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    Length: 66816 (0x10500)
    Types: TextFile
    Names: »kermitlog   «


└─⟦110021343⟧ Bits:30007476 RC8000 Backup tape fra HT's bus-radio system
        └─ ⟦this⟧ »kermitlog   « 


R(1): ^A0 Iü( @-#&1üN!5%/
S(1): ^A0 Y_( @-#&1ü" 5%2
R(1): ^A- RhtoperatørW
S(4): ^A0 S_( @-#&1ü" 5%,
R(4): ^A0 Yü( @-#&1üN!5%?
R(5): ^A/!Y HTOPERA1.$RS
S(6): ^A "D4åWoperatør.#M#J#M#J:1: operatør: parametererklæringer#M#Jmessage operatør_parametererklæringer side 1 - 810422/hko;#M#J#M#Jinteger field#M#J  cqf_bus, cqf_fejl,#M#J  alarm_kmdo, alarm_tilst, alarm_gtilst, alarm_lgd;#M#Jreal field#M#J  cqf_ok_tid, cqf_næste_tid,#M#J  alarm_start;#M#Jlong field#M#J  cqf_id;#M#J#M#Jinteger  #M#J  max_cqf, cqf_lgd,#M#J  op_spool_postlgd, #M#J  op_spool_postantal,#M#J  opk_alarm_tab_lgd;#M#J#M#J:2: operatør: parameterinitialisering#M#Jmessage operatør_parameterinitialisering side 1 - 810422/hko;#M#J#M#J<* felter i cqf_tabel *>#M#Jcqf_lgd:=#M#Jcqf_næste_tid:= 16;#M#Jcqf_ok_tid   := 12;#M#Jcqf_id       :=  8;#M#Jcqf_fejl     :=  4;#M#Jcqf_bus      :=  2;#M#J#M#Jmax_cqf:= 64;#M#J#M#J<* felter i opkaldsalarmtabel *>#M#Jalarm_kmdo  := 2;#M#Jalarm_tilst := 4;#M#Jalarm_gtilst:= 6;#M#Jalarm_lgd   := 8;#M#Jalarm_start := 12;#M#J#M#Jopk_alarm_tab_lgd:= 12;#M#Jop_spool_postantal:= 16;#M#Jop_spool_postlgd:= 64;#M#J#M#J:3: operatør: claiming#M#J#Lmessage operatør_claiming side 1 - 810520/hko;#M#J#M#J  max_coru:= max_coru +1 <* h_op *>#M#J                      +1 <* alarmur *>#M#J                      +1 <* opkaldsalarmer *>#M#J                      +1 <* talevejsswitch *>#M#J                      +1 <* tv_switch_adm *>#M#J                      +1 <* tv_switch_input *>#M#J                      +1 <* op_spool *>#M#J                      +1 <* op_medd  *>#M#J                      +1 <* op_cqftest *>#M#J                      +max_antal_operatører;#M#J  #M#J  max_sem:=  1 <* bs_opk_alarm *>#M#J            +1 <* ss_op_spool_tomme *>#M#J            +1 <* ss_op_spool_fulde *>#M#J            +max_sem;#M#J#M#J  max_semch:= max_semch +1 <* cs_op *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_op_retur *> #M#J                        +1 <* cs_opk_alarm_ur *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_opk_alarm_ur_ret *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_opk_alarm *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_talevejsswitch *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_tv_switch_adm *>H
R(6): ^A#"Y@
S(6): ^A #D4åX#M#J                        +1 <* cs_tvswitch_adgang *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_tvswitch_input *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_op_iomedd *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_op_spool *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_op_medd *>#M#J                        +1 <* cs_cqf *>#M#J                        +max_antal_operatører<* cs_operatør *>#M#J                        +max_antal_operatører<* cs_op_fil *>;#M#J#M#J  max_op:= max_op + 1 <* talevejsoperation *>#M#J                  + 2 <* tv_switch_input *>#M#J                  + 1 <* op_iomedd *>#M#J                  + 1 <* opk_alarm_ur *>#M#J                  + 1 <* op_spool_medd *>#M#J                  + 1 <* op_cqftest *>#M#J                  + max_antal_operatører;#M#J#M#J  max_netto_op:= filoplængde*max_antal_operatører#M#J                 + data+128 <* talevejsoperation *>#M#J                 + 2*(data+256) <* tv_switch_input *>#M#J                 + 60      <* op_iomedd *>#M#J                 + data    <* opk_alarm_ur *>#M#J                 + data+op_spool_postlgd <* op_spool_med *>#M#J                 + 60      <* op_cqftest *>#M#J                 + max_netto_op;#M#J#M#J:4: operatør: erklæringer#M#J#Lmessage operatør_erklæringer side 1 - 810602/hko;#M#J  integer#M#J    cs_op,cs_op_retur,cs_talevejsswitch,cs_tvswitch_adgang,cs_tv_switch_adm,#M#J    cs_tvswitch_input, cs_op_iomedd, bs_opk_alarm, cs_opk_alarm, cs_cqf,#M#J    cs_op_spool, cs_op_medd, ss_op_spool_tomme, ss_op_spool_fulde,#M#J    cs_opk_alarm_ur, cs_opk_alarm_ur_ret, sidste_tv_brugt;#M#J  integer array#M#J    cqf_tabel(1:max_cqf*cqf_lgd//2),#M#J    operatørmaske(1:op_maske_lgd//2),#M#J    op_talevej(0:max_antal_operatører),#M#J    tv_operatør(0:max_antal_taleveje),#M#J    opk_alarm(1:max_antal_operatører*(opk_alarm_tab_lgd//2)),#M#J    op_spool_buf(1:op_spool_postantal*(op_spool_postlgd//2)),#M#J    ant_i_opkø,#M#J    cs_operatør,#M#J    cs_op_fil(1:max_antal_operatører);#M#J  boolean#M#J    op_cqf_tab_ændret;#M#J  integer 7
R(6): ^A##YA
S(6): ^A $D4åYfield#M#J    op_spool_kilde;#M#J  real field#M#J    op_spool_tid;#M#J  long array field#M#J    op_spool_text;#M#J  zone z_tv_in, z_tv_out(128,1,tvswitch_fejl);#M#J  zone array z_op(max_antal_operatører,320,1,op_fejl);#M#J#Lmessage procedure op_fejl side 1 - 830310/hko;#M#J#M#J  procedure op_fejl(z,s,b);#M#J    integer            s,b;#M#J    zone             z;#M#J  begin#M#J    disable begin#M#J      integer array iz(1:20);#M#J      integer i,j,k,n;#M#J      integer array field iaf,iaf1,msk;#M#J      boolean input;#M#J      real array field laf,laf1;#M#J#M#J      getzone6(z,iz);#M#J      iaf:=laf:=2;#M#J      input:= iz(13) = 1;#M#J      for laf1:= 0 step 8 until (max_antal_operatører-1)*8 do#M#J        if iz.laf(1)=terminal_navn.laf1(1) and#M#J           iz.laf(2)=terminal_navn.laf1(2) then j:= laf1//8 + 1;#M#J                                                     #M#J<*+2*> if testbit31 then#M#J<**>   begin#M#J<**>     write(out,"nl",1,<:blockprocedure: opfejl, operatørnr::>,j,"nl",1,#M#J<**>       <:s=:>); outintbits(out,s);#M#J<**>     write(out,"nl",1,<:b=:>,b,"sp",1,if input then <:input:>#M#J<**>       else <:output:>,"nl",1);#M#J<**>     setposition(out,0,0);#M#J<**>   end;#M#J<*-2*>#M#J      iaf:=j*terminal_beskr_længde;#M#J      k:=1;#M#J#M#J      i:= terminal_tab.iaf.terminal_tilstand;#M#J      if i shift(-21) < 4 and (s <> (1 shift 21 +2)  <*or -,input*>) then#M#J        fejlreaktion(17<*ydre enhed status*>,s,string iz.laf(increase(k)),#M#J                     1 shift 12 <*binært*> +1 <*fortsæt*>);#M#J      if s <> (1 shift 21 +2) then#M#J      begin#M#J        terminal_tab.iaf.terminal_tilstand:= 1 shift 23#M#J          + terminal_tab.iaf.terminal_tilstand extract 23;#M#J        tofrom(opkaldsflag,alle_operatører,op_maske_lgd);#M#J        sæt_bit_ia(opkaldsflag,j,0);#M#J        if sæt_bit_ia(operatørmaske,j,0)=1 then#M#J        for k:= j, 65 step 1 until top_bpl_gruppe do#M#J        begin#M#J          msk:= k*op_maske_lgd;#M#J          if læsbit_i1
R(6): ^A#$YB
S(6): ^A %D4åZa(bpl_def.msk,j) then #M#J<**>      begin#M#J            n:= 0;#M#J            for i:= 1 step 1 until max_antal_operatører do#M#J            if læsbit_ia(bpl_def.msk,i) then#M#J            begin#M#J              iaf1:= i*terminal_beskr_længde;#M#J              if terminal_tab.iaf1.terminal_tilstand shift (-21) < 3 then#M#J                n:= n+1;#M#J            end;  #M#J            bpl_tilst(j,1):= n;#M#J          end;#M#J<**> <*#M#J            bpl_tilst(j,1):= bpl_tilst(j,1)-1;#M#J  *>    end;#M#J        signal_bin(bs_mobil_opkald);#M#J      end;#M#J#M#J      if input or -,input then#M#J      begin#M#J        z(1):=real <:<'?'><'?'><'em'>:>;#M#J        b:=2;#M#J      end;#M#J    end; <*disable*>#M#J  end op_fejl;#M#J#Lmessage procedure tvswitch_fejl side 1 - 940426/cl;#M#J#M#J  procedure tvswitch_fejl(z,s,b);#M#J    integer                 s,b;#M#J    zone                  z;#M#J  begin#M#J    disable begin#M#J      integer array iz(1:20);#M#J      integer i,j,k;#M#J      integer array field iaf;#M#J      boolean input;#M#J      real array field raf;#M#J#M#J      getzone6(z,iz);#M#J      iaf:=raf:=2;#M#J      input:= iz(13) = 1;#M#J<*+2*> if testbit31 then#M#J<**>   begin#M#J<**>     write(out,"nl",1,<:blockprocedure: tvswitch:>,"nl",1,#M#J<**>       <:s=:>); outintbits(out,s);#M#J<**>     write(out,"nl",1,<:b=:>,b,"sp",1,if input then <:input:>#M#J<**>       else <:output:>,"nl",1);#M#J<**>     skrivhele(out,z,b,5);#M#J<**>     setposition(out,0,0);#M#J<**>   end;#M#J<*-2*>#M#J      k:=1;#M#J      if s <> (1 shift 21 +2) then#M#J        fejlreaktion(17<*ydre enhed status*>,s,string iz.raf(increase(k)),#M#J                     1 shift 12 <*binært*> +1 <*fortsæt*>);#M#J#M#J      if input or -,input then#M#J      begin#M#J        z(1):=real <:<'em'>:>;#M#J        b:=2;#M#J      end;#M#J    end; <*disable*>#M#J    if testbit22 and (s <> (1 shift 21 +2)) then delay(60);#M#J  end tvswitch_fejl;#M#J#M#Jprocedure skriv_talevejs_tab(z);#M#J  zone z;#M#Jbegin#M#J  /
R(6): ^A#%YC
S(6): ^A &D4åÆwrite(z,"nl",2,<:talevejsswitch::>);#M#J  write(z,"nl",1,<:  operatører::>,"nl",1);#M#J  for i:= 1 step 1 until max_antal_operatører do#M#J  begin#M#J    write(z,<< dd>,i,":",1,op_talevej(i));#M#J    if i mod 8=0 then outchar(z,'nl');#M#J  end;#M#J  write(z,"nl",1,<:  taleveje::>,"nl",1);#M#J  for i:= 1 step 1 until max_antal_taleveje do#M#J  begin#M#J    write(z,<< dd>,i,":",1,tv_operatør(i));#M#J    if i mod 8=0 then outchar(z,'nl');#M#J  end;#M#J  write(z,"nl",3);#M#Jend;                                                      #M#J#Lmessage procedure skriv_opk_alarm_tab side 1;#M#J#M#Jprocedure skriv_opk_alarm_tab(z);#M#Jzone                          z;#M#Jbegin#M#J  integer nr;#M#J  integer array field tab;#M#J  real t;#M#J#M#J  write(z,"nl",2,<:opkaldsalarmtabel::>,"nl",1,#M#J    <:operatør    kmdo tilst gl.tilst længde start:>,"nl",1);#M#J  for nr:=1 step 1 until max_antal_operatører do#M#J  begin#M#J    tab:= (nr-1)*opk_alarm_tab_lgd;#M#J    write(z,<< dd >,nr,true,6,string bpl_navn(nr),<::   :>,#M#J      case of ("-","B","C","F"),1,"sp",5,#M#J      case of ("-","B","C","?"),1,"sp",8,#M#J      case of ("-","B","C","?"),1,"sp",2,#M#J      <<-dddd>,,"sp",1,#M#J      << zddddd>,systime(4,,t),t,#M#J      "nl",1);#M#J  end;#M#Jend;#M#J#Lmessage procedure skriv_op_spool_buf side 1;#M#J#M#Jprocedure skriv_op_spool_buf(z);#M#J  zone                       z;#M#Jbegin#M#J  integer array field ref;#M#J  integer nr, kilde;#M#J  real dato, kl; #M#J#M#J  write(z,"nl",2,<:op<'_'>spool<'_'>buffer::>,"nl",1);#M#J  for nr:= 1 step 1 until op_spool_postantal do#M#J  begin#M#J    write(z,"nl",1,<:nr.::>,<< dd>,nr);#M#J    ref:= (nr-1)*op_spool_postlgd;#M#J    if op_spool_buf.ref.op_spool_tid <> real<::> then#M#J    begin#M#J      kilde:= op_spool_buf.ref.op_spool_kilde;#M#J      dato:= systime(4,op_spool_buf.ref.op_spool_tid,kl);#M#J      writeÆ
R(6): ^A#&YD
S(6): ^A 'D4åØ(z,<: fra op:>,<<d>,kilde,"sp",1,#M#J        if kilde=0 then <:SYSOP:> else string bplnavn(kilde),#M#J        "sp",1,<<zddddd.dddddd>,dato+kl/1000000,"nl",1,#M#J        op_spool_buf.ref.op_spool_text);#M#J    end;#M#J    outchar(z,'nl');#M#J  end;#M#Jend;#M#J#M#Jprocedure skriv_cqf_tabel(z,lang);#M#J  value                     lang;#M#J  zone                    z;#M#J  boolean                   lang;#M#Jbegin#M#J  integer array field ref;#M#J  integer i,ant;#M#J  real dato, kl;#M#J#M#J  ant:= 0;#M#J  write(z,"nl",1,<:CQF testbus-tabel::>,"nl",2,(#M#J    if -,lang then#M#J    <: tnr. navn  fejl      sidste_ok   tnr. navn  fejl      sidste_ok:>#M#J    <* 9900 XXxxx    1  yymmdd.ttmmss   9900 XXxxx    1  yymmdd.ttmmss*>#M#J    else#M#J    <:nr: tnr. navn  fejl      sidste_ok     næste_test:>),"nl",1);#M#J    <*01: 9900 XXxxx    1  yymmdd.ttmmss  yymmdd.hhttmm*>#M#J  for i:= 1 step 1 until max_cqf do#M#J  begin#M#J    ref:= (i-1)*cqf_lgd;#M#J    if cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_bus<>0 or lang then#M#J    begin#M#J      ant:= ant+1;#M#J      if lang then#M#J        write(z,<<dd>,i,":",1);#M#J      write(z,<< dddd>,cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_bus,"sp",1,true,6,#M#J        string cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_id,<<dddd>,cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_fejl);#M#J      if cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_ok_tid<>real<::> then#M#J      begin#M#J        dato:= systime(4,cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_ok_tid,kl);#M#J        write(z,<<  zddddd.dddddd>,dato+kl/1000000);#M#J      end#M#J      else#M#J        write(z,"sp",14,"?",1);#M#J      if lang then#M#J      begin#M#J        if cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_næste_tid<>real<::> then#M#J        begin#M#J          dato:= systime(4,cqf_tabel.ref.cqf_næste_tid,kl);#M#J          write(z,<<  zddddd.dddddd>,dato+kl/1000000);#M#J        end#M#J        else#M#J          write(z,"sp",14,"?",1);#M#J      end#M#J      else#M#J        write(z,"sp",2);#M#J      if lang or (ant mod 2)=0 then outchar(z,'nl');#M#J    end;#M#J  end;#M#J  if -,lang and (ant mod 2)=1 then outchar(z,'nl');#M#Jend;#M#J#M#J    procedure sorter_c0
R(6): ^A#'YE
S(6): ^A (D4åÅqftab(l,u);#M#J      value                 l,u;#M#J      integer               l,u;#M#J    begin#M#J      integer array field ii,jj;#M#J      integer array ww,xx(1:(cqf_lgd+1)//2);#M#J#M#J      ii:= ((l+u)//2 - 1)*cqf_lgd;#M#J      tofrom(xx,cqf_tabel.ii,cqf_lgd);#M#J      ii:= (l-1)*cqf_lgd; jj:= (u-1)*cqf_lgd;#M#J      repeat#M#J        while (cqf_tabel.ii(1) < xx(1)) do ii:= ii+cqf_lgd;#M#J        while (xx(1) < cqf_tabel.jj(1)) do jj:= jj-cqf_lgd;#M#J        if ii <= jj then#M#J        begin#M#J          tofrom(ww,cqf_tabel.ii,cqf_lgd);#M#J          tofrom(cqf_tabel.ii,cqf_tabel.jj,cqf_lgd);#M#J          tofrom(cqf_tabel.jj,ww,cqf_lgd);#M#J          ii:= ii+cqf_lgd;#M#J          jj:= jj-cqf_lgd;#M#J        end;#M#J      until ii>jj;#M#J      if l < jj//cqf_lgd+1 then sorter_cqftab(l,jj//cqf_lgd+1);#M#J      if ii//cqf_lgd+1 < u then sorter_cqftab(ii//cqf_lgd+1,u);#M#J    end;#M#J#Lmessage procedure ht_symbol side 1 - 851001/cl;#M#J#M#Jprocedure ht_symbol(z);#M#J  zone              z;#M#Jwrite(z,"esc" add 128,1,<:ÆH:>,"esc" add 128,1,<:ÆJ:>,<:#M#J#M#J#M#J#M#J#M#J                    @@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#M#J                   @@         @@                               @@#M#J                  @@         @@                               @@#M#J                 @@         @@                               @@#M#J                @@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@#M#J               @@                               @@#M#J              @@                               @@#M#J             @@                               @@#M#J            @@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@         @@#M#J           @@         @@         @@         @@#M#J          @@         @@         @@         @@#M#J         @@         @@         @@         @@#M#J        @@@@@@@@@@@@@         @@@@@@@@@@@@@#M#J:>,"esc" add 128,1,<:Æ24;1H:>);#M#J#Lmessage procedure definer_taster side 1 - 891214,cl;#M#J#M#Jprocedure definer_taster(nr);#M#J  value                  nr;#M#J  in$
R(6): ^A#(YF
S(6): ^A )D4ü_teger                nr;#M#Jbegin#M#J#M#J  setposition(z_op(nr),0,0);#M#J  write(z_op(nr),#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø58/1B4E450D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f1    = <esc>NE<cr> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø59/1B4F500D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f2    = <esc>OP<cr> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5A/1B4F502C560D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f3    = <esc>OP,V<cr> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5B/1B4F502C5420:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f4    = <esc>OP,T<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5C/1B4F502C4120:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f5    = <esc>OP,A<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;1ø5C/1B4F502C4120:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* s-f5  = <esc>OP,A<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5D/1B4D452C4120:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f6    = <esc>ME,A<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;1ø5D/1B4D452C4120:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* s-f6  = <esc>ME,A<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5E/1B4F5020:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f7    = <esc>OP<sp>   *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø5F/1B56450D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f8    = <esc>VE<cr>   *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø60/1B4D4F20:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f9    = <esc>MO<sp>   *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;1ø60/1B520D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* s-f9  = <esc>R<cr>    *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø61/1B53540D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f10   = <esc>ST<cr>   *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø62/1B474520:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f11  = <esc>GE<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;1ø62/1B47452C4720:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* s-f11  = <esc>GE,G<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø63/1B47452C560D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* f12  = <esc>GE,V<cr> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;1ø63/1B47452C540D:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* s-f12  = <esc>GE,T<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø7B/1B564F2C4920:>,#M#JU
R(6): ^A#)YG
S(6): ^A *D4å_    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* Ins   = <esc>VO,I<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø79/1B564F2C5520:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* Del   = <esc>VO,U<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø7F/1B564F2C4620:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* Home  = <esc>VO,F<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø7A/1B564F2C5220:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* End   = <esc>VO,R<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø6F/1B564F2C4C20:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* PgUp  = <esc>VO,L<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø7E/1B564F2C4220:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* PgDn  = <esc>VO,B<sp> *>#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:P1;2;0ø0E/082008:>,#M#J    "esc" add 128,1, <:Ø:>, <* Back  = <bs><sp><bs> *>#M#J    <::>);#M#J  end;#M#J#Lmessage procedure skriv_terminal_tab side 1 - 820301/hko;#M#J#M#J  procedure skriv_terminal_tab(z);#M#J    zone                       z;#M#J    begin#M#J      integer array field ref;#M#J      integer t1,i,j,id,k;#M#J#M#J      write(z,"ff",1,<:#M#J      ******* terminalbeskrivelser ********#M#J#M#J                    ## a k l p m m n o#M#J                    1 l a y a o o ø p#M#Jnr tilst   -  vnt R 0 l t t s n b d t type ident    id i kø:>);#M#J<*#M#J01   15 .... .... X X X X X X X X X X MEDD 888B/77#M#J*>#M#J      for i:=1 step 1 until max_antal_operatører do#M#J      begin#M#J        ref:=i*terminal_beskr_længde;#M#J        t1:=terminal_tab.ref(1);#M#J        id:=terminal_tab.ref(2);#M#J        k:=terminal_tab.ref(3);#M#J        write(z,"nl",1,"sp",4,<<dd>,i,<< dddd>,t1 shift(-21),#M#J          t1 shift(-16) extract 5,t1 shift(-12) extract 4,#M#J          "sp",1);#M#J        for j:=11 step -1 until 2 do#M#J          write(z,if læs_bit_i(t1,j) then "X" else "sp",1,"sp",1);#M#J        write(z,case t1 extract 2 +1 of (<:-   :>,<:OPK :>,<:MEDD:>,<:GNM :>),#M#J          "sp",1);#M#J        skriv_id(z,id,9);#M#J        skriv_id(z,k,9);#M#J      end;#M#J      write(z,"nl",2,<:samtaleflag::>,"nl",1);#M#J      outintbits_ia(z,C
R(6): ^A#*YH
S(6): ^A +D4å!samtaleflag,1,op_maske_lgd//2);#M#J      write(z,"nl",1);#M#J    end skriv_terminal_tab;#M#J#Lmessage procedure h_operatør side 1 - 810520/hko;#M#J#M#J  <* hovedmodulkorutine for operatørterminaler *>#M#J  procedure h_operatør;#M#J  begin#M#J    integer array field op_ref;#M#J    integer k,nr,ant,ref,dest_sem;#M#J    procedure skriv_hoperatør(zud,omfang);#M#J      value                     omfang;#M#J      zone                  zud;#M#J      integer                   omfang;#M#J      begin#M#J#M#J        write(zud,"nl",1,<:+++ hovedmodul operatør  :>);#M#J        if omfang>0 then#M#J        disable begin integer x;#M#J          trap(slut);#M#J          write(zud,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  op_ref:    :>,op_ref,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  nr:        :>,nr,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  ant:       :>,ant,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  ref:       :>,ref,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  k:         :>,k,"nl",1,#M#J            <:  dest_sem:  :>,dest_sem,"nl",1,#M#J            <::>);#M#J          skriv_coru(zud,coru_no(200));#M#Jslut:#M#J        end;#M#J     end skriv_hoperatør;#M#J#M#J  trap(hop_trap);#M#J  stack_claim(if cm_test then 198 else 146);#M#J#M#J<*+2*>#M#J  if testbit8 and overvåget or testbit28 then#M#J    skriv_hoperatør(out,0);#M#J<*-2*>#M#J#Lmessage procedure h_operatør side 2 - 820304/hko;#M#J#M#J  repeat#M#J    wait_ch(cs_op,op_ref,true,-1);#M#J<*+4*>#M#J    if (d.op_ref.optype and (op_optype or gen_optype)) extract 12 =0#M#J    then fejlreaktion(12<*operationstype*>,op_ref,<:operatør:>,1);#M#J<*-4*>#M#J#M#J    k:=d.op_ref.opkode extract 12;#M#J    dest_sem:=#M#J      if k=0 and d.opref.kilde=299 then cs_talevejsswitch else#M#J      if k=0 then cs_operatør(d.op_ref.kilde mod 100) else#M#J      if k=1 or k=2 or k=43 then cs_operatør( else#M#J      if k=4 then cs_operatør( else#M#J      if k=37 then cs_op_spool else#M#J      if k=40 or k=38 then 0#M#J      else -1;#M#J<*+4*>#M#J    if dest_sem=-1 then#M#J    begin#M#J      fejl_reaA
R(6): ^A4 EUser intervention^
R(1): ^J
S(1): ^A# N3
R(1): ^J <ATT>
S(1): ^A5 ERetrylimit exeeded&