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⟦440c42742⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3840 (0xf00)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »SDIV16.MAC«


└─⟦01b5c9619⟧ Bits:30005906 Microsoft Multiplan v1.05 og HELP
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »SDIV16.MAC« 


;	Title		16-bit Division
;	Name:		SDIV16, UDIV16
;	Purpose:	SDIV16
;			  Divide two sigend 16-bit words and return a
;			  16-bit signed quotient and remainder
;			UDIV16
;			  Divide two unsigned 16-bit words and return a
;			  16-bit unsigned quotient and remainder
;	Entry:		Register HL = Dividend
;			Register DE = Divisor
;	Exit:		Register HL = Quotient
;			Register DE = Remainder
;			If no errors then
;			  carry := 0
;			else
;			  divise-by-zero error
;			  carry := 1
;			  quotient := 0
;			  remainder := 0
;	Registers used:	AF,BC,DE,HL
;	Time:		Approximately 1770 to 2340 cycles
;	Size:		Program 108 bytes
;			Data      3 bytes
;	Signed division
	;Determine sign of quotient by exclusive oring high bytes
	; of dividend and divisor. Quotient is positive if signs
	; are the same, negative if signs different
	;Remainder has same sign as dividend
	ld	a,h		;Get the high byte of dividend
	ld	(srem),a	;save as sign of remainder
	xor	d		;Exclusive or with high byte of divisor
	ld	(squot),a	;Save sign of quotient

	;Take absolute value of divisor

	ld	a,d
	or	a
	jp	p,chkde		;Jump if divisor is positive
	sub	a		;Subtract divisor from zero
	sub	e
	ld	e,a
	sbc	a,a		;propagate borrow (a=ff if borrow)
	sub	d
	ld	d,a

	;Take absolute value of dividend
	ld	a,h
	or	a
	jp	p,dodiv		;Jump if dividend is positive
	sub	a		;subtract dividend from zero
	sub	l
	ld	l,a
	sbc	a,a		;Propagate borrow (a=ff if borrow)
	sub	h
	ld	h,a

	;Divide absolute values
	call	udiv16
	ret	c		;Exit if divide by zero

	;Negate quotient if it is negative
	ld	a,(squot)
	or	a
	jp	p,dorem		;Jump if quotient is positive
	sub	a		;Subtract quotient from zero
	sub	l
	ld	l,a
	sbc	a,a		;Propagate borrow (a=ff if borrow)
	sub	h
	ld	h,a

	;Negate remainder if it is negative
	ld	a,(srem)
	or	a
	ret	p		;Return if remainder is positive
	sub	a		;Subtract remainder from zero
	sub	e
	ld	e,a
	sbc	a,a		;Propagate borrow (a=ff if borrow)
	sub	d
	ld	d,a

	;Unsigned division
	;Check for division by zero
	ld	a,e
	or	d
	jr	nz,divide	;Branch if divisor is non-zero
	ld	hl,0		;divide by zero error
	ld	d,h
	ld	e,l

	ld	c,l		;C = Low byte of dividend/quotient
	ld	a,h		;A = High byte of dividend/quotient
	ld	hl,0		;HL = Remainder
	ld	b,16		;16 bits in dividend
	or	a		;Clear carry to start

	;Shift next bit of quotient into bit 0 of dividend
	;Shift next most significant bit of dividend into
	; least significant bit of remainder
	;BC holds both dividend and quotient. While we shift a
	; bit from msb of dividend, we shift next bit of quotient
	; in from carry
	;HL holds remainder
	;Do a 32-bit left shift, shifting
	; carry to C, C to A,A to L, L to H
	rl	c		;Carry (next bit of quotient) to bit 0
	rla			; shift remaining bytes
	rl	l
	rl	h		;Clears carry since HL was 0

	;If remainder is greater than or equal to divisor, next
	; bit of quotient is 1. This bit goes to carry
	push	hl		;Save current remainder
	sbc	hl,de		;Subtract divisor from remainder
	ccf			;Complement borrow so 1 indicates
				; a successful subtraction
				; (This is next bit of quotient)
	jr	c,drop		;Jump if remainder >= dividend
	ex	(sp),hl		;Otherwise restore remainder
	inc	sp		;Drop remainder from top of stack
	inc	sp
	djnz	dvloop		;Continue until all bits done

	;Shift last carry bit into quotient
	ex	de,hl		;DE = Remainder
	rl	c		;Carry to C
	ld	l,c		;L = low byte of quotient
	ld	h,a		;H = high byte of quotient
	or	a		;Clear carry, valid result

squot:	ds	1		;Sign of quotient
srem:	ds	1		;Sign of remainder
count:	ds	1		;Divide loop counter
