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Length: 26369 (0x6701) Types: TextFile Names: »postnews.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/news/src/postnews.c«
/* * This software is Copyright (c) 1986 by Rick Adams. * * Permission is hereby granted to copy, reproduce, redistribute or * otherwise use this software as long as: there is no monetary * profit gained specifically from the use or reproduction or this * software, it is not sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed, and * this copyright notice is included prominently in any copy * made. * * The author make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of * this software for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is. * Any use of this software is at the user's own risk. * * Postnews: post a news message to Usenet. This C version replaces a shell * script, and does more intelligent prompting and filtering than possible * in a shell script. */ #ifdef SCCSID static char *SccsId = "@(#)postnews.c 1.31 3/21/87"; #endif /* SCCSID */ #include "params.h" #define APPEND 1 #define REPLACE 2 extern char *MAILPARSER; char tempfname[50]; /* file name used for making article */ char original[BUFLEN]; /* file name of original, used in followup */ char homedir[BUFLEN]; /* HOME environment setting */ char user[SBUFLEN]; /* user name */ char ccname[BUFLEN]; /* file name for article copy */ /* article header information */ char subject[BUFLEN]; char distribution[BUFLEN]; char references[BUFLEN]; char newsgroups[BUFLEN]; char isfrom[BUFLEN]; char msgid[BUFLEN]; char keywords[BUFLEN]; char summary[BUFLEN]; char ngsep[] = { NGDELIM, '\0' }; /* == "," */ char *Progname = "postnews"; /* for xerror */ time_t fmodtime; char buf[BUFLEN]; #define MAXDISTR 16 struct distr { char abbr[24]; char descr[128]; } distr[MAXDISTR]; char def_distr[24] = ""; /* default distribution */ FILE *xfopen(); main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register int c; init(); if (argc == 2) { if (!prefix(argv[1], SPOOL)) xerror("Can only followup to articles in %s", SPOOL); followup(argv[1]); (void) strcpy(original, argv[1]); } else if (askyes("Is this message in response to some other message? ","no")) { char ng[BUFLEN], num[BUFLEN]; long i, j, lastnum; register char *p; int fd, dir; char canpost; getpr("In what newsgroup was the article posted? ",ng); if (!valid_ng(ng, &i, &j, &canpost)) if (canpost == 'i' ) byebye("There is no such newsgroup."); else if (canpost == 'n') byebye("You are not allowed to post to that group."); printf("Valid article numbers are from %ld to %ld\n", j, i); lastnum = i + 1; dir = -1; for(;;) { getpr("\nWhat was the article number? ", num); switch(num[0]) { case '+': dir = 1; sprintf(num, "%ld", lastnum + 1); break; case '-': dir = -1; /* no break */ case '\0': sprintf(num, "%ld", lastnum + dir); break; } (void) sprintf(original, "%s/%s", SPOOL, ng); for (p=original+strlen(SPOOL)+1; *p ;++p) if (*p == '.') *p = '/'; (void) strcat(original, "/"); (void) strcat(original, num); if ((fd=open(original,0)) >= 0) { (void) close(fd); printf("\narticle %s\n", original); if (article_line(original, "From: ", buf)) printf("%s\n", buf); if (article_line(original, "Subject: ", buf)) printf("%s\n", buf); if (askyes("Is this the one you want? ", "n")) break; } else printf("I can't find that article.\n"); lastnum = atol(num); } followup(original); } else { do { getpr("Subject: ", subject); if (*subject == '?') { printf("People read the subject line to learn what your article is about.\n"); printf("You want it to do the same job as a newspaper headline.\n"); printf("So type in something both brief and descriptive.\n"); *subject = '\0'; } } while (*subject == '\0'); getpr("Keywords: ", keywords); while (!get_newsgroup()) ; get_distribution((char *)0); } if (pre_checks()) exit(1); prep_article(); c = 'e'; for (;;) { if (c == 'e') { edit_article(); post_checks(); } do { do { getpr("\nWhat now? [send, edit, list, quit, write, append] ", buf); c = buf[0]; } while (c == '\0'); if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c); if (c == 'q') { (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } if (c == 'l') { char *pager = getenv("PAGER"); char lbuf[BUFLEN]; if (pager == NULL || *pager == '\0') { #ifdef PAGE # ifdef IHCC (void) sprintf(lbuf,"%s/bin/%s", logdir(HOME), PAGE); # else /* !IHCC */ (void) strcpy(lbuf, PAGE); # endif /* !IHCC */ pager = lbuf; #else /* !PAGE */ pager = "cat"; #endif /* !PAGE */ } sprintf(buf, "exec %s %s", pager, tempfname); (void) system(buf); } if (c == 'w' || c == 'a') { register int ifd, ofd, nbytes; char iobuf[BUFSIZ]; char fname[BUFLEN]; getpr("Filename? ", fname); if (fname[0] == '\0') continue; ofd = (c == 'w') ? creat(fname, 0666) : open(fname, 2); if (ofd < 0) perror(fname); else { if (c == 'a') (void) lseek(ofd, 0L, 2); ifd = open(tempfname, 0); if (ifd < 0) xerror("Can't reopen %s\n", tempfname); while ((nbytes = read(ifd, iobuf, BUFSIZ)) > 0 ) write(ofd, iobuf, nbytes); close(ofd); close(ifd); } } } while (!index("eps", c)); if (c != 'e') post_article(); /* will exit if posted successfully */ }; } /* * Find out the topic of interest. */ get_newsgroup() { int n; long i; char canpost; static int first = 1; printf("Newsgroups (enter one at a time, end with a blank line):\n"); if (first) { printf("\nThe most relevant newsgroup should be the first, you should\n"); printf("add others only if your article really MUST be read by people\n"); printf("who choose not to read the appropriate group for your article.\n"); printf("But DO use multiple newsgroups rather than posting many times.\n\n"); first = 0; } printf("For a list of newsgroups, type ?\n"); n = 0; newsgroups[0] = '\0'; for(;;) { getpr("> ", buf); if (buf[0] == '\0') if (n == 0) return FALSE; else return TRUE; if (buf[0] == '?'){ char *pager = getenv("PAGER"); char lbuf[BUFLEN]; if (pager == NULL) { #ifdef PAGE # ifdef IHCC (void) sprintf(lbuf,"%s/bin/%s", logdir(HOME), PAGE); # else /* !IHCC */ (void) strcpy(lbuf, PAGE); # endif /* !IHCC */ pager = lbuf; #else /* !PAGE */ pager = "cat"; #endif /* !PAGE */ } printf("These are the currently active groups:\n"); (void) fflush(stdout); sprintf(buf, "exec %s %s/newsgroups", pager, LIB); (void) system(buf); continue; } if (valid_ng(buf, &i, &i, &canpost)) { if (n++ != 0) (void) strcat(newsgroups, ngsep); (void) strcat(newsgroups, buf); } else { if (canpost == 'n') printf("You are not allowed to post to %s\n", buf); else if (canpost == 'i') printf("%s is not a valid newsgroup.\n", buf); } } } /* * Find out how widely the author wants the message distributed. */ get_distribution(deflt) char *deflt; { register int i; register char *r; char def[BUFLEN]; char *lastgroup; lastgroup = newsgroups; (void) strcpy(def, newsgroups); r = index(def, NGDELIM); if (r) *r = '\0'; r = index(def, '.'); if (r) { *r = '\0'; if (strcmp(def, "net") == 0) (void) strcpy(def, "world"); } else { distribution[0] = '\0'; return; } if (strcmp(def, "to") == 0) { /* * This only works if "to.xx" is the first (or only) * newsgroup, but it usually is .. * Perhaps we should make the distribution be "to.xxx" ?? */ distribution[0] = '\0'; return; /* He's probably testing something */ } if (deflt != (char *)0) (void) strcpy(def, deflt); if (ngmatch("misc.test", newsgroups)) (void) strcpy(def, "local"); for (i=0; distr[i].abbr[0]; i++) { if (strcmp(distr[i].abbr, def) == 0) break; } if (distr[i].abbr[0] == '\0') strcpy(def, def_distr); for(;;) { do { (void) sprintf(buf, "Distribution (default='%s', '?' for help) : ", def); getpr(buf, distribution); if (distribution[0] == '\0') { if (strcmp(def, "*None*") == 0) printf("You must enter a distribution, '?' for help.\n"); (void) strcpy(distribution, def); } } while (strcmp(distribution, "*None*") == 0); /* Did the user ask for help? */ if (distribution[0] == '?') { printf("How widely should your article be distributed?\n\n"); for (i=0; distr[i].abbr[0]; i++) printf("%s\t%s\n", distr[i].abbr, distr[i].descr); printf("\nEnter the word that specifies the distribution that you require.\n"); continue; } /* Check that it's a proper distribution */ for (i=0; distr[i].abbr[0]; i++) { if (strncmp(distr[i].abbr, distribution, sizeof(distr[0].abbr)) == 0) { return; } } if (strcmp(distribution, def) != 0) printf("Type ? for help.\n"); else { int once = TRUE; do { r = lastgroup; while (r = index(r, NGDELIM)) if (!prefix(++r, def)) break; if (r == NULL) { /* * no newsgroups are distribution * names, and user simply will * not type a valid distribution, * assume that the default is OK. */ distribution[0] = '\0'; return; } lastgroup = r; if (once) printf("Sorry, '%s' is an unknown distribution. Type ? for help.\n", def); once = FALSE; strcpy(def, r); r = index(def, NGDELIM); if (r) *r = '\0'; r = index(def, '.'); } while (r == NULL); *r = '\0'; if (strcmp(def, "net") == 0) strcpy(def, "world"); } } } /* * Do sanity checks before the author types in the message. */ pre_checks() { if (recording(newsgroups)) return 1; return 0; } /* * Set up the temp file with headers. */ prep_article() { FILE *tf, *of; struct stat stbuf; (void) strcpy(tempfname, "/tmp/postXXXXXX"); (void) mktemp(tempfname); /* insert a header */ tf = xfopen(tempfname, "w"); fprintf(tf, "Subject: %s\n", subject); fprintf(tf, "Newsgroups: %s\n", newsgroups); if (distribution[0] != '\0' && strcmp(distribution, "world")) fprintf(tf, "Distribution: %s\n", distribution); if (keywords[0] != '\0') fprintf(tf, "Keywords: %s\n", keywords); if (summary[0] != '\0') fprintf(tf, "Summary: %s\n", summary); if (references[0] != '\0') { fprintf(tf, "References: %s\n\n", references); if (askyes("Do you want to include a copy of the article? ", "no")){ of = xfopen(original, "r"); while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, of) != NULL) if (buf[0] == '\n') /* skip headers */ break; fprintf(tf, "In article %s, %s writes:\n", msgid, isfrom); while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZ, of) != NULL) fprintf(tf, "> %s", buf); (void) fclose(of); printf("OK, but please edit it to suppress unnecessary verbiage, signatures, etc.\n"); (void) fflush(stdout); } } fprintf(tf, "\n\n"); (void) fflush(tf); (void) fstat(fileno(tf), &stbuf); fmodtime = stbuf.st_mtime; (void) fclose(tf); } edit_article() { register char *p; char *editor; char *endflag = ""; char *getenv(); /* edit the file */ editor = getenv("EDITOR"); if (editor == NULL) editor = DFTEDITOR; p = editor + strlen(editor) - 2; if (strcmp(p, "vi") == 0) endflag = "+"; (void) sprintf(buf, "A=%s;export A;exec %s %s %s", original, editor, endflag, tempfname); (void) system(buf); } /* * Do sanity checks after the author has typed in the message. */ post_checks() { char group[BUFLEN]; register char *c, *p; struct stat stbuf; if (stat(tempfname, &stbuf) < 0) { printf("File deleted - no message posted.\n"); (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } if (stbuf.st_size < 5) { printf("File too small (<5 characters) - no message posted.\n"); (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } if (stbuf.st_mtime == fmodtime) { printf("File not modified - no message posted.\n"); (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } /* * Is this the right number? Most of the headers are yet to be added */ if (stbuf.st_size > 64000) { printf("\nYour message will probably be truncated when it\n"); printf("passes through a notesfile site, since it is\n"); printf("greater than 64000 characters.\n\n"); if (!askyes("Do you still want to post it? ","")) { sprintf(ccname, "%s/dead.article", homedir); save_article(); (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } } /* * get the newsgroups from the edited article, in * case they were altered in the editor */ if (!article_line(tempfname, "Newsgroups: ", group)) { nogroups: printf("Not sending to any newsgroups - no message posted\n"); sprintf(ccname, "%s/dead.article", homedir); save_article(); (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(1); } c = &group[11]; while (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t') c++; if (*c == '\0') goto nogroups; for (p = newsgroups; *c; c++) /* copy to newsgroups, w/o blanks */ if (*c != ' ' && *c != '\t') *p++ = *c; *p = '\0'; /* Sanity checks for certain newsgroups */ if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "all.wanted") && ngmatch(distribution,"world,na,usa,att,btl,eunet,aus")) { printf("Is your message something that might go in your local\n"); printf("newspaper, for example a used car ad, or an apartment\n"); printf("for rent? "); if (askyes("","")) { printf("It's pointless to distribute your article widely, since\n"); printf("people more than a hundred miles away won't be interested.\n"); printf("Please use a more restricted distribution.\n"); get_distribution("*None*"); modify_article(tempfname, "Distribution: ", distribution,REPLACE); } } if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "rec.humor,!rec.humor.d")) { if (askyes("Could this be offensive to anyone? ","")) { getpr("Whom might it offend? ", group); (void) sprintf(buf," - offensive to %s (rot 13)",group); modify_article(tempfname, "Subject: ", buf, APPEND); encode(tempfname); } } if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "comp.sources.all,!comp.sources.wanted")) { if (!article_line(tempfname, "Subject: ", group)) { nosubj: printf("There seems to be no subject for this article.\n"); getpr("Subject: ", subject); modify_article(tempfname, "Subject: ", subject, REPLACE); } else { c = &group[8]; while (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t') c++; if (*c == '\0') goto nosubj; strcpy(subject, c); } if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "all.wanted") || iswanted(subject)) { printf("Requests for sources should not be posted to any of\n"); printf("the comp.sources newsgroups, please post such requests\n"); printf("to comp.sources.wanted only. Please reenter the newsgroups.\n\n"); while (!get_newsgroup()) ; modify_article(tempfname, "Newsgroups: ", newsgroups, REPLACE); } if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "comp.sources.all")) { if (!ngmatch(newsgroups, "comp.sources.wanted") && stbuf.st_size < (4*1024)) { printf("Your article seems rather small to be a source distribution.\n"); if (!askyes("Are you certain that this is really source? ", "")) { while (!get_newsgroup()) ; modify_article(tempfname, "Newsgroups: ", newsgroups, REPLACE); } } if (index(newsgroups, NGDELIM)) { printf("Sources should be posted to one newsgroup only.\n"); printf("Please pick the most appropriate group for your article.\n\n"); while (!get_newsgroup()) ; modify_article(tempfname, "Newsgroups: ", newsgroups, REPLACE); } } } } iswanted(str) register char *str; { while (*str == ' ') str++; if (prefix(str, "Re:")) return (FALSE); if (isin(str, " wanted ") || isin(str, " can any") || isin(str, " need ") || isin(str, " please ") || isin(str, " help ") || isin(str, " looking ") || index(str, '?')) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } isin(str, words) register char *str, *words; { register char *p; register sc, wc; p = words; while (sc = *str++) { if ((wc = *p++) == '\0') return (TRUE); if (wc == ' ') { if (index(".,!?-; \t\n", sc)) continue; } else { if (isupper(wc)) wc = tolower(wc); if (isupper(sc)) sc = tolower(sc); if (wc == sc) continue; } str -= p - words - 1; p = words; } if (*p == '\0') return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } /* * Save a copy of the article in the users NEWSARCHIVE directory. */ save_article() { FILE *in, *out; int c; time_t timenow, time(); char *today, *ctime(); struct stat stbuf; char filename[BUFLEN]; if (stat(ccname, &stbuf) == 0 && (stbuf.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) { /* * It would be much nicer here to write articles * in MH format (numbered files, in rfc822 format) * * one day .. */ (void) sprintf(filename, "%s/author_copy", ccname); (void) strcpy(ccname, filename); } in = xfopen(tempfname, "r"); out = xfopen(ccname, "a"); timenow = time((time_t)0); today = ctime(&timenow); fprintf(out,"From postnews %s",today); while ((c=getc(in)) != EOF) putc(c, out); putc('\n', out); (void) fclose(in); (void) fclose(out); } /* * Post the article to the net. */ post_article() { int status; printf("Posting article...\n"); fflush(stdout); (void) sprintf(buf, "exec %s/%s -h < %s", LIB, "inews", tempfname); status = system(buf); if (status) { printf("Article not posted - exit status %d\n", status); return; } else printf("Article posted successfully.\n"); if (ccname[0]) { printf("A copy has been saved in %s\n", ccname); save_article(); } (void) UNLINK(tempfname); exit(0); } /* * Initialization. */ init() { FILE *fd; register char *p; int i; char *getenv(); struct passwd *pw; references[0] = '\0'; distribution[0] = '\0'; uid = getuid(); pw = getpwuid(uid); if (pw == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"You're not in /etc/passwd\n"); exit(1); } p = getenv("HOME"); if (p == NULL) { p = getenv("LOGDIR"); if (p == NULL) p = pw->pw_dir; } (void) strncpy(user, pw->pw_name, SBUFLEN); (void) strcpy(homedir, p); p = getenv("NEWSARCHIVE"); if (p != NULL) { if (*p == '\0') sprintf(ccname, "%s/author_copy", homedir); else strcpy(ccname, p); } pathinit(); (void) sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", LIB, "distributions"); fd = xfopen(buf, "r"); for (i=0; i < MAXDISTR; i++) { if (fscanf(fd, "%s %[^\n]", distr[i].abbr, distr[i].descr) != 2) break; if (strcmp(distr[i].abbr, "default") == 0) strcpy(def_distr, distr[i--].descr); } (void) fclose(fd); distr[i].abbr[0] = '\0'; if (def_distr[0] == '\0') strcpy(def_distr, "world"); /* maybe "local" is better? */ } /* * Get a yes or no answer to a question. A default may be used. */ askyes(msg, def) char *msg, *def; { for(;;) { printf("%s", msg); buf[0] = 0; (void) gets(buf); switch(buf[0]) { case 'y': case 'Y': return TRUE; case 'n': case 'N': return FALSE; case '\0': switch(*def) { case 'y': case 'Y': return TRUE; case 'n': case 'N': return FALSE; } default: printf("Please answer yes or no.\n"); } } } /* * Get a character string into buf, using prompt msg. */ getpr(msg, bptr) char *msg, *bptr; { static int numeof = 0; printf("%s", msg); (void) gets(bptr); (void) nstrip(bptr); if (feof(stdin)) { if (numeof++ > 3) { fprintf(stderr,"Too many EOFs\n"); exit(1); } clearerr(stdin); } } byebye(mesg) char *mesg; { printf("%s\n", mesg); exit(1); } /* * make a modification to the header of an article * * fname -- name of article * field -- header field to modify * line -- modification line * how -- APPEND or REPLACE * * example: * modify_article("/tmp/article" , "Subject:" , "new subject" , REPLACE); * * */ modify_article(fname, field, line, how) char *fname, *field, *line; { FILE *fpart, *fptmp; char *temp2fname = "/tmp/postXXXXXX"; char lbfr[BUFLEN]; register found = FALSE; mktemp(temp2fname); fptmp = xfopen(temp2fname, "w"); fpart = xfopen(fname, "r"); while (fgets(lbfr, BUFLEN, fpart) != NULL) { if (prefix(lbfr, field)) { found = TRUE; (void) nstrip(lbfr); if (how == APPEND) { /* append to current field */ (void) strcat(lbfr, line); (void) strcat(lbfr, "\n"); } else /* replace current field */ (void) sprintf(lbfr, "%s%s\n", field, line); } (void) fputs(lbfr, fptmp); } fclose(fpart); fclose(fptmp); fptmp = xfopen(temp2fname, "r"); fpart = xfopen(fname, "w"); if (!found) fprintf(fpart, "%s%s\n", field, line); while (fgets(buf,BUFLEN,fptmp) != NULL) (void) fputs(buf, fpart); (void) fclose(fpart); (void) fclose(fptmp); (void) UNLINK(temp2fname); } /* verify that newsgroup exists, and get number of entries */ valid_ng(ng, maxart, minart, canpost) char *ng; long *maxart, *minart; char *canpost; { char ng_check[BUFLEN], ng_read[BUFLEN]; FILE *fp; fp = xfopen(ACTIVE, "r"); while (fgets(ng_read, BUFLEN, fp) != NULL) { switch (sscanf(ng_read, "%s %ld %ld %c", ng_check, maxart, minart, canpost)) { case 2: *minart = 1; /* fall through */ case 3: *canpost = 'y'; /* fall through */ case 4: break; default: printf("Active file (%s) corrupted. ", ACTIVE); byebye("Seek help!"); } if (strcmp(ng_check, ng) == 0) { (void) fclose(fp); if (*canpost != 'n') { #ifdef FASCIST if (uid && uid != ROOTID && fascist(user, ng)) { *canpost = 'n'; return FALSE; } #endif /* FASCIST */ return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } } *canpost = 'i'; *maxart = 0; *minart = 0; (void) fclose(fp); return FALSE; } /* get the line specified by field from an article */ article_line(article, field, line) char *article, *field, *line; { FILE *fp; char *c; fp = xfopen(article,"r"); while ((c=fgets(line,BUFLEN,fp)) != NULL && !prefix(line, field)) if (line[0] == '\n') { c = NULL; break; } (void) fclose(fp); if (c != NULL) { (void) nstrip(line); return TRUE; } else { line[0] = '\0'; return FALSE; } } /* get the header information for a followup article */ followup(baseart) register char *baseart; { register char *p; /* subject */ if (article_line(baseart, "Subject: ", buf)) { p = buf+9; for ( ; ; ) { while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') ++p; if ((*p != 'r' && *p != 'R') || (p[1] != 'e' && p[1] != 'E') || (p[2] != ':' && p[2] != ' ')) break; p += 3; } (void) sprintf(subject, "Re: %s", p); } else { if (article_line(baseart, "From: ", buf)) (void) sprintf(subject, "Re: orphan response from %s", buf); else (void) strcpy(subject, "Re: orphan response"); } /* newsgroup */ if (article_line(baseart, "Newsgroups: ", buf)) (void) strcpy(newsgroups, buf+12); if (ngmatch(newsgroups, "misc.jobs")) { printf("misc.jobs is for the direct posting of job announcements and requests.\n"); printf("it is not for discussion. You followup has been directed to misc.misc\n"); (void) strcpy(newsgroups,"misc.misc"); } /* distribution */ if (article_line(baseart, "Distribution: ", buf)) (void) strcpy(distribution, buf+14); /* references */ if (article_line(baseart, "References: ", buf)) { register char *rcp; (void) strcpy(references, buf+12); (void) strcat(references, " "); /* keep the number of references to a reasonable number */ rcp = rindex(references, ' '); /* Can not fail */ while ((int)(rcp - references) > 70) { while (*--rcp != ' ') ; rcp[1] = '\0'; } } if (article_line(baseart, "Message-ID: ", buf)) { (void) strcat(references, buf+12); (void) strcpy(msgid, buf+12); } if (article_line(baseart, "From: ", buf)) (void) strcpy(isfrom, buf+6); if (article_line(baseart, "Keywords: ", buf)) (void) strcpy(keywords, buf+10); if (article_line(baseart, "Followup-To: ", buf)) { (void) strcpy(newsgroups, buf+13); if (strcmp(newsgroups, "poster") == 0) byebye("Mail followups directly to poster."); } get_summary(); } get_summary() { register char *p; register i; printf("Please enter a short summary of your contribution to the discussion\n"); printf("Just one or two lines ... (end with a blank line)\n"); p = summary; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { /* 3 * 80 < 256, should be safe .. */ getpr(">\t", p); if (*p == '\0') break; p = index(p, '\0'); (void) strcpy(p, "\n\t "); p += 3; } if (p > summary) p[-3] = '\0'; } encode(article) char *article; { FILE *fpart, *fphead, *fpcoded; char *headerfile = "/tmp/pheadXXXXXX"; char *codedfile = "/tmp/pcodeXXXXXX"; (void) mktemp(headerfile); (void) mktemp(codedfile); fpart = xfopen(article, "r"); /* place article header in "headerfile" file */ fphead = xfopen(headerfile, "w"); while (fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fpart) != NULL) { (void) fputs(buf, fphead); if (buf[0] == '\n') break; } (void) fclose(fphead); /* place article body in "codedfile" file */ fpcoded = xfopen(codedfile, "w"); while (fgets(buf, BUFLEN, fpart) != NULL) (void) fputs(buf, fpcoded); (void) fclose(fpcoded); (void) fclose(fpart); /* encode body and put back together with header */ (void) rename(headerfile, article); (void) sprintf(buf,"exec %s/%s 13 < %s >> %s\n", LIB, "caesar", codedfile, article); printf("Encoding article -- please stand by\n"); (void) fflush(stdout); if (system(buf)) { printf("encoding failed"); exit(2); } (void) UNLINK(codedfile); } /* * Print a recorded message warning the poor luser what he is doing * and demand that he understands it before proceeding. Only do * this for newsgroups listed in LIBDIR/recording. */ recording(ngrps) char *ngrps; { char recbuf[BUFLEN]; FILE *fd; char nglist[BUFLEN], fname[BUFLEN]; int c, n, yes, retval = 0; (void) sprintf(recbuf, "%s/%s", LIB, "recording"); fd = fopen(recbuf, "r"); if (fd == NULL) return 0; while ((fgets(recbuf, sizeof recbuf, fd)) != NULL) { (void) sscanf(recbuf, "%s %s", nglist, fname); if (ngmatch(ngrps, nglist)) { (void) fclose(fd); if (fname[0] == '/') (void) strcpy(recbuf, fname); else (void) sprintf(recbuf, "%s/%s", LIB, fname); fd = fopen(recbuf, "r"); if (fd == NULL) return 0; while ((c = getc(fd)) != EOF) putc(c, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "Do you understand this? Hit <return> to proceed, <BREAK> to abort: "); n = read(2, recbuf, 100); c = recbuf[0]; yes = (c=='y' || c=='Y' || c=='\n' || c=='\n' || c==0); if (n <= 0 || !yes) retval = -1; } } return retval; } xxit(i) { exit(i); } #if !defined(BSD4_2) && !defined(BSD4_1C) rename(from,to) register char *from, *to; { (void) unlink(to); if (link(from, to) < 0) return -1; (void) unlink(from); return 0; } #endif /* !BSD4_2 && ! BSD4_1C */