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Length: 11271 (0x2c07) Types: TextFile Names: »gx.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦526ad3590⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/X.V10.R4.tar.Z« └─⟦2109abc41⟧ └─ ⟦this⟧ »./X.V10R4/xgedit/gx.c«
#include <X/mit-copyright.h> /* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1984, 1985 */ #include "gedit.h" #include <X/Xlib.h> #ifndef lint static char *rcsid_gx_c = "$Header: gx.c,v 10.7 86/11/19 19:20:37 jg Rel $"; #endif lint char *index(); static short crbits[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Window w, trw; Font font; int forepix, backpix, invplanes; char mousechanged; short mousex, mousey; short wminx; /* lower left of display window */ short wminy; short wmaxx; /* upper right of display window */ short wmaxy; short chrwid; short chrhgt; /* command dispatch per key */ fptr dispatch[256]; /* used to fill in dispatch upon initialization */ int mleft(),newlabel(),stop(),delobj(),editobj(),mright(),toggle(); int quit(),instantiate(),newline(),redisplay(),mdown(),neworg(); int mup(),rotateobj(),selobj(),multiplier(),setwindow(),scale(); int letgo(),rescale(),newin(),newout(),snap(),curup(),curdown(); int home(),setcolor(),lastgo(),angle(),Help(); int editlast(), scaleup(), scaledn(), fixwindow(); struct icmd { char *keys; fptr func; } cmds[] = { "[", scaleup, "]", scaledn, "Aa\001", angle, "Bb\002Hh\010", mleft, "Cc", newlabel, "\003\021", stop, "Dd\004", delobj, "Ee\005", editobj, "Ff\006", mright, "Gg", toggle, "\007", quit, "Hh", Help, "Ii", instantiate, "Ll", newline, "Mm", lastgo, "\014", redisplay, "Nn\016", mdown, "\017", neworg, "Pp\020", mup, "Rr\022", rotateobj, "Ss\023", selobj, "Uu\025", multiplier, "Ww\027", setwindow, "Xx\030", scale, "Zz\032 ", letgo, "^", editlast, "*", rescale, "<", newin, ">", newout, "!", snap, "+", curup, "-", curdown, "@", home, "\031", fixwindow, NULL, NULL }; /* see if there is input ready from the user */ UserReady() { XEvent ev; int n, x, y; Window sub; while (XPending()) { XPeekEvent(&ev); switch (ev.type) { case MouseMoved: mousechanged = 1; XNextEvent(&ev); XUpdateMouse(w, &x, &y, &sub); mousex = x; mousey = y; return(1); case ButtonPressed: return(1); case KeyPressed: XLookupMapping((XKeyPressedEvent *)(&ev), &n); if (n == 1) return (1); XNextEvent(&ev); break; case ExposeRegion: case ExposeWindow: return(1); } } return(0); } /* get character from user */ UserChar() { XEvent ev; int n; char *str; while (1) { XNextEvent(&ev); switch (ev.type) { case ButtonPressed: n = ((XButtonPressedEvent *) (&ev))->detail & ValueMask; switch (n) { case LeftButton: return('l'); case MiddleButton: return('z'); case RightButton: return('s'); } break; case KeyPressed: str = XLookupMapping((XKeyPressedEvent *)(&ev), &n); if (n == 1) return (*str); break; case ExposeRegion: return('\014'); case ExposeWindow: if (((XExposeWindowEvent *) (&ev))->width == wmaxx && ((XExposeWindowEvent *) (&ev))->height == wmaxy) return('\014'); wmaxx = ((XExposeWindowEvent *) (&ev))->width; wmaxy = ((XExposeWindowEvent *) (&ev))->height; XChangeWindow(trw, wmaxx, wmaxy - (chrhgt << 1)); return('\031'); } } } /* display grid */ drawgrid(x,y,incrx,incry) { int i; Vertex vert[2]; if (incrx <= 16) { vert[0].x = x; vert[0].flags = 0; vert[1].x = wmaxx; vert[1].flags = 0; while (y > 0) { vert[0].y = y; vert[1].y = y; XDrawDashed(trw, vert, 2, 1, 1, forepix, XMakePattern(1, incrx, 1), GXcopy, AllPlanes); y -= incry; } XClearVertexFlag(); } else if (incry <= 16) { vert[0].y = y; vert[0].flags = 0; vert[1].y = 0; vert[1].flags = 0; while (x < wmaxx) { vert[0].x = x; vert[1].x = x; XDrawDashed(trw, vert, 2, 1, 1, forepix, XMakePattern(1, incry, 1), GXcopy, AllPlanes); x += incrx; } XClearVertexFlag(); } else { while (x < wmaxx) { for (i = y; i > 0; i -= incry) { XPixSet(trw, x, i, 1, 1, forepix); } x += incrx; } } } /* set up display adaptor for 80x25 alpha color, release keyboard */ gexit() { } track() { int x,y; int code = 0; mousechanged = 0; x = mousex * cur_state.dscale; y = (wmaxy - mousey) * cur_state.dscale; x += cur_state.worgx; y += cur_state.worgy; if (x!=cur_state.curx || y!=cur_state.cury) { if (x >= cur_state.wmaxx) x = cur_state.wmaxx - 1; else if (x < cur_state.worgx) x = cur_state.worgx; if (y >= cur_state.wmaxy) y = cur_state.wmaxy - 1; else if (y < cur_state.worgy) y = cur_state.worgy; cur_state.curx = x; cur_state.cury = y; } return(code); } remouse(x, y, doit) { if (x >= cur_state.wmaxx || x < cur_state.worgx || y >= cur_state.wmaxy || y < cur_state.worgy) { cur_state.curx = x; cur_state.cury = y; return(RECENTER); } if (doit || (x != cur_state.curx || y != cur_state.cury)) { cur_state.curx = x; cur_state.cury = y; x -= cur_state.worgx; y -= cur_state.worgy; x /= cur_state.dscale; y /= cur_state.dscale; y = wmaxy - y; if (x != mousex || y != mousey) { XCondWarpMouse(w, x, y, w, mousex, mousey, 1, 1); /* XWarpMouse(w, x, y); */ XFlush(); } } return(0); } /* set up display adaptor for graphics and initialize keyboard */ char *gentry(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { char *prog; char *fname = NULL; register struct icmd *p; register char *q; WindowInfo winfo; FontInfo finfo; char *fore_color, *back_color, *brdr_color, *font_name; char *geometry = NULL; char *display = NULL; int reverse = 0; Color cdef; char def[32]; OpaqueFrame frame; /* fill in command dispatch table */ for (p = cmds; p->keys != NULL; p++) for (q = p->keys; *q; q++) dispatch[*q & 0xFF] = p->func; prog = *argv; if ((q = XGetDefault(prog, "ReverseVideo")) && strcmp(q, "on") == 0) reverse = 1; frame.bdrwidth = 2; if (q = XGetDefault(prog, "BorderWidth")) frame.bdrwidth = atoi(q); fore_color = XGetDefault(prog, "ForeGround"); back_color = XGetDefault(prog, "BackGround"); brdr_color = XGetDefault(prog, "Border"); font_name = XGetDefault(prog, "BodyFont"); for (argv++; --argc; argv++) { if (!strcmp(*argv, "-rv")) { reverse = 1; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-fg") && argc) { argv++; argc--; fore_color = *argv; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-bg") && argc) { argv++; argc--; back_color = *argv; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-bd") && argc) { argv++; argc--; brdr_color = *argv; } else if (!strcmp(*argv, "-fn") && argc) { argv++; argc--; font_name = *argv; } else if (**argv == '=') { geometry = *argv; } else if (index(*argv, ':')) { display = *argv; } else if (**argv == '-' || fname != NULL) { printf("usage: xgedit [-rv] [-fn <font>] [-fg <color>] [-bg <color>] [-bd <color>] [=<geometry>] [host:display] [file]\n"); exit(1); } else { fname = *argv; } } if (!XOpenDisplay(display)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open display '%s'\n", prog, XDisplayName(display)); exit(1); } if (reverse) { forepix = WhitePixel; backpix = BlackPixel; frame.background = BlackPixmap; frame.border = WhitePixmap; } else { forepix = BlackPixel; backpix = WhitePixel; frame.background = WhitePixmap; frame.border = BlackPixmap; } if (DisplayCells() > 2) { if (fore_color && XParseColor(fore_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) forepix = cdef.pixel; if (back_color && XParseColor(back_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) frame.background = XMakeTile(backpix = cdef.pixel); if (brdr_color && XParseColor(brdr_color, &cdef) && XGetHardwareColor(&cdef)) frame.border = XMakeTile(cdef.pixel); } invplanes = forepix ^ backpix; if (font_name == NULL) font_name = "8x13"; font = XGetFont(font_name); if (!font) { fprintf(stderr, "no such font: %s\n", font_name); exit(1); } XQueryFont(font, &finfo); XQueryWindow(RootWindow, &winfo); chrwid = finfo.width; chrhgt = finfo.height; frame.x = 1; frame.y = 1; frame.width = 80 * chrwid; if (frame.width + (frame.bdrwidth<<1) > winfo.width) frame.width = winfo.width - (frame.bdrwidth<<1); frame.height = 25 * chrhgt; if (frame.height + (frame.bdrwidth<<1) > winfo.height) frame.height = winfo.height - (frame.bdrwidth<<1); sprintf(def, "=%dx%d+1+1", frame.width, frame.height); wminx = 0; wminy = 2*chrhgt; w = XCreate(prog, prog, geometry, def, &frame, 5 * chrwid, wminy + 5 * chrhgt); wmaxx = frame.width; wmaxy = frame.height; trw = XCreateTransparency(w, 0, 0, wmaxx, wmaxy - (chrhgt << 1)); XMapWindow(trw); XDefineCursor(w, XCreateCursor(16, 16, crbits, crbits, 7, 7, backpix, forepix, GXnoop)); XSetResizeHint(w, 1, wminy + 1, 1, 1); XMapWindow(w); XSelectInput(w, KeyPressed|ButtonPressed|MouseMoved|ExposeRegion); mousechanged = 0; return(fname); } Beep() { XFeep(0); } /* give status info on second to last line */ banner() { char temp[100]; if (cur_state.curobj != NULL) sprintf(temp,"XGEDIT %d:%d %c %s", cur_state.mscale,cur_state.dscale, cur_state.curobj->modified ? '*':' ', cur_state.curobj->name); else sprintf(temp,"XGEDIT %d:%d", cur_state.mscale,cur_state.dscale); XPixSet(w, 0, wmaxy - (chrhgt << 1), wmaxx, chrhgt, backpix); disp_str(temp, 0, chrhgt, 1, HIGHLIGHT, 1); } /* display a string at the specified position, return lenth */ disp_str(s,x,y,reverse,xorflag,info) char *s; { int len; len = strlen(s); if (reverse) XText(info ? w : trw, x, wmaxy - y - chrhgt, s, len, font, backpix, forepix); else XTextMaskPad(info ? w : trw, x, wmaxy - y - chrhgt, s, len, font, 0, 0, forepix, xorflag ? GXinvert : GXcopy, xorflag ? invplanes: AllPlanes); return(len); } /* display a character at the specified position */ disp_char(ch,x,y,reverse,xorflag,info) { char c = ch; if (reverse) XText(info ? w : trw, x, wmaxy - y - chrhgt, &c, 1, font, backpix, forepix); else XTextMaskPad(info ? w : trw, x, wmaxy - y - chrhgt, &c, 1, font, 0, 0, forepix, xorflag ? GXinvert : GXcopy, xorflag ? invplanes : AllPlanes); } /* Update display, cursor */ DpyUp(tflag) { XEvent ev; if (tflag) tcurxor(); dcurxor(); do { XPeekEvent(&ev); } while (UserReady() == 0); if (tflag) tcurxor(); dcurxor(); } /* xor the text cursor */ tcurxor() { XPixFill(w, incol*chrwid, wmaxy - chrhgt, chrwid, chrhgt, forepix, (Bitmap) NULL, GXinvert, invplanes); } clearprompt() { incol = 0; XPixSet(w, 0, wmaxy - chrhgt, wmaxx, chrhgt, backpix); } clearscreen() { XClear(w); banner(); clearprompt(); } static int lastx, lasty; static int lastflag; static int lastcnt = 1000; /* draw a vector from <FromX,FromY> to <ToX,ToY> */ line(FromX,FromY,ToX,ToY,xorflag) { Vertex vert[2]; vert[0].x = FromX; vert[0].y = wmaxy - FromY; vert[0].flags = VertexDontDraw; vert[1].x = ToX; vert[1].y = wmaxy - ToY; vert[1].flags = VertexDrawLastPoint; if (xorflag == lastflag && lastcnt < 250 && ((FromX == lastx && FromY == lasty && XAppendVertex(&vert[1], 1) > 0) || XAppendVertex(vert, 2) > 0)) { lastx = ToX; lasty = ToY; lastcnt++; return; } lastx = ToX; lasty = ToY; lastflag = xorflag; lastcnt = 1; XDraw(trw, vert, 2, 1, 1, forepix, xorflag ? GXinvert : GXcopy, xorflag ? invplanes : AllPlanes); }