Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦bc5b0dbcd⟧ TextFile

    Length: 941 (0x3ad)
    Types: TextFile
    Notes: .CLPRG-1, ASS::.CLPRG-1
    Names: ».CLPRG-1«


└─⟦714f3848e⟧ Bits:30006597 ALM Copy 24.9.79


  0010 REM CB 12.11 - 15.11.79 «so»LAGERANALYSE M. PS  ... "CLPRG"
  0015 REM K231SLUT >> CLPRG000
  0020 REM BRUGT 16-18/11 RETTET 19/11 79 
  0350 PAGE=0
  0360 DIM DAT$(8)
  0370 DIM UD$(15),UDSKRIFT$(132),UDSK$(13),P$(3),T$(12,8),HJÆLP$(10),RAD$(5)
  0380 DIM CA(4),PIL(4),PIL$(4,5),POS(4),UD(4),ADR(2,280)
  0390 DEF FNB(X)=ABS(S) MOD 10^X DIV 10^(X-1)+48-16*(ABS(S) DIV 10^(X-1)=0)*(X<>1)
  0400 LET EA=279; PA=138; RAD$="     "; UDSK$="                                 "
  0410 OPEN FILE(0,4)"CO10.ENT"
  0420 OPEN FILE(1,4)"CO...PSE"
  0430 OPEN FILE(3,4)"CO...STA"
  0440 OPEN FILE(4,4)"CO...USE"
  0450 FOR S=1 TO EA+1
  0460   READ FILE(0,S)ADR(1,S)
  0470   IF S<=PA THEN READ FILE(1,S)ADR(2,S)
  0480   IF S<=12 THEN READ T$(S)
  0490 NEXT S
  0500 DATA " ZOC"," LRS"," SCP","BNBZDNDZ","    ",",SKP",",SZC",",SNC",",SZR",",SNR",",SEZ",",SBN"
  0510 INPUT "     DD/MM-ÅÅ<13>DATO ",DAT$
  0520 ENTER "CLPRGP-2"