-86
 * Created:	19-Apr-86 ...!ihnp4!seismo!ut-sally!ut-ngp!mic
 *		This goes with the Intuition terminal driver,
 *		and implements Mike Meyer's hot mouse.
#include	<exec/types.h>
#include	<intuition/intuition.h>
#undef	TRUE
#undef	FALSE
#include	"def.h"

#define	ESC	0x1B			/* Escape, arrows et al.	*/
#define	CSI	0x9B			/* Amiga CSI			*/

#ifdef	MOUSE
/* Stuff for the hot mouse.  Since right now the mouse
 * keys get bound into a wierd place, a lot of the
 * jiggery-pokery up here is to make it possible
 * to shift their location in the keymap without too
 * much fuss.  Sorry for the horrid macro names...

/* key code w/o mini qualifiers */
#define	WMOUSE	((KEY)(KCTRL | KMETA | 'a'))
#define SMOUSE	((KEY)(KCTRL | KMETA | 'i'))
#define	EMOUSE	((KEY)(KCTRL | KMETA | 'q'))

/* mini qualifiers */
#define	SHFT	1
#define ALT	2
#define CTRL	4

/* macros to create qualified key codes */

#define	S(k)	(k + SHFT)
#define	A(k)	(k + ALT)
#define	C(k)	(k + CTRL)
#define	AS(k)	(k + SHFT + ALT)
#define	CS(k)	(k + CTRL + SHFT)
#define	CA(k)	(k + CTRL + ALT)
#define	CAS(k)	(k + SHFT + ALT + CTRL)
#endif /* ifdef MOUSE */

#ifdef	XKEYS
 * The function keys on the Amiga send back
 * escape sequences of the form <ESC>[code~, where code
 * is a one or two-character code for the key.  To make
 * it easier to decode, we place the internal key values
 * for these codes in this table.

short	consolemap[] = {
	KF1,		KF2,		KF3,		KF4,
	KF5,		KF6,		KF7,		KF8,
	KF9,		KF10,		KSF1,		KSF2,
	KSF3,		KSF4,		KSF5,		KSF6,
	KSF7,		KSF8,		KSF9,		KSF10
#define	NFUNCKEYS ((sizeof consolemap)/(sizeof consolemap[0]))

 * Names for the keys with basic keycode
 * between KFIRST and KLAST (inclusive). This is used by
 * the key name routine in "kbd.c".  KFIRST is KRANDOM,
 * which we don't bind anything useful to.  "The Menu" is
 * special; we implement menus as another function key,
 * but there isn't really any "MENU" key on the keyboard.
 * There is no shifted value for the help key.  Mouse clicks
 * have been moved to a hitherto unused part of the keymap.
#ifdef	DO_MENU
#define MENUNAME "The Menu"

char	*keystrings[] = {
#ifdef	XKEYS
	NULL,		"F1",		"F2",		"F3",
	"F4",		"F5",		"F6",		"F7",
	"F8",		"F9",		"F10",		"Shift-F1",
	"Shift-F2",	"Shift-F3",	"Shift-F4",	"Shift-F5",
	"Shift-F6",	"Shift-F7",	"Shift-F8",	"Shift-F9",
	"Shift-F10",	"Up",		"Shift-Up",	"Down",
	"Shift-Down",	"Left",		"Shift-Left",	"Right",
	"Shift-Right",	"Help",		MENUNAME,	NULL

 * Read in a key, doing the low level mapping
 * of ASCII code to 11 bit code. This level deals with
 * mapping the special keys into their spots in the C1
 * control area. The C0 controls go right through, and
 * get remapped by "getkey".  Returning function keys
 * with KMETA set distinguishes these keys from codes
 * generated by ALT-ing a control key (which I want
 * to have mapped in the usual way).

	register int	c;
#ifdef	XKEYS
	register int	n;
	c = ttgetc();
	if (c == CSI) {
		c = ttgetc();
#ifdef	MOUSE
		if (c == 'P') {			/* mouse sequence	*/
			ttgetc();		/* discard '~'		*/
			return (KCTRL | getmouse());	/* create key code	*/

#ifdef	DO_MENU
		if (c == 'M') {			/* (fake) menu key	*/
			ttgetc();		/* discard '~'		*/
			return (KCTRL | KMENU);

#ifdef	XKEYS
		if (c == '?') {			/* HELP key		*/
			ttgetc();		/* discard '~'		*/
			return (KCTRL | KHELP);
		/* Arrow keys */
		if (c == 'A')
			return (KCTRL | KUP);
		if (c == 'B')
			return (KCTRL | KDOWN);
		if (c == 'C')
			return (KCTRL | KRIGHT);
		if (c == 'D')
			return (KCTRL | KLEFT);
		if (c == 'T')
			return (KCTRL | KSUP);
		if (c == 'S')
			return (KCTRL | KSDOWN);
		/* Shifted left, right arrow */
		if (c == ' ') {
			c = ttgetc();
			if (c == 'A' || c == '@')
				return (KCTRL | ((c == 'A') ?
					(KSLEFT) : (KSRIGHT)));
			goto loop;		/* try again, sucker */

		/* Function keys	*/
		if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
			n = 0;
			do {
				n = 10*n + c - '0';
				c = ttgetc();
			} while (c>='0' && c<='9');
			if (c == '~' && n < NFUNCKEYS) {
				c = consolemap[n];
				if (c != KRANDOM)
					return (KCTRL | c);
				goto loop;
				goto loop;	/* Try again */
		goto loop;		/* Try again */
	return (c);

#ifdef	MOUSE
 * A hack for the hot mouse -- peek ahead at the
 * next mouse event and construct an internal key
 * code.  Might as well use those extra binding slots...

	USHORT		row, col, qual;
	int ttmouse();
	register int	code = 0;
	register struct WINDOW *wp;

	ttmouse(FALSE, &row, &col, &qual);	/* look at mouse */

	/* was the click in a window ???	*/
	for (wp = wheadp; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_wndp)
		if ((row >= wp->w_toprow) &&
		    (row <= (wp->w_toprow + wp->w_ntrows)))
			break ;

	/* figure out what area the click was in			*/
	if (wp == NULL)			/* not found; assume echo line	*/
		code = EMOUSE;
	else if (row == (wp->w_toprow + wp->w_ntrows))	/* status line	*/
		code = SMOUSE;
		code = WMOUSE;	/* click in a window		*/

	/* figure out 'mini' qualifiers -- ADD them, because 'a' isn't	*/
	/* divisible by 2...  This took me 2 hours to realize...       	*/
		code += SHFT;
		code += ALT;
		code += CTRL;

	return (code);

 * Terminal specific keymap initialization.
 * Bind all of the assigned graphics in the
 * Amiga alternate character set to self-insert.
 * #ifdef XKEYS, attach the special keys to the appropriate
 * built-in functions.
 * #ifdef DO_MENU, bind the fake KMENU code to amigamenu()
 * to do menu selection as transparently as possible.
 * #ifdef MOUSE, bind the hot mouse keys to the
 * functions. In the case of window and mode line
 * selections, call special functions
 * special functions that select the appropriate
 * object (i.e. character, window) before performing
 * the task.
 * As is the case of all the keymap routines, errors
 * result in panic.

extern	int	togglewindow();		/* Defined by "ttyio.c"		*/

#ifdef	DO_MENU
extern	int	amigamenu();		/* Defined by "ttymenu.c" 	*/

extern	int	setfont();		/* Defined by "ttyio.c"		*/

#ifdef	MOUSE
extern	int	amigamouse();		/* Defined by "ttymouse.c"	*/
extern	int	mreposition();		/* Functions which select the	*/ 
extern	int	mdelfword();		/* window the click was in,	*/
extern	int	mkillline();		/* then call another one	*/
extern	int	mforwdel();		/* Defined in "ttymouse.c"	*/
extern	int	mdelwhite();
extern	int	mkillregion();
extern	int	myank();
extern	int	mforwpage();
extern	int	mbackpage();
extern	int	msplitwind();
extern	int	mdelwind();
extern	int	mgotobob();
extern	int	mgotoeob();
extern	int	menlargewind();
extern	int	mshrinkwind();

	/* functions to mess with the mode line rendition, window colors*/
extern	int	ttmode();		/* Defined by "tty.c"		*/
extern	int	tttext();		/*  ""				*/
extern	int	textforeground();	/*  ""				*/
extern	int	textbackground();	/*  ""				*/
extern	int	modeforeground();	/*  ""				*/
extern	int	modebackground();	/*  ""				*/

	register SYMBOL	*sp;
	register int	i;

	/* Intuition window manipulation 	*/

#ifndef	MEYN
	keydup((KEY)KMETA|KCTRL|'L',	"redraw-display");
 	keyadd((KEY)-1,	togglewindow,	"toggle-window-hack");

	 * Bind all positions that correspond
	 * to characters in the Amiga alternate
	 * character set to "ins-self". These characters may
	 * be used just like any other character.  Of course,
	 * if DO_METAKEY is defined in kbd.c, the alternate character
	 * set will get mapped to META-ed keys...

	if ((sp=symlookup("self-insert-command")) == NULL)
		panic("ttykeymapinit: can't find self-insert-command");
	for (i=0xA0; i<0xFF; ++i) {
		if (binding[i] != NULL)
			panic("ttykeymapinit: key already bound");
		binding[i] = sp;

#ifdef	DO_MENU
	/* "Menu" key, if compiled in	*/
	keyadd((KEY)KMENU,	amigamenu,	"amiga-menu");

	keyadd((KEY)-1,	setfont,	"set-font");

	/* Functions to allow you to change colors	*/
	keyadd((KEY)-1, ttmode,		"set-mode-rendition");
	keyadd((KEY)-1,	tttext,		"set-text-rendition");
	keyadd((KEY)-1,	textforeground,	"set-text-foreground");
	keyadd((KEY)-1,	textbackground,	"set-text-background");
	keyadd((KEY)-1, modeforeground, "set-mode-foreground");
	keyadd((KEY)-1,	modebackground,	"set-mode-background");

#ifdef	XKEYS
	/* Arrow keys	*/
	keydup((KEY)KUP,	"previous-line");
	keydup((KEY)KDOWN,	"next-line");

	keydup((KEY)KSUP,	"backward-paragraph");
	keydup((KEY)KSDOWN,	"forward-paragraph");	

	keydup((KEY)KRIGHT,	"forward-char");
	keydup((KEY)KLEFT,	"backward-char");

	keydup((KEY)KSRIGHT,	"forward-word");
	keydup((KEY)KSLEFT,	"backward-word");

	/* Function keys 	*/
	keydup((KEY)KHELP,	"describe-key-briefly");

	keydup((KEY)KF1,	"find-file");
	keydup((KEY)KSF1,	"find-file-other-window");

	keydup((KEY)KF2,	"save-buffer");
	keydup((KEY)KSF2,	"write-file");

	keydup((KEY)KF3,	"scroll-up");
	keydup((KEY)KSF3,	"scroll-down");

	keydup((KEY)KF4,	"next-window");
	keydup((KEY)KSF4,	"previous-window");

	keydup((KEY)KF5,	"enlarge-window");
	keydup((KEY)KSF5,	"shrink-window");

	keydup((KEY)KF6,	"fill-paragraph");
	keydup((KEY)KSF6,	"query-replace");

	keydup((KEY)KF7,	"split-window-vertically");
	keydup((KEY)KSF7,	"delete-other-windows");

	keydup((KEY)KF8,	"global-set-key");
	keydup((KEY)KSF8,	"global-unset-key");

	keydup((KEY)KF9,	"start-kbd-macro");
	keydup((KEY)KSF9,	"end-kbd-macro");

	keydup((KEY)KF10,	"call-last-kbd-macro");
	keydup((KEY)KSF10,	"save-buffers-kill-emacs");

#ifdef	MOUSE
	/* Mouse clicks in a window do editing functions on the	*/
	/* window.						*/

	keyadd(WMOUSE,		amigamouse,	"amiga-mouse");
	keyadd(S(WMOUSE),	mreposition,	"mouse-recenter");
	keyadd(A(WMOUSE),	mdelfword,	"mouse-kill-word");
	keyadd(AS(WMOUSE),	mkillline,	"mouse-kill-line");
	keyadd(C(WMOUSE),	mforwdel,	"mouse-delete-char");
	keyadd(CS(WMOUSE),	mdelwhite,	"mouse-just-one-space");
	keyadd(CA(WMOUSE),	mkillregion,	"mouse-kill-region");
	keyadd(CAS(WMOUSE),	myank,		"mouse-yank");

	/* Mouse clicks in the status line select that window and	*/
	/* then perform a command on that window or buffer.		*/
	/* Use keyadd() because they haven't been bound before		*/

	keyadd(SMOUSE,	   mforwpage,	"mouse-scroll-up");
	keyadd(S(SMOUSE),  mbackpage,	"mouse-scroll-down");
	keyadd(A(SMOUSE),  msplitwind,	"mouse-split-window-vertically");
	keyadd(AS(SMOUSE), mdelwind,	"mouse-delete-window");
	keyadd(C(SMOUSE),  mgotobob,	"mouse-beginning-of-buffer");
	keyadd(CS(SMOUSE), mgotoeob,	"mouse-end-of-buffer");
	keyadd(CA(SMOUSE), menlargewind,"mouse-enlarge-window");
	keyadd(CAS(SMOUSE),mshrinkwind,	"mouse-shrink-window");

	/* mouse clicks in echo line do global things		*/

#ifdef	MEYN
	keydup(EMOUSE,		"save-buffer");
	keydup(EMOUSE,		"switch-to-buffer");
	keydup(S(EMOUSE),	"kill-buffer");
	keydup(A(EMOUSE),	"describe-key-briefly");
	keydup(AS(EMOUSE),	"describe-bindings");
	keydup(C(EMOUSE),	"suspend-emacs");
	keydup(CS(EMOUSE),	"save-buffers-kill-emacs");
	keydup(CA(EMOUSE),	"list-buffers");
	keydup(CAS(EMOUSE),	"toggle-window-hack");