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Length: 23408 (0x5b70) Types: TextFile Names: »screen.c«
└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/screen/screen.c«
/* Copyright (c) 1987, Oliver Laumann, Technical University of Berlin. * Not derived from licensed software. * * Permission is granted to freely use, copy, modify, and redistribute * this software, provided that no attempt is made to gain profit from it, * the author is not construed to be liable for any results of using the * software, alterations are clearly marked as such, and this notice is * not modified. */ static char ScreenVersion[] = "screen 1.1c 23-Mar-87"; #include <stdio.h> #include <sgtty.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "screen.h" #define MAXWIN 10 #define MAXARGS 64 #define MAXLINE 1024 #define MSGWAIT 4 #define DEFAULT_SHELL "/bin/sh" #define Ctrl(c) ((c)&037) #define PtyProto "/dev/ptyXY" #define TtyProto "/dev/ttyXY" extern char *blank, Term[], **environ; extern rows, cols; extern status; extern time_t TimeDisplayed; extern char AnsiVersion[]; extern short ospeed; extern errno; extern sys_nerr; extern char *sys_errlist[]; extern char *rindex(), *malloc(), *getenv(), *MakeTermcap(), *ttyname(); static SigChld(); static char *Filename(), **SaveArgs(); static char PtyName[32], TtyName[32]; static char *ShellProg; static char *ShellArgs[2]; static char inbuf[IOSIZE]; static inlen; static ESCseen; static GotSignal; static char SockPath[512]; static char SockDir[] = ".screen"; static char *SockName; static char *NewEnv[MAXARGS]; static char Esc = Ctrl('a'); static char MetaEsc = 'a'; static char *home; static HasWindow; struct mode { struct sgttyb m_ttyb; struct tchars m_tchars; struct ltchars m_ltchars; int m_ldisc; int m_lmode; } OldMode, NewMode; static struct win *curr, *other; static CurrNum, OtherNum; static struct win *wtab[MAXWIN]; #define MSG_CREATE 0 #define MSG_ERROR 1 struct msg { int type; union { struct { int aflag; int nargs; char line[MAXLINE]; } create; char message[MAXLINE]; } m; }; #define KEY_IGNORE 0 #define KEY_HARDCOPY 1 #define KEY_SUSPEND 2 #define KEY_SHELL 3 #define KEY_NEXT 4 #define KEY_PREV 5 #define KEY_KILL 6 #define KEY_REDISPLAY 7 #define KEY_WINDOWS 8 #define KEY_VERSION 9 #define KEY_OTHER 10 #define KEY_0 11 #define KEY_1 12 #define KEY_2 13 #define KEY_3 14 #define KEY_4 15 #define KEY_5 16 #define KEY_6 17 #define KEY_7 18 #define KEY_8 19 #define KEY_9 20 #define KEY_CREATE 21 struct key { int type; char **args; } ktab[256]; char *KeyNames[] = { "hardcopy", "suspend", "shell", "next", "prev", "kill", "redisplay", "windows", "version", "other", "select0", "select1", "select2", "select3", "select4", "select5", "select6", "select7", "select8", "select9", 0 }; main (ac, av) char **av; { register n, len; register struct win **pp, *p; char *ap; int s, r, w, x = 0; int aflag = 0; struct timeval tv; time_t now; char buf[IOSIZE], *myname = (ac == 0) ? "screen" : av[0]; char rc[256]; while (--ac) { ap = *++av; if (strcmp (ap, "-c") == 0) { if (ac < 2) goto help; CheckSockName (1); s = MakeClientSocket (); SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag); close (s); exit (0); } else if (strcmp (ap, "-a") == 0) { aflag = 1; } else if (ap[0] == '-' && ap[1] == 'e') { if (ap[2]) { ap += 2; } else { if (--ac == 0) goto help; ap = *++av; } if (strlen (ap) != 2) Msg (0, "Two characters are required with -e option."); Esc = ap[0]; MetaEsc = ap[1]; } else { help: Msg (0, "Use: %s [-a] [-exy] [-c cmd args]", myname); } } if ((ShellProg = getenv ("SHELL")) == 0) ShellProg = DEFAULT_SHELL; ShellArgs[0] = ShellProg; CheckSockName (0); s = MakeServerSocket (); InitTerm (); MakeNewEnv (); GetTTY (0, &OldMode); ospeed = (short)OldMode.m_ttyb.sg_ospeed; InitKeytab (); sprintf (rc, "%.*s/.screenrc", 245, home); ReadRc (rc); if ((n = MakeWindow (ShellProg, ShellArgs, aflag, 0)) == -1) { SetTTY (0, &OldMode); FinitTerm (); exit (1); } SetCurrWindow (n); HasWindow = 1; SetMode (&OldMode, &NewMode); SetTTY (0, &NewMode); signal (SIGCHLD, SigChld); tv.tv_usec = 0; while (1) { if (status) { time (&now); if (now - TimeDisplayed < MSGWAIT) { tv.tv_sec = MSGWAIT - (now - TimeDisplayed); } else RemoveStatus (curr); } r = 0; w = 0; if (inlen) w |= 1 << curr->ptyfd; else r |= 1 << 0; for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) { if (!(p = *pp)) continue; if ((*pp)->active && status) continue; if ((*pp)->outlen > 0) continue; r |= 1 << (*pp)->ptyfd; } r |= 1 << s; fflush (stdout); if (select (32, &r, &w, &x, status ? &tv : (struct timeval *)0) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; HasWindow = 0; Msg (errno, "select"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (GotSignal && !status) { SigHandler (); continue; } if (r & 1 << s) { RemoveStatus (curr); ReceiveMsg (s); } if (r & 1 << 0) { RemoveStatus (curr); if (ESCseen) { inbuf[0] = Esc; inlen = read (0, inbuf+1, IOSIZE-1) + 1; ESCseen = 0; } else { inlen = read (0, inbuf, IOSIZE); } if (inlen > 0) inlen = ProcessInput (inbuf, inlen); } if (GotSignal && !status) { SigHandler (); continue; } for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) { if (!(p = *pp)) continue; if (p->outlen) { WriteString (p, p->outbuf, p->outlen); } else if (r & 1 << p->ptyfd) { if ((len = read (p->ptyfd, buf, IOSIZE)) == -1) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) len = 0; } if (len > 0) WriteString (p, buf, len); } } if (GotSignal && !status) { SigHandler (); continue; } if (w & 1 << curr->ptyfd && inlen > 0) { if ((len = write (curr->ptyfd, inbuf, inlen)) > 0) { inlen -= len; bcopy (inbuf+len, inbuf, inlen); } } if (GotSignal && !status) SigHandler (); } /*NOTREACHED*/ } static SigHandler () { while (GotSignal) { GotSignal = 0; DoWait (); } } static SigChld () { GotSignal = 1; } static DoWait () { register pid; register struct win **pp; union wait wstat; while ((pid = wait3 (&wstat, WNOHANG|WUNTRACED, NULL)) > 0) { for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) { if (*pp && pid == (*pp)->wpid) { if (WIFSTOPPED (wstat)) { kill((*pp)->wpid, SIGCONT); } else { if (*pp == curr) curr = 0; if (*pp == other) other = 0; FreeWindow (*pp); *pp = 0; } } } } CheckWindows (); } static CheckWindows () { register struct win **pp; /* If the current window disappeared and the "other" window is still * there, switch to the "other" window, else switch to the window * with the lowest index. * If there current window is still there, but the "other" window * vanished, "SetCurrWindow" is called in order to assign a new value * to "other". * If no window is alive at all, exit. */ if (!curr && other) { SwitchWindow (OtherNum); return; } if (curr && !other) { SetCurrWindow (CurrNum); return; } for (pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) { if (*pp) { if (!curr) SwitchWindow (pp-wtab); return; } } SetTTY (0, &OldMode); FinitTerm (); exit (0); } InitKeytab () { register i; ktab['h'].type = ktab[Ctrl('h')].type = KEY_HARDCOPY; ktab['z'].type = ktab[Ctrl('z')].type = KEY_SUSPEND; ktab['c'].type = ktab[Ctrl('c')].type = KEY_SHELL; ktab[' '].type = ktab[Ctrl(' ')].type = ktab['n'].type = ktab[Ctrl('n')].type = KEY_NEXT; ktab['-'].type = ktab['p'].type = ktab[Ctrl('p')].type = KEY_PREV; ktab['k'].type = ktab[Ctrl('k')].type = KEY_KILL; ktab['l'].type = ktab[Ctrl('l')].type = KEY_REDISPLAY; ktab['w'].type = ktab[Ctrl('w')].type = KEY_WINDOWS; ktab['v'].type = ktab[Ctrl('v')].type = KEY_VERSION; ktab[Esc].type = KEY_OTHER; for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) ktab[i+'0'].type = KEY_0+i; } static ProcessInput (buf, len) char *buf; { register n, k; register char *s, *p; for (s = p = buf; len > 0; len--, s++) { if (*s == Esc) { if (len > 1) { len--; s++; k = ktab[*s].type; if (*s == MetaEsc) { *p++ = Esc; } else if (k >= KEY_0 && k <= KEY_9) { p = buf; SwitchWindow (k - KEY_0); } else switch (ktab[*s].type) { case KEY_HARDCOPY: p = buf; DumpWindow (); break; case KEY_SUSPEND: p = buf; SetTTY (0, &OldMode); FinitTerm (); kill (getpid (), SIGTSTP); SetTTY (0, &NewMode); Activate (wtab[CurrNum]); break; case KEY_SHELL: p = buf; if ((n = MakeWindow (ShellProg, ShellArgs, 0, 0)) != -1) SwitchWindow (n); break; case KEY_NEXT: p = buf; SwitchWindow (NextWindow ()); break; case KEY_PREV: p = buf; SwitchWindow (PreviousWindow ()); break; case KEY_KILL: p = buf; FreeWindow (wtab[CurrNum]); if (other == curr) other = 0; curr = wtab[CurrNum] = 0; CheckWindows (); break; case KEY_REDISPLAY: p = buf; Activate (wtab[CurrNum]); break; case KEY_WINDOWS: p = buf; ShowWindows (); break; case KEY_VERSION: p = buf; Msg (0, "%s %s", ScreenVersion, AnsiVersion); break; case KEY_OTHER: p = buf; SwitchWindow (OtherNum); break; case KEY_CREATE: p = buf; if ((n = MakeWindow (ktab[*s].args[0], ktab[*s].args, 0, 0)) != -1) SwitchWindow (n); break; } } else ESCseen = 1; } else *p++ = *s; } return p - buf; } static SwitchWindow (n) { if (!wtab[n]) return; SetCurrWindow (n); Activate (wtab[n]); } static SetCurrWindow (n) { /* * If we come from another window, this window becomes the * "other" window: */ if (curr) { curr->active = 0; other = curr; OtherNum = CurrNum; } CurrNum = n; curr = wtab[n]; curr->active = 1; /* * If the "other" window is currently undefined (at program start * or because it has died), or if the "other" window is equal to the * one just selected, we try to find a new one: */ if (other == 0 || other == curr) { OtherNum = NextWindow (); other = wtab[OtherNum]; } } static NextWindow () { register struct win **pp; for (pp = wtab+CurrNum+1; pp != wtab+CurrNum; ++pp) { if (pp == wtab+MAXWIN) pp = wtab; if (*pp) break; } return pp-wtab; } static PreviousWindow () { register struct win **pp; for (pp = wtab+CurrNum-1; pp != wtab+CurrNum; --pp) { if (pp < wtab) pp = wtab+MAXWIN-1; if (*pp) break; } return pp-wtab; } static FreeWindow (wp) struct win *wp; { register i; close (wp->ptyfd); for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { free (wp->image[i]); free (wp->attr[i]); } free (wp->image); free (wp->attr); free (wp); } static MakeWindow (prog, args, aflag, StartAt) char *prog, **args; { register struct win **pp, *p; register char **cp; register n, f; int tf; int mypid; char ebuf[10]; pp = wtab+StartAt; do { if (*pp == 0) break; if (++pp == wtab+MAXWIN) pp = wtab; } while (pp != wtab+StartAt); if (*pp) { Msg (0, "No more windows."); return -1; } n = pp - wtab; if ((f = OpenPTY ()) == -1) { Msg (0, "No more PTYs."); return -1; } fcntl (f, F_SETFL, FNDELAY); if ((p = *pp = (struct win *)malloc (sizeof (struct win))) == 0) { nomem: Msg (0, "Out of memory."); return -1; } if ((p->image = (char **)malloc (rows * sizeof (char *))) == 0) goto nomem; for (cp = p->image; cp < p->image+rows; ++cp) { if ((*cp = malloc (cols)) == 0) goto nomem; bclear (*cp, cols); } if ((p->attr = (char **)malloc (rows * sizeof (char *))) == 0) goto nomem; for (cp = p->attr; cp < p->attr+rows; ++cp) { if ((*cp = malloc (cols)) == 0) goto nomem; bzero (*cp, cols); } if ((p->tabs = malloc (cols+1)) == 0) /* +1 because 0 <= x <= cols */ goto nomem; ResetScreen (p); p->active = 0; p->outlen = 0; p->ptyfd = f; strncpy (p->cmd, Filename (args[0]), MAXSTR-1); p->cmd[MAXSTR-1] = '\0'; switch (p->wpid = fork ()) { case -1: Msg (errno, "Cannot fork"); free (p); return -1; case 0: mypid = getpid (); if ((f = open ("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) != -1) { ioctl (f, TIOCNOTTY, (char *)0); close (f); } if ((tf = open (TtyName, O_RDWR)) == -1) { SendErrorMsg ("Cannot open %s: %s", TtyName, sys_errlist[errno]); exit (1); } dup2 (tf, 0); dup2 (tf, 1); dup2 (tf, 2); for (f = getdtablesize () - 1; f > 2; f--) close (f); ioctl (0, TIOCSPGRP, &mypid); setpgrp (0, mypid); SetTTY (0, &OldMode); NewEnv[2] = MakeTermcap (aflag); sprintf (ebuf, "WINDOW=%d", n); NewEnv[3] = ebuf; execve (prog, args, NewEnv); SendErrorMsg ("Cannot exec %s: %s", prog, sys_errlist[errno]); sleep (2); exit (1); } return n; } static DumpWindow () { register i, j, k; register char *p; register FILE *f; char fn[20]; sprintf (fn, "hardcopy.%d", CurrNum); if ((f = fopen (fn, "w")) == NULL) { Msg (0, "Cannot open \"%s\".", fn); return; } Msg (0, "Dumping screen image..."); for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i) { p = curr->image[i]; for (k = cols-1; k >= 0 && p[k] == ' '; --k) ; for (j = 0; j <= k; ++j) putc (p[j], f); putc ('\n', f); } fclose (f); Msg (0, "Screen image written to \"%s\".", fn); } static ShowWindows () { char buf[1024]; register char *s; register struct win **pp, *p; for (s = buf, pp = wtab; pp < wtab+MAXWIN; ++pp) { if ((p = *pp) == 0) continue; if (s - buf + 5 + strlen (p->cmd) > cols-1) break; if (s > buf) { *s++ = ' '; *s++ = ' '; } *s++ = pp - wtab + '0'; if (p == curr) *s++ = '*'; *s++ = ' '; strcpy (s, p->cmd); s += strlen (s); } Msg (0, buf); } static OpenPTY () { register char *p, *l, *d; register i, f, tf; strcpy (PtyName, PtyProto); strcpy (TtyName, TtyProto); for (p = PtyName, i = 0; *p != 'X'; ++p, ++i) ; for (l = "pqr"; *p = *l; ++l) { for (d = "0123456789abcdef"; p[1] = *d; ++d) { if ((f = open (PtyName, O_RDWR)) != -1) { TtyName[i] = p[0]; TtyName[i+1] = p[1]; if ((tf = open (TtyName, O_RDWR)) != -1) { close (tf); return f; } close (f); } } } return -1; } static SetTTY (fd, mp) struct mode *mp; { ioctl (fd, TIOCSETP, &mp->m_ttyb); ioctl (fd, TIOCSETC, &mp->m_tchars); ioctl (fd, TIOCSLTC, &mp->m_ltchars); ioctl (fd, TIOCLSET, &mp->m_lmode); ioctl (fd, TIOCSETD, &mp->m_ldisc); } static GetTTY (fd, mp) struct mode *mp; { ioctl (fd, TIOCGETP, &mp->m_ttyb); ioctl (fd, TIOCGETC, &mp->m_tchars); ioctl (fd, TIOCGLTC, &mp->m_ltchars); ioctl (fd, TIOCLGET, &mp->m_lmode); ioctl (fd, TIOCGETD, &mp->m_ldisc); } static SetMode (op, np) struct mode *op, *np; { *np = *op; np->m_ttyb.sg_flags &= ~(CRMOD|ECHO); np->m_ttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK; np->m_tchars.t_intrc = -1; np->m_tchars.t_quitc = -1; np->m_ltchars.t_suspc = -1; np->m_ltchars.t_dsuspc = -1; np->m_ltchars.t_flushc = -1; np->m_ltchars.t_lnextc = -1; } static CheckSockName (client) { struct stat s; register char *p; if (client) { if ((SockName = getenv ("STY")) == 0 || *SockName == '\0') Msg (0, "$STY is undefined or invalid."); } else { if ((p = ttyname (0)) == 0 || (p = ttyname (1)) == 0 || (p = ttyname (2)) == 0 || *p == '\0') Msg (0, "screen must run on a tty."); SockName = Filename (p); } if ((home = getenv ("HOME")) == 0) Msg (0, "$HOME is undefined."); sprintf (SockPath, "%s/%s", home, SockDir); if (stat (SockPath, &s) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { if (mkdir (SockPath, 0700) == -1) Msg (errno, "Cannot make directory %s", SockPath); } else Msg (errno, "Cannot get status of %s", SockPath); } else { if ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) Msg (0, "%s is not a directory.", SockPath); if ((s.st_mode & 0777) != 0700) Msg (0, "Directory %s must have mode 700.", SockPath); } strcat (SockPath, "/"); strcat (SockPath, SockName); } static MakeServerSocket () { register s; struct sockaddr_un sun; (void) unlink (SockPath); if ((s = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) Msg (errno, "socket"); sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy (sun.sun_path, SockPath); if (bind (s, (struct sockaddr *)&sun, strlen (SockPath)+2) == -1) Msg (errno, "bind"); if (listen (s, 5) == -1) Msg (errno, "listen"); return s; } static MakeClientSocket () { register s; struct sockaddr_un sun; if ((s = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) Msg (errno, "socket"); sun.sun_family = AF_UNIX; strcpy (sun.sun_path, SockPath); if (connect (s, (struct sockaddr *)&sun, strlen (SockPath)+2) == -1) Msg (errno, "connect: %s", SockPath); return s; } static SendCreateMsg (s, ac, av, aflag) char **av; { struct msg m; register char *p; register len, n; m.type = MSG_CREATE; for (p = m.m.create.line, n = 0; --ac && n < MAXARGS-1; ++n) { len = strlen (*++av) + 1; if (p + len >= m.m.create.line+MAXLINE) break; strcpy (p, *av); p += len; } m.m.create.nargs = n; m.m.create.aflag = aflag; if (write (s, &m, sizeof (m)) != sizeof (m)) Msg (errno, "write"); } /*VARARGS1*/ static SendErrorMsg (fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) char *fmt; { register s; struct msg m; s = MakeClientSocket (); m.type = MSG_ERROR; sprintf (m.m.message, fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); (void) write (s, &m, sizeof (m)); close (s); } static ReceiveMsg (s) { register ns; struct sockaddr_un sun; int len = sizeof (sun); struct msg m; if ((ns = accept (s, (struct sockaddr *)&sun, &len)) == -1) { Msg (errno, "accept"); return; } if ((len = read (ns, &m, sizeof (m))) != sizeof (m)) { if (len == -1) Msg (errno, "read"); else Msg (0, "Short message (%d bytes)", len); close (ns); return; } switch (m.type) { case MSG_CREATE: ExecCreate (&m); break; case MSG_ERROR: Msg (0, "%s", m.m.message); break; default: Msg (0, "Invalid message (type %d).", m.type); } close (ns); } static ExecCreate (mp) struct msg *mp; { char *args[MAXARGS]; register n; register char **pp = args, *p = mp->m.create.line; for (n = mp->m.create.nargs; n > 0; --n) { *pp++ = p; p += strlen (p) + 1; } *pp = 0; if ((n = MakeWindow (mp->m.create.line, args, mp->m.create.aflag, 0)) != -1) SwitchWindow (n); } static ReadRc (fn) char *fn; { FILE *f; register char *p, **pp, **ap; register argc, num, c; char buf[256]; char *args[MAXARGS]; int key; ap = args; if ((f = fopen (fn, "r")) == NULL) return; while (fgets (buf, 256, f) != NULL) { if (p = rindex (buf, '\n')) *p = '\0'; if ((argc = Parse (fn, buf, ap)) == 0) continue; if (strcmp (ap[0], "escape") == 0) { p = ap[1]; if (argc < 2 || strlen (p) != 2) Msg (0, "%s: two characters required after escape.", fn); Esc = *p++; MetaEsc = *p; } else if (strcmp (ap[0], "screen") == 0) { num = 0; if (argc > 1 && IsNum (ap[1], 10)) { num = atoi (ap[1]); if (num < 0 || num > MAXWIN-1) Msg (0, "%s: illegal screen number %d.", fn, num); --argc; ++ap; } if (argc < 2) { ap[1] = ShellProg; argc = 2; } ap[argc] = 0; (void) MakeWindow (ap[1], ap+1, 0, num); } else if (strcmp (ap[0], "bind") == 0) { p = ap[1]; if (argc < 2 || *p == '\0') Msg (0, "%s: key expected after bind.", fn); if (p[1] == '\0') { key = *p; } else if (p[0] == '^' && p[1] != '\0' && p[2] == '\0') { c = p[1]; if (isupper (c)) p[1] = tolower (c); key = Ctrl(c); } else if (IsNum (p, 7)) { (void) sscanf (p, "%o", &key); } else { Msg (0, "%s: bind: character, ^x, or octal number expected.", fn); } if (argc < 3) { ktab[key].type = 0; } else { for (pp = KeyNames; *pp; ++pp) if (strcmp (ap[2], *pp) == 0) break; if (*pp) { ktab[key].type = pp-KeyNames+1; } else if (ap[2][0] == '/') { ktab[key].type = KEY_CREATE; ktab[key].args = SaveArgs (argc-2, ap+2); } else Msg (0, "%s: unknown function \"%s\".", fn, ap[2]); } } else Msg (0, "%s: unknown keyword \"%s\".", fn, ap[0]); } fclose (f); } static Parse (fn, buf, args) char *fn, *buf, **args; { register char *p = buf, **ap = args; register delim, argc = 0; argc = 0; for (;;) { while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t')) ++p; if (*p == '\0' || *p == '#') return argc; if (argc > MAXARGS-1) Msg (0, "%s: too many tokens.", fn); delim = 0; if (*p == '"' || *p == '\'') { delim = *p; *p = '\0'; ++p; } ++argc; *ap = p; ++ap; while (*p && !(delim ? *p == delim : (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))) ++p; if (*p == '\0') { if (delim) Msg (0, "%s: Missing quote.", fn); else return argc; } *p++ = '\0'; } } static char **SaveArgs (argc, argv) register argc; register char **argv; { register char **ap, **pp; if ((pp = ap = (char **)malloc ((argc+1) * sizeof (char **))) == 0) Msg (0, "Out of memory."); while (argc--) { if ((*pp = malloc (strlen (*argv)+1)) == 0) Msg (0, "Out of memory."); strcpy (*pp, *argv); ++pp; ++argv; } *pp = 0; return ap; } static MakeNewEnv () { register char **op, **np = NewEnv; static char buf[MAXSTR]; if (strlen (SockName) > MAXSTR-5) SockName = "?"; sprintf (buf, "STY=%s", SockName); *np++ = buf; *np++ = Term; np += 2; for (op = environ; *op; ++op) { if (np == NewEnv + MAXARGS - 1) break; if (!IsSymbol (*op, "TERM") && !IsSymbol (*op, "TERMCAP") && !IsSymbol (*op, "STY")) *np++ = *op; } *np = 0; } static IsSymbol (e, s) register char *e, *s; { register char *p; register n; for (p = e; *p && *p != '='; ++p) ; if (*p) { *p = '\0'; n = strcmp (e, s); *p = '='; return n == 0; } return 0; } /*VARARGS2*/ Msg (err, fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) char *fmt; { char buf[1024]; register char *p = buf; sprintf (p, fmt, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); if (err) { p += strlen (p); if (err > 0 && err < sys_nerr) sprintf (p, ": %s", sys_errlist[err]); else sprintf (p, ": Error %d", err); } if (HasWindow) { MakeStatus (buf, curr); } else { printf ("%s\r\n", buf); exit (1); } } bclear (p, n) char *p; { bcopy (blank, p, n); } static char *Filename (s) char *s; { register char *p; p = s + strlen (s) - 1; while (p >= s && *p != '/') --p; return ++p; } static IsNum (s, base) register char *s; register base; { for (base += '0'; *s; ++s) if (*s < '0' || *s > base) return 0; return 1; }