Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦8147a36f6⟧ RelBin

    Length: 850 (0x352)
    Types: RelBin


└─⟦45bd0f8dd⟧ Bits:30000464 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦68d8e9efa⟧ »/CPUSE« 
└─⟦6dbcc9c03⟧ Bits:30000463 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦68d8e9efa⟧ »/CPUSE« 
└─⟦a2e222af0⟧ Bits:30001626 DOMUS disk image
    └─ ⟦68d8e9efa⟧ »/CPUSE« 


     2  -8 021211 011100 000000 ad01 0000 8000 006c 0000 00d2 3135 3700 0000                                        |        157   |
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 6606 000c 4350 5553 4520 5245 4144 592c 2053 5452 494b 4520 414e 5920 4b45 590a     |CPUSE READY, STRIKE ANY KEY |
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 8d2c 001a 0000 0a48 4f57 204d 414e 5920 5345 434f 4e44 5320 3f20 0000 0a48 4f57     |   HOW MANY SECONDS ?    HOW|
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 56da 0028 204d 414e 5920 5045 5249 4f44 5320 3f20 0000 0a43 5055 2057 4153 2046     | MANY PERIODS ?    CPU WAS F|
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 b980 0036 5245 4520 2020 2020 250a 0000 0a4d 4158 2049 5320 3630 3020 5345 434f     |REE     %    MAX IS 600 SECO|
     2  -4 021110 000000 000000 19e0 0044 4e44 530a 0000                                                            |NDS   |
     2 -15 021133 011313 012131 81a6 006c 0c95 1f05 00a2 0062 0015 2501 0018 2601 008e 2702 0068 2501 0036 2601     |          %   &   '   %   & |
     2 -15 023121 032121 021212 5164 007a 008e 2702 0068 2d09 008e 0069 1202 0069 1c0c 0086 1c00 0077 1202 0069     |  '   -                     |
     2 -15 021112 012112 012111 d77b 0088 0101 0401 1c0c 0091 1202 0069 0301 1e0e 0069 1202 0069 0c00 0258 1c0b     |                         X  |
     2 -15 022131 021313 012132 64a8 0096 009b 2501 0078 1c00 0077 2501 004c 2601 008e 2702 0068 2d09 008e 006b     |  %       %   &   '   -     |
     2 -15 021211 021212 011221 a5e6 00a4 1202 0069 0732 1e0e 0069 1202 006b 1c0b 00cf 3001 000a 0069 006a 1202     |     2            0         |
     2 -15 022112 012121 021231 7df4 00b2 0069 0864 2202 0008 1202 006a 1802 0008 1e0e 006a 2c06 006a 00ca 2a00     |   d"               ,     * |
     2 -15 021313 011131 021121 d849 00c0 0011 00ca 0002 00a2 000e 0003 2501 00a2 1202 006b 0401 1e0e 006b 1c00     |            %               |
     2  -5 022121 000000 000000 9976 00ce 00a9 1c00 0071 0003                                                       |        |
     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 b94d 00d2 0c9e 4921 0c9e 4920 8500 451e ad50 4a0d 351a 391b 2300 2b00 8d0d 01fe     |  I!  I   E  PJ 5 9 # +     |
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     2 -15 021111 011111 011111 c16c 00ee 1507 01f2 3020 204f 420d 049d 0000 0000 003d 0000 fff6 01b8 0000 0000     |    0  OB        =          |
     2  -2 022000 000000 000000 b632 00fc 00d2                                                                      |  |
     2 -14 021111 012222 011110 8033 00ff 0000 0021 3135 3700 0000 0104 0104 011e 0000 8000 0000 0080 0098          |   !157                   |
     2  -2 023000 000000 000000 b218 0110 00d8                                                                      |  |
     2  -5 022111 000000 000000 07e8 011a 011b 5454 5900 0000                                                       |  TTY   |
     2  -5 022121 000000 000000 b412 0120 0128 000a 00fd 0000                                                       |        |
     2  -5 022121 000000 000000 b3fe 012a 0132 000a 00fd 0000                                                       |        |
     2  -5 021121 000000 000000 b926 0134 0000 000a 00fd 0000                                                       |        |
     2  -2 021000 000000 000000 7960 013c 4164                                                                      |Ad|
     6  -2 020000 000000 000000 beff 00fd 0000