Presents historical artifacts from the history of:

RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

This is an automatic "excavation" of a thematic subset of
artifacts from's BitArchive.

See our Wiki for more about RegneCentralen RC3600/RC7000

Excavated with: AutoArchaeologist - Free & Open Source Software.

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⟦cd992abaf⟧ Bits:30001764 DOMUS Testsystem, DSB-version, 8" Floppy Disk

    Length: 591360 (0x90600)
    Description: Bits:30001764 DOMUS Testsystem, DSB-version
    Types: 8" Floppy Disk
    Notes: *U*U*U*UEKv_, RCSL-43-GL-8357, RCSL-44-RT-1639, RCSL-44-RT-1641, RCSL-44-RT-1647, RCSL-44-RT-1648, RCSL-44-RT-1714, RCSL-44-RT-1844, RCSL-44-RT-1849, RCSL-52-AA-899


Overlaps Artifact
1⟦89abd06fd⟧ Bits:30001765 DOMUS Testsystem, DSB-Version, 8" Floppy Disk, *U*U*U*UEKv_, RCSL-43-GL-8357, RCSL-44-RT-1639, RCSL-44-RT-1641, RCSL-44-RT-1647, RCSL-44-RT-1648, RCSL-44-RT-1714, RCSL-44-RT-1844, RCSL-44-RT-1849, RCSL-52-AA-899
1⟦c6c504736⟧ Bits:30001763 DOMUS floppy disk image - DSB Testversion, 8" Floppy Disk, *U*U*U*UEKv_, RCSL-43-GL-8357, RCSL-44-RT-1639, RCSL-44-RT-1641, RCSL-44-RT-1647, RCSL-44-RT-1648, RCSL-44-RT-1714, RCSL-44-RT-1844, RCSL-44-RT-1849, RCSL-52-AA-899


2⟦858f37d48⟧ DGC-PaperTapeCheckSum, *U*U*U*UEKv_