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Length: 14813 (0x39dd) Types: TextFile Names: »example.out«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/stat-5.3/eu/stat/example/example.out«
$ ff -dc -w 79 example.txt Annotated Example from Chapter 2 of the |STAT Handbook Copyright 1986 Gary Perlman A concrete example with several |STAT programs is worked in detail. The example shows the style of analysis in |STAT. New Users of |STAT should not try to understand all the details in the examples. Details about all the programs can be found in the online manual entries and more examples of program use appear in other chapters of the Handbook. The example is based on a familiar problem: grades in a course based on two midterm exams and a final exam. Scores on exams are broken down by student gender and by the lab section taught by one of two teaching assistants: John or Jane. The data are in the file exam.dat. Each line in exam.dat contains a student ID number, the student's teaching assistant, the student's gender, and scores (out of 100) on the midterms and final. We will compute final grades based on the exam scores, compare male and female students, and compare the two teaching assistants. The annotations in Chapter 2 of the Handbook will provide more details. -------------------- Section 2.1 Data in exam.dat $ cat exam.dat S-1 john male 56 42 58 S-2 john male 96 90 91 S-3 john male 70 59 65 S-4 john male 82 75 78 S-5 john male 85 90 92 S-6 john male 69 60 65 S-7 john female 82 78 60 S-8 john female 84 81 82 S-9 john female 89 80 68 S-10 john female 90 93 91 S-11 jane male 42 46 65 S-12 jane male 28 15 34 S-13 jane male 49 68 75 S-14 jane male 36 30 48 S-15 jane male 58 58 62 S-16 jane male 72 70 84 S-17 jane female 65 61 70 S-18 jane female 68 75 71 S-19 jane female 62 50 55 S-20 jane female 71 72 87 \f -------------------- Section 2.2 Computing Final Scores $ dm INPUT ".2*x4 + .3*x5 + .5*x6" < exam.dat > scores.dat -------------------- Examine Scores File: scores.dat $ cat scores.dat S-1 john male 56 42 58 52.8 S-2 john male 96 90 91 91.7 S-3 john male 70 59 65 64.2 S-4 john male 82 75 78 77.9 S-5 john male 85 90 92 90 S-6 john male 69 60 65 64.3 S-7 john female 82 78 60 69.8 S-8 john female 84 81 82 82.1 S-9 john female 89 80 68 75.8 S-10 john female 90 93 91 91.4 S-11 jane male 42 46 65 54.7 S-12 jane male 28 15 34 27.1 S-13 jane male 49 68 75 67.7 S-14 jane male 36 30 48 40.2 S-15 jane male 58 58 62 60 S-16 jane male 72 70 84 77.4 S-17 jane female 65 61 70 66.3 S-18 jane female 68 75 71 71.6 S-19 jane female 62 50 55 54.9 S-20 jane female 71 72 87 79.3 \f -------------------- Sort Records by Final Scores $ reverse -f < scores.dat | sort 27.1 34 15 28 male jane S-12 40.2 48 30 36 male jane S-14 52.8 58 42 56 male john S-1 54.7 65 46 42 male jane S-11 54.9 55 50 62 female jane S-19 60 62 58 58 male jane S-15 64.2 65 59 70 male john S-3 64.3 65 60 69 male john S-6 66.3 70 61 65 female jane S-17 67.7 75 68 49 male jane S-13 69.8 60 78 82 female john S-7 71.6 71 75 68 female jane S-18 75.8 68 80 89 female john S-9 77.4 84 70 72 male jane S-16 77.9 78 75 82 male john S-4 79.3 87 72 71 female jane S-20 82.1 82 81 84 female john S-8 90 92 90 85 male john S-5 91.4 91 93 90 female john S-10 91.7 91 90 96 male john S-2 -------------------- Another Way Using dsort $ dsort n7 < scores.dat S-12 jane male 28 15 34 27.1 S-14 jane male 36 30 48 40.2 S-1 john male 56 42 58 52.8 S-11 jane male 42 46 65 54.7 S-19 jane female 62 50 55 54.9 S-15 jane male 58 58 62 60 S-3 john male 70 59 65 64.2 S-6 john male 69 60 65 64.3 S-17 jane female 65 61 70 66.3 S-13 jane male 49 68 75 67.7 S-7 john female 82 78 60 69.8 S-18 jane female 68 75 71 71.6 S-9 john female 89 80 68 75.8 S-16 jane male 72 70 84 77.4 S-4 john male 82 75 78 77.9 S-20 jane female 71 72 87 79.3 S-8 john female 84 81 82 82.1 S-5 john male 85 90 92 90 S-10 john female 90 93 91 91.4 S-2 john male 96 90 91 91.7 \f -------------------- Section 2.3 Summary of Final Scores $ dm s7 < scores.dat | desc -o -t 75 -h -i 10 -m 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ Under Range In Range Over Range Missing Sum 0 20 0 0 1359.200 ------------------------------------------------------------ Mean Median Midpoint Geometric Harmonic 67.960 68.750 59.400 65.564 62.529 ------------------------------------------------------------ SD Quart Dev Range SE mean 16.707 10.575 64.600 3.736 ------------------------------------------------------------ Minimum Quartile 1 Quartile 2 Quartile 3 Maximum 27.100 57.450 68.750 78.600 91.700 ------------------------------------------------------------ Skew SD Skew Kurtosis SD Kurt -0.586 0.548 2.844 1.095 ------------------------------------------------------------ Null Mean t prob (t) F prob (F) 75.000 -1.884 0.075 3.551 0.075 ------------------------------------------------------------ Midpt Freq 5.000 0 15.000 0 25.000 1 * 35.000 0 45.000 1 * 55.000 4 **** 65.000 5 ***** 75.000 5 ***** 85.000 2 ** 95.000 2 ** \f -------------------- Section 2.4 Predicting Final Exam Scores $ dm x6 x4 x5 < scores.dat | regress -e final midterm1 midterm2 Analysis for 20 cases of 3 variables: Variable final midterm1 midterm2 Min 34.0000 28.0000 15.0000 Max 92.0000 96.0000 93.0000 Sum 1401.0000 1354.0000 1293.0000 Mean 70.0500 67.7000 64.6500 SD 15.3502 18.6720 20.4303 Correlation Matrix: final 1.0000 midterm1 0.7586 1.0000 midterm2 0.8838 0.9190 1.0000 Variable final midterm1 midterm2 Regression Equation for final: final = -0.2835 midterm1 + 0.9022 midterm2 + 30.9177 Significance test for prediction of final Mult-R R-Squared SEest F(2,17) prob (F) 0.8942 0.7996 7.2640 33.9228 0.0000 \f -------------------- Predicted Plot From Regression Equation in regress.eqn $ dm x6 x4 x5 < scores.dat | dm Eregress.eqn | pair -p -h 10 -w 30 -x final -y predicted |------------------------------|89.3045 | 3| | 1 1 | | 1 1 11 1 1 | | | | 1 2 1 |predicted | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | | |1 | |------------------------------|36.5121 34.000 92.000 final r= 0.894 -------------------- Residual Plot $ dm x6 x4 x5 < scores.dat | dm Eregress.eqn | dm x2 x1-x2 | pair -p -h 10 -w 30 -x predicted -y residuals |------------------------------|11.2546 | 11 | | 1 | | 1 1 1 1 1| | 1 1 1 1| |1 1 1 |residuals | 1 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | | | 1 | |------------------------------|-18.0399 36.512 89.304 predicted r= 0.000 \f -------------------- Section 2.5 Failures by Assistant and Gender $ dm s2 s3 "if x7 GE 75 then 'pass' else 'fail'" 1 < scores.dat | contab assistant gender success count FACTOR: assistant gender success count LEVELS: 2 2 2 20 assistan count john 10 jane 10 Total 20 NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied chisq 0.000000 df 1 p 1.000000 gender count male 12 female 8 Total 20 NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied chisq 0.450000 df 1 p 0.502335 success count fail 12 pass 8 Total 20 NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied chisq 0.450000 df 1 p 0.502335 SOURCE: assistant gender male female Totals john 6 4 10 jane 6 4 10 Totals 12 8 20 Analysis for assistant x gender: NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied WARNING: 2 of 4 cells had expected frequencies < 5 chisq 0.000000 df 1 p 1.000000 Fisher Exact One-Tailed Probability 0.675042 Fisher Exact Other-Tail Probability 0.675042 Fisher Exact Two-Tailed Probability 1.000000 phi Coefficient == Cramer's V 0.000000 Contingency Coefficient 0.000000 SOURCE: assistant success fail pass Totals john 4 6 10 jane 8 2 10 Totals 12 8 20 Analysis for assistant x success: NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied WARNING: 2 of 4 cells had expected frequencies < 5 chisq 1.875000 df 1 p 0.170904 Fisher Exact One-Tailed Probability 0.084901 Fisher Exact Other-Tail Probability 0.084901 Fisher Exact Two-Tailed Probability 0.169802 phi Coefficient == Cramer's V 0.306186 Contingency Coefficient 0.292770 SOURCE: gender success fail pass Totals male 8 4 12 female 4 4 8 Totals 12 8 20 Analysis for gender x success: NOTE: Yates' correction for continuity applied WARNING: 3 of 4 cells had expected frequencies < 5 chisq 0.078125 df 1 p 0.779855 Fisher Exact One-Tailed Probability 0.886759 Fisher Exact Other-Tail Probability 0.259609 Fisher Exact Two-Tailed Probability 1.000000 phi Coefficient == Cramer's V 0.062500 Contingency Coefficient 0.062378 SOURCE: assistant gender success assistan gender success john male fail 3 john male pass 3 john female fail 1 john female pass 3 jane male fail 5 jane male pass 1 jane female fail 3 jane female pass 1 \f -------------------- Section 2.6 Effects of Assistant and Gender $ dm s1 s2 s3 "'m1'" s4 s1 s2 s3 "'m2'" s5 s1 s2 s3 "'final'" s6 < scores.dat | maketrix 5 | anova student assistant gender exam score SOURCE: grand mean assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE 60 67.4667 18.0981 2.3365 SOURCE: assistant assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE john 30 76.7000 13.7869 2.5171 jane 30 58.2333 17.3179 3.1618 SOURCE: gender assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE male 36 62.8611 20.1085 3.3514 female 24 74.3750 11.9120 2.4315 SOURCE: assistant gender assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE john male 18 73.5000 15.4053 3.6311 john female 12 81.5000 9.6153 2.7757 jane male 18 52.2222 18.8541 4.4440 jane female 12 67.2500 9.6684 2.7910 SOURCE: exam assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE m1 20 67.7000 18.6720 4.1752 m2 20 64.6500 20.4303 4.5684 final 20 70.0500 15.3502 3.4324 SOURCE: assistant exam assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE john m1 10 80.3000 11.9355 3.7743 john m2 10 74.8000 16.3761 5.1786 john final 10 75.0000 13.4247 4.2453 jane m1 10 55.1000 15.5167 4.9068 jane m2 10 54.5000 19.5973 6.1972 jane final 10 65.1000 16.2101 5.1261 SOURCE: gender exam assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE male m1 12 61.9167 20.7822 5.9993 male m2 12 58.5833 22.5931 6.5221 male final 12 68.0833 17.1329 4.9459 female m1 8 76.3750 11.1475 3.9413 female m2 8 73.7500 13.1557 4.6512 female final 8 73.0000 12.7167 4.4960 SOURCE: assistant gender exam assista gender exam N MEAN SD SE john male m1 6 76.3333 14.1516 5.7774 john male m2 6 69.3333 19.1172 7.8046 john male final 6 74.8333 14.4418 5.8959 john female m1 4 86.2500 3.8622 1.9311 john female m2 4 83.0000 6.7823 3.3912 john female final 4 75.2500 13.8894 6.9447 jane male m1 6 47.5000 15.8461 6.4692 jane male m2 6 47.8333 21.9127 8.9458 jane male final 6 61.3333 18.1071 7.3922 jane female m1 4 66.5000 3.8730 1.9365 jane female m2 4 64.5000 11.3871 5.6936 jane female final 4 70.7500 13.0735 6.5368 FACTOR : student assistant gender exam score LEVELS : 20 2 2 3 60 TYPE : RANDOM BETWEEN BETWEEN WITHIN DATA SOURCE SS df MS F p =============================================================== mean 273105.0667 1 273105.0667 443.734 0.000 *** s/ag 9847.5278 16 615.4705 assista 5115.2667 1 5115.2667 8.311 0.011 * s/ag 9847.5278 16 615.4705 gender 1909.0028 1 1909.0028 3.102 0.097 s/ag 9847.5278 16 615.4705 ag 177.8028 1 177.8028 0.289 0.598 s/ag 9847.5278 16 615.4705 exam 293.2333 2 146.6167 4.564 0.018 * es/ag 1027.8889 32 32.1215 ae 610.4333 2 305.2167 9.502 0.001 *** es/ag 1027.8889 32 32.1215 ge 314.5722 2 157.2861 4.897 0.014 * es/ag 1027.8889 32 32.1215 age 29.2056 2 14.6028 0.455 0.639 es/ag 1027.8889 32 32.1215 -------------------- Scheffe 95% Confidence Interval: $ echo "sqrt ($df1 * $critf * $MSerror * 2 / $N)" | calc sqrt(((((2 * 3.294537) * 32.1215) * 2) / 10)) = 6.506165391