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⟦f538e69dd⟧ TextFile

    Length: 4632 (0x1218)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »io.c«


└─⟦87ddcff64⟧ Bits:30001253 CPHDIST85 Tape, 1985 Autumn Conference Copenhagen
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »cph85dist/stat/src/io.c« 


#include "unixstat.h"
PGM(io,Control and Monitor Input and Output,5.1,5/15/85)
/* Copyright (c) 1982 Gary Perlman (see Copyright file) */

#define	MORE "/usr/ucb/more"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sgtty.h>

int 	Pipein;              /* is input being piped/redirected in? */
int 	Pipeout;             /* is output being piped/redirected out? */
#define Ttyin  (!Pipein)
#define Ttyout (!Pipeout)

int 	Flowmeter;           /* should the data flow through io be monitored? */
int 	Forceio;             /* force the overwriting of existing files? */
int 	Appendio;            /* should the data be appended to files? */

initial (argc, argv) char **argv;
	int 	C;
	int 	opterr = 0;
	struct	sgttyb	tty;
	extern	int 	optind;      /* set by getopt, is index of first file */
	Pipein = gtty (fileno (stdin), &tty);
	Pipeout = gtty (fileno (stdout), &tty);
	while ((C = getopt (argc, argv, "amf")) != EOF)
		switch (C)
			case 'a': Appendio = 1; break;
			case 'm': Flowmeter = 1; break;
			case 'f': Forceio = 1; break;
			default: opterr++; break;
	if (opterr)
		USAGE ([-amf] files)
	return (optind);

main (argc, argv) char **argv;
	int 	optind = initial (argc, argv);
	int 	nfiles = argc - optind;
	if (Pipein && Pipeout)		/* in the middle of a pipeline */
		if (nfiles == 0)
			Flowmeter = 1; /* automatically use as flowmeter, else useless */
			foutput (stdin, stdout); /* copy stdin to stdout */
			exit (0);
		else if (nfiles == 1)
			output (argc, argv, optind);
			ERRMSG0 (Can only copy output to one file)
	else if (Pipein && Ttyout)	/* at the end of the pipeline */
		if (nfiles == 0)
			ERRMSG0 (No file to output to)
		output (argc, argv, optind);
	else if (Ttyin)			/* at beginning of pipeline */
		if (nfiles == 0)
		if (Ttyout && Flowmeter)
			execv (MORE, argv);
			WARNING (No flowmeter for tty output)
			Flowmeter = 0;
		input (argc, argv, optind);
	exit (0);

foutput (in, out)
FILE *in, *out;
	char	*flowchrs = "=*#@$&+";
	char	flowchar = flowchrs[getpid () % 7];
	char	buffer[BUFSIZ];
	int 	nbytes;
	while ((nbytes = fread (buffer, 1, BUFSIZ, in)) == BUFSIZ)
		VOID fwrite (buffer, 1, BUFSIZ, out);
		if (Pipeout) VOID fwrite (buffer, 1, BUFSIZ, stdout);
		if (Flowmeter) putc (flowchar, stderr);
	VOID fwrite (buffer, 1, nbytes, out);
	if (Pipeout) VOID fwrite (buffer, 1, nbytes, stdout);
	if (Flowmeter) putc ('\n', stderr);

char *
directory (file)
char *file;
	static char dir[BUFSIZ];
	strcpy (dir, file);
	for (file = dir; *file; file++);
	while (file > dir && *(file-1) != '/') file--;
	if (file == dir) strcpy (dir, ".");
	else *file = '\0';
	return (dir);

output (argc, argv, optind)
int 	argc;
char	**argv;
int 	optind;
	char	tmp[50];
	char	*file;               /* full name of file to be processed */
	char	*filename;
	FILE	*ioptr;
	int 	nfiles = argc - optind;
	if (nfiles == 0)
		foutput (stdin, stdout);
		exit (0);
	if (nfiles >= 2)
		ERRMSG0 (Can only output to one file)
	file = argv[optind];
	if (access (file, 4) == 0) /* must create tmp file */
		if (access (file, 2) || access (directory (file), 2))
			/* must be able to overwrite file and directory */
			ERRMSG1 (Cannot overwrite %s, file)
		if (Forceio == 0)
			if (!confirm ("io: delayed safe overwrite of %s?", file))
				ERRMSG1 (Exiting to avoid overwriting %s, file)
		filename = file + strlen (file);
		while (filename > file && *(filename-1) != '/') filename--;
		VOID sprintf (tmp, "/tmp/%d%s", getpid (), filename);
		filename = tmp;
		if ((ioptr = fopen (filename, "w")) == NULL)
			ERROPEN (filename)
		filename = file;
		if ((ioptr = fopen (filename, "w")) == NULL)
			ERROPEN (filename)
	foutput (stdin, ioptr);
	VOID fclose (ioptr);
	if (filename == tmp)
		char	copycomm[100];
		VOID sprintf (copycomm, "cat %s %s %s", tmp, Appendio?">>":">", file);
		system (copycomm);
		unlink (tmp);
	exit (0);

input (argc, argv, optind)
int 	argc;
char	**argv;
int 	optind;
	int 	i;
	struct	stat statbuf;
	FILE	*ioptr;
	register int	C;
	long	size = 0, sofar = 0;
	for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
		if (stat (argv[i], &statbuf))
			ERROPEN (argv[i])
		else size += statbuf.st_size;
	size /= 10;
	for (i = optind; i < argc; i++)
		if ((ioptr = fopen (argv[i], "r")) == NULL)
			ERROPEN (argv[i])
		while ((C = getc (ioptr)) != EOF)
			putchar (C);
			if (Flowmeter && (++sofar%size == 0))
				fprintf (stderr, "%4D%%",10*sofar/size);
		VOID fclose (ioptr);
	if (Flowmeter) putc ('\n', stderr);
	exit (0);