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Length: 13600 (0x3520) Types: TextFile Names: »eceval.scm«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/scheme/psets/eceval.scm«
;;;-*-SCHEME-*- ;;;explicit control evaluator, with modifications to handle complied ;;;code ;;;This file contains the definition of the explicit control ;;;evaluator, in a form that an be processed by the register macine ;;;simulator. There are also a few interface procedures, which allow ;;;the ec-evaluator to call the underlying Lisp in order to run ;;;primitive procedures. Also a few utilities used to construct ;;;environments, to set up the initial environment, and the READ and ;;;PRINT operations used by the evaluator. It also includes a few ;;;additional syntax procedures needed to handle compiled code. ;;;Before loading this file, one should have loaded the register ;;;machine simulator, so it can process the definition; and the ;;;ECEVAL-SYNTAX procedures, which define the representations of ;;;expressions and environments. You should also load the COMPILER, ;;;in order to generate compiled code. ;;;Once all this has been loaded, you can run the evaluator by executing ;;; (go) ;;;the compiler has been set up so that you can call it from within ;;;the ec-evaluator using the special form COMPILE-AND-RUN, for ;;;example ;;;EC-EVAL==> (compile-and-run (define (frob x y) (+ x (* 2 y)))) (define (go) (start explicit-control-evaluator)) ;;;Linking to compiled code (define (cload insts) (cond ((null? insts) nil) ((symbol? (car insts)) (let ((rest (cload (cdr insts)))) (declare-label! explicit-control-evaluator (car insts) rest) rest)) (else (cons (make-machine-instruction explicit-control-evaluator (car insts)) (cload (cdr insts)))))) ;;;syntax to recognize compiled procedures (define (compiled-procedure? p) (if (atom? p) nil (eq? (car p) 'compiled-procedure))) (define (make-compiled-procedure code env) (list 'compiled-procedure code env)) (define (code-of-compiled-procedure p) (cadr p)) (define (env-of-compiled-procedure p) (caddr p)) ;;code to recognize compilation commands (define (compilation? exp) (eq? (car exp) 'compile-and-run)) (define (compilation-expression exp) (cadr exp)) ;;;Primitives: ;;;For our purposes, a "primitive procedure" is one that is given in ;;;a specified list of primitives. (define (primitive-procedure? p) (applicable? p)) (define primitive-procedure-names '(car cdr cons atom? eq? + - * / > < =)) (define primitive-procedures (list car cdr cons atom? eq? + - * / > < =)) ;;;the arglist for eceval appears in reverse order, so this reversal ;;;must be undone when passing args off to a Scheme procedure (define (apply-primitive-procedure p args) (apply p (reverse args))) ;;; The same reversal is needed when we interface to the ;;;environment-constructing routines, to build the environment for ;;;procedure application (define (make-bindings proc args) (extend-environment (parameters proc) (reverse args) (procedure-environment proc))) ;;; seting up the initial environment (define (setup-environment) (define initial-env (extend-environment primitive-procedure-names primitive-procedures nil)) (define-variable! 'nil nil initial-env) (define-variable! 't (not nil) initial-env) initial-env) (define the-simulated-global-environment (setup-environment)) (define (user-print object) (cond ((compound-procedure? object) (print (list 'compound-procedure (parameters object) (procedure-body object) '<procedure-env>))) ((compiled-procedure? object) (print '<compiled-procedure>)) (else (print object)))) (define (prompting-read prompt) (newline) (princ prompt) (read)) ;;;Here is the definition of the evaluator itself. (enable-language-features) (define (cons* first-element . rest-elements) (let loop ((this-element first-element) (rest-elements rest-elements)) (if (null? rest-elements) this-element (cons this-element (loop (car rest-elements) (cdr rest-elements)))))) (define-macro (define-machine name . body) `(DEFINE ,name (CHECK-SYNTAX-AND-ASSEMBLE '(DEFINE-MACHINE ,name . ,body)))) (add-syntax! 'define-machine (macro (name . body) `(DEFINE ,name (CHECK-SYNTAX-AND-ASSEMBLE '(DEFINE-MACHINE ,name . ,body))))) (disable-language-features) (define-machine explicit-control-evaluator (registers exp env unev argl fun val continue) (operations (assign exp (compilation-expression (fetch exp))) (assign val (compile (fetch exp))) (assign continue (cload (caddr (fetch val)))) (assign argl '()) (assign argl (cons (fetch val) (fetch argl))) (assign continue accumulate-arg) (assign continue accumulate-last-arg) (assign continue setup-no-arg-apply) (assign continue print-result) (assign continue ev-assignment-1) (assign continue ev-definition-1) (assign continue eval-sequence-continue) (assign continue eval-args) (assign continue evcond-decide) (assign continue (code-of-compiled-procedure (fetch fun))) (assign env (make-bindings (fetch fun) (fetch argl))) (assign env the-simulated-global-environment) (assign exp (prompting-read 'EC-EVAL==>)) (assign exp (assignment-value (fetch exp))) (assign exp (definition-value (fetch exp))) (assign exp (first-clause (fetch unev))) (assign exp (first-exp (fetch unev))) (assign exp (first-operand (fetch unev))) (assign exp (operator (fetch exp))) (assign exp (predicate (fetch exp))) (assign exp (transform-let (fetch exp))) (assign fun (fetch val)) (assign unev (action-sequence (fetch exp))) (assign unev (assignment-variable (fetch exp))) (assign unev (clauses (fetch exp))) (assign unev (definition-variable (fetch exp))) (assign unev (operands (fetch exp))) (assign unev (procedure-body (fetch fun))) (assign unev (rest-clauses (fetch unev))) (assign unev (rest-exps (fetch unev))) (assign unev (rest-operands (fetch unev))) (assign val (apply-primitive-procedure (fetch fun) (fetch argl))) (assign val (fetch exp)) (assign val (fetch fun)) (assign val (fetch unev)) (assign val (lookup-variable-value (fetch exp) (fetch env))) (assign val (make-procedure (fetch exp) (fetch env))) (assign val (text-of-quotation (fetch exp))) (assign val nil) (assign val 'Unknown-expression-type-error) (assign val 'Unknown-procedure-type-error) (goto read-eval-print-loop) (goto apply-dispatch) (goto signal-error) (goto eval-sequence) (goto eval-arg-loop) (goto eval-dispatch) (goto evcond-pred) (goto unknown-expression-type-error) (goto unknown-procedure-type-error) (goto (fetch continue)) (branch (application? (fetch exp)) ev-application) (branch (assignment? (fetch exp)) ev-assignment) (branch (compound-procedure? (fetch fun)) compound-apply) (branch (conditional? (fetch exp)) ev-cond) (branch (compilation? (fetch exp)) ev-compilation) (branch (definition? (fetch exp)) ev-definition) (branch (no-clauses? (fetch unev)) evcond-return-nil) (branch (else-clause? (fetch exp)) evcond-else-clause) (branch (lambda? (fetch exp)) ev-lambda) (branch (last-exp? (fetch unev)) last-exp) (branch (last-operand? (fetch unev)) eval-last-arg) (branch (no-args? (fetch exp)) ev-no-args) (branch (primitive-procedure? (fetch fun)) primitive-apply) (branch (compiled-procedure? (fetch fun)) compiled-apply) (branch (quoted? (fetch exp)) ev-quote) (branch (self-evaluating? (fetch exp)) ev-return) (branch (true? (fetch val)) evcond-true-predicate) (branch (variable? (fetch exp)) ev-variable) (perform (initialize-stack)) (perform (define-variable! (fetch unev) (fetch val) (fetch env))) (perform (set-variable-value! (fetch unev) (fetch val) (fetch env))) (perform (user-print (fetch val))) (save argl) (restore argl) (save continue) (restore continue) (save env) (restore env) (save fun) (restore fun) (save unev) (restore unev)) (controller read-eval-print-loop (perform (initialize-stack)) (assign exp (prompting-read 'EC-EVAL==>)) (assign env the-simulated-global-environment) (assign continue print-result) (goto eval-dispatch) print-result (perform (user-print (fetch val))) (goto read-eval-print-loop) eval-dispatch (branch (self-evaluating? (fetch exp)) ev-return) (branch (quoted? (fetch exp)) ev-quote) (branch (variable? (fetch exp)) ev-variable) (branch (definition? (fetch exp)) ev-definition) (branch (assignment? (fetch exp)) ev-assignment) (branch (lambda? (fetch exp)) ev-lambda) (branch (conditional? (fetch exp)) ev-cond) (branch (compilation? (fetch exp)) ev-compilation) (branch (no-args? (fetch exp)) ev-no-args) (branch (application? (fetch exp)) ev-application) (goto unknown-expression-type-error) ev-return (assign val (fetch exp)) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-quote (assign val (text-of-quotation (fetch exp))) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-variable (assign val (lookup-variable-value (fetch exp) (fetch env))) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-lambda (assign val (make-procedure (fetch exp) (fetch env))) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-compilation (save continue) (assign exp (compilation-expression (fetch exp))) (assign val (compile (fetch exp))) (assign continue (cload (caddr (fetch val)))) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-no-args (assign exp (operator (fetch exp))) (save continue) (assign continue setup-no-arg-apply) (goto eval-dispatch) setup-no-arg-apply (assign fun (fetch val)) (assign argl '()) (goto apply-dispatch) ev-application (assign unev (operands (fetch exp))) (assign exp (operator (fetch exp))) (save continue) (save env) (save unev) (assign continue eval-args) (goto eval-dispatch) eval-args (restore unev) (restore env) (assign fun (fetch val)) (save fun) (assign argl '()) (goto eval-arg-loop) eval-arg-loop (save argl) (assign exp (first-operand (fetch unev))) (branch (last-operand? (fetch unev)) eval-last-arg) (save env) (save unev) (assign continue accumulate-arg) (goto eval-dispatch) accumulate-arg (restore unev) (restore env) (restore argl) (assign argl (cons (fetch val) (fetch argl))) (assign unev (rest-operands (fetch unev))) (goto eval-arg-loop) eval-last-arg (assign continue accumulate-last-arg) (goto eval-dispatch) accumulate-last-arg (restore argl) (assign argl (cons (fetch val) (fetch argl))) (restore fun) (goto apply-dispatch) apply-dispatch (branch (primitive-procedure? (fetch fun)) primitive-apply) (branch (compound-procedure? (fetch fun)) compound-apply) (branch (compiled-procedure? (fetch fun)) compiled-apply) (goto unknown-procedure-type-error) primitive-apply (assign val (apply-primitive-procedure (fetch fun) (fetch argl))) (restore continue) (goto (fetch continue)) compound-apply (assign env (make-bindings (fetch fun) (fetch argl))) (assign unev (procedure-body (fetch fun))) (goto eval-sequence) compiled-apply (assign continue (code-of-compiled-procedure (fetch fun))) (goto (fetch continue)) eval-sequence (assign exp (first-exp (fetch unev))) (branch (last-exp? (fetch unev)) last-exp) (save unev) (save env) (assign continue eval-sequence-continue) (goto eval-dispatch) eval-sequence-continue (restore env) (restore unev) (assign unev (rest-exps (fetch unev))) (goto eval-sequence) last-exp (restore continue) (goto eval-dispatch) ev-cond (save continue) (assign continue evcond-decide) (assign unev (clauses (fetch exp))) evcond-pred (branch (no-clauses? (fetch unev)) evcond-return-nil) (assign exp (first-clause (fetch unev))) (branch (else-clause? (fetch exp)) evcond-else-clause) (save env) (save unev) (assign exp (predicate (fetch exp))) (goto eval-dispatch) evcond-return-nil (restore continue) (assign val nil) (goto (fetch continue)) evcond-decide (restore unev) (restore env) (branch (true? (fetch val)) evcond-true-predicate) (assign unev (rest-clauses (fetch unev))) (goto evcond-pred) evcond-true-predicate (assign exp (first-clause (fetch unev))) evcond-else-clause (assign unev (action-sequence (fetch exp))) (goto eval-sequence) ev-assignment (assign unev (assignment-variable (fetch exp))) (save unev) (assign exp (assignment-value (fetch exp))) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue ev-assignment-1) (goto eval-dispatch) ev-assignment-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (set-variable-value! (fetch unev) (fetch val) (fetch env))) (goto (fetch continue)) ev-definition (assign unev (definition-variable (fetch exp))) (save unev) (assign exp (definition-value (fetch exp))) (save env) (save continue) (assign continue ev-definition-1) (goto eval-dispatch) ev-definition-1 (restore continue) (restore env) (restore unev) (perform (define-variable! (fetch unev) (fetch val) (fetch env))) (assign val (fetch unev)) (goto (fetch continue)) unknown-procedure-type-error (assign val 'unknown-procedure-type-error) (goto signal-error) unknown-expression-type-error (assign val 'unknown-expression-type-error) (goto signal-error) signal-error (perform (user-print (fetch val))) (goto read-eval-print-loop) done ))