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Length: 11634 (0x2d72) Types: TextFile Names: »pair.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/stat-5.3/eu/stat/src/pair.c«
/* Copyright 1980 Gary Perlman */ #include "stat.h" PGM(pair,Paired Data Analysis and Plots,5.2,01/20/87) /*NEW put estimated X-Y values in axes so that a line can be drawn through by hand */ #define prettyprint(title, x, y, d) \ printf ("%-16s %16.4f %16.4f %16.4f\n", title, x, y, d) #define MAXPAIRS 1000 /* at most this many pairs */ #define MAXCHARS BUFSIZ /* maximum number of chars in lines */ float Xdata[MAXPAIRS]; /* data stored for plot in here */ float Ydata[MAXPAIRS]; /* data stored for plot in here */ char Plotchar; /* plotting character */ Boole Frameplot = TRUE; /* should plot be framed? */ int Height = 19; /* default height of plot */ int Width = 50; /* default width of plot */ double Top; /* top of plot or Max_y */ Boole SetTop = FALSE; double Bottom; /* bottom of plot or Min_y */ Boole SetBottom = FALSE; double Left; /* left of plot or Min_x */ Boole SetLeft = FALSE; double Right; /* right of plot or Max_x */ Boole SetRight = FALSE; int Perline = 2; /* number of points per line */ int Count = 0; /* number of points counted in */ int NAcount = 0; /* number of NA missing pairs */ double Sum_x, Sum_y, Sum_d; /* sums of scores */ double SS_x, SS_y, SS_d; /* sums of squares */ double Mean_x, Mean_y, Mean_d;/* means stored here */ double SD_x, SD_y, SD_d; /* standard deviations */ double Sum_xy; /* cross product */ double Min_x, Min_y, Min_d; /* minimums */ double Max_x, Max_y, Max_d; /* maximums */ double Intercept, Slope; /* intercept and slope */ double Correlation; /* correlation coefficient */ char *Name_x = "Column 1", *Name_y = "Column 2"; int Storedata = 1; /* assume data will be stored */ int Wantstats = 0; /* are statistics wanted? */ int Wantplot = 0; /* is a plot wanted? */ Boole InfoVersion; /* print version information */ Boole InfoLimits; /* print program limits */ Boole InfoOptions; /* print usage information */ \f main (argc, argv) char **argv; { ARGV0; initial (argc, argv); readdata (); compstats (); if (Wantstats) printstats (); if (Wantplot) scatterplot (Xdata, Ydata, Count); exit (0); } \f initial (argc, argv) char **argv; { extern int optind; extern char *optarg; int C; int opterr = 0; while ((C = getopt (argc, argv, "b:c:fh:l:pr:st:w:x:y:LOV")) != EOF) switch (C) { case 'O': InfoOptions = TRUE; break; case 'V': InfoVersion = TRUE; break; case 'L': InfoLimits = TRUE; break; case 'b': SetBottom = TRUE; Wantplot = TRUE; if (setreal (Argv0, 'b', optarg, &Bottom)) opterr++; break; case 'c': Wantplot = TRUE; Plotchar = *optarg; break; case 'f': Frameplot = FALSE; Wantplot = TRUE; break; case 'h': if (setint (Argv0, 'h', optarg, &Height, MIN_PLOT, MAX_HEIGHT)) opterr++; Wantplot = 1; break; case 'l': SetLeft = TRUE; Wantplot = TRUE; if (setreal (Argv0, 'l', optarg, &Left)) opterr++; break; case 'p': Wantplot = TRUE; break; case 'r': SetRight = TRUE; if (setreal (Argv0, 'r', optarg, &Right)) opterr++; break; case 's': Wantstats = 1; break; case 't': SetTop = TRUE; Wantplot = TRUE; if (setreal (Argv0, 't', optarg, &Top)) opterr++; break; case 'w': if (setint (Argv0, 'w', optarg, &Width, MIN_PLOT, MAX_WIDTH)) opterr++; Wantplot = 1; break; case 'x': Name_x = optarg; break; case 'y': Name_y = optarg; break; default: opterr++; } if (opterr) USAGE ([-fps] [-h height] [-w width] [-c char] [-x xname] [-y yname]\n\t[-t top] [-b bottom] [-l left] [-r right]) ERROPT (optind) if (!Wantplot) { Storedata = 0; Wantstats = 1; } usinfo (); checkstdin (); } \f readdata () { double atof (); char line[MAXCHARS]; char *array[2]; int fieldcount; double x, y, d; int lineno = 0; while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin)) { lineno++; fieldcount = parselin (line, array, 2); if (fieldcount == 0) continue; if (isna (array[0]) || (fieldcount > 1 && isna (array[1]))) { NAcount++; continue; } if (Count == 0) { switch (Perline = fieldcount) { case 1: Perline = 1; Min_x = 1.0; Min_y = atof (array[0]); break; case 2: Perline = 2; Min_x = atof (array[0]); Min_y = atof (array[1]); break; default: ERRMANY (columns, 2) } Max_x = Min_x; Max_y = Min_y; Min_d = Max_d = Min_x - Min_y; } else if (fieldcount != Perline) ERRMSG1 (Must have 1 or 2 numbers per line (see line %d), lineno) if (!number (array[0]) || ((Perline == 2) && !number (array[1]))) ERRMSG1 (Non-numerical input at line %d, lineno) if (Perline == 2) { x = atof (array[0]); y = atof (array[1]); } else { x = (double) (Count+1); y = atof (array[0]); } d = x - y; Sum_d += d; SS_d += d*d; Sum_x += x; SS_x += x*x; Sum_xy += x*y; Sum_y += y; SS_y += y*y; if (x > Max_x) Max_x = x; else if (x < Min_x) Min_x = x; if (y > Max_y) Max_y = y; else if (y < Min_y) Min_y = y; if (d > Max_d) Max_d = d; else if (d < Min_d) Min_d = d; if (Storedata) { if (Count < MAXPAIRS) { Xdata[Count] = x; Ydata[Count] = y; } else { WARNING (too much data for a plot) Storedata = 0; Wantstats = 1; } } Count++; } } \f compstats () { double standev (); /* compute standard deviation */ if (Count <= 1) ERRDATA Mean_x = Sum_x / Count; Mean_y = Sum_y / Count; Mean_d = Sum_d / Count; SD_x = standev (Sum_x, SS_x, Count); SD_y = standev (Sum_y, SS_y, Count); SD_d = standev (Sum_d, SS_d, Count); if (SD_x > FZERO) { Slope = (Sum_xy - Sum_x*Sum_y/Count) / (SS_x - Sum_x*Mean_x); Intercept = Mean_y - Slope * Mean_x; if (!fzero (SD_y)) Correlation = Slope * SD_x / SD_y; else Correlation = 1.0; } else Intercept = Slope = Correlation = 0.0; } \f printstats () { double t_x, t_y, t_d; /* t test values */ double p_x, p_y, p_d, pof (); /* probability levels */ char tmpstr[20]; /* for internal formatting */ double t_r, p_r; /* correlation, t val & prob */ double fcount = (double) Count; /* double Count */ printf ("Analysis for %d points:\n", Count); if (NAcount) printf ("Missing points ignored: %d\n", NAcount); printf ("%16s %16.16s %16.16s %16s\n", "", Name_x, Name_y, "Difference"); prettyprint ("Minimums", Min_x, Min_y, Min_d); prettyprint ("Maximums", Max_x, Max_y, Max_d); prettyprint ("Sums", Sum_x, Sum_y, Sum_d); prettyprint ("SumSquares", SS_x, SS_y, SS_d); prettyprint ("Means", Mean_x, Mean_y, Mean_d); prettyprint ("SDs", SD_x, SD_y, SD_d); if (SD_x > FZERO) { t_x = Mean_x*sqrt(fcount)/SD_x; p_x = pof (t_x*t_x, 1, Count-1); } else { t_x = MAXT; p_x = 0.0; } if (SD_y > FZERO) { t_y = Mean_y*sqrt(fcount)/SD_y; p_y = pof (t_y*t_y, 1, Count-1); } else { t_y = MAXT; p_y = 0.0; } if (SD_d > FZERO) { t_d = Mean_d*sqrt(fcount)/SD_d; p_d = pof (t_d*t_d, 1, Count-1); } else { t_d = MAXT; p_d = 0.0; } sprintf (tmpstr, "t(%d)", Count-1); prettyprint (tmpstr, t_x, t_y, t_d); prettyprint ("p", p_x, p_y, p_d); if (Count > 2 && Correlation != 1.0 && Correlation != -1.0) { t_r = Correlation / sqrt ((1.0 - Correlation*Correlation) / (fcount - 2.0)); p_r = pof (t_r*t_r, 1, Count-2); } else { t_r = MAXT; p_r = 0.0; } putchar ('\n'); sprintf (tmpstr, "t(%d)", Count-2); printf ("%16s %16s %16s %16s\n", "Correlation", "r-squared", tmpstr, "p"); printf ("%16.4f %16.4f %16.4f %16.4f\n", Correlation, Correlation*Correlation, t_r, p_r); printf ("%16s %16s\n", "Intercept", "Slope"); printf ("%16.4f %16.4f\n", Intercept, Slope); } double standev (sum, ss, count) double sum, ss; { if (count <= 1) return (0.0); return (sqrt ((ss-sum*sum/count)/(count-1))); } \f #define EPSILON (.000000001) #define scale(x,min,max,width) ((int) (width*((x)-(min))/((max)-(min)+EPSILON))) #define MAXCOUNT 127 /* max plot frequency */ scatterplot (x, y, n) float *x, *y; { int i; int col, row; char plot[MAX_HEIGHT][MAX_WIDTH]; int height2 = Height/2; int ix, iy; double xval, yval; float minx = SetLeft ? Left : Min_x; float maxx = SetRight ? Right : Max_x; float miny = SetBottom ? Bottom : Min_y; float maxy = SetTop ? Top : Max_y; for (row = 0; row < Height; row++) for (col = 0; col < Width; col++) plot[row][col] = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { xval = x[i]; yval = y[i]; if (yval < miny || yval > maxy || xval < minx || xval > maxx) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: point %d (%g,%g) out of range\n", Argv0, i+1, xval, yval); #ifdef DEBUG printf ("maxy %20.10f\n", maxy); printf ("yval %20.10f\n", yval); printf ("miny %20.10f\n", miny); printf ("minx %20.10f\n", minx); printf ("xval %20.10f\n", xval); printf ("maxx %20.10f\n", maxx); #endif DEBUG } else { iy = scale (yval, miny, maxy, Height); ix = scale (xval, minx, maxx, Width); if (plot[iy][ix] < MAXCOUNT) plot[iy][ix]++; } } if (Frameplot) { putchar ('|'); for (col = 0; col < Width; col++) putchar ('-'); putchar ('|'); printf ("%g", maxy); putchar ('\n'); } for (row = Height-1; row >= 0; row--) { if (Frameplot) putchar ('|'); for (col = 0; col < Width; col++) if (plot[row][col]) { if (Plotchar) putchar (Plotchar); else if (plot[row][col] >= 10) putchar ('*'); else putchar (plot[row][col]+'0'); } else putchar (' '); if (Frameplot) putchar ('|'); if (row == height2) printf ("%s", Name_y); putchar ('\n'); } if (Frameplot) { putchar ('|'); for (col = 0; col < Width; col++) putchar ('-'); putchar ('|'); printf ("%g", miny); putchar ('\n'); numline (minx, maxx, Width+2); /* width + frame sides */ } #define CORRWIDTH 8 /* length of " r = %x.yf for Correlation */ for (i = (Width - strlen (Name_x) - CORRWIDTH) / 2; i > 0; i--) putchar (' '); printf ("%s r=%6.3f\n", Name_x, Correlation); } \f usinfo () { if (InfoVersion) pver (Version); if (InfoLimits) { plim (Argv0); const (MAXPAIRS, "maximum number of pairs for plots"); const (MAX_WIDTH, "maximum width of plot"); const (MAX_HEIGHT, "maximum height of plot"); const (MIN_PLOT, "minimum plot height or width"); const (MAXCHARS, "maximum number of characters in lines"); } if (InfoOptions) { ppgm (Argv0, Purpose); ropt ('b', "bottom", "minimum y axis plot value", Bottom); copt ('c', "char", "plotting character", Plotchar); lopt ('f', "frame plot", Frameplot); iopt ('h', "height", "height of plot", Height); ropt ('l', "left", "minimum x axis plot value", Left); lopt ('p', "print plot", Wantplot); ropt ('r', "right", "maximum x axis plot value", Right); lopt ('s', "print statistics", Wantstats); ropt ('t', "top", "maximum y axis plot value", Top); iopt ('w', "width", "width of plot", Width); sopt ('x', "name", "x axis name", Name_x); sopt ('y', "name", "y axis name", Name_y); } if (InfoVersion || InfoLimits || InfoOptions) exit (0); }