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Length: 9891 (0x26a3) Types: TextFile Names: »subs2.f«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/utep/subs2.f«
****************************************************************************** * * subroutine cat(x1,y1,xt,yt) does the following: * - performs concatenation transformation, * on point (x1,y1) like this: * (xt,yt,1)=(x,y,1) Q * where Q is the current transformation * matrix which is 3x3 matrix. * ******************************************************************************* subroutine cat(x1,y1,xt,yt) real x1,y1,xt,yt common/array/q(3,3) c xt=(q(1,1)*x1)+(q(2,1)*y1)+q(3,1) yt=(q(1,2)*x1)+(q(2,2)*y1)+q(3,2) return end ********************************************************************************* * subroutine clr does the following: * + (re) initialize transformatio matrix (q). * q=( 1 0 0 ) * ( 0 1 0 ) * ( 0 0 1 ) * ******************************************************************************* subroutine clr common/array/q(3,3) c q(1,1)=1.0 q(1,2)=0.0 q(1,3)=0.0 q(2,1)=0.0 q(2,2)=1.0 q(2,3)=0.0 q(3,1)=0.0 q(3,2)=0.0 q(3,3)=1.0 return end ****************************************************************************** * * subroutine scl(sx,sy) does the following: * - matrix (s) is the scaling matrix. * - forms matrix s=( sx 0 0 ) * ( 0 sy 0 ) * ( 0 0 1 ) * - update transformation matrix after * scaling . * - tranformation matrix ( q = q . s ) * ****************************************************************************** subroutine scl(sx,sy) real sx,sy common/array/q(3,3) dimension s(3,3) c s(1,1)=sx s(1,2)=0.0 s(1,3)=0.0 s(2,1)=0.0 s(2,2)=sy s(2,3)=0.0 s(3,1)=0.0 s(3,2)=0.0 s(3,3)=1.0 call matmlt(q,s) return end **************************************************************************** * * subroutine rot(theta) does the following: * - matrix (r) is the rotation matrix * - convert (theta) to radians (tr). * -forms matrix (r) as follows: * r=( cos(tr) -sin(tr) 0 ) * ( sin(tr) cos(tr) 0 ) * ( 0 0 1 ) * - update transformation matrix after * rotation . * - transformation matrix ( q = q . r) * by calling MATMLT. * **************************************************************************** subroutine rot(theta) real theta common/array/q(3,3) dimension r(3,3) real tr,pi c pi=3.14159265 tr=((pi/180.0)*theta) r(1,1)=cos(tr) r(1,2)=-sin(tr) r(1,3)=0.0 r(2,1)=sin(tr) r(2,2)=cos(tr) r(2,3)=0.0 r(3,1)=0.0 r(3,2)=0.0 r(3,3)=1.0 call matmlt(q,r) return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine tlt(tx,ty) does the following: * - matirx (t) is the translation matrix. * - forms matirx t=( 1 0 0 ) * ( 0 1 0 ) * (tx ty 1 ) * - update transformation matrix after * translation. * - transformation matrix ( q = q . t ) * ***************************************************************************** subroutine tlt(tx,ty) real tx,ty common/array/q(3,3) dimension t(3,3) c t(1,1)=1.0 t(1,2)=0.0 t(1,3)=0.0 t(2,1)=0.0 t(2,2)=1.0 t(2,3)=0.0 t(3,1)=tx t(3,2)=ty t(3,3)=1.0 call matmlt(q,t) return end ************************************************************************ * * subroutine clip(x1,y1,x2,y2,ic) does the following: * - using Conleys algorithm. * - clips line (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) * to the window. * - (ic) is the visibility flag. * ic= 1 * (line fullly or partially visible). * ic= -1 * (line is invisible). * *************************************************************************** subroutine clip(x1,y1,x2,y2,ic) real x1,y1,x2,y2 integer ic common/windo/wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax integer iswap,odd c c (iswap) is the no. of times points (x1,y1) & c (x2,y2) swaped. iswap=0 odd=0 c check if x1>x2 then swap the two points if(x1.gt.x2)then call swap(x1,y1,x2,y2) iswap=iswap+1 endif c check if point (x1,y1) out of window bounds. c if so clip line to windows left edge. if((x1.lt.wxmin).and.(x2.ge.wxmin))then y1=(((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*(wxmin-x1))+y1 x1=wxmin endif c check if point (x2,y2) out of window bounds. c if so clip line to windows rigth edge. if((x1.le.wxmax).and.(x2.gt.wxmax))then y2=(((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*(wxmax-x1))+y1 x2=wxmax endif c check if y1>y2 then swap the two points. if(y1.gt.y2)then call swap(x1,y1,x2,y2) iswap=iswap+1 endif c check if point (x1,y1) out of window bounds, c if so clip line to windows bottom edge. if((y1.lt.wymin).and.(y2.ge.wymin))then x1=(((x2-x1)/(y2-y1))*(wymin-y1))+x1 y1=wymin endif c check if point (x2,y2) is out of window bounds, c if so clip line to windows top edge. if((y1.le.wymax).and.(y2.gt.wymax))then x2=(((x2-x1)/(y2-y1))*(wymax-y1))+x1 y2=wymax endif odd=iswap-((mod(iswap,2))*2) c if no. of swaps is odd then swap one more time. if(odd.eq.1)then call swap endif c if both points not in clipping rectangle then ic=-1 if((((x1.ge.wxmin).and.(x1.le.wxmax)).and. * ((y1.ge.wymin).and.(y1.le.wymax))).and. * (((x2.ge.wxmin).and.(x2.le.wxmax)).and. * ((y2.ge.wymin).and.(y2.le.wymax))))then ic=1 else ic=-1 endif return end ****************************************************************** * * subroutine swap(x1,y1,x2,y2) does the following: * - swap the two points * (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). * ************************************************************* subroutine swap(x1,y1,x2,y2) real x1,y1,x2,y2,xtemp,ytemp c xtemp=x1 ytemp=y1 x1=x2 y1=y2 x2=xtemp y2=ytemp return end ***************************************************************************** * * subroutine line does the following: * - calls cat(x,y,xtt,ytt), to see if any * transformation has been done . * - sets world point (u1,v1)to(xlast,ylast). * and world point (u2,v2)to(xtt,ytt) * and (xlast,ylast)to(xtt,ytt) * - call clip to see if line is within window * if flag ic=1 then visible else * - if ic=-1 then (line invisible)return. * - if line visible then do the following * - transforms(u1,v1)to device coords * (i,j) if the latter not equal to * (lastx,lasty) then call movepr. * - transforms (u2,v2) to device coords(k,l) * -output device is the AED TERMINAL * + set the decimal code 65 for the hardware * line drawing * + call xyaed(k,l) * + set(lastx,lasty) to (k,l). * ****************************************************************************** subroutine line(x,y) real x,y common/device/lastx,lasty,numpag common/worldc/xlast,ylast real u1,v1,u2,v2 character*1 a c call cat(x,y,xtt,ytt) u1=xlast v1=ylast u2=xtt v2=ytt xlast=xtt ylast=ytt c clip line to window ,then check visibility flag (ic). call clip(u1,v1,u2,v2,ic) if(ic.eq.1)then c line is visible or partially visible. c transform line from world coords to device coords. c begin with starting point (u1,v1). call wdscrn(u1,v1,ssx,ssy) call driver(ssx,ssy,i,j) c check (lastx,lasty) if not in proper position call movepr. if((i.ne.lastx).or.(j.ne.lasty))then call movepr(i,j) endif c now convert ending point to device coords. call wdscrn(u2,v2,sx,sy) call driver(sx,sy,k,l) c output device is AED terminal . ia=65 a=char(ia) call store(a) call xyaed(k,l) lastx=k lasty=l endif return end ****************************************************************************** * * subroutine move(x,y) does the following: * - specify device coordinates * - transform point if it had under * gone any transformation,call cat * then set world last drawing position * to transformed point. * (xlast,ylast)=(xtt,ytt) * - transform xtt,ytt to device coords i,j * - if (i,j) within device bounds then * move to (i,j) else return * ******************************************************************************* subroutine move(x,y) real x,y common/worldc/xlast,ylast real xtt,ytt,ssx,ssy integer idxmin,idxmax,idymin,idymax,i,j c idxmin=0 idxmax=511 idymin=0 idymax=482 c call cat(x,y,xtt,ytt) xlast=xtt ylast=ytt c transforme point coords from world to device . call wdscrn(xtt,ytt,ssx,ssy) call driver(ssx,ssy,i,j) c check if (i,j) is witin device bounds if(((i.ge.idxmin).and.(i.le.idxmax)).and. * ((j.ge.idymin).and.(j.le.idymax)))then c if every thing checks OK then call movepr(i,j). call movepr(i,j) endif return end ******************************************************************************* * * subroutine matmlt(a,b) does the following: * - performs multiplication between * two matrices (a,b) and puts the * result in (a). * ******************************************************************************* subroutine matmlt(a,b) dimension a(3,3),b(3,3),result(3,3) c do 20 n=1,3 do 10 m=1,3 result(m,n)=0.0 10 continue 20 continue do 50 i=1,3 do 40 j=1,3 do 30 k=1,3 result(i,j)=result(i,j)+(a(i,k)*b(k,j)) 30 continue 40 continue 50 continue do 70 li=1,3 do 60 lj=1,3 a(li,lj)=result(li,lj) 60 continue 70 continue return end ********************************************************************************* * subroutine term does the following: * + insert code in (jpage) to return to * alpha mode. * + outputs (jpage) contents. * + print on unit 0 * number of pages = numpag. ******************************************************************************** subroutine term common/contr/icnt common/page/jpage(6000) common/device/lastx,lasty,numpag character*1 ers,alpha character*1 jpage c output device is AED terminal . ialpha=1 iers=126 ers=char(iers) call store(ers) alpha=char(ialpha) call store(alpha) do 300 j=1,icnt-1 call prnt(jpage(j)) 300 continue c write(0,45) numpag 45 format(1x,'NUMBER OF PAGES=',i2) return end