Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦3a863a938⟧ RelBin

    Length: 602 (0x25a)
    Types: RelBin
    Names: »CHECK«


└─⟦45bd0f8dd⟧ Bits:30000464 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦06ae4a31d⟧ »/FSLIB« 
└─⟦6dbcc9c03⟧ Bits:30000463 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦06ae4a31d⟧ »/FSLIB« 
└─⟦a2e222af0⟧ Bits:30001626 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦06ae4a31d⟧ »/FSLIB« 
└─⟦45bd0f8dd⟧ Bits:30000464 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦cdd0443f3⟧ »/CHECK« 
└─⟦6dbcc9c03⟧ Bits:30000463 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦cdd0443f3⟧ »/CHECK« 
└─⟦a2e222af0⟧ Bits:30001626 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦cdd0443f3⟧ »/CHECK« 


     7  -3 000000 000000 000000 6839 541f 43a4 0000
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     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 6ab1 0000 0c9e 4971 0c9e 4970 0c9e ba00 2b01 496d 2b00 496c 0c9e 496b 0c9e 496a     |  Iq  Ip    + Im+ Il  Ik  Ij|
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     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 d404 0046 0c7c 3854 9f04 1134 ab00 0c7c 3854 9f04 112f 112c 212d 384f 9d0d 014d     | |8T   4   |8T   / ,!-8O   M|
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     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 67af 0070 090e 012a 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000     |   *                        |
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 7439 007e 5934 29f9 39f7 ee00 0c7d 11f5 052e 592d 8a00 3930 e600 ef0d 0528 384a     |Y4) 9    }   .Y-  90     (8J|
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     2  -6 021112 020000 000000 7984 00b6 002a 0060 0086 0014 0012                                                  | * `      |
     6  -1 020000 000000 000000 bffb 0000