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Length: 2688 (0xa80) Types: TextFile Names: »TRAP1.PAS«
└─⟦692ac107c⟧ Bits:30005923 PolyPascal-80 V3.10 arbejdsdiskette 1 └─ ⟦this⟧ »TRAP1.PAS«
type str4 = string(.4.); buffer = array(.0..127.) of byte; frec=array(.0..63.) of byte; trec = record c : byte; fbuf : array(.0..1.) of frec; end; var a : char; slut : boolean; fil : file; buf : array(.0..127.) of byte; hbuf : array(.0..1.) of frec at buf; gad,nad,ad,i,j,k : integer; itrap,strap : string(.30.); navn : string(.20.); cbuf,sbuf : string(.128.); f : trec at sbuf; FUNCTION HEX(NUMBER,DIGITS: INTEGER): STR4; CONST HEXDIGITS: ARRAYÆ0..15Å OF CHAR = '0123456789ABCDEF'; VAR D: INTEGER; H: STR4; BEGIN HÆ0Å:=CHR(DIGITS); FOR D:=DIGITS DOWNTO 1 DO BEGIN HÆDÅ:=HEXDIGITSÆNUMBER AND 15Å; NUMBER:=NUMBER SHR 4; END; HEX:=H; END; procedure getbuf; begin begin if i = 0 then begin blockread(fil,buf,1); f.fbuf(.0.) := hbuf(.0.); f.c := 64; i := 1; end else begin if eof(fil) then slut := true; f.fbuf(.0.) := hbuf(.1.); i := 0; end; cbuf := cbuf + sbuf; end; end; begin writeln(clrhom,' - Program til at finde match-string i en fil. -'); writeln (' ( (C) 1985 Erik Palsbo )'); writeln (' (må copieres til privat brug)'); writeln; write('Indtast filnavn:'); readln(navn); assign(fil,navn); reset(fil); strap := ''; repeat write('Søges der på tekststreng(T) eller hex-streng(H) ?: '); read(trm,a); writeln; case a of 't','T' : begin write('Søgekriterie: '); readln(strap); end; 'h','H' : begin writeln('Afslut med <RETURN>'); repeat j := $ffff; write('søgekarakter (eks.$41):'); readln(j); if j<>$ffff then strap := strap+chr(j); write('Søgestring:<'); for i := 1 to len(strap) do write('$',hex(ord(strap(.i.)),2),','); writeln('>'); until j=$ffff; end; otherwise writeln('Skal være T eller H;'); end; until a in (.'t','T','h','H'.); i := 0; ad := $FF; cbuf := ''; slut := false; while not slut do begin while len(cbuf) <= 64 do getbuf; while pos(strap,cbuf) > 0 do begin k := pos(strap,cbuf); delete(cbuf,1,k); ad := ad+k; writeln('Fundet på addr: $',hex(ad,4)); end; if len(cbuf) >= 64 then begin delete(cbuf,1,32); ad := ad+32; end; end; close(fil); end. «eof»