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⟦c5289a45e⟧ TextFile

    Length: 6442 (0x192a)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »Makefile.LATTICE«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/micrognu/sys/amiga/Makefile.LATTICE« 


# Makefile for Amiga MicroGNUmacs, using lattice and PD make.
#	This Makefile should be executed in the main Emacs directory.
# Conditional compilation possibilities:
#	V11		-- must be defined for the editor to either run on
#			   or compile on a version 1.1 amigados system
#	STARTUP		-- if defined, code for using a startup file
#			   is included.  This is handy for folks who
#			   won't be able to hack the editor to their
#			   taste.
#	MENU		-- if defined, Intuition menu selection is
#			   enabled.  This uses a good bit of space,
#			   both on disk and in memory.  If you #define
#			   this, the XOBJ macro must contain $(MENUOBJ).
#	BROWSER		-- BROWSER uses the Amiga menu to
#			   present a MENU of files. Selecting a directory
#			   entry (ends with a /) makes the contents if that
#			   directory the next menu (deleting any menus that
#			   used to follow it); selecting a plain file does a
#			   "find-file" on that file name. Really has to be
#			   seen to be understood. XOBJ must contain
#			   $(MENUOBJ) for this to work.
#	MOUSE		-- if defined, the Amiga mouse is active.
#			   If you #define this, XOBJ must contain $(MOUSEOBJ)
#	XKEYS		-- if defined, the editor understands the Amiga
#			   function keys.
#	DO_METAKEY	-- if defined, characters with high bit set (i.e.
#			   most ALT-ed characters in the usa0 keymap)
#			   are translated into internal META keys
#	CHANGE_COLOR	-- if defined, adds commands to manipulate
#			   the rendition of the mode line and the
#			   foreground and background color of the
#			   text window and mode line.  The names match
#			   the regular expression
#			   set-{text,mode}-{foreground,background}
#	MODE_RENDITION	-- the these values indicate the way to render
#	TEXT_RENDITION	   characters in the text area and mode line.
#			   TEXT_RENDITION is mainly there for completeness.
#			   Possible values are:
#				0 -- plain text
#				1 -- boldface
#				3 -- italic
#				4 -- underscore
#				7 -- reverse-video (default if not defined)
#	TEXT_FG		-- specifies which system color (0-7) to use
#	TEXT_BG		   when drawing the text and mode line.  If they
#	MODE_FG		   aren't between 0 and 7, or if a combination
#	MODE_BG		   comes out badly, it's *YOUR* fault.  If
#			   CHANGE_COLOR is defined, you get to change these
#			   values on the fly.  Naturally, making both
#			   FG and BG the same results in an unusable display...
#	TOGGLE_ZOOMS	-- the function toggle-menu-hack switches between
#			   a bordered, sizeable window and a borderless
#			   window.  By default, the borderless window
#			   retains the size of the sizeable window.
#			   If TOGGLE_ZOOMS is #defined, however, the
#			   borderless window always takes up the whole
#			   screen.
CC =		cc
TTYDIR =	tty/amiga
SYSDIR =	sys/amiga
MENUOBJ =	ttymenu.o menustack.o
MOUSEOBJ =	ttymouse.o

INCS = def.h $(TTYDIR)/ttydef.h $(SYSDIR)/sysdef.h

# The whole enchilada (~60K with Manx small model)

# Burrito style, with just the Browser...

# Burrito style, with just the menu...

# Mike's favorite version

# Absolutely bare-bones editor (~49K with Manx small model)
#XOBJ  =


COM1	= basic.o buffer.o cinfo.o display.o echo.o extend.o file.o kbd.o
COM2	= line.o main.o match.o random.o region.o search.o symbol.o version.o
COM3	= window.o paragraph.o prefix.o word.o
TTYOBJ	= console.o tty.o ttyio.o ttykbd.o
SYSOBJ	= fileio.o sleep.o spawn.o
OBJ	= comlib1.o comlib2.o comlib3.o ttylib.o syslib.o $(XOBJ)

		$(CC) -o $(EXEFILE) $(OBJ)

comlib1.o :	$(COM1)
		join $(COM1) as comlib1.o

comlib2.o :	$(COM2)
		join $(COM2) as comlib2.o

comlib3.o :	$(COM3)
		join $(COM3) as comlib3.o

ttylib.o :	$(TTYOBJ)
		join $(TTYOBJ) as ttylib.o

syslib.o :	$(SYSOBJ)
		join $(SYSOBJ) as syslib.o

basic.o :	basic.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) basic.c

buffer.o :	buffer.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) buffer.c

cinfo.o :	cinfo.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) cinfo.c

display.o :	display.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) display.c

echo.o :	echo.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) echo.c

extend.o :	extend.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) extend.c

file.o :	file.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) file.c

kbd.o :		kbd.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) kbd.c

line.o :	line.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) line.c

match.o :	match.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) match.c

prefix.o :	prefix.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) prefix.c

paragraph.o :	paragraph.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) paragraph.c

main.o :	main.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) main.c

random.o :	random.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) random.c

region.o :	region.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) region.c

search.o :	search.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) search.c

symbol.o :	symbol.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) symbol.c

version.o :	version.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) version.c

window.o :	window.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) window.c

word.o :	word.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) word.c

console.o :	$(TTYDIR)/console.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/console.c

menustack.o :	$(TTYDIR)/menustack.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/menustack.c

tty.o :		$(TTYDIR)/tty.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/tty.c

ttyio.o :	$(TTYDIR)/ttyio.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/ttyio.c

ttykbd.o :	$(TTYDIR)/ttykbd.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/ttykbd.c

ttymouse.o :	$(TTYDIR)/ttymouse.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/ttymouse.c

ttymenu.o :	$(TTYDIR)/ttymenu.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(TTYDIR)/ttymenu.c
abort.o :	$(SYSDIR)/abort.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SYSDIR)/abort.c

fileio.o :	$(SYSDIR)/fileio.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SYSDIR)/fileio.c

sleep.o :	$(SYSDIR)/sleep.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SYSDIR)/sleep.c

spawn.o :	$(SYSDIR)/spawn.c $(INCS)
		$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SYSDIR)/spawn.c