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⟦f7e7113c0⟧ TextFile

    Length: 7864 (0x1eb8)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »history.scm.67«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/gnu-31mar87/scheme/scm/history.scm.67« 


;;; -*-Scheme-*-
;;;	Copyright (c) 1984 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
;;;	This material was developed by the Scheme project at the
;;;	Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of
;;;	Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.  Permission to
;;;	copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it for any
;;;	purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
;;;	understandings.
;;;	1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright
;;;	notice in full.
;;;	2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a)
;;;	to return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or
;;;	extensions that they make, so that these may be included in
;;;	future releases; and (b) to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of
;;;	this software.
;;;	3.  All materials developed as a consequence of the use of
;;;	this software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance
;;;	with the usual standards of acknowledging credit in academic
;;;	research.
;;;	4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the
;;;	operation of this software will be error-free, and MIT is
;;;	under no obligation to provide any services, by way of
;;;	maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;;	5.  In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
;;;	material, there shall be no use of the name of the
;;;	Massachusetts Institute of Technology nor of any adaptation
;;;	thereof in any advertising, promotional, or sales literature
;;;	without prior written consent from MIT in each case.

;;;; History Manipulation

(declare (usual-integrations))

(define max-subproblems 10)
(define max-reductions 5)
(define with-new-history)

(define history-package
  (make-package history-package
		  (make-primitive-procedure 'SET-CURRENT-HISTORY!))

		 ;; VERTEBRA abstraction.
		 (make-vertebra (make-primitive-procedure 'HUNK3-CONS))
		 (vertebra-rib system-hunk3-cxr0)
		 (deeper-vertebra system-hunk3-cxr1)
		 (shallower-vertebra system-hunk3-cxr2)
		 (set-vertebra-rib! system-hunk3-set-cxr0!)
		 (set-deeper-vertebra! system-hunk3-set-cxr1!)
		 (set-shallower-vertebra! system-hunk3-set-cxr2!)

		 ;; REDUCTION abstraction.
		 (make-reduction (make-primitive-procedure 'HUNK3-CONS))
		 (reduction-expression system-hunk3-cxr0)
		 (reduction-environment system-hunk3-cxr1)
		 (next-reduction system-hunk3-cxr2)
		 (set-reduction-expression! system-hunk3-set-cxr0!)
		 (set-reduction-environment! system-hunk3-set-cxr1!)
		 (set-next-reduction! system-hunk3-set-cxr2!)

(declare (compilable-primitive-functions
	  (make-vertebra hunk3-cons)
	  (vertebra-rib system-hunk3-cxr0)
	  (deeper-vertebra system-hunk3-cxr1)
	  (shallower-vertebra system-hunk3-cxr2)
	  (set-vertebra-rib! system-hunk3-set-cxr0!)
	  (set-deeper-vertebra! system-hunk3-set-cxr1!)
	  (set-shallower-vertebra! system-hunk3-set-cxr2!)
	  (make-reduction hunk3-cons)
	  (reduction-expression system-hunk3-cxr0)
	  (reduction-environment system-hunk3-cxr1)
	  (next-reduction system-hunk3-cxr2)
	  (set-reduction-expression! system-hunk3-set-cxr0!)
	  (set-reduction-environment! system-hunk3-set-cxr1!)
	  (set-next-reduction! system-hunk3-set-cxr2!)))

(define (marked-vertebra? vertebra)
  (object-dangerous? (deeper-vertebra vertebra)))

(define (mark-vertebra! vertebra)
  (set-deeper-vertebra! vertebra
                        (make-object-dangerous (deeper-vertebra vertebra))))

(define (unmark-vertebra! vertebra)
  (set-deeper-vertebra! vertebra
                        (make-object-safe (deeper-vertebra vertebra))))

(define (marked-reduction? reduction)
  (object-dangerous? (next-reduction reduction)))

(define (mark-reduction! reduction)
  (set-next-reduction! reduction
                       (make-object-dangerous (next-reduction reduction))))

(define (unmark-reduction! reduction)
  (set-next-reduction! reduction
                       (make-object-safe (next-reduction reduction))))

(define (link-vertebrae previous next)
  (set-deeper-vertebra! previous next)
  (set-shallower-vertebra! next previous))

;;;; History Initialization

(define (create-history depth width)
  (define (new-vertebra)
    (let ((head (make-reduction #!FALSE #!FALSE '())))
       (let reduction-loop ((n (-1+ width)))
	 (if (zero? n)
	     (make-reduction #!FALSE
			     (reduction-loop (-1+ n))))))
      (make-vertebra head '() '())))

  (cond ((disjunction (not (integer? depth))
		      (negative? depth))
	 (error "Invalid Depth" 'CREATE-HISTORY depth))
	((disjunction (not (integer? width))
		      (negative? width))
	 (error "Invalid Width" 'CREATE-HISTORY width))
	 (if (disjunction (zero? depth) (zero? width))
	     (sequence (set! depth 1) (set! width 1)))
	 (let ((head (new-vertebra)))
	   (let subproblem-loop ((n (-1+ depth))
				 (previous head))
	     (if (zero? n)
		 (link-vertebrae previous head)
		 (let ((next (new-vertebra)))
		   (link-vertebrae previous next)
		   (subproblem-loop (-1+ n) next))))

;;; The PUSH-HISTORY! accounts for the pop which happens after

(set! with-new-history
      (named-lambda (with-new-history thunk)
	 (let ((history (push-history! (create-history max-subproblems
	   (if (zero? max-subproblems)

	       ;; In this case, we want the history to appear empty,
	       ;; so when it pops up, there is nothing in it.

	       ;; Otherwise, record a dummy reduction, which will appear
	       ;; in the history.
		(record-evaluation-in-history! history
					       (scode-quote #!FALSE)
		(push-history! history)))))

;;;; Primitive History Operations
;;;  These operations mimic the actions of the microcode.
;;;  The history motion operations all return the new history.

(define (record-evaluation-in-history! history expression environment)
  (let ((current-reduction (vertebra-rib history)))
    (set-reduction-expression! current-reduction expression)
    (set-reduction-environment! current-reduction environment)))

(define (set-history-to-next-reduction! history)
  (let ((next-reduction (next-reduction (vertebra-rib history))))
    (set-vertebra-rib! history next-reduction)
    (unmark-reduction! next-reduction)

(define (push-history! history)
  (let ((deeper-vertebra (deeper-vertebra history)))
    (mark-vertebra! deeper-vertebra)
    (mark-reduction! (vertebra-rib deeper-vertebra))

(define (pop-history! history)
  (unmark-vertebra! history)
  (shallower-vertebra history))

;;;; Side-Effectless Examiners

(define (history-transform history)
  (let loop ((current history))
    (cons current
	  (if (marked-vertebra? current)
	      (cons (delay
		     (unfold-and-reverse-rib (vertebra-rib current)))
		     (let ((next (shallower-vertebra current)))
		       (if (eq? next history)
			   (loop next)))))

(define (unfold-and-reverse-rib rib)
  (let loop ((current (next-reduction rib))
	     (output 'WRAP-AROUND))
    (let ((step
	   (cons (list (reduction-expression current)
		       (reduction-environment current))
		 (if (marked-reduction? current)
      (if (eq? current rib)
	  (loop (next-reduction current)

(define the-empty-history
  (cons (vector-ref (get-fixed-objects-vector)
		    (fixed-objects-vector-slot 'DUMMY-HISTORY))

(define (history-superproblem history)
  (if (null? (cdr history))
      (force (cddr history))))

(define (history-reductions history)
  (if (null? (cdr history))
      (force (cadr history))))

(define (history-untransform history)
  (car history))

