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Length: 3712 (0xe80) Types: TextFile Names: »GETNUMS.P«
└─⟦dd59903ef⟧ Bits:30005887 Klub diskette for udveksling af software └─ ⟦this⟧ »GETNUMS.P«
PROCEDURE getnums(VAR wrd: wrdarray; nwrds: byte; VAR nmbr: numarray; VAR n: byte); æ +------------------------------------------------------------+ øWRITTEN FOR ZUG USE. PASCAL Z, version 4.0 ø øBY Clif Kinne DATE: 12/15/82 ø ø ø øPURPOSE This procedure will convert an array of numeric ø ø strings into an array of integers. It was designedø ø as an adjunct to the procedure, READCMD. ø ø ø øCALL: Getnums(name,nargs,num,numct); - typical ø ø ø øACCEPTS: 1. An array, WRD, of strings, such as the output ø ø array returned by READCMD. ø ø 2. The number, NWRDS, of non-dummy members of WRD.ø ø ø øRETURNS: 1. A new array, NMBR, of the integer values of allø ø input strings which begin with a digit or a ø ø minus sign. ø ø 2. The number, N, of members of this array, NMBR. ø ø ø øGLOBALS CONST maxword = max digits allowed in WRDÆiÅ ø øREQUIRED TYPE wrdtype = string maxword; ø ø wrdarray = ARRAYÆ1..maxargsÅ OF wrdtype; ø ø numarray = ARRAYÆ1..maxargsÅ OF INTEGER; ø ø byte = 0..255; ø ø FUNCTION ctoi (buf: wrdtype; i: INTEGER): INTEGER; ø +------------------------------------------------------------+ .paå VAR i : byte; FUNCTION ctoi ( buf: wrdtype; i: INTEGER ): INTEGER; æ$R-å LABEL 1; VAR ch : char; sign, æ for signed number å val :INTEGER; BEGIN æ------------------------------ctoi-------------------------------å val := 0; sign := 1; IF bufÆiÅ = '-' THEN BEGIN sign := -1; i := i + 1 END; ch := bufÆiÅ; WHILE ch IN Æ'0'..'9'Å DO BEGIN æ CHECK INTEGER WILL BE WITHIN RANGE 0..MAXINT å IF ( val<3276 ) OR ((val=3276) AND (ch<'8')) THEN val := val * 10 + ORD(ch) - 48 æord('0')å ELSE BEGIN val := maxint; æ overflow å WRITELN(' ':5,'Numeric arguments may not exceed +/- 32767.'); WRITELN; æEXITå GOTO 1 END; i := i + 1; ch := bufÆiÅ æTHIS CAN GIVE "OUT OF RANGE" ERRORS IF "$R-" ISå ENDæwhileå; æ OMITTEDå 1: ctoi := val * sign æ$R+å END; æ------------------------------ctoi-------------------------------å BEGIN æ-----------------------------getnums-------------------------------å n := 0; FOR i := 1 TO nwrds DO IF wrdÆi,1Å IN Æ'-','0'..'9'Å THEN BEGIN n := n + 1; nmbrÆnÅ := ctoi(wrdÆiÅ,1); END; END; æ-----------------------------getnums-------------------------------å «eof»