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⟦0fc036dab⟧ TextFile

    Length: 19328 (0x4b80)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »BANNER.Z80«


└─⟦dd59903ef⟧ Bits:30005887 Klub diskette for udveksling af software
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »BANNER.Z80« 


;*							*
;*  Program to do BIG banners in a 12x7 matrix		*
;*  -----------------------------------------		*
;*   Barrie Hall  , 4th November 1982			*
;*   Macro-80 format for a Z80 CPU.			*
;*							*
;*							*
;*  Features:						*
;*		- Full 96 characters.			*
;*		- 12x7 matrix.				*
;*		- Lower case DESCENDERS.		*
;*		- Command tail OR Interactive mode.	*
;*							*
;*   This program prints banners on the CP/M console.	*
;*  To get the banner on your printer, use ^P before	*
;*  you use BANNER.					*
;*   The characters are stored as a series of 9 bytes	*
;*  which represent a 9x7 matrix, this matrix is shifted*
;*  down three rows for lower case descenders, if there	*
;*  are no descending chars in the current line, the	*
;*  program does three line feeds.			*
;*   For most chars, the fill charcater used is the 	*
;*  actual char itself, BUT some ('!"()æåÆÅ/) chars are	*
;*  illegible so the program will use an X IFF the char	*
;*  appears in the lookup table at the end of the prog.	*
;*							*
;*   If you type:					*
;*		A>banner hello fred			*
;*  ,the program will print the banner, HELLO FRED, in	*
;*  upper case on the console, (CP/M translates all char*
;*  in its command line to UPPER CASE.			*
;*  If you type:					*
;*		A>banner				*
;*  ,the program will give a prompt (>), now you can 	*
;* up to a thousand characters and as many lines as you	*
;* at up to 15 chars a line (limit with 15" paper).	*
;*  When you have finished your message, type 'Ø' on a	*
;* line by it's self (i.e. >Ø ). The program will banner*
;* print the lines you have typed in.			*
;*							*
;*			   Barrie Hall, 15th Nov 82	*
;*							*
;* Please send bugs, comments, abuse etc to: 		*
;*							*
;*		Sydney RCPM on (02)997-1836		*
;*		OR verabally on (02)80-2200		*
;*							*
;*   All commercial rights reservered by author.	*
;*	(c) 1982					*
;*							*

	org	0100h
lines	equ	12
fdos	equ	0005h
fcb	equ	005ch
fcbcr	equ	fcb+32
cmdbuf	equ	80h	   ;cpm command line tail
true	equ	0
false	equ	not true	;a lie???
cr	equ	0dh
lf	equ	0ah

;This routine prints the CP/M command tail as a 9x7 banner
;on the console OR gets lines from console and buffer them
;up until we get a Ø on a line by itself.

; The format is 9 lines by 7 columns, the columns are the
;Bits in the byte, each byte represents a line of the char.
; SO we scan a byte for each char in each line.
	ld	(stack),sp
	ld	sp,dtem		;space for stack
;dont print leading spaces in the command tail
	ld	a,(cmdbuf)	;length byte
	cp	0
	jr	z,inter1	;no command line, give prom
	add	a,81h		;address of last+1 char
	ld	h,0
	ld	l,a
	ld	(hl),00		;so prog terminates!!
	ld	hl,cmdbuf+1
nxtf::	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	cp	' '
	jr	z,nxtf
	cp	09h
	jr	z,nxtf
	cp	00h
	jp	z,gsys		;no message
	dec	hl
	ld	(messg),hl
	call	bigchar	
	ld	sp,(stack)	;restore stack and
	ret			;go to the CCP.
;interactive mode, give a prompt and read a line, store
;it in the buffer and get another line from the console.
;if the first char on the line is slosh 'Ø', go and print
;the buffer in banner format and return to CP/M.

	ld	hl,bffer
	ld	(bptr),hl
	call	crlf
dff::	ld	e,'>'
	call	cout
	ld	a,15	;max char with 130 columns
	ld	(80h),a
	ld	de,80h
	call	lchin
	ld	a,(81h)
	ld	b,a
	cp	0
	jr	z,inter2	;no chars typed...
;move what was typed to the main buffer and zero terminate
	ld	a,(82h)
	cp	'Ø'		;terminate??
	jr	z,prt44		;go and print the buffer
	ld	a,b
	ld	de,(bptr)	;get pointer to main text
	push	de		; for later
	push	af		;set up block move
	ld	c,a		;length
	ld	b,0
	ld	hl,82h		;first byte of text
	ldir			;block move to the main buffer
	pop	af
	pop	hl
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
	add	hl,bc		;update buffer pointer
	ld	(hl),0		;zero terminate
	inc	hl
	ld	(bptr),hl
	jr	inter2		;do again

	ld	hl,(bptr)
	ld	(hl),0ffh	;message terminate
;now, print a line at a time , when there is an 0ffh after
;a zero(end of line), return to CP/M
	ld	hl,bffer
	ld	(messg),hl
	push	hl
	call	bigchar		;do one line.
	pop	hl
zrlp::	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	cp	0
	jr	nz,zrlp
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0ffh
	jr	nz,nxmss1
;else exit to cpm
	ld	sp,(stack)

; this routine prints out the banner line
;using the data table. The chars come from the CP/M
;command tail OR the interactive data buffer.

	ld	a,false
	ld	(desflg),a
	ld	b,0	;line ZERO
	ld	ix,(messg)
	ld	a,(ix)
	inc	ix
	cp	00
	jr	z,nxtln
	cp	' '
	jr	z,spce
	cp	09h
	jr	z,spce
	push	bc
;check for lower case descenders
	cp	'g'
	jr	z,des
	cp	'j'
	jr	z,des
	cp	'p'
	jr	z,des
	cp	'q'
	jr	z,des
	cp	'y'
	jr	z,des
	ld	d,a
	ld	a,b
	cp	9
	jr	c,nwrs
	ld	a,(desflg)
	cp	true
	jr	nz,ext11	;no descenders
	jr	spps		;do some lf's and leave.
nwrs::	ld	a,d
bopo::	call	biglne
	pop	bc
	jr	nxtchr
;set descenders this line flag
;and print 7 spaces if line < 3
	ld	d,a
	ld	a,true
	ld	(desflg),a
	ld	a,b
	sub	3
	cp	0
	ld	b,a
	jp	m,spps
	ld	a,d
	jr	bopo
	ld	e,' '
	ld	b,9
	call	cout
	djnz	spss1
	jr	aftr

	inc	b
	ld	a,b
	cp	lines	;12 lines
	jr	z,gsys
	call	crlf
	jr	netlin

	push	bc
	ld	b,9
	ld	e,' '
	call	cout
	djnz	spc11
	pop	bc
	jr	nxtchr

;do 3 crslfs and go to CP/M
	pop	bc
	ld	b,3
	call	crlf
	djnz	lflop
	ld	e,cr
	call	cout

;this routine prints out line N of char in A reg on the

;work out mask for matrix from 01 to 80
	ld	(chr),a
	sub	21h
	ret	m
;line number is passed in B reg
;multiply A by 9 to get offset, add base address
;9A can be up to 1192 (lots) so use 16 bit arith
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,0
	push	hl
	pop	de
	add	hl,hl		;x2
	add	hl,hl		;x4
	add	hl,hl		;x8
	add	hl,de		;+1=9
	ld	de,graf		;add table offset
	add	hl,de
	ld	c,b		;byte offset THIS LINE
	ld	b,0
	add	hl,bc	;got address of byte for this line
;now move the AND mask through the LINE byte and print
;out the chars and spaces.
	ld	a,(hl)	;byte for line number B.
	ld	d,a	;remeber A reg
	ld	b,7
	ld	c,40h	;initial mask
	ld	a,d
	push	hl
	push	bc
	and	c
	jr	z,blk
	ld	a,(chr)		;decide between an 'X'
	ld	hl,lup1
	ld	b,lup2-lup1	;length of look up table
	cp	(hl)
	inc	hl
	jr	z,xxss		;its in table of bad print chrs
	djnz	lupps
;not in table print it verbatim (hope not!)
	ld	e,a
	call	cout		;matrix fill char.
ljj::	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	srl	c
	djnz	chrpp
	ld	e,' '	;inter..
	call	cout	;character..
	call	cout	;spacing..
	ld	e,'X'
	call	cout
	jr	ljj
	ld	e,' '
	call	cout
	jr	ljj

;cpm routines

crlf:	ld	e,0ah
	call	cout
	ld	e,0dh
	call	cout
cout:	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,2
	jr	cpm
chin:	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl	
	ld	c,1	
	jr	cpm
lchin::	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,10
	jr	cpm

pmess::	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,9
	jr	cpm

open::	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,15		;open cp/m file code
	jr	cpm

read::	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,20		;read cp/m file code.
	jr	cpm

	push	bc
	push	de
	push	hl
	ld	c,26		;set dma address code.
	jr	cpm

cpm::	call	fdos		;go to cp/m
	pop	hl		;restore all registers pushed
	pop	de
	pop	bc
	ret			;back to the main program

;table for the Banner characters....
;1 byte per line - 9 lines per character

	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0100100b
	db	0100100b
	db	0100100b
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0010100b
	db	0010100b
	db	0010100b
	db	1111111b
	db	0010100b
	db	1111111b
	db	0010100b
	db	0010100b
	db	0010100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0111111b
	db	1001000b
	db	1001000b
	db	0111110b
	db	0001001b
	db	0001001b
	db	1111110b
	db	0001000b
	db	0100000b
	db	1010001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000101b
	db	0000010b
	db	0111000b
	db	1000100b
	db	1000100b
	db	0101000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0101001b
	db	1000110b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111001b
	db	0001100b
	db	0001100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0,0,0,0,0
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	1001001b
	db	0101010b
	db	0011100b
	db	1111111b
	db	0011100b
	db	0101010b
	db	1001001b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	1111111b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0,0,0,0
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0
	db	0,0,0,0
	db	1111111b
	db	0,0,0,0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0
	db	0000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000011b
	db	1000101b
	db	1001001b
	db	1010001b
	db	1100001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	0001000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0101000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0111110b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0011100b
	db	0100000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111111b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	0011110b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000110b
	db	0001010b
	db	0010010b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1111111b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	0011110b
	db	0100000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111111b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0,0,0
	db	0111110b
	db	0
	db	0111110b
	db	0,0,0
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0011110b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000110b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0001000b
	db	0011110b
	db	0100001b
	db	1001101b
	db	1010101b
	db	1010101b
	db	1011110b
	db	1000000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0011110b
	db	0011100b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1111110b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0111110b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	1111110b
	db	0011110b
	db	0100001b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0100001b
	db	0011110b
	db	1111100b
	db	0100010b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0100010b
	db	1111100b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000000b
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	db	1111000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111111b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000000b
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	db	1000000b
	db	1111000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0011110b
	db	0100001b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1001111b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100001b
	db	0011110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0111110b
	db	0011111b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	1000100b
	db	0111000b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000100b
	db	1001000b
	db	1010000b
	db	1101000b
	db	1000100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
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	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111111b
	db	1000001b
	db	1100011b
	db	1010101b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
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	db	1100001b
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	db	1000101b
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	db	0011100b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0011100b
	db	1111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1111110b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0011100b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1000101b
	db	0100010b
	db	0011101b
	db	1111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1111110b
	db	1001000b
	db	1000100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0111110b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	1111111b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0100010b
	db	0010100b
	db	0010100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1010101b
	db	1100011b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0010100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010100b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0010100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	1111111b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1111111b

	db	0111100b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0111100b
	db	0000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000001b
	db	0000000b
	db	0111100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0111100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010100b
	db	0100010b
	db	1000001b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	db	1111111b
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0,0,0,0,0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0111100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0111110b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111101b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1011100b
	db	1100010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1100010b
	db	1011100b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0111100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0111010b
	db	1000110b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111010b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0111100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1111110b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0111100b
	db	0001100b
	db	0010010b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	1111100b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0111010b
	db	1000110b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1011100b
	db	1100010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0
	db	0001000b
	db	0	
	db	0011000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0011100b
	db	0000110b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b	
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0100010b
	db	0011100b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000100b
	db	1001000b
	db	1010000b
	db	1101000b
	db	1000100b
	db	1000010b
	db	0011000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0011100b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1110110b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1011100b
	db	1100010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0111100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	1011100b
	db	1100010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1100010b
	db	1011100b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0111010b
	db	1000110b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000011b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1011100b
	db	1100010b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	1000000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0111100b
	db	1000010b
	db	0110000b
	db	0001100b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	0
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	1111100b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010010b
	db	0001100b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111010b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	1000001b
	db	0100010b
	db	0010100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1000001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	1001001b
	db	0110110b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1000010b
	db	0100100b
	db	0011000b
	db	0011000b
	db	0100100b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	1000110b
	db	0111010b
	db	0000010b
	db	1000010b
	db	0111100b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
	db	1111110b
	db	0000100b
	db	0001000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	1111110b
	db	0001110b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0100000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0010000b
	db	0001110b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0001000b
	db	0
	db	0111000b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000010b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0000100b
	db	0111000b
	db	0110000b
	db	1001001b
	db	0000110b
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0

	db	0
	db	0
	db	0
;these are chars which dont show up very well if they are
;typed in the banner as themselves, SO we use an 'X' to
;make up the matrix instead.
lup1::	db	'!','"','%','.',';',',','/','Ø','`','*'
	db	'(',')','ü','^','ø',':',27h,'-','='
;dummy label
	dw	0080h
stack::	dw	0000h	;temp for CCP stack pointer
chr::	db	0
	db	false
bptr::	dw	bffer
bffer::	ds	1000
dtem	equ	$+64	;stack space
