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Length: 10229 (0x27f5) Types: TextFile Names: »diag.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec6/larn/diag.c«
/* diag.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/times.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "header.h" extern long int initialtime; extern int rmst,maxitm,lasttime; extern char nosignal; static struct tms cputime; /* *************************** DIAG -- dungeon diagnostics *************************** subroutine to print out data for debugging */ #ifdef EXTRA static int rndcount[16]; diag() { register int i,j; int hit,dam; cursors(); lwclose(); if (lcreat(diagfile) < 0) /* open the diagnostic file */ { lcreat((char*)0); lprcat("\ndiagnostic failure\n"); return(-1); } write(1,"\nDiagnosing . . .\n",18); lprcat("\n\nBeginning of DIAG diagnostics ----------\n"); /* for the character attributes */ lprintf("\n\nPlayer attributes:\n\nHit points: %2d(%2d)",(long)c[HP],(long)c[HPMAX]); lprintf("\ngold: %d Experience: %d Character level: %d Level in caverns: %d", (long)c[GOLD],(long)c[EXPERIENCE],(long)c[LEVEL],(long)level); lprintf("\nTotal types of monsters: %d",(long)MAXMONST+8); lprcat("\f\nHere's the dungeon:\n\n"); i=level; for (j=0; j<MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL; j++) { newcavelevel(j); lprintf("\nMaze for level %s:\n",levelname[level]); diagdrawscreen(); } newcavelevel(i); lprcat("\f\nNow for the monster data:\n\n"); lprcat(" Monster Name LEV AC DAM ATT DEF GOLD HP EXP \n"); lprcat("--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); for (i=0; i<=MAXMONST+8; i++) { lprintf("%19s %2d %3d ",monster[i].name,(long)monster[i].level,(long)monster[i].armorclass); lprintf(" %3d %3d %3d ",(long)monster[i].damage,(long)monster[i].attack,(long)monster[i].defense); lprintf("%6d %3d %6d\n",(long)monster[i].gold,(long)monster[i].hitpoints,(long)monster[i].experience); } lprcat("\n\nHere's a Table for the to hit percentages\n"); lprcat("\n We will be assuming that players level = 2 * monster level"); lprcat("\n and that the players dexterity and strength are 16."); lprcat("\n to hit: if (rnd(22) < (2[monst AC] + your level + dex + WC/8 -1)/2) then hit"); lprcat("\n damage = rund(8) + WC/2 + STR - c[HARDGAME] - 4"); lprcat("\n to hit: if rnd(22) < to hit then player hits\n"); lprcat("\n Each entry is as follows: to hit / damage / number hits to kill\n"); lprcat("\n monster WC = 4 WC = 20 WC = 40"); lprcat("\n---------------------------------------------------------------"); for (i=0; i<=MAXMONST+8; i++) { hit = 2*monster[i].armorclass+2*monster[i].level+16; dam = 16 - c[HARDGAME]; lprintf("\n%20s %2d/%2d/%2d %2d/%2d/%2d %2d/%2d/%2d", monster[i].name, (long)(hit/2),(long)max(0,dam+2),(long)(monster[i].hitpoints/(dam+2)+1), (long)((hit+2)/2),(long)max(0,dam+10),(long)(monster[i].hitpoints/(dam+10)+1), (long)((hit+5)/2),(long)max(0,dam+20),(long)(monster[i].hitpoints/(dam+20)+1)); } lprcat("\n\nHere's the list of available potions:\n\n"); for (i=0; i<MAXPOTION; i++) lprintf("%20s\n",&potionname[i][1]); lprcat("\n\nHere's the list of available scrolls:\n\n"); for (i=0; i<MAXSCROLL; i++) lprintf("%20s\n",&scrollname[i][1]); lprcat("\n\nHere's the spell list:\n\n"); lprcat("spell name description\n"); lprcat("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); for (j=0; j<SPNUM; j++) { lprc(' '); lprcat(spelcode[j]); lprintf(" %21s %s\n",spelname[j],speldescript[j]); } lprcat("\n\nFor the c[] array:\n"); for (j=0; j<100; j+=10) { lprintf("\nc[%2d] = ",(long)j); for (i=0; i<9; i++) lprintf("%5d ",(long)c[i+j]); } lprcat("\n\nTest of random number generator ----------------"); lprcat("\n for 25,000 calls divided into 16 slots\n\n"); for (i=0; i<16; i++) rndcount[i]=0; for (i=0; i<25000; i++) rndcount[rund(16)]++; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { lprintf(" %5d",(long)rndcount[i]); if (i==7) lprc('\n'); } lprcat("\n\n"); lwclose(); lcreat((char*)0); lprcat("Done Diagnosing . . ."); return(0); } /* subroutine to count the number of occurrences of an object */ dcount(l) int l; { register int i,j,p; int k; k=0; for (i=0; i<MAXX; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXY; j++) for (p=0; p<MAXLEVEL; p++) if (cell[p*MAXX*MAXY+i*MAXY+j].item == l) k++; return(k); } /* subroutine to draw the whole screen as the player knows it */ diagdrawscreen() { register int i,j,k; for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) /* for the east west walls of this line */ { for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) if (k=mitem[j][i]) lprc(monstnamelist[k]); else lprc(objnamelist[item[j][i]]); lprc('\n'); } } #endif \f /* to save the game in a file */ static long int zzz=0; savegame(fname) char *fname; { register int i,k; register struct sphere *sp; struct stat statbuf; nosignal=1; lflush(); savelevel(); ointerest(); if (lcreat(fname) < 0) { lcreat((char*)0); lprintf("\nCan't open file <%s> to save game\n",fname); nosignal=0; return(-1); } set_score_output(); lwrite((char*)beenhere,MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL); for (k=0; k<MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL; k++) if (beenhere[k]) lwrite((char*)&cell[k*MAXX*MAXY],sizeof(struct cel)*MAXY*MAXX); times(&cputime); /* get cpu time */ c[CPUTIME] += (cputime.tms_utime+cputime.tms_stime)/60; lwrite((char*)&c[0],100*sizeof(long)); lprint((long)gtime); lprc(level); lprc(playerx); lprc(playery); lwrite((char*)iven,26); lwrite((char*)ivenarg,26*sizeof(short)); for (k=0; k<MAXSCROLL; k++) lprc(scrollname[k][0]); for (k=0; k<MAXPOTION; k++) lprc(potionname[k][0]); lwrite((char*)spelknow,SPNUM); lprc(wizard); lprc(rmst); /* random monster generation counter */ for (i=0; i<90; i++) lprc(itm[i].qty); lwrite((char*)course,25); lprc(cheat); lprc(VERSION); for (i=0; i<MAXMONST; i++) lprc(monster[i].genocided); /* genocide info */ for (sp=spheres; sp; sp=sp->p) lwrite((char*)sp,sizeof(struct sphere)); /* save spheres of annihilation */ time(&zzz); lprint((long)(zzz-initialtime)); lwrite((char*)&zzz,sizeof(long)); if (fstat(lfd,&statbuf)< 0) lprint(0L); else lprint((long)statbuf.st_ino); /* inode # */ lwclose(); lastmonst[0] = 0; #ifndef VT100 setscroll(); #endif VT100 lcreat((char*)0); nosignal=0; return(0); } restoregame(fname) char *fname; { register int i,k; register struct sphere *sp,*sp2; struct stat filetimes; cursors(); lprcat("\nRestoring . . ."); lflush(); if (lopen(fname) <= 0) { lcreat((char*)0); lprintf("\nCan't open file <%s>to restore game\n",fname); nap(2000); c[GOLD]=c[BANKACCOUNT]=0; died(-265); return; } lrfill((char*)beenhere,MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL); for (k=0; k<MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL; k++) if (beenhere[k]) lrfill((char*)&cell[k*MAXX*MAXY],sizeof(struct cel)*MAXY*MAXX); lrfill((char*)&c[0],100*sizeof(long)); gtime = lrint(); level = c[CAVELEVEL] = lgetc(); playerx = lgetc(); playery = lgetc(); lrfill((char*)iven,26); lrfill((char*)ivenarg,26*sizeof(short)); for (k=0; k<MAXSCROLL; k++) scrollname[k][0] = lgetc(); for (k=0; k<MAXPOTION; k++) potionname[k][0] = lgetc(); lrfill((char*)spelknow,SPNUM); wizard = lgetc(); rmst = lgetc(); /* random monster creation flag */ for (i=0; i<90; i++) itm[i].qty = lgetc(); lrfill((char*)course,25); cheat = lgetc(); if (VERSION != lgetc()) /* version number */ { cheat=1; lprcat("Sorry, But your save file is for an older version of larn\n"); nap(2000); c[GOLD]=c[BANKACCOUNT]=0; died(-266); return; } for (i=0; i<MAXMONST; i++) monster[i].genocided=lgetc(); /* genocide info */ for (sp=0,i=0; i<c[SPHCAST]; i++) { sp2 = sp; sp = (struct sphere *)malloc(sizeof(struct sphere)); if (sp==0) { write(2,"Can't malloc() for sphere space\n",32); break; } lrfill((char*)sp,sizeof(struct sphere)); /* get spheres of annihilation */ sp->p=0; /* null out pointer */ if (i==0) spheres=sp; /* beginning of list */ else sp2->p = sp; } time(&zzz); initialtime = zzz-lrint(); fstat(fd,&filetimes); /* get the creation and modification time of file */ lrfill((char*)&zzz,sizeof(long)); zzz += 6; if (filetimes.st_ctime > zzz) fsorry(); /* file create time */ else if (filetimes.st_mtime > zzz) fsorry(); /* file modify time */ if (c[HP]<0) { died(284); return; } /* died a post mortem death */ oldx = oldy = 0; i = lrint(); /* inode # */ if (i && (filetimes.st_ino!=i)) fsorry(); lrclose(); if (strcmp(fname,ckpfile) == 0) { if (lappend(fname) < 0) fcheat(); else { lprc(' '); lwclose(); } lcreat((char*)0); } else if (unlink(fname) < 0) fcheat(); /* can't unlink save file */ /* for the greedy cheater checker */ for (k=0; k<6; k++) if (c[k]>99) greedy(); if (c[HPMAX]>999 || c[SPELLMAX]>125) greedy(); if (c[LEVEL]==25 && c[EXPERIENCE]>skill[24]) /* if patch up lev 25 player */ { long tmp; tmp = c[EXPERIENCE]-skill[24]; /* amount to go up */ c[EXPERIENCE] = skill[24]; raiseexperience((long)tmp); } getlevel(); lasttime=gtime; } /* subroutine to not allow greedy cheaters */ greedy() { #if WIZID if (wizard) return; #endif lprcat("\n\nI am so sorry, but your character is a little TOO good! Since this\n"); lprcat("cannot normally happen from an honest game, I must assume that you cheated.\n"); lprcat("In that you are GREEDY as well as a CHEATER, I cannot allow this game\n"); lprcat("to continue.\n"); nap(5000); c[GOLD]=c[BANKACCOUNT]=0; died(-267); return; } /* subroutine to not allow altered save files and terminate the attempted restart */ fsorry() { lprcat("\nSorry, but your savefile has been altered.\n"); lprcat("However, seeing as I am a good sport, I will let you play.\n"); lprcat("Be advised though, you won't be placed on the normal scoreboard."); cheat = 1; nap(4000); } /* subroutine to not allow game if save file can't be deleted */ fcheat() { #if WIZID if (wizard) return; #endif lprcat("\nSorry, but your savefile can't be deleted. This can only mean\n"); lprcat("that you tried to CHEAT by protecting the directory the savefile\n"); lprcat("is in. Since this is unfair to the rest of the larn community, I\n"); lprcat("cannot let you play this game.\n"); nap(5000); c[GOLD]=c[BANKACCOUNT]=0; died(-268); return; }