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Jet Computer Jet80

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⟦80d2ad6f8⟧ TextFile

    Length: 3328 (0xd00)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »POS.MAC«


└─⟦01b5c9619⟧ Bits:30005906 Microsoft Multiplan v1.05 og HELP
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »POS.MAC« 


;	Title		Find the position of a substring on a string
;	Name:		POS
;	Purpose:	Search for the first occurrence of a substring
;			within a string and return its starting index.
;			If the substring is not found a 0 is returned.
;	Entry:		Register pair HL = base address of string
;			Register pair DE = base address of substring
;			  A string is a maximum of 255 bytes long plus
;			  a lenght byte witch precdes it.
;	Exit:		If the substring is found then
;			  Register A = its starting index
;			else
;			  Register A = 0
;	Registers used:	AF,BC,DE,HL
;	Time:		Since the algorithm is so data-dependent,
;			a simple formula is impossible; but the
;			following statements are true, and a
;			worst case is given.
;			154 bytes overhead
;			Each match of 1 character takes 56 cycles
;			a mismatch takes 148 cycles
;			worst case timing will be when the
;			string and substring always match
;			except for the last character of the
;			substring, such as
;			  string = 'AAAAAAAAAB'
;			  substring = 'AAB'
;	Size:		Program 69 bytes
;			Data	 7 bytes
	;Set up temporaries
	;Exit if string of substring has zero length
	ld	(string),hl	;Save string address
	ex	de,hl
	ld	a,(hl)		;Test length of substring
	or	a
	jr	z,notfnd	;Exit if length of substring = 0
	inc	hl		;Move past length byte of substring
	ld	(substg),hl	;Save substring address
	ld	(sublen),a
	ld	c,a		;C = substring length
	ld	a,(de)		;Test length of string
	or	a
	jr	z,notfnd	;Exit if length of string = 0

	;Number of searches = string length - substring length
	;  + 1. After that, no use searching since there aren't
	;  enough characters left to hold substring
	;If substring is ower than string. Exit immedialy and
	;  indicate substring not found
	sub	c		;A = string length - substring length
	jr	c,notfnd	;Exit if string shorter than substring
	inc	a		;Count = difference in lenghts + 1
	ld	b,a
	sub	a		;Initial starting index = 0
	ld	(index),a

	;Search until remaining string shorter than substring
	ld	hl,index	;Increment starting index
	inc	(hl)
	ld	hl,sublen	;C = length of substring
	ld	c,(hl)
	ld	hl,(string)	;Incerment to next byte of string
	inc	hl
	ld	(string),hl	;HL = next address in string
	ld	de,(substg)	;DE = starting value of substring

	;Try to match substring starting at index
	;match involves comparing corresponding characters
	;  one at a time
	ld	a,(de)		;Get a character of substring
	cp	(hl)		;Compare to character of string
	jr	nz,slp2		;Jump if not same
	dec	c
	jr	z,found		;Jump if substring found
	inc	hl		;Proceed to next characters
	inc	de
	jr	cmplp

	;Arrive here if match fails, substring not yet found
	djnz	slp1		;Try next higher index if
				;  enough string left
	jr	notfnd		;Else exit not found

	;Found substring, return starting index
	ld	a,(index)	;Substring found, A = starting index

	;Could not find substring, return 0 as index
	sub	a		;Substring not found, A = 0

string:	ds	2		;Base address of string
substg:	ds	2		;Base address of substring
slen:	ds	1		;Length of string
sublen:	ds	1		;Length of substring
index:	ds	1		;Current index into string
