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    Length: 36480 (0x8e80)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »CPMMAC.MAC«


└─⟦01b5c9619⟧ Bits:30005906 Microsoft Multiplan v1.05 og HELP
    └─ ⟦this⟧ »CPMMAC.MAC« 


	.z80			;activator
;;	Macro library for CP/M system routines
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Updated:	19 September 1985
;;	1.01		gfname: corrected for drive number
;;	11 Aug. 1985	gfname: added with a fcb option
;;			wrfile: entry changed.
;;	1.02		pfname: added with drive and user number
;;	18 Sep. 1985	wrfile:	corrected sector calculating
;;			user:	new routine
;;	1.03		wrfile:	entry changed
;;	19 Sep. 1985
;;Macros in this library:		flags:
;;-----------------------		------
;;abort	 macro	char			ci,cofalg	upd:	140385
;;ambig	 macro	old,new			(none)		upd:	130385
;;binbin macro				bnflag		upd:	160385
;;close	 macro	pointr			cl,co,cr,pr,op,	upd:	150385
;;					mv,de,ci,un,rn,
;;					s2flag
;;compar macro	first,second,bytes	cmflag		upd:	130385
;;compra macro	first,second,bytes	cmflag		upd:	130385
;;cpmver macro				(none)		upd:	130385
;;crlf	 macro				crflag,coflag	upd:	130385
;;cursor macro	row,culunm		cu,coflag	upd:	170385
;;delete macro	pointr,where		de,ci,co,pr,un	upd:	150385
;;divide macro	denom			dvflag		upd:	160385
;;enter	 macro				(none)		upd:	130385
;;errorm macro	text,where		co,cr,prflag	upd:	130385
;;exit	 macro	space?			(none)		upd:	130385
;;fill	 macro	addr,bytes,char		flflag		upd:	130385
;;filld	 macro	addr,bytes,char		flflag		upd:	160385
;;gfname macro	fcb			fn,fl,rc,co,cr,	upd:	110885
;;					rcflag
;;hexhl	 macro	pointr			hxflag,rcflag	upd:	130385
;;hldec	 macro				de,coflag	upd:	160385
;;lchar	 macro	par			loflag		upd:	130385
;;ldfile macro	fcb,pointr,char		co,dm,rdflag	upg:	150385
;;make	 macro	pointr			mk,co,cr,prflag	upd:	150385
;;move	 macro	from,to,bytes		mvflag		upd:	130385
;;mult	 macro	times			mlflag		upd:	160385
;;open	 macro	pointr,where		op,co,pr,crflag	upd:	130385
;;outhex macro	reg			cxflag,coflag	upd:	130385
;;outhl	 macro				cx,coflag	upd:	160385
;;pchar	 macro	par			coflag		upd:	130385
;;pfname macro	fcb			co,prflag	upd:	180985
;;print	 macro	text,bytes		prflag,coflag	upd:	130385
;;protec macro	pointr			(none)		upd:	160385
;;readb	 macro	buffr			rcflag		upd:	130585
;;readch macro	reg			ciflag,coflag	upd:	130385
;;reads	 macro	pointr,star		rdflag,coflag	upd:	150385
;;rename macro	pointr			rn,co,pr,crflag	upd:	150385
;;rvsoff macro				of,coflag	upd:	170385
;;rvson	 macro				on,coflag	upd:	170385
;;setdma macro	pointr			dmflag		upd:	130385
;;setup2 macro				s2,ci,co,cr,cm,	upd:	150385
;;					de,mk,mv,op,pr,
;;					unflag
;;sysf	 macro	func,ae			(none)		upd:	130385
;;ucase	 macro	reg			(none)		upd:	130385
;;unprot macro	pointr			unflag		upd:	150385
;;upper	 macro	reg			(none)		upd:	130385
;;user	 macro	num			(usflag)	upd:	180985
;;versn	 macro	num			(none)		upd:	120385
;;wrfile macro	fcb,pointr,star,opt	co,cr,dm,wrflag	upd:	190985
;;writes macro	pointr,star		wr,co,prflag	upd:	150385
eof	equ	1ah		;end of file
esc	equ	1bh		;escape
cr	equ	13		;carriage return
lf	equ	10		;line feed
tab	equ	9		;control-I
blank	equ	20h		;space
period	equ	46		;decimal point
comma	equ	44
abort	macro	char
;;	14 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to abort program when
;;	console key given by char is pressed.
;;	Any key will do if char is omitted.
;▶bb◀	Branch to DONE on abort.
;;	Usage:		abort	esc
;;	Macros needed:	readch
	local	around
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	c,11		;console status
	call	bdos
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	jp	nc,around	;no character
	readch			;get char
	if	nul char
	jp	done
	cp	char
	jp	z,done
around:				;;abort
ambig	macro	old,new
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to change ambiguous file name
;;	at fcb new to match fcb old.
;;	Usage:	Ambig	fcb1,fcb2
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	hl,new+1
	ld	de,old+1
	ld	c,11		;number of char
	ld	a,'?'
	cp	(hl)		;question mark ?
	jr	nz,amb3?	;no
;copy one character from original to new
	ld	a,(de)		;get old char
	ld	(hl),a		;put into new
	inc	hl		;new
	inc	de		;old
	dec	c		;count
	jr	nz,amb2?
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
binbin	macro
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to convrt binary number in A
;;	to a string of ASCII-coded binary characters.
	local	bit2,around
	call	binb2?
	if	not bnflag
	jp	around
binb2?:	push	bc
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,8
bit2:	ld	a,c
	add	a,a		;;set carry
	ld	a,'0'/2
	adc	a,a
	djnz	bit2
	pop	bc		;;hl
bnflag	set	true
around:				;;binbin
close	macro	pointr
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to close a new file.
;;	Pointr refers to file control block.
;;	If file is not found, branch to done.
;;	if s2flag from setup2 is true, check if
;;	duplicate file name flag dupl is set. Change
;;	source file name to BAK and new to orig. name.
;;	Set s2flag false in beginning.
;;	Usage:		close	dfcb
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,errorm,open,print,move,delete
;;			rename
	local	around,close3
	if	not nul pointr
	ld	de,pointr
	call	clos2?
	inc	a		;FF hex is error
	if	not s2flag	;setup2 macro
	jp	nz,around	;ok
	jp	z,clos3?
	ld	a,(dupl)	;duplicate name ?
	or	a
	jp	z,around	;no
	move	'BAK',fcb1+10h+9
	move	fcb1+9,dfcb+10h+9,3
	move	fcb1,fcb1+10h,9
	move	dfcb,dfcb+10h,9
	delete	fcb1+10h	;BAK name if any
	rename	fcb1		;orig to BAK
	rename	dfcb		;$$$ to orig
	move	'BAK',fcb1+9	;restore
	open	fcb1
	jp	around
	endif			;;s2flag
	if	not clflag	;one copy
clos3?:	errorm	'?File not found?',done
clos2?:	sysf	16		;close disk file
clflag	set	true		;only one copy
	endif			;;clflag
around:				;;close
compar	macro	first,second,bytes
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to compare 2 memory areas.
;;	Zero flag is set if both are the same,
;;	first and second may be addresses,
;;	third parameter is number of bytes.
;;	First parameter may be a quoted string,
;;	in which case there is no third parameter.
;;	Any of the parameters may be omitted.
;;	Register A is altered.
;;	Usage:	compar	fcb1,fcb2,12
;;		compar	'???',fcb1+9
;;		compar	,,5
	local	mesg,around
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	if	nul bytes
	ld	hl,mesg		;quoted text
	ld	c,around-mesg	;lenght
	if	not nul first
	ld	hl,first
	if	not nul bytes
	ld	c,bytes
	endif			;nul bytes
	if	not nul second
	ld	de,second
	call	comp2?
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	if	not cmflag or nul bytes
	jp	around
	if	not cmflag	;one copy
comp2?:				;compare routine
	ld	a,(de)		;get char
	cp	(hl)		;same ?
	ret	nz		;no
	inc	hl
	inc	de		;pointers
	dec	c		;and count
	jr	nz,comp2?	;keep going
cmflag	set	true
	if	nul bytes
mesg:	db	first		;;text
around:				;;compar
compra	macro	first,second,bytes
;;	13 March 1984
;;	ASCII version (high bit is zeroed).
;;	Inline macro to compare two memory areas.
;;	Zero flag is set if both are the same,
;;	first and second may be addresses,
;;	third parameter is number of bytes.
;;	First parameter may be a quoted string,
;;	in which case there is no third parameter.
;;	All three parameters may be omitted.
;;	Register A is altered.
;;	Usage:	compra	fcb1,fcb2,11
;;		compra	'COM',fcb1+9
;;		compra	,fcb1+1,11
	local	mesg,around
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	if	nul bytes
	ld	hl,mesg		;quoted text
	ld	c,around-mesg	;lenght
	if	not nul first
	ld	hl,first
	if	not nul bytes
	ld	c,bytes
	endif			;nul bytes
	if	not nul second
	ld	de,second
	call	comp2?
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	if	not cmflag or nul bytes
	jp	around
	if	not cmflag	;one copy
comp2?:				;compare routine
	ld	a,(de)		;get char
	and	7fh		;mask bit 7
	push	bc
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(hl)
	and	7fh		;mask bit 7
	cp	c		;same ?
	pop	bc
	ret	nz		;no
	inc	hl
	inc	de		;pointers
	dec	c		;and count
	jr	nz,comp2?	;keep going
cmflag	set	true		;one copy
	if	nul bytes
mesg:	db	first		;;text	
around:				;;compra
cpmver	macro
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to determine the CP/M version.
;;	Accumulator has version in BCD times 10.
;;	A=22 for version 2.2, A=0 for version 1.4
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	c,12
	call	bdos
	ld	a,l		;;not necessary
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
crlf	macro
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to send a
;;	carriage return, line feed to console
;;	All registers save including A.
;;	Macro needed:	pchar
	local	around
	call	crlf2?
	if	not crflag	;just one
	jp	around
	push	af
	pchar	cr
	pchar	lf
	pop	af
crflag	set	true
around:				;;crlf
cursor	macro	row,column
;;	17 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to position cursor at row,column
;;	if row and column are omitted DE holds row,column
;;	D=row, E=column
;;	macros needed:	pchar
;;	usage:		cursor	20,20 = home !!
;;			cursor
	local	around
	push	de		;save content
	if	column
	ld	d,row
	ld	e,column
	call	cursr?		;position cursor
	pop	de
	if	not cuflag
	jp	around
cursr?:	pchar	esc
	pchar	'='
	pchar	d
	pchar	e
cuflag	set	true		;;only one copy
around:				;;cursor
delete	macro	pointr,where
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to delete an existing disk file
;;	pointr refers to file control block.
;;	If file is protected, branch to where or done.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,unprot,readch,pfname,
;;			print,ucase,crlf
	local	around,del3?
	ld	de,pointr
	ld	a,(pointr+9)
	and	80h		;protected ?
	jp	z,del3?		;no
	pfname	pointr
	print	' is READ ONLY. Delete ?'
	cp	'Y'
	if	not nul where
	jp	nz,where
	jp	nz,done
	unprot	pointr
	call	del2?
	if	not deflag
	jp	around
del2?:	sysf	19		;delete disk file
deflag	set	true		;only one copy
divide	macro	denom
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to divide HL register by denom.
;;	Denom should be power of 2 (2,4,8,16).
;;	HL unaltered if denom is 0 or 1.
	local	around,shftr?,div3?
	push	bc
	if	nul denom
	ld	b,2		;;default
	ld	b,denom
	call	div2?
	pop	bc
	if	not dvflag
	jp	around
div2?:	ld	a,b
	or	a		;;clear carry
	ret	z		;;divide by zero
	ret	c		;;divide by 1?
	ld	b,a
div3?:	call	shftr?		;;shift HL right
	ld	a,b		;;get divisor
	ld	b,a
	jr	nc,div3?
shftr?:	xor	a		;;16 bit shift right
	ld	a,h
	ld	h,a
	ld	a,l
	ld	l,a
dvflag	set	true		;;one copy
	endif			;;dvflag
around:				;;mult
enter	macro
;;	Updated:	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to save incomming stack
	ld	hl,0		;clear
	add	hl,sp		;add pointer
	ld	(oldstk),hl	;save
	ld	sp,stack
errorm	macro	text,where
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Macro to print message on console.
;;	Message is enclosed in apostrophes.
;;	Optional second parameter has branch address.
;;	If no second parameter, goto boot
;;	Macros needed:	print,crlf
;;	Usage:		errorm	'Message'
	print	<text>
	if	nul where
	jp	boot		;quit
	jp	where
	endif			;;errorm
exit	macro	where?,space?
;;	Updated:	13 March 1985
;;	inline macro to resore the incomming stack
;;	and branch to location where?
;;	if where? is omitted, execute a return instruction.
;;	space? sets stack space; default is 34
	ld	hl,(oldstk)
	ld	sp,hl
	if	nul where?
	jp	where?
oldstk:	ds	2		;incomming stack
	if	nul space?
	ds	34
	ds	space?
fill	macro	addr,bytes,char
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to fill byte memory
;;	loactions with char starting at addr
;;	Usage:	fill	fcb+1,8,blank
;;		fill	fcb+9,3,?
	local	around
	push	hl
	push	bc
	if	not nul addr
	ld	hl,addr
	ld	c,bytes
	ld	a,char
	call	fill2?
	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	if	not flflag
	jp	around
	ld	(hl),a		;put into memory
	inc	hl		;pointer
	dec	c		;count
	jr	nz,fill2?	;keep going
flflag	set	true
around:				;;fill
filld	macro	addr,bytes,char
;;	16 March 1985
;;	(double precision version)
;;	Inline macro to fill bytes memory
;;	locations with char starting at addr.
;;	Usage:	filld	fcb+1,8,blank
;;		filld	fcb+3,3,'?'
	local	around,fill3?
	push	hl
	push	bc
	if	not nul addr
	ld	hl,addr
	if	not nul bytes
	ld	bc,bytes
	ld	a,char
	call	fill2?
	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	if	not flflag
	jp	around
fill2?:	push	de
	ld	d,a
fill3?:	ld	(hl),d
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,c
	or	b
	jr	nz,fill3?
	pop	de
flflag	set	true
around:				;;filld
gfname	macro	fcb
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Updated:	11 August 1985
;;	Inline macro to get file name from console
;;	and place in FCB. Lowercase raised to uppercase.
;;	Macros needed:	readb,fill,ucase,print,crlf
;;	Subroutine GETCH is part of macro readb.
	local	around,pname,ename,exten,gnam2
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	if	fcb
	ld	hl,fcb
	ex	de,hl
	ld	(fcbs?),hl
	call	gnam?
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	if	not fnflag
	jp	around
fcbs?:	ds	2		;save original pointer
gnam?:	crlf
gnam2:	print	<'                              ',cr>
	print	'Enter file name: '
	ld	hl,(fcbs?)
	xor	a		;zero
	ld	(hl),a		;default drive
	inc	hl
	fill	,11,blank
	ex	de,hl
	readb			;console buffer
	call	getch		;first char
	jp	c,gnam2		;try again
	cp	blank
	jp	z,gnam2		;try again
	ld	(de),a		;maybe first
	call	getch		;second char
	ret	c		;short name
	cp	blank
	ret	z		;ditto
	ld	b,7		;name lenght - 1
	cp	period
	jp	z,ename
	cp	':'		;drive ?
	jp	nz,pname	;no
	ld	a,(de)		;get drive
	dec	de		;drive number
	sub	'A'-1		;make binary
	ld	(de),a		;put it
	call	getch		;start file name
	jp	c,gnam2		;drive only
	inc	b
pname:				;primary name
	inc	de
	ld	(de),a
	call	getch
	ret	c
	cp	blank
	ret	z
	cp	period
	jr	z,ename
	dec	b
	jp	nz,pname	;ok
	jp	gnam2		;if 9 char
ename:	ld	hl,(fcbs?)	;get FCB
	ld	de,9		;ext offset
	add	hl,de
	ex	de,hl
	ld	b,3
exten:	call	getch		;file name extension
	ret	c
	cp	blank
	ret	z
	ld	(de),a
	inc	de
	dec	b
	jp	nz,exten
	ret			;done
fnflag	set	true
around:				;;gfname
hexhl	macro
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to convert ASCII hex characters
;;	in buffer to a 16-bit binary number in hl.
;;	Character string is addressed by pointr.
;;	Carry flag set if invalid hex character found.
;;	Macros needed:	readb,ucase
	local	around,rdhl2,nib?
	call	rdhl?
	if	not hxflag	;only one copy
	jp	around
	ld	hl,0		;start with 0
;	Get character from console buffer
	call	getch
	ret	nc		;end of line
	ucase			;make uppercase
	call	nib?		;to binary
	ret	c		;error
	add	hl,hl		;* 2
	add	hl,hl		;* 4
	add	hl,hl		;* 8
	add	hl,hl		;* 16
	or	l		;combine new
	ld	l,a		;put back
	jr	rdhl2		;next
;	Convert ASCII to binary
	sub	'0'		;ASCII bias
	ret	c		;< 0
	cp	'F'-'0'+1
	ret	c		;> F
	cp	10
	ret	nc		;a number 0 - 9
	sub	'A'-'9'-1
	cp	10
hxflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;hexhl
hldec	macro
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to print HL as decimal
;;	Macros needed:	pchar,(sbc)
;;			sbc is converted to:	or	a
;;						sbc	hl,de
	local	around,subtr,subt2,nzero
	call	hldc2?
	if	not deflag
	jp	around
hldc2?:	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	b,0		;;leading-zero flag
	ld	de,-10000	;;two's complement
	call	subtr		;;ten thousands
	ld	de,-1000
	call	subtr		;;thousands
	ld	de,-100
	call	subtr		;;hundreds
	ld	de,-10
	call	subtr		;tens
	ld	a,l
	add	a,'0'		;;ASCII bias
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
;;	subtract powers of ten and count
subtr:	ld	c,'0'-1		;ASCII count
subt2:	inc	c
	add	hl,de
	jp	c,subt2		;keep going
;;	one too many, add one back
;;	by subtracting complement
	or	a
	sbc	hl,de
	ld	a,c		;;get count
;;	check for zero
	cp	'1'		;;<1?
	jp	nc,nzero	;;no
	ld	a,b		;;check zero flag
	or	a		;;set ?
	ld	a,c		;;restore
	ret	z		;;skip leading 0
;;	set flag for nonzero character
nzero:	ld	b,0ffh
deflag	set	true
around:				;;hldec
lchar	macro	par
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to send one char to list
;;	optional par is loaded into A.
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
;;	Usage:		lchar	'*'
;;			lchar	cr
;;			lchar
	local	around
	if	not nul par
	ld	a,par
	call	lch2?
	if	not loflag
	jp	around
lch2?:	sysf	5,ae		;list char
loflag	set	true
around:				;;lchar
ldfile	macro	fcb,pointr,char
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to load a disk file into
;;	memory starting at pointr.
;;	Pointr initialy points to memory buffer.
;;	Place buffer at end of program.
;;	HL points to end of loaded program.
;;	Optional 3rd parameter is printed after
;;	each sector is read.
;;	CCP area may be overlaid but
;;	FDOS is protected.
;;	Carry flag is set if file too big.
;;	DMA address is reset to 80h on exit.
;;	Macros needed:	setdma,reads
;;	Usage:		ldfile	fcb1,dbuffp,'*'
;;			ldfile	fcb1,dbuffp
load2?:	ld	hl,(pointr)
	ex	de,hl		;move to DE
	setdma			;set next sector
	reads	fcb,char
	jp	nz,load3?	;done if nonzero
	ld	hl,(pointr)
	ld	de,80h		;one sector
	add	hl,de
	ld	(pointr),hl	;save pointer
;	see if file is entering CCP area
	ld	a,(7)		;FDOS
	sub	2		;2 bloks down
	cp	h		;file to big ?
	jp	nc,load2?	;no keep going
load3?:	push	af
	setdma	80h		;reset
	pop	af
make	macro	pointr
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to create a new disk file.
;;	pointr refers to file control block.
;;	Extent and current record number are zeroed.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,errorm
	local	around
	ld	de,pointr
	xor	a		;zero
	ld	(pointr+12),a	;extent
	ld	(pointr+32),a	;current record
	call	make2?
	inc	a		;0=ok, ff means error
	jp	nz,around
	errorm	'No directory space',done
	if	not mkflag
make2?:	sysf	22		;make new disk file
mkflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;make
move	macro	from,to,bytes
;;	updated:	13 March 1985
;;	inline macro to move text
	local	around,mesg
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	if	not nul to
	ld	de,to
	if	nul bytes	;;string move
	ld	hl,mesg		;;test
	ld	bc,around-mesg
	else			;;not string move
	if	not nul from
	ld	hl,from
	ld	bc,bytes
	endif			;;string/not string
	call	move2?
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	if	not mvflag or nul bytes
	jp	around
	if	not mvflag
move2?:	ld	a,(hl)		;get it
	ld	(de),a		;put it
	inc	hl		;from
	inc	de		;to
	dec	bc		;byte count
	ld	a,c
	or	b
	jr	nz,move2?	;not done
mvflag 	set	true		;;one copy
	endif			;;not mvflag
	if	nul bytes
	db	from		;;text
around:				;;move
mult	macro	times
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to multiply value in HL times.
;;	Parameter should be a power of 2.
;;	0 and 1 are valid operands.
;;	Parameter is omitted when A has multiplier
	local	loop,around,notz
	push	bc
	if	nul times
	ld	b,a
	ld	b,times
	call	mult2?
	pop	bc
	if	not mlflag
	jp	around
mult2?:	ld	a,b
	or	a		;;zero ?
	jp	nz,notz		;; no
	ld	l,a
	ld	h,a		;;HL=0
notz:	rra			;;times 1
	ret	c
	ld	b,a
loop:	add	hl,hl		;;times 2
	ld	a,b
	ld	b,a
	jr	nc,loop
mlflag	set	true		;;one copy
around:				;;mult
open	macro	pointr,where
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to open an existing disk file.
;;	POINTR refers to file control block (FCB).
;;	Extent and current record number are zeroed.
;;	Branch to location WHERE if file not found or
;;	print error message and branch to DONE otherwise.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,errorm
	local	around
	ld	de,pointr
	xor	a		;zero
	ld	(pointr+12),a	;extent
	ld	(pointr+32),a	;current record
	call	open2?
	inc	a		;0 = ok, ff means error
	jp	nz,around
	if	nul where
	errorm	'No source file',done
	jp	where
	if	not opflag
open2?:	sysf	15		;open disk file
opflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;open
outhex	macro	reg
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to convert binary number in
;;	reg to two hex characters and print them.
;;	byte initially in A if reg is omitted.
;;	Macro needed:	pchar
	local	around,hex1?,hex2?
	if	not nul reg
	ld	a,reg
	call	outhx?
	if	not cxflag
	jp	around
outhx?:	push	bc		;save
	ld	c,a
	call	hex1?		;high byte
	ld	a,c
	call	hex1?		;low byte
	ld	a,c		;restore
	pop	bc
hex1?:	and	0fh		;output hex byte
	add	a,'0'		;make ASCII
	cp	'9'+1		;0-9 ?
	jr	c,hex2?		;yes
	add	a,'A'-'9'-1	;make A-F
	pchar			;to console
cxflag	set	true
around:				;;outhex
outhl	macro
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to display HL in hex.
;;	Macro needed:	outhex
	local	over
	ld	a,h
	or	a
	jp	z,over
	outhex	h
over:	outhex	l
pchar	macro	par
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to print one console character 
;;	Parameter, if present, is loaded into A.
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
;;	Usage:		pchar
;;			pchar	'*'
	local	around
	if	not nul par
	ld	a,par
	call	pch2?
	if	not coflag
	jp	around
pch2?:	sysf	2,ae
coflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;pchar
pfname	macro	fcb
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to print a file name as
;;	fcb is file control block.
;;	Macros needed:	pchar,print,user
;;	Updated:	18 Sep. 1985
;;	1.02		added with drive name and user
	local	pfna2?,pfna3?,pfna4?,pfna5?,pfna6?
	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld	a,(fcb)		;;get drive name
	and	0fh		;;delete user number
	or	a		;;default drive ?
	jr	nz,pfna4?	;;no -> skip
	ld	a,(4)		;;then get it
	inc	a		;;adjust
pfna4?:	add	a,'A'-1		;;Bias for drive number
	pchar			;;print drive number
	user	0ffh		;;get current user
	and	0fh		;;delete bit 4-7
	sub	10		;;more than 10
	jr	nc,pfna5?	;;yes -> skip
	add	a,10
	jr	pfna6?
pfna5?:	push	af		;;save number
	pchar	'1'
	pop	af
pfna6?:	add	a,'0'		;;lsb uf user number
	pchar	':'
	ld	b,8		;name lenght
	ld	hl,fcb+1	;start
pfna3?:	ld	a,(hl)		;get char
	cp	blank
	jr	z,pfna2?	;end
	inc	hl
	dec	b
	jr	nz,pfna3?
pfna2?:	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	pchar	'.'
	print	fcb+9,3		;exten
print	macro	text,bytes
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to print string on console.
;;	text is address of string, bytes is the lenght.
;;	text may be in quotes if bytes is omitted.
;;	Macro needed:	pchar
;;	Usage:		print	fcb1+1,11
;;			print	'end of file'
;;			print	<cr,lf,'message'>
;;			print	,12
	local	around,mesg
	push	hl
	push	bc
	if	nul bytes
	ld	hl,mesg
	ld	b,around-mesg
	if	not nul text
	ld	hl,text
	ld	b,bytes
	call	pbuf?
	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	if	not prflag or nul bytes
	jp	around
	if	not prflag
pbuf?:	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	hl
	dec	b
	jr	nz,pbuf?
prflag	set	true
	if	nul bytes
mesg:	db	text
around:				;;print
protec	macro	pointr
;;	16 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to protect FCB at pointr
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
	local	around,prot2?
	ld	de,pointr
	ld	a,(pointr+9)	;extension
	or	80h		;set R/O
	ld	(pointr+9),a
	call	prot2?
	jp	around
prot2?:	sysf	30
around:				;;protec
readb	macro
;;	13 March 1984
;;	Inline macro to input a line from console
;;	Buffer is located at end of macro
;;	Get characters from buffer by calling 
;;	global subroutine getch in this macro
;;	Buffer pointer RBUFP is also global.
	local	around,rbufm,rbuf,rbufc,rbufe
	call	rdb2?
	if	not rcflag
	jp	around
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	de,rbufm
	ld	c,10
	call	bdos
	ld	hl,rbufm+2
	ld	(rbufm-2),hl
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl

;	global routine to get char. from buffer
	ld	a,(rbufc)	;get count
	sub	1		;dec with carry
	ret	c		;no more char
	ld	(rbufc),a
	push	hl
	ld	hl,(rbufp)
	ld	a,(hl)		;get char
	inc	hl		;next
	ld	(rbufp),hl
	pop	hl
rcflag	set	true		;only one copy
rbufp:	dw	rbuf		;buffer pointer
;	consol buffer address
rbufm:	db	rbufe-rbuf	;max lenght
rbufc:	ds	1		;actual lenght
rbuf:	ds	16		;buffer start
rbufe:				;buffer end
around:				;;readb
readch	macro	reg
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to read one character from
;;	the console; character is returned in register
;;	A unless a second parameter is given.
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
;;	Usage:		readch
;;			readch	c
	local	around
	call	rdch?
	if	not nul reg
	ld	reg,a
	if	not ciflag
	jp	around
rdch?:	sysf	1
ciflag	set	true		;only one copy 
around:				;;readch
reads	macro	pointr,star
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to read a disk sector.
;;	POINTR refers to file control block (FCB)
;;	Optional second parameter is symbol
;;	to be printed after sector is read.
;;	Zero flag is reset if end of file.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,pchar
;;	Usage:		reads
;;			reads	'*'
	local	around
	if	not nul star
	pchar	star		;to console
	if	not nul pointr
	ld	de,pointr
	call	read2?
	or	a		;set flags
	if	not rdflag
	jp	around
read2?:	sysf	20		;read disk sector
rdflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;reads
rename	macro	pointr
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to rename an existing disk file.
;;	pointr refers to original name.
;;	New name is at pointr + 10 hex.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,print,unprot,crlf
	local	around,ren2?
	ld	de,pointr
	ld	a,(pointr+9)
	or	(80h)		;file R/O ?
	jp	z,ren2?		;no
	unprot	pointr		;make R/W
ren2?:	call	renam?
	print	pointr+1,11
	print	'===>'
	print	pointr+11h,11
	if	not rnflag
	jp	around
renam?:	sysf	23		;rename file
rnflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;rename
rvsoff	macro
;;	17 MArch 1985
;;	Inline macro to turn off reverse screen
;;	Macros needed:		pchar
	local	around
	call	rvsof?
	if	not offlag
	jp	around
rvsof?:	pchar	esc
	pchar	'N'		;;turn off reverse
offlag	set	true		;;only one copy
	endif			;;offlag
around:				;;rvsoff
rvson	macro
;;	17 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to turn on reverse screen
;;	Macros needed:		pchar
	local	around
	call	rvson?
	if	not onflag
	jp	around
rvson?:	pchar	esc
	pchar	'A'
onflag	set	true
	endif			;;onflag
around:				;;rvson
setdma	macro	pointr
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to set dma address where
;;	next sector will be read or written.
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
	local	around
	if	not nul pointr
	ld	de,pointr
	call	dma2?
	if	not dmflag
	jp	around
dma2?:	sysf	26		;set dma address
dmflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;;setdma
setup2	macro
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to open two disk files.
;;	Input file is the first parameter of command
;;	line. The file control is FCB1 at 5C hex.
;;	The output file is the second parameter.
;;	The file control block is initialy FCB2 at
;;	6C hex. The destination file name is moved into
;;	the macro area.
;;	If only one file is entered or both are the same,
;;	the second file is typed $$$. Macro CLOSE
;;	will rename original file BAK and give original
;;	name to the destination file when S2FLAG is true.
;;	Macros needed:	move,open,make,delete,errorm,ambig
;;			compar
	local	around,set2?,set3?,set4?
s2flag	set	true		;used by macro CLOSE
	ld	a,(fcb2+1)	;second parameter
	cp	blank		;anything ?
	jp	nz,set4?	;yes
; Duplicate file name and type, keep disk name
	move	fcb1+1,fcb2+1,11 ;keep disk
set4?:	ambig	fcb1,fcb2	;fix ??? in name
	compar	fcb1,fcb2,12	;both the same ?
	jp	z,dupnm?	;yes
set2?:	move	fcb2,dfcb,16	;new destination
	open	fcb1		;source file
	open	dfcb,set3?	;destination
set3?:	delete	dfcb		;existing file name
	make	dfcb		;new one
	jp	around		;error messages
dupnm?:	ld	a,true		;set dup flag
	ld	(dupl),a
	move	'$$$',fcb2+9	;source file
	jp	set2?		;continue
dupl:	db	false		;duplicate name flag
;	File control block for destination file
dfcb:	ds	33		;file fcb2
;				;;continue main code
around:				;;setup2
sysf	macro	func,ae
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Macro to generate BDOS calls.
;;	func is BDOS function number for C.
;;	Move A to E if there is a second parameter.
;;	Usage:	open:	sysf	15
;;		pchar:	sysf	2,ae
	push	hl
	push	de
	push	bc
	ld	c,func
	if	not nul ae
	ld	e,a
	push	af
	call	bdos
	pop	af
	call	bdos
	pop	bc
	pop	de
	pop	hl
ucase	macro	reg
;;	13 March 1984
;;	Inline macro to convert a character in any
;;	register to uppercase.
;;	Omit parameter for register A.
;;	Usage:	ucase
;;		ucase	c
	local	notup?
	if	not nul reg
	push	af		;save
	ld	a,reg		;get value
	cp	'Z'+7		;uppercase ?
	jr	c,notup?	;no
	and	5fh		;make uppercase
	if	not nul reg
	ld	reg,a		;put back	
	pop	af		;restore
unprot	macro	pointr
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to convert R/O file to R/W.
;;	pointr refers to file control block.
;;	Macro needed:	sysf
	local	around
	ld	de,pointr
	ld	a,(pointr+9)	;load from file type
	and	7fh		;set for R/W
	ld	(pointr+9),a	;store at beginning of file type
	call	unpr2?
	if	not unflag
unpr2?:	sysf	30		;set file attributes
unflag	set	true		;only one copy
around:				;unprot
upper	macro	reg
;;	13 March 1985
;;	Macro to move the upper 4 bits of the
;;	accumulator to the lower 4 bits. The
;;	new upper 4 bits are zeored.
;;	Use this macro to isolate the left
;;	character of packed BCD numbers.
;;	Usage:	upper		;rotate down
;;		outhex		;print
	if	not nul reg
	push	af		;save A
	ld	a,reg		;move to A
	rra			;move to lover half
	and	0fh		;mask upper
	if	not nul reg
	ld	reg,a		;put back
	pop	af		;restore
user	macro	num
;;	18 September 1985
;;	Inline macro to get or change user number
;;	Usage:	user	0ffh	;;for get a user code
	local	around
	if	num		;;user number
	ld	e,num
	call	user?
	call	user?
	if	not usflag
	jp	around

user?:	sysf	32
usflag	set	true		;;only one copy
around:				;;user
versn	macro	num
  	local	around
;;	Updated:	12 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to embed version number.
;;	NUM is enclosed in quotes.
	jp	around
	db	'Ver.',num
around:				;;versn
wrfile	macro	fcb,pointr,star,opt
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Updated:	18 September 1985
;;	1.01		11 Aug 1985
;;			entry changed
;;	1.02		18 Sep. 1985
;;			corrected sector calculating
;;	1.03		19 Sep. 1985
;;			entry corrected
;;	Inline macro to write a disk file from
;;	a memory image. Buffer starts at pointr + 2.
;;	pointr marks end of file.
;;	Optional star symbol is printed for each sector.
;;	Macros needed:	writes,sbc,setdma,errorm
;;	NB !!!!!!!!!!	or	a
;;			sbc	hl,de
;;	Usage:	wrfile	fcb,pointr,'*',1	;de = end, hl = start
;;		wrfile	fcb,pointr,,1		;de = end, hl = start
;;		wrfile	fcb,pointr		;buffer start at pointr+2,
;;						;(pointr)=end
	local	wrfil?,even?,low?
	if	nul opt
	ld	hl,(pointr)	;end
	ex	de,hl		;to DE
	ld	hl,pointr+2	;start
	ld	(pointr),hl
	ex	de,hl
	or	a
	sbc	hl,de		;program lenght
	ld	a,l
	ld	l,h		;just upper part
	ld	h,0
	add	hl,hl		;doubl = # sectors
	or	a		;odd # of sectors ?
	jp	z,even?		;no
	add	a,a		;;sector lenght is 128 bytes
	jr	nc,low?		;;just one sector inc.
	inc	hl		;;two sectors inc.
low?:	inc	hl
even?:	push	bc
	ld	b,h
	ld	c,l
wrfil?:	ld	hl,(pointr)
	ex	de,hl		;move to DE
	setdma			;next sector
	writes	fcb,star
	ld	hl,(pointr)
	ld	de,80h		;one sector
	add	hl,de		;next location
	ld	(pointr),hl
	dec	bc		;number of sectors
	ld	a,c
	or	b
	jp	nz,wrfil?
	pop	bc
writes	macro	pointr,star
;;	15 March 1985
;;	Inline macro to write a disk sector
;;	pointr refers to file control block.
;;	star is symbol to print for each sector.
;;	Macros needed:	sysf,pchar,errorm
	local	around
	if	not nul star
	pchar	star
	if	not nul pointr
	ld	de,pointr
	call	writ2?
	or	a		;set flag
	if	wrflag
	jp	nz,nroom?
	else			;first time
	jp	z,around	;ok
nroom?:	errorm	'No disk space',done
writ2?:	sysf	21		;write disk sector
wrflag	set	true		;only one copy
	endif			;;wrflag
around:				;;writes
