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Length: 16512 (0x4080) Types: TextFile Names: »INSTCRT.PAS«
└─⟦b6ad1e534⟧ Bits:30002857 COMPAS-80 V3.03 for JET80 CP/M └─ ⟦this⟧ »INSTCRT.PAS«
PROCEDURE CRT; VAR CH: CHAR; PROCEDURE EDITCRT; CONST PA1: STR36 = 'A. Screen width (in characters)...: '; PB1: STR36 = 'B. Screen height (in lines).......: '; PC1: STR36 = 'C. GOTOXY lead-in sequence........: '; PD1: STR36 = 'D. GOTOXY separator sequence......: '; PE1: STR36 = 'E. GOTOXY terminator sequence.....: '; PF1: STR36 = 'F. Line before column (YES/NO)....: '; PG1: STR36 = 'G. Coordinate offset..............: '; PH1: STR36 = 'H. Coordinate format (0/2/3)......: '; PA2: STR36 = 'A. CLRHOM sequence................: '; PB2: STR36 = 'B. CLREOS sequence................: '; PC2: STR36 = 'C. CLREOL sequence................: '; PD2: STR36 = 'D. INSLIN sequence................: '; PE2: STR36 = 'E. DELLIN sequence................: '; PF2: STR36 = 'F. RVSON sequence.................: '; PG2: STR36 = 'G. RVSOFF sequence................: '; VAR SEC: INTEGER; CH,MC,FIRST,LAST: CHAR; PROCEDURE HELPS; BEGIN WRITELN('Character sequences are entered as sequences of hex values be-'); WRITELN('tween 00 and FF. Each hex value must be separated from the sur-'); WRITELN('rounding ones by at least one blank. To enter an empty sequence'); WRITELN('simply enter a blank line.'); WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE HELP1; BEGIN WRITELN('All fields on this submenu must be filled in for COMPAS to ope-'); WRITELN('rate correctly. Note however that if you install a user written'); WRITELN('machine code driver for GOTOXY, fields C-H are ignored.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('SCREEN WIDTH. This field defines the number of characters per'); WRITELN('line on your video display. If the display scrolls when writing'); WRITELN('a character to the bottom right character position, then specify'); WRITELN('the screen width less one.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('SCREEN HEIGHT. This field defines the number of lines per screen'); WRITELN('on your video display. Always specify the exact value.'); WRITELN; HELPS; PRESSRETURN; WRITELN('GOTOXY LEAD-IN SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent prior to'); WRITELN('the coordinates. The maximum length is 8.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('GOTOXY SEPARATOR SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent between'); WRITELN('the coordinates. The maximum length is 4.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('GOTOXY TERMINATOR SEQUENCE. The character sequence sent after'); WRITELN('the coordinates. The maximum length is 4.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('LINE BEFORE COLUMN. This field should be set to YES if your'); WRITELN('video display requires the line coordinate (Y) to be sent'); WRITELN('before the column coordinate (X). Otherwise it should be set'); WRITELN('to NO.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; WRITELN('COORDINATE OFFSET. This field defines the value (in decimal)'); WRITELN('to be added to the coordinates before they are transmitted.'); WRITELN('If the coordinate format (see below) is 0, then 32 is normally'); WRITELN('used. If the coordinate format is 2 or 3, then 0 or 1 is nor-'); WRITELN('mally used.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('COORDINATE FORMAT. A value of 0 in this field indicates that'); WRITELN('the coordinates are to be transmitted as single bytes using'); WRITELN('binary format. Other values (2 or 3) indicate that the coor-'); WRITELN('dinates are to be transmitted as decimal character strings of'); WRITELN('2 or 3 characters.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; PROCEDURE HELP2; BEGIN HELPS; WRITELN('CLRHOM SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears the screen'); WRITELN('and returns the cursor to the top left corner. The maximum'); WRITELN('is 8. This function sequence must be specified for COMPAS to'); WRITELN('operate correctly'); WRITELN; WRITELN('All of the following function sequences are optional. The maxi-'); WRITELN('mum length is 8 for all sequences.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('CLREOS SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears all charac-'); WRITELN('ter positions from the cursor to the end of the screen.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; WRITELN('CLREOL SEQUENCE. The function sequence which clears all charac-'); WRITELN('ter positions from the cursor to the end of the current line.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('INSLIN SEQUENCE. The function sequence which scrolls the current'); WRITELN('line, and all lines below it, down, and clears the current line.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('DELLIN SEQUENCE. The function sequence which deletes the current'); WRITELN('line, and scrolls up all lines below it, with a blank line ap-'); WRITELN('pearing at the bottom. The maximum length is 8.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('RVSON SEQUENCE. The function sequence which turns on reverse vi-'); WRITELN('deo (or increased intensity). If this function is specified, the'); WRITELN('editor will use it to highlight the status line.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('RVSOFF SEQUENCE. The function sequence which turns off the at-'); WRITELN('tribute activated by the sequence above.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; BEGIN (*EDITCRT*) SEC:=1; WITH DATA DO REPEAT WRITELN('CRT CONFIGURATION TABLE (SECTION ',SEC,'):'); WRITELN; CASE SEC OF 1: BEGIN WRITELN(PA1,WIDTH); WRITELN(PB1,HEIGHT); WRITELN(PC1,HEXSEQ(GXYLS)); WRITELN(PD1,HEXSEQ(GXYSS)); WRITELN(PE1,HEXSEQ(GXYTS)); WRITELN(PF1,YESNO(255-COLB4LIN)); WRITELN(PG1,COOROFS); WRITELN(PH1,COORFMT); END; 2: BEGIN WRITELN(PA2,HEXSEQ(CLHS)); WRITELN(PB2,HEXSEQ(CESS)); WRITELN(PC2,HEXSEQ(CELS)); WRITELN(PD2,HEXSEQ(ILNS)); WRITELN(PE2,HEXSEQ(DLNS)); WRITELN(PF2,HEXSEQ(RONS)); WRITELN(PG2,HEXSEQ(ROFS)); END; END; WRITELN; IF (SEC=1) AND (VGXY<>0) THEN BEGIN WRITELN('User written driver for GOTOXY.'); WRITELN; END; WRITELN('Press RETURN to view more'); WRITELN; IF SEC=1 THEN MC:='H' ELSE MC:='G'; CH:=SELECT('Edit(A-'+MC+'), All(Z), Exit(X), Help(Y)', Æ'A'..MC,'Z','X','Y',^MÅ); IF CH=^M THEN SEC:=3-SEC ELSE BEGIN IF CH='Z' THEN BEGIN FIRST:='A'; LAST:=MC; END ELSE BEGIN FIRST:=CH; LAST:=CH; END; FOR CH:=FIRST TO LAST DO CASE SEC OF 1: CASE CH OF 'A': BEGIN WRITE(PA1); WIDTH:=READNUM(40,255); END; 'B': BEGIN WRITE(PB1); HEIGHT:=READNUM(8,255); END; 'C': BEGIN WRITE(PC1); GXYLS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'D': BEGIN WRITE(PD1); GXYSS:=READSEQ(4); END; 'E': BEGIN WRITE(PE1); GXYTS:=READSEQ(4); END; 'F': BEGIN WRITE(PF1); COLB4LIN:=255-READYN; END; 'G': BEGIN WRITE(PG1); COOROFS:=READNUM(0,255); END; 'H': BEGIN WRITE(PH1); COORFMT:=READNUM(0,3); END; 'Y': HELP1; END; 2: CASE CH OF 'A': BEGIN WRITE(PA2); CLHS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'B': BEGIN WRITE(PB2); CESS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'C': BEGIN WRITE(PC2); CELS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'D': BEGIN WRITE(PD2); ILNS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'E': BEGIN WRITE(PE2); DLNS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'F': BEGIN WRITE(PF2); RONS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'G': BEGIN WRITE(PG2); ROFS:=READSEQ(8); END; 'Y': HELP2; END; END; IF CH IN Æ'A'..MCÅ THEN WRITELN; END; UNTIL CH='X'; END; PROCEDURE EDITUWD; VAR CH: CHAR; FUNCTION VECTOR(A: INTEGER): STR12; BEGIN IF A=0 THEN VECTOR:='Unconfigured' ELSE VECTOR:=HEX(A,4); END; FUNCTION READVECT(OKZERO: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; VAR V,E: INTEGER; S: STR4; BEGIN REPEAT BUFLEN:=4; READ(S); IF (S='') AND OKZERO THEN BEGIN V:=0; E:=0; END ELSE BEGIN VAL('$'+S,V,E); IF E=0 THEN IF (V<$1A5) OR (V>$3A4) THEN E:=1; IF E>0 THEN BACKSP(LEN(S)); END; UNTIL E=0; WRITELN; READVECT:=V; END; PROCEDURE EDITPATCH; VAR CH: CHAR; I,J,C: INTEGER; PROCEDURE MODIFYDATA; VAR AD,D,E: INTEGER; S: STR4; BEGIN WRITE('Start address: '); AD:=READVECT(FALSE)-$1A5; WRITELN; WITH DATA DO REPEAT WRITE(HEX(AD+$1A5,4),HEX(PATCHÆADÅ,2):3,': '); REPEAT BUFLEN:=2; READ(S); IF (S<>'') AND (S<>'.') THEN BEGIN VAL('$'+S,D,E); IF E>0 THEN BACKSP(LEN(S)) ELSE PATCHÆADÅ:=D; END ELSE E:=0; UNTIL E=0; WRITELN; AD:=AD+1; UNTIL (S='.') OR (AD=512); WRITELN; END; PROCEDURE HELP; BEGIN WRITELN('The user patch area is 512 bytes long and starts in memory at'); WRITELN('address 1A5H. The patch area may actually be used to store'); WRITELN('anything, but normally it is used to install user written'); WRITELN('drivers for terminals that do not support the GOTOXY function.'); WRITELN('Furthermore, you may in this area install drivers to do the'); WRITELN('basic inputting and outputting of characters from and to I/O'); WRITELN('devices.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('When you select the M (modify) function from the menu, you must'); WRITELN('first specify the start offset (in hex). This offset must of'); WRITELN('course be an offset within the patch area, i.e. an offset bet-'); WRITELN('ween 1A5H and 3A4H. You are then allowed to view and/or modify'); WRITELN('one byte at a time. To leave a byte unchanged, just enter a'); WRITELN('blank line. To change it to a new value, enter the value in hex.'); WRITELN('To end, enter a period.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; BEGIN (*EDITPATCH*) C:=0; WITH DATA DO REPEAT WRITELN('CONTENTS OF USER PATCH AREA:'); WRITELN; FOR I:=C TO C+7 DO BEGIN WRITE(HEX(I*16+$1A5,4),' '); FOR J:=0 TO 15 DO WRITE(HEX(PATCHÆI*16+JÅ,2):3); WRITELN; END; WRITELN; WRITELN('Press RETURN to view more'); WRITELN; CH:=SELECT('Modify(M), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'M','X','Y',^MÅ); CASE CH OF 'M': MODIFYDATA; 'Y': HELP; ^M: C:=(C+8) MOD 32; END; UNTIL CH='X'; END; PROCEDURE EDITADDR; CONST PA: STR36 = 'A. GOTOXY address.................: '; PB: STR36 = 'B. Console status address.........: '; PC: STR36 = 'C. Console input address..........: '; PD: STR36 = 'D. Console output address.........: '; PE: STR36 = 'E. List output address............: '; PF: STR36 = 'F. Auxiliary output address.......: '; PG: STR36 = 'G. Auxiliary input address........: '; VAR CH: CHAR; PROCEDURE HELP; BEGIN WRITELN('The user driver addresses define the entry points of the user'); WRITELN('written terminal drivers within the user patch area. When a'); WRITELN('GOTOXY driver address is defined (i.e. when the address is not'); WRITELN('in its "unconfigured" state), it automatically overrides the'); WRITELN('corresponding fields in the configuration table. When an I/O'); WRITELN('driver is installed, it automatically overrides the correspon-'); WRITELN('ding BIOS function call driver.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('Before defining a driver address you should install the driver'); WRITELN('in the user patch area (to do that, quit this menu, and use'); WRITELN('function 1 in the next menu).'); WRITELN; WRITELN('To activate a driver, simply enter the address (in hex) of the'); WRITELN('driver. To deactivate it again, enter a blank line instead of an'); WRITELN('address.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; BEGIN (*EDITADDR*) WITH DATA DO REPEAT WRITELN('USER WRITTEN DRIVER ADDRESSES:'); WRITELN; WRITELN(PA,VECTOR(VGXY)); WRITELN(PB,VECTOR(VLCS)); WRITELN(PC,VECTOR(VLCI)); WRITELN(PD,VECTOR(VLCO)); WRITELN(PE,VECTOR(VLLO)); WRITELN(PF,VECTOR(VLAO)); WRITELN(PG,VECTOR(VLAI)); WRITELN; CH:=SELECT('Edit(A-G), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'A'..'G','X','Y'Å); CASE CH OF 'A': BEGIN WRITE(PA); VGXY:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'B': BEGIN WRITE(PB); VLCS:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'C': BEGIN WRITE(PC); VLCI:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'D': BEGIN WRITE(PC); VLCO:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'E': BEGIN WRITE(PC); VLLO:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'F': BEGIN WRITE(PC); VLAO:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'G': BEGIN WRITE(PC); VLAI:=READVECT(TRUE); WRITELN; END; 'Y': HELP; END; UNTIL CH='X'; END; PROCEDURE HELP; BEGIN WRITELN('On some terminals the GOTOXY function is not available, and in'); WRITELN('such cases this function must be supplied through a user writ-'); WRITELN('ten driver. For the purpose of implementing a user written dri-'); WRITELN('ver, COMPAS provides a user patch area of 512 bytes, which is'); WRITELN('not otherwise used by the system. The driver must be in Z-80'); WRITELN('machine code, and to install it, you may use function 1 on this'); WRITELN('menu. If a driver is installed for GOTOXY, it automatically'); WRITELN('overrides the data given in the configuration table for that'); WRITELN('specific function.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('Normally COMPAS uses BIOS function calls to do the basic input-'); WRITELN('ting and outputting of characters from and to logical I/O devi-'); WRITELN('ces (console, printer, and auxiliary). You may however write'); WRITELN('your own basic I/O drivers if you prefer. The basic I/O system'); WRITELN('of COMPAS constitues six drivers: Console status, console input,'); WRITELN('console output, list output, auxiliary output and auxiliary in-'); WRITELN('put, and when a driver is installed, it automatically overrides'); WRITELN('the corresponding BIOS driver.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; WRITELN('A user written driver may use all registers, and it must return'); WRITELN('through a RET instruction. The GOTOXY driver receives (X,Y) in'); WRITELN('(E,D), and the upper left corner corresponds to (E,D)=(0,0). The'); WRITELN('console status driver must return A=0FFH if a character is ready'); WRITELN('and A=00H if not. The console input and auxiliary input drivers'); WRITELN('must return the input character in A, and the console output,'); WRITELN('list output and auxiliary output drivers receive the character'); WRITELN('to be output in E.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('Once the code for a driver is installed, its corresponding ad-'); WRITELN('dress vector should be set to the entry address using function 2'); WRITELN('on this menu.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; BEGIN (*EDITUWD*) WITH DATA DO REPEAT WRITELN('USER WRITTEN DRIVERS MENU:'); WRITELN; WRITELN('1. Edit user patch area'); WRITELN('2. Edit user driver addresses'); WRITELN; CH:=SELECT('Function(1-2), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'1'..'2','X','Y'Å); CASE CH OF '1': EDITPATCH; '2': EDITADDR; 'Y': HELP; END; UNTIL CH='X'; END; PROCEDURE HELP; BEGIN WRITELN('Through function 1 on this menu you may view and/or modify the'); WRITELN('CRT configuration table. The CRT configuration table defines'); WRITELN('various informations about your terminal, e.g. the number of'); WRITELN('characters per line and the number of lines per screen. Fur-'); WRITELN('thermore, it defines the control sequences used to move the'); WRITELN('cursor, clear the screen, etc.'); WRITELN; WRITELN('Some computers and terminals do not support a position cursor'); WRITELN('function, and in such cases a user written driver must be em-'); WRITELN('ployed. Furthermore, some computers require user written I/O'); WRITELN('drivers to perform the basic inputting and outputting of cha-'); WRITELN('racters from and to logical I/O devices. User written drivers'); WRITELN('are written in Z-80 machine code, and they may be installed'); WRITELN('using function 2 on this menu.'); WRITELN; PRESSRETURN; END; BEGIN (*CRT*) REPEAT WRITELN('CRT CONFIGURATION MENU:'); WRITELN; WRITELN('1. Edit CRT configuration table'); WRITELN('2. Edit user written drivers'); WRITELN; CH:=SELECT('Function(1-2), Exit(X), Help(Y)',Æ'1'..'2','X','Y'Å); CASE CH OF '1': EDITCRT; '2': EDITUWD; 'Y': HELP; END; UNTIL CH='X'; END; «eof»