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Length: 6769 (0x1a71) Types: TextFile Names: »hack.mkshop.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/hack/hack.mkshop.c«
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */ /* hack.mkshop.c - version 1.0.2 */ #ifndef QUEST #include "hack.h" #include "def.mkroom.h" #include "def.eshk.h" #define ESHK ((struct eshk *)(&(shk->mextra[0]))) extern struct monst *makemon(); extern struct obj *mkobj_at(); extern int nroom; extern char shtypes[]; /* = "=/)%?!["; 8 types: 7 specialized, 1 mixed */ schar shprobs[] = { 3,3,5,5,10,10,14,50 }; /* their probabilities */ mkshop(){ register struct mkroom *sroom; register int sh,sx,sy,i = -1; register char let; int roomno; register struct monst *shk; #ifdef WIZARD /* first determine shoptype */ if(wizard){ extern char *getenv(); register char *ep = getenv("SHOPTYPE"); if(ep){ if(*ep == 'z' || *ep == 'Z'){ mkzoo(ZOO); return; } if(*ep == 'm' || *ep == 'M'){ mkzoo(MORGUE); return; } if(*ep == 'b' || *ep == 'B'){ mkzoo(BEEHIVE); return; } if(*ep == 's' || *ep == 'S'){ mkswamp(); return; } for(i=0; shtypes[i]; i++) if(*ep == shtypes[i]) break; goto gottype; } } gottype: #endif WIZARD for(sroom = &rooms[0], roomno = 0; ; sroom++, roomno++){ if(sroom->hx < 0) return; if(sroom - rooms >= nroom) { pline("rooms not closed by -1?"); return; } if(sroom->rtype) continue; if(!sroom->rlit || has_dnstairs(sroom) || has_upstairs(sroom)) continue; if( #ifdef WIZARD (wizard && getenv("SHOPTYPE") && sroom->doorct != 0) || #endif WIZARD sroom->doorct == 1) break; } if(i < 0) { /* shoptype not yet determined */ register int j; for(j = rn2(100), i = 0; (j -= shprobs[i])>= 0; i++) if(!shtypes[i]) break; /* superfluous */ if(isbig(sroom) && i + SHOPBASE == WANDSHOP) i = GENERAL-SHOPBASE; } sroom->rtype = i + SHOPBASE; let = shtypes[i]; sh = sroom->fdoor; sx = doors[sh].x; sy = doors[sh].y; if(sx == sroom->lx-1) sx++; else if(sx == sroom->hx+1) sx--; else if(sy == sroom->ly-1) sy++; else if(sy == sroom->hy+1) sy--; else { #ifdef WIZARD /* This is said to happen sometimes, but I've never seen it. */ if(wizard) { register int j = sroom->doorct; extern int doorindex; pline("Where is shopdoor?"); pline("Room at (%d,%d),(%d,%d)", sroom->lx, sroom->ly, sroom->hx, sroom->hy); pline("doormax=%d doorct=%d fdoor=%d", doorindex, sroom->doorct, sh); while(j--) { pline("door [%d,%d]", doors[sh].x, doors[sh].y); sh++; } more(); } #endif WIZARD return; } if(!(shk = makemon(PM_SHK,sx,sy))) return; shk->isshk = shk->mpeaceful = 1; shk->msleep = 0; shk->mtrapseen = ~0; /* we know all the traps already */ ESHK->shoproom = roomno; ESHK->shoplevel = dlevel; ESHK->shd = doors[sh]; ESHK->shk.x = sx; ESHK->shk.y = sy; ESHK->robbed = 0; ESHK->visitct = 0; ESHK->following = 0; shk->mgold = 1000 + 30*rnd(100); /* initial capital */ ESHK->billct = 0; findname(ESHK->shknam, let); for(sx = sroom->lx; sx <= sroom->hx; sx++) for(sy = sroom->ly; sy <= sroom->hy; sy++){ register struct monst *mtmp; if((sx == sroom->lx && doors[sh].x == sx-1) || (sx == sroom->hx && doors[sh].x == sx+1) || (sy == sroom->ly && doors[sh].y == sy-1) || (sy == sroom->hy && doors[sh].y == sy+1)) continue; if(rn2(100) < dlevel && !m_at(sx,sy) && (mtmp = makemon(PM_MIMIC, sx, sy))){ mtmp->mimic = 1; mtmp->mappearance = (let && rn2(10) < dlevel) ? let : ']'; continue; } (void) mkobj_at(let, sx, sy); } } mkzoo(type) int type; { register struct mkroom *sroom; register struct monst *mon; register int sh,sx,sy,i; int goldlim = 500 * dlevel; int moct = 0; struct permonst *morguemon(); i = nroom; for(sroom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)]; ; sroom++) { if(sroom == &rooms[nroom]) sroom = &rooms[0]; if(!i-- || sroom->hx < 0) return; if(sroom->rtype) continue; if(type == MORGUE && sroom->rlit) continue; if(has_upstairs(sroom) || (has_dnstairs(sroom) && rn2(3))) continue; if(sroom->doorct == 1 || !rn2(5)) break; } sroom->rtype = type; sh = sroom->fdoor; for(sx = sroom->lx; sx <= sroom->hx; sx++) for(sy = sroom->ly; sy <= sroom->hy; sy++){ if((sx == sroom->lx && doors[sh].x == sx-1) || (sx == sroom->hx && doors[sh].x == sx+1) || (sy == sroom->ly && doors[sh].y == sy-1) || (sy == sroom->hy && doors[sh].y == sy+1)) continue; mon = makemon( (type == MORGUE) ? morguemon() : (type == BEEHIVE) ? PM_KILLER_BEE : (struct permonst *) 0, sx, sy); if(mon) mon->msleep = 1; switch(type) { case ZOO: i = sq(dist2(sx,sy,doors[sh].x,doors[sh].y)); if(i >= goldlim) i = 5*dlevel; goldlim -= i; mkgold((long)(10 + rn2(i)), sx, sy); break; case MORGUE: /* Usually there is one dead body in the morgue */ if(!moct && rn2(3)) { mksobj_at(CORPSE, sx, sy); moct++; } break; case BEEHIVE: if(!rn2(3)) mksobj_at(LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY, sx, sy); break; } } } struct permonst * morguemon() { extern struct permonst pm_ghost; register int i = rn2(100), hd = rn2(dlevel); if(hd > 10 && i < 10) return(PM_DEMON); if(hd > 8 && i > 85) return(PM_VAMPIRE); return((i < 40) ? PM_GHOST : (i < 60) ? PM_WRAITH : PM_ZOMBIE); } mkswamp() /* Michiel Huisjes & Fred de Wilde */ { register struct mkroom *sroom; register int sx,sy,i,eelct = 0; extern struct permonst pm_eel; for(i=0; i<5; i++) { /* 5 tries */ sroom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)]; if(sroom->hx < 0 || sroom->rtype || has_upstairs(sroom) || has_dnstairs(sroom)) continue; /* satisfied; make a swamp */ sroom->rtype = SWAMP; for(sx = sroom->lx; sx <= sroom->hx; sx++) for(sy = sroom->ly; sy <= sroom->hy; sy++) if((sx+sy)%2 && !o_at(sx,sy) && !t_at(sx,sy) && !m_at(sx,sy) && !nexttodoor(sx,sy)){ levl[sx][sy].typ = POOL; levl[sx][sy].scrsym = POOL_SYM; if(!eelct || !rn2(4)) { (void) makemon(PM_EEL, sx, sy); eelct++; } } } } nexttodoor(sx,sy) register sx,sy; { register dx,dy; register struct rm *lev; for(dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) for(dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) if((lev = &levl[sx+dx][sy+dy])->typ == DOOR || lev->typ == SDOOR || lev->typ == LDOOR) return(1); return(0); } has_dnstairs(sroom) register struct mkroom *sroom; { return(sroom->lx <= xdnstair && xdnstair <= sroom->hx && sroom->ly <= ydnstair && ydnstair <= sroom->hy); } has_upstairs(sroom) register struct mkroom *sroom; { return(sroom->lx <= xupstair && xupstair <= sroom->hx && sroom->ly <= yupstair && yupstair <= sroom->hy); } isbig(sroom) register struct mkroom *sroom; { register int area = (sroom->hx - sroom->lx) * (sroom->hy - sroom->ly); return( area > 20 ); } dist2(x0,y0,x1,y1){ return((x0-x1)*(x0-x1) + (y0-y1)*(y0-y1)); } sq(a) int a; { return(a*a); } #endif QUEST