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DKUUG/EUUG Conference tapes

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⟦ffb414fa0⟧ TextFile

    Length: 2548 (0x9f4)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »vartools.h«


└─⟦a0efdde77⟧ Bits:30001252 EUUGD11 Tape, 1987 Spring Conference Helsinki
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »EUUGD11/euug-87hel/sec1/image/vartools/vartools.h« 


    This is the header file for all the utilities supplied
    in the vartools library

    assumes that stdio.h has been included
#ifndef VARTOOLS_H
#define VARTOOLS_H

    This routine gets information from an iff file and constructs
    a var file from it
    comments is a null terminated string that sets up the
    comments for the var file
iff2var(/* FILE *iff_file, FILE *var_file, char *comments */);

    This routine gets information from a var file and constructs
    an iff file from it.
    This only works with graytone (integer) var files 
    To make a double var file into a graytone one use trunc
var2iff(/* FILE *var_file, FILE *iff_file */);

    This converts a file in ascii format to a double var file
    ascii format is 2 dimensions followed by an appropriate number
    of doubles followed by comments
    input is a file pointer to the input file
    output is a file pointer open for output
ascii2var(/* FILE *input , FILE *output */);

   This takes an initialized double image and outputs a file in ascii format
   described above
var2ascii(/* FILE *input, FILE *output , char *format */);

    Truncates a double image into a graytone (integer image)
    Takes two files and reads from one to write to the other
    comment is a comment to be placed on the image
trunc(/* FILE *infile , FILE *outfile, char *comment */);

    This takes an image file as input and creates another
    It takes every pixel of the image and multiplies it by the
    scale and then adds to it the increment.
scale(/* double scale, double increment, FILE *input, FILE *output, char * comment */);

    This routine takes in a file for the template and a file for the
    input and outputs a file for the result of correlating the template
    with the image.   It only gets values for points where the template
    lies entirely within the input image.
    Comment will be placed within the comments.
correlate(/* FILE *template_file, FILE *input_file, FILE *output_file, char *comment */);

    This code places an upper bound on the values of the pixels.
    If a pixel exceeds the bound it is set to the bound.
upper_bound(/* double bound, FILE * input_file, FILE * output_file, char *comment */);

    This code places an lower bound on the values of the pixels.
    If a pixel exceeds the bound it is set to the bound.
lower_bound(/* double bound, FILE * input_file, FILE * output_file, char *comment */);