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Length: 6967 (0x1b37) Types: TextFile Names: »resize.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦526ad3590⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/X.V10.R4.tar.Z« └─⟦2109abc41⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »./X.V10R4/xterm/resize.c«
/* * $Source: /u1/X/xterm/RCS/resize.c,v $ * $Header: resize.c,v 10.101 86/12/02 10:35:30 swick Exp $ */ #ifndef lint static char *rcsid_resize_c = "$Header: resize.c,v 10.101 86/12/02 10:35:30 swick Exp $"; #endif lint #include <X/mit-copyright.h> /* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984 */ /* resize.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <sgtty.h> #include <strings.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/time.h> #ifndef lint static char sccs_id[] = "@(#)resize.c\tX10/6.6\t11/14/86"; #endif #define EMULATIONS 2 #define SUN 1 #define TIMEOUT 10 #define VT100 0 char *emuname[EMULATIONS] = { "VT100", "Sun", }; char *myname; int stdsh; char *getsize[EMULATIONS] = { "\0337\033[r\033[999;999H\033[6n", "\033[18t", }; #ifndef sun #ifdef TIOCSWINSZ char *getwsize[EMULATIONS] = { 0, "\033[14t", }; #endif TIOCSWINSZ #endif sun char *restore[EMULATIONS] = { "\0338", 0, }; char *setname = ""; char *setsize[EMULATIONS] = { 0, "\033[8;%s;%st", }; struct sgttyb sgorig; char *size[EMULATIONS] = { "\033[%d;%dR", "\033[8;%d;%dt", }; char sunname[] = "sunsize"; int tty; FILE *ttyfp; #ifndef sun #ifdef TIOCSWINSZ char *wsize[EMULATIONS] = { 0, "\033[4;%hd;%hdt", }; #endif TIOCSWINSZ #endif sun char *strindex (), *index (), *rindex(); main (argc, argv) char **argv; /* resets termcap string to reflect current screen size */ { register char *ptr, *env; register int emu = VT100; int rows, cols; struct sgttyb sg; char termcap [1024]; char newtc [1024]; char buf[BUFSIZ]; #ifdef sun #ifdef TIOCSSIZE struct ttysize ts; #endif TIOCSSIZE #else sun #ifdef TIOCSWINSZ struct winsize ws; #endif TIOCSWINSZ #endif sun char *getenv(); int onintr(); if(ptr = rindex(myname = argv[0], '/')) myname = ptr + 1; if(strcmp(myname, sunname) == 0) emu = SUN; for(argv++, argc-- ; argc > 0 && **argv == '-' ; argv++, argc--) { switch((*argv)[1]) { case 's': /* Sun emulation */ if(emu == SUN) Usage(); /* Never returns */ emu = SUN; break; case 'u': /* Bourne (Unix) shell */ stdsh++; break; default: Usage(); /* Never returns */ } } if(argc == 2) { if(!setsize[emu]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't set window size under %s emulation\n", myname, emuname[emu]); exit(1); } if(!checkdigits(argv[0]) || !checkdigits(argv[1])) Usage(); /* Never returns */ } else if(argc != 0) Usage(); /* Never returns */ if((ttyfp = fopen("/dev/tty", "r+")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open /dev/tty\n", myname); exit(1); } tty = fileno(ttyfp); if((env = getenv("TERMCAP")) && *env) strcpy(termcap, env); else { if(!(env = getenv("TERM")) || !*env) { env = "xterm"; if(stdsh) setname = "TERM=xterm;\n"; else setname = "setenv TERM xterm;\n"; } if(tgetent (termcap, env) <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't get entry \"%s\"\n", myname, env); exit(1); } } ioctl (tty, TIOCGETP, &sgorig); sg = sgorig; sg.sg_flags |= RAW; sg.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; signal(SIGINT, onintr); signal(SIGQUIT, onintr); signal(SIGTERM, onintr); ioctl (tty, TIOCSETP, &sg); if (argc == 2) { sprintf (buf, setsize[emu], argv[0], argv[1]); write(tty, buf, strlen(buf)); } write(tty, getsize[emu], strlen(getsize[emu])); readstring(ttyfp, buf, size[emu]); if(sscanf (buf, size[emu], &rows, &cols) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't get rows and columns\r\n", myname); onintr(); } if(restore[emu]) write(tty, restore[emu], strlen(restore[emu])); #ifdef sun #ifdef TIOCGSIZE /* finally, set the tty's window size */ if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGSIZE, &ts) != -1) { ts.ts_lines = rows; ts.ts_cols = cols; ioctl (tty, TIOCSSIZE, &ts); } #endif TIOCGSIZE #else sun #ifdef TIOCGWINSZ /* finally, set the tty's window size */ if(getwsize[emu]) { /* get the window size in pixels */ write (tty, getwsize[emu], strlen (getwsize[emu])); readstring(ttyfp, buf, wsize[emu]); if(sscanf (buf, wsize[emu], &ws.ws_xpixel, &ws.ws_ypixel) != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't get window size\r\n", myname); onintr(); } ws.ws_row = rows; ws.ws_col = cols; ioctl (tty, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws); } else if (ioctl (tty, TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) != -1) { /* we don't have any way of directly finding out the current height & width of the window in pixels. We try our best by computing the font height and width from the "old" struct winsize values, and multiplying by these ratios...*/ if (ws.ws_xpixel != 0) ws.ws_xpixel = cols * (ws.ws_xpixel / ws.ws_col); if (ws.ws_ypixel != 0) ws.ws_ypixel = rows * (ws.ws_ypixel / ws.ws_row); ws.ws_row = rows; ws.ws_col = cols; ioctl (tty, TIOCSWINSZ, &ws); } #endif TIOCGWINSZ #endif sun ioctl (tty, TIOCSETP, &sgorig); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); /* update termcap string */ /* first do columns */ if ((ptr = strindex (termcap, "co#")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No `co#'\n", myname); exit (1); } strncpy (newtc, termcap, ptr - termcap + 3); sprintf (newtc + strlen (newtc), "%d", cols); ptr = index (ptr, ':'); strcat (newtc, ptr); /* now do lines */ if ((ptr = strindex (newtc, "li#")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No `li#'\n", myname); exit (1); } strncpy (termcap, newtc, ptr - newtc + 3); sprintf (termcap + ((int) ptr - (int) newtc + 3), "%d", rows); ptr = index (ptr, ':'); strcat (termcap, ptr); if(stdsh) printf ("%sTERMCAP='%s'\n", setname, termcap); else printf ("set noglob;\n%ssetenv TERMCAP '%s';\nunset noglob;\n", setname, termcap); exit(0); } char *strindex (s1, s2) /* returns a pointer to the first occurrence of s2 in s1, or NULL if there are none. */ register char *s1, *s2; { register char *s3; while ((s3 = index (s1, *s2)) != NULL) { if (strncmp (s3, s2, strlen (s2)) == 0) return (s3); s1 = ++s3; } return (NULL); } checkdigits(str) register char *str; { while(*str) { if(!isdigit(*str)) return(0); str++; } return(1); } readstring(fp, buf, str) register FILE *fp; register char *buf; char *str; { register int i, last; struct itimerval it; int timeout(); signal(SIGALRM, timeout); bzero((char *)&it, sizeof(struct itimerval)); it.it_value.tv_sec = TIMEOUT; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, (struct itimerval *)NULL); if((*buf++ = getc(fp)) != *str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown character, exiting.\r\n", myname); onintr(); } last = str[i = strlen(str) - 1]; while((*buf++ = getc(fp)) != last); bzero((char *)&it, sizeof(struct itimerval)); setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, (struct itimerval *)NULL); *buf = 0; } Usage() { fprintf(stderr, strcmp(myname, sunname) == 0 ? "Usage: %s [rows cols]\n" : "Usage: %s [-u] [-s [rows cols]]\n", myname); exit(1); } timeout() { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Time out occurred\r\n", myname); onintr(); } onintr() { ioctl (tty, TIOCSETP, &sgorig); exit(1); }