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⟦e147258a5⟧ TextFile

    Length: 11576 (0x2d38)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »newsrc.c«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/vn/newsrc.c« 


** vn news reader.
** newsrc.c - routines to deal with the newsrc file
** see copyright disclaimer / history in vn.c source file

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "tty.h"
#include "vn.h"

extern NODE **Newsorder;
extern char *Onews, *Newsrc;
extern int Ncount, Lrec, C_allow;
extern int Ntopt, Nntopt, Nwopt, Nnwopt;
extern char *Topt[], *Negtopt[], *Wopt[], *Negwopt[];
extern int Nounsub, Listfirst;

	global flags signifying options set
#define GF_ALL 1	/* -x option - scan everything */
#define GF_SPEC 2	/* -n option(s) - user specified groups */
#define GF_OVER 4	/* command line specification - overide marks */

static char *Options[OPTLINES];
static int New_idx, Max_name, Optlines;
static unsigned Gflags = 0;

	routines for dealing with the .newsrc file and options

	command name argument is already omitted from argv argc in this
	routine.  Only the option arguments are present.  We process
	options before we scan the rest of .newsrc, which redoes Newsorder,
	ie. we don't clobber Ncount until options are processed.
scan_newsrc (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	FILE *fp, *fopen();
	static char marks[] =
		NEWS_ON, NEWS_OFF, '\0' 
	char *str_store ();
	int line, len, num;
	char buf [RECLEN], trail, optpflag, submark, *fret, *ptr, *strpbrk(), *strtok();

	/* initialize hash table, open temp file, fill table with active articles */
	hashinit ();
	fill_active ();

	if (argc > 0)
		Gflags |= GF_OVER;
		optpflag = 'y';
		optpflag = 'n';

	if ((fp = fopen (Newsrc,"r")) == NULL)
		printex ("can't open %s for reading",Newsrc);

	Optlines = 0;

	for (line = 1; (fret = fgets(buf,RECLEN-1,fp)) != NULL && emptyline(buf) == 1; ++line)
	if (fret != NULL && strncmp (buf,"options",7) == 0)
		Options[0] = str_store(buf);
		Optlines = 1;
		trail = buf [strlen(buf)-2];
		for ( ; (fret = fgets(buf,RECLEN-1,fp)) != NULL; ++line)
			if (trail != '\\' && buf[0] != ' ' && buf[0] != '\t')
			if (Optlines >= OPTLINES)
				printex ("%s - too many option lines (%d allowed)",Newsrc,OPTLINES);
			Options[Optlines] = str_store(buf);
			if ((len = strlen(buf)) >= 2 && buf[len-2] != '\\')
				trail = buf[len-2];
				trail = '\0';

	/* do the options from the newsrc file if there weren't command line args */
	if (Optlines > 0 && optpflag == 'n')
		newsrc_opt ();

	Ncount = 0;

	for ( ; fret != NULL; ++line, fret = fgets(buf,RECLEN-1,fp))
		if (emptyline(buf) == 1)
		if ((ptr = strpbrk(buf,marks)) == NULL)
			fprintf (stderr,"\nwarning: line %d of %s (%s) - bad syntax\n",
		submark = *ptr;
		*ptr = '\0';
		num = 0;
		for (ptr = strtok(ptr," ,-\n"); ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok(NULL," ,-\n"))
			len = atoi (ptr);
			for ( ; *ptr >= '0' && *ptr <= '9'; ++ptr)
			if (*ptr != '\0' || len < num)
				num = -1;
				fprintf (stderr,"\nwarning: line %d of %s (%s) - bad syntax\n",
			num = len;
		if (num < 0)
		chkgroup (buf,submark,num);
	fclose (fp);

	/* now take care of groups not specified in .newsrc */

	/* free up the option string storage */
	for (num=0; num < Ntopt; ++num)
		regfree (Topt[num]);
	for (num=0; num < Nwopt; ++num)
		regfree (Wopt[num]);
	for (num=0; num < Nntopt; ++num)
		regfree (Negtopt[num]);
	for (num=0; num < Nnwopt; ++num)
		regfree (Negwopt[num]);
	Ntopt = Nwopt = Nntopt = Nnwopt = 0;

static emptyline(s)
char *s;
	while (isspace(*s))
	if (*s == '\0')
		return (1);
	return (0);

	fill hash table from active news group list
	temporarily makes "Newsorder" active list order.
	This is needed to be able to process options
	before scanning user order.
static fill_active ()
	FILE *f,*fopen ();
	char *nread, act_rec[RECLEN], *strtok();
	int num,lownum;

	Max_name = 0;
	if ((f = fopen (ACTFILE,"r")) == NULL)
		printex ("couldn't open %s\n",ACTFILE);
	while (fgets(act_rec, RECLEN-1, f) != NULL)
		if (strtok (act_rec," \n") == NULL)
		nread = strtok (NULL, " \n");
		if (nread != NULL)
			num = atoi(nread);
			num = 0;
		nread = strtok (NULL, " \n");
		if (nread != NULL)
			lownum = atoi(nread);
			lownum = 0;
		if (lownum > 0)
		if (strlen(act_rec) > Max_name)
			Max_name = strlen(act_rec);
		hashenter (act_rec, num, lownum);

	/* construct initial Newsorder */

	fclose (f);

	check active newsgroups not mentioned in NEWSRC file
	(FLG_SCAN not set)
static art_active ()
	char act_rec[RECLEN], *strtok();
	NODE *ptr,*hashfind();
	FILE *f,*fopen();
	if ((f = fopen (ACTFILE,"r")) == NULL)
		printex ("couldn't open %s\n",ACTFILE);
	New_idx = Ncount;
	while (fgets(act_rec, RECLEN-1, f) != NULL)
		if (strtok (act_rec," \n") == NULL)
		if ((ptr = hashfind (act_rec)) == NULL)
			printex("%s - unexpected hash table failure",act_rec);
		if ((ptr->state & FLG_SCAN) == 0)
			chkgroup (ptr->nd_name, NEWS_ON, 0);

	check group for new articles:
	s - group
	c - subscription indicator from NEWSRC
	n - number read
static chkgroup (s,c,n)
char *s,c;
int n;
	NODE *ptr, *hashfind();
	int lold,lowart;
	lold = Lrec;
	if ((ptr = hashfind(s)) != NULL && (ptr->state & FLG_SCAN) == 0)
		Newsorder [Ncount] = ptr;
		ptr->pages = 0;
		ptr->state |= FLG_SCAN;
		if (c == NEWS_ON)
			ptr->state |= FLG_SUB;
		/* if "read" more than exist reset to zero */
		if (n > ptr->art)
			n = 0;
		lowart = ptr->rdnum;
		if (n < ptr->rdnum)
			n = ptr->rdnum;
		ptr->orgrd = ptr->pgrd = ptr->rdnum = n;
		ptr->pgshwn = 0L;

		** scan decision is rather complex, since GF_ALL setting
		** overides "n" value, GF_SPEC indicates FLG_SPEC flag used.
		** if GF_OVER set, FLG_SPEC overides subscription mark, else
		** FLG_SPEC AND subscribed is neccesary.
		if ((Gflags & GF_SPEC) != 0)
			if ((ptr->state & FLG_SPEC) == 0)
				c = NEWS_OFF;
				if ((Gflags & GF_OVER) != 0)
					c = NEWS_ON;
		if ((Gflags & GF_ALL) != 0)
			n = lowart;
		if (c == NEWS_ON && ptr->art > n)
			outgroup (s,n,ptr->art);
			if (lold != Lrec)
				ptr->pnum = lold+1;
				ptr->pages = Lrec - lold;
				ptr->state |= FLG_PAGE;

	wr_newsrc writes the .newsrc file
wr_newsrc ()
	FILE *fp,*fopen();
	NODE *p;
	char c;
	int i,rc;

	if (link(Newsrc,Onews) < 0)
		printex ("can't backup %s to %s before writing",Newsrc,Onews);

	if (unlink(Newsrc) < 0 || (fp = fopen(Newsrc,"w")) == NULL)
		printex ("can't open %s for writing (backed up in %s)",Newsrc,Onews);
		for (i=0; (rc = ferror(fp)) == 0 && i < Optlines; ++i)
			fprintf (fp,"%s",Options[i]);
		for (i=0; rc == 0 && i < Ncount; ++i)
			p = Newsorder[i];
			if ((p->state & FLG_SUB) == 0)
				c = NEWS_OFF;
				c = NEWS_ON;
#ifdef OLDRC
			fprintf (fp,"%s%c %d\n",p->nd_name,c,p->rdnum);
			if (p->rdnum > 0)
				fprintf (fp,"%s%c 1-%d\n",p->nd_name,c,p->rdnum);
				fprintf (fp,"%s%c 0\n",p->nd_name,c);
			rc = ferror(fp);
		fclose (fp);
		if (rc != 0)
			printex ("write of %s failed, old copy stored in %s",Newsrc,Onews);
			unlink (Onews);

new_groups ()
	int i,wrem,w;
	char fs[24],c_end;
	if (New_idx >= Ncount || C_allow < (w = Max_name+1))
		return (0);
	term_set (ERASE);
	printf (NEWGFORM,Newsrc);
	sprintf (fs,"%%-%ds%%c",Max_name);
	wrem = C_allow;
	for (i=New_idx; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if ((wrem -= w) < w)
			wrem = C_allow;
			c_end = '\n';
			c_end = ' ';
		printf (fs,(Newsorder[i])->nd_name,c_end);
	if ((++wrem) < C_allow)
		putchar ('\n');
	return (i-New_idx);

	arg_opt must be called prior to option scanning, since
	it uses the options array.  This is a bit of a kludge,
	but it saves a bunch of work.  NOTE - no command name argument
static arg_opt (argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	if (argc > OPTLINES)
		printex ("too many command line options (%d allowed)\n",OPTLINES);
	for (Optlines=0; Optlines < argc; ++Optlines)
		Options[Optlines] = *argv;

	option setting routine:
	sets global flags: GF_ALL for -x option GF_SPEC for -n.
	sets up filter array for article scanning
static newsrc_opt()
	int i;
	char curopt,tmp[RECLEN],*tok,*strtok(),*index();

	Nounsub = Listfirst = 0;
	Ntopt = Nwopt = Nnwopt = Nntopt = 0;
	curopt = '\0';
	for (i=0; i < Optlines; ++i)
		for (tok = strtok(tmp,",\\ \t\n"); tok != NULL; tok = strtok(NULL,",\\ \t\n"))
			if (*tok != '-')
				do_opt (curopt,tok);
				for (++tok; index("nwt",*tok) == NULL; ++tok)
					/* options with no strings */
					case 'S':
						Gflags &= ~GF_OVER;
					case '%':
						Listfirst = 1;
					case 'U':
						Nounsub = 1;
#ifdef OLDRC
					case 'i':
					/* Treat "-i" as synonym for "-x" */
					case 'x':
						Gflags |= GF_ALL;
				curopt = *tok;
				if (*(++tok) != '\0')
					do_opt (curopt,tok);

/* do_opt is for options with strings attached */
static do_opt (opt,str)
char opt, *str;
	switch (opt)
	case 'n':
		Gflags |= GF_SPEC;
	case 'w':
		specfilter (FIL_AUTHOR,str);
	case 't':
		specfilter (FIL_TITLE,str);
#ifdef OLDRC
		Gflags |= GF_SPEC;	/* Assume anything else is newsgroup */

static specfilter (comp,str)
char comp,*str;
	char *regcmp();
	int *count;
	char **rex;

	** we may set rex one past end of array.  we will error before
	** referencing it if that's the case, however.
	if (*str == '!')
		if (comp == FIL_TITLE)
			count = &Nntopt;
			rex = Negtopt + *count;
			count = &Nnwopt;
			rex = Negwopt + *count;
		if (comp == FIL_TITLE)
			count = &Ntopt;
			rex = Topt + *count;
			count = &Nwopt;
			rex = Wopt + *count;
	if (*count >= NUMFILTER)
		printex ("too many %c options, %d allowed",comp,NUMFILTER);
	if ((*rex = regcmp(str,(char *) 0)) == NULL)
		printex ("%c option regular expression syntax: %s",comp,str);

	handle the newsgroup specification string.
	("all" convention - braack!!!)
static specmark (s)
char *s;
	unsigned ormask,andmask;
	int i,len;
	char *ptr,*re,pattern[RECLEN],*regex(),*regcmp();

	if (*s == '!')
		ormask = 0;
		andmask = ~FLG_SPEC;
		if (*s == '\0')
		ormask = FLG_SPEC;
		andmask = 0xffff;

	/* convert "all" not bounded by alphanumerics to ".*". ".all" becomes ".*" */
	for (ptr = s; (len = findall(ptr)) >= 0; ptr += len+1)
		if (len > 0 && isalnum (s[len-1]))
		if (isalnum (s[len+3]))
		if (len > 0 && s[len-1] == '.')
			strcpy (s+len,s+len+1);
		s[len] = '.';
		s[len+1] = '*';
		strcpy (s+len+2,s+len+3);

	/* now use regular expressions */
	sprintf (pattern,"^%s$",s);
	if ((re = regcmp(pattern,(char *) 0)) == NULL)
		printex ("n option regular expression syntax: %s",s);
	for (i=0; i < Ncount; ++i)
		if (regex(re,(Newsorder[i])->nd_name) != NULL)
			(Newsorder[i])->state |= ormask;
			(Newsorder[i])->state &= andmask;
	regfree (re);

static findall (s)
char *s;
	int len;
	for (len=0; *s != '\0'; ++s,++len)
		if (*s == 'a' && strncmp(s,"all",3) == 0)
			return (len);
	return (-1);