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Length: 10087 (0x2767) Types: TextFile Names: »subsg.f«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/utep/subsg.f«
************************************************************************ * * subroutine snpage does the following: * (save new page) * + inquire about number of already * saved pages. * + is the limit on the number of * saved page have been used? * - yes--> * * display an (ATTENTION) message * (comming pages will replace * previous ones) * * ask user to specify the number * of the page that will be replaced * * replace page by current page * - no--> * * save page as a new page * ************************************************************************ subroutine snpage common/pnum/numspg integer pagno c call howmpg if(numspg.eq.5)then write(0,10) 10 format(5x,'ATTENTION: You have five saved images,following', * /,15x,'images will replace one of the preivous images,',/,15x, * 'specify page number >= 1 and <= 5') call whichp(pagno) call replac(pagno) elseif(numspg.ge.0)then call openfl else continue endif return end *************************************************************************** * * subroutine replac(pagnum) does the following: * (replace) * + page number (pagnum) * + inquire about the units & files that * pagnum is saved on * + open thoes files and have them ready * for writing * + save new page * + close units * ************************************************************************** subroutine replac(pagnum) common/pnum/numspg integer u1,u2,pagnum character*6 f1,f2 c call whichu(pagnum,u1,u2) call whichf(pagnum,f1,f2) call oif(u1,u2,f1,f2) call savjpg(u1) call savinf(u2) call fclose(pagnum) return end ************************************************************************ * * subroutine openfl does the following: * (open files) * + open files and save new image * + increment number of saved pages * (numspg) * + inquire about units & files and * have them ready for writing * + save image * *********************************************************************** subroutine openfl common/pnum/numspg integer u1,u2 character*6 f1,f2 c numspg=numspg+1 call whichu(numspg,u1,u2) call whichf(numspg,f1,f2) open(unit=u1,file=f1,status="new",access="sequential", * form="unformatted") rewind(u1) call savjpg(u1) open(unit=u2,file=f2,status="new",access="sequential", * form="formatted") rewind(u2) call savinf(u2) call fclose(numspg) return end ************************************************************************ * * subroutine savjpg(unita) does the following: * (save jpage (df)) * + save (df) content (jpage) on (unita) * + set (df) counter (icnt) to end of (df) * + save (df) counters (icnt) and (ifree) * + unload (df) content (jpage) into (unita) * ************************************************************************ subroutine savjpg(unita) integer unita common/contr/icnt common/page/jpage(6000) common/space/ifree common/table/tblitms(20,10),icolor(20),items(20) common/num/numitms character*1 jpage,items c icnt=tblitms(numitms,9) ifree=tblitms(numitms,9)+1 icnt=ifree write(unita)icnt,ifree do 30 i=1,icnt-1 write(unita)jpage(i) 30 continue return end *************************************************************************** * * subroutine savinf(unitb) does the following: * (save information) * + save image information on (unitb) * + save auxiliary table * + save segment table * + save overlapping table * + save (ucp)s common block * *************************************************************************** subroutine savinf(unitb) integer unitb c call savat(unitb) call savst(unitb) call savol(unitb) call savup(unitb) return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine savat(unitbb) does the following: * (save auxiliary table) * + save auiliary table on (unitbb) * **************************************************************************** subroutine savat(unitbb) integer unitbb common/at/asegtbl(2,10),isgclr(2),seg(2) character*1 seg c do 20 i=1,2 do 30 j=1,10 write(unitbb,1)asegtbl(i,j) 1 format(1x,F7.2) 30 continue write(unitbb,2)isgclr(i) 2 format(1x,I2) write(unitbb,3)seg(i) 3 format(1x,a1) 20 continue return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine savst(unitbb) does the following: * (save segment table) * + save image segment table on (unitbb) * + save number of items (numitms) * + save segment table content * ***************************************************************************** subroutine savst(unitbb) integer unitbb common/num/numitms common/table/tblitms(20,10),icolor(20),items(20) character*1 items c write(unitbb,1)numitms 1 format(1x,I2) do 20 i=1,20 do 30 j=1,10 write(unitbb,2)tblitms(i,j) 2 format(1x,F7.2) 30 continue write(unitbb,3)icolor(i) 3 format(1x,I2) write(unitbb,4)items(i) 4 format(1x,a1) 20 continue return end **************************************************************************** * * subroutine savol(unitbb) does the following: * (save overlapping table) * + save segment overlapping table on (unitbb) * **************************************************************************** subroutine savol(unitbb) integer unitbb common/ovlap/iovlap(21,21) c do 20 i=1,21 do 30 j=1,21 write(unitbb,1)iovlap(i,j) 1 format(1x,I1) 30 continue 20 continue return end ****************************************************************************** * * subroutine savup(unitbb) does the following: * (save (ucp)s common block) * + save (ucp)s common block on (unitbb) * ****************************************************************************** subroutine savup(unitbb) integer unitbb common/poly/iflag,numpoly,ifivply(5) common/llist/lnlist(5,2),lncontr c write(unitbb,1)numpoly 1 format(1x,I1) do 20 i=1,5 write(unitbb,2)ifivply(i) 2 format(1x,I2) 20 continue c do 30 i=1,5 do 40 j=1,2 write(unitbb,3)lnlist(i,j) 3 format(1x,I2) 40 continue 30 continue return end ****************************************************************************** * * subroutine rdjpg(unita) does the following: * (read jpage (df)) * + read (df) content into (jpage) from * (unita) * + position file at its initial position * (ready for reading first record) * + read (df) counters (icnt) and (ifree) * + read (df) content into (jpage) * ****************************************************************************** subroutine rdjpg(unita) integer unita common/contr/icnt common/space/ifree common/page/jpage(6000) character*1 jpage c rewind (unita) read(unita)icnt,ifree do 30 i=1,icnt-1 read(unita)jpage(i) 30 continue return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine rdinf(unitb) does the following: * (read information) * + read image information from (unitb) * + position file at its initial point * + read auxiliary table * + read segment table * + read overlapping table * + read (ucp)s common block * ***************************************************************************** subroutine rdinf(unitb) integer unitb c rewind (unitb) call readat(unitb) call readst(unitb) call readol(unitb) call readup(unitb) return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine readat(unitbb) does the following: * (read auxiliary table) * + read auxiliary table content from (unitbb) * **************************************************************************** subroutine readat(unitbb) integer unitbb common/at/asegtbl(2,10),isgclr(2),seg(2) character*1 seg c do 20 i=1,2 do 30 j=1,10 read(unitbb,1)asegtbl(i,j) 1 format(1x,F7.2) 30 continue read(unitbb,2)isgclr(i) 2 format(1x,I2) read(unitbb,3)seg(i) 3 format(1x,a1) 20 continue return end ******************************************************************************* * * subroutine readst(unitbb) does the following: * (read segment table) * + read iamge segment table from (unitbb) * + read number of image items (numitms) * + read segment table content * ******************************************************************************** subroutine readst(unitbb) integer unitbb common/num/numitms common/table/tblitms(20,10),icolor(20),items(20) character*1 items c read(unitbb,1)numitms 1 format(1x,I2) do 20 i=1,20 do 30 j=1,10 read(unitbb,2)tblitms(i,j) 2 format(1x,F7.2) 30 continue read(unitbb,3)icolor(i) 3 format(1x,I2) read(unitbb,4)items(i) 4 format(1x,a1) 20 continue return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine readol(unitbb) does the following: * (read overlapping table) * + read segment overlapping table from (unitbb) * **************************************************************************** subroutine readol(unitbb) integer unitbb common/ovlap/iovlap(21,21) c do 20 i=1,21 do 30 j=1,21 read(unitbb,1)iovlap(i,j) 1 format(1x,I1) 30 continue 20 continue return end ************************************************************************** * * subroutine readup(unitbb) does the following: * (read (ucp)s common block) * + read image (ucp)s common block from (unitbb) * ************************************************************************** subroutine readup(unitbb) integer unitbb common/poly/iflag,numpoly,ifivply(5) common/llist/lnlist(5,2),lncontr c iflag=0 read(unitbb,1)numpoly 1 format(1x,I1) do 20 i=1,5 read(unitbb,2)ifivply(i) 2 format(1x,I2) 20 continue c do 30 i=1,5 do 40 j=1,2 read(unitbb,3)lnlist(i,j) 3 format(1x,I2) 40 continue 30 continue return end